Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Physical Therapist and Healthy Hiker Alicia Filley returns

On this week’s podcast, physical therapist Alicia Filley makes a return visit.  This week’s topic covers what people can do to stay active when they may not be able to go outdoors during the COVID-19 crisis, or anytime. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website  Alicia Filley on Facebook, Instagram and website…

Aging with Altitude

Aging with Altitude: 6 Independence and Driving Through Life

Driving is often the key to independence with many older adults and family members struggling to make the best decisions around this ability and resource.  Terry Cassidy, Occupational Therapist, certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist for Fitness to Drive and owner of Health Promotion Partners shares this discussion with Maile Gray, Executive Director of Drive Smart as…