A Chat with Colorado Springs Parks Director Britt Haley
What did the the department do in 2024, and what can we expect in 2025?
Voices of the Pikes Peak Region
What did the the department do in 2024, and what can we expect in 2025?
What is ahead for the city’s parks in 2024?
What is it with people that makes them think it’s OK to build their own trails on public lands?
There’s a lot of news this week!
The TOPS program was created by citizen initiative, and is overseen by two citizen committees who make recommendations on purchasing properties that are recommended by citizens.
What did the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department accomplish in 2021 and what’s ahead in 2022?
The general fund percentage of the city budget for the parks department is lower than prior to the recession, despite a larger population, more parks and greatly increased usage
On this week’s show, Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Karen Palus stops in for an interview. Bob and Karen discuss the effect of COVID-19 on the departments operations, over crowding and budget; the attempts to re-open the Manitou Incline; recent land acquisitions for open space and parks; the progress on the Pikes…