Physical Therapist Alicia Filley with advice for mature hikers

Physical therapist and “Healthy Hiker” Alicia Filley returns, and gives tips on how the older hiker can stay healthy and remain active. Visit Alicia Filley’s website: Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website  Listen on Google Podcasts, Spotify and Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Android

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Bob and Kevin Catch-up during COVID-19

Bob and Kevin are back on the podcast (remotely connected) and compare notes and catch up on how COVID-19 has been affecting them and outdoor recreation, and why Bob hasn’t been in Colorado for weeks (it’s only temporary). Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website  Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website…

Beenie Bits: Pride411

Mo and I are excited to have our friend Bernadine Manning on the show sharing about an amazing organization for the LGBTQ community: Pride 411 Pride411 is a Community with Strong Values. “When great people meet, magical things happen! Our community is all about mutual support. Encourage and inspire each other to explore, share and…

Beenie Bits: Meditation

Meditation is good for your whole being on so many levels. It quiets the mind, helps you to focus, connect with your higher self, and so much more. There are endless resources available online for beginners and the advanced. Simply enter “Meditation” into your search engine. Meditation helps me get and stay centered. Give it…

Beenie Bits: Change

Change is inevitable. There is no escaping it! Most people are afraid of change and will stay were they are. Even if they know a tiny change could yield great results, they are paralyzed by fear. ‘Who Moved my Cheese’ by Spencer Johnson, M.D. made a huge difference for me. Make change your friend. Do…

Beenie Bits: Stoned

No… not THAT stoned! Today Mo and I have a guest talking healing stones. At first I purchased them because they are pretty and ‘called’ out to me. Then I realized things ‘happening’ for and around me. No I am a believer in their power. Hear more what my friend and ‘dealer’ Ashley has to…

Beenie Bits: 13 – Fear

Fear – False Evidence Appearing Real Fear is simply a 4 letter word, unless of course your life is in danger. Fear is paralyzing. Fear is holding us back and preventing us from even trying. Fear is a liar. The magic and the reward are on the other side of fear. What is fear preventing you from achieving?…

Beenie Bits: 12 – Comfort Zone

The ‘Comfort Zone’ is the most dangerous place to be. Generally, there is nothing comfortable about it. We simply learned how to maneuver within its parameters but we are really uncomfortable. We think we are comfortable and we run the high risk of becoming complacent. Are you truly comfortable in your ‘comfort zone’? Links: Happiness…

Beenie Bits: 11 – What If

As humans we are conditioned to imagine worst case scenario…. doing the ‘What If’ down. We think of all the things that could go wrong. Why? What area can you improve your thinking on?   Links: Happiness Matters – Unleash Your Superpower in 7 Easy Steps (Beenie’s book) Matters of Perspective on FB Beenie on…

Beenie Bits: 5 – Passion

The Scorpions nailed it: Passion Rules the Game Passion and the strong emotions it is accompanied by can do phenomenal things or destroy… What are you passionate about?     Links: Happiness Matters – Unleash Your Superpower in 7 Easy Steps (Beenie’s book) Matters of Perspective on FB Beenie on Twitter Mo – the Service Dog…

Beenie Bits: 4 – Vibrations

Everything is energy and vibrates at certain levels. Human emotions are no different. Like attracts like. What are you attracting into your life? Are you ready to raise your vibration? Google ‘Emotional Vibration Chart’ to learn more.   Links: Happiness Matters – Unleash Your Superpower in 7 Easy Steps(Beenie’s book) Matters of Perspective on FB…