Aren’t Hyphenated Americans Really Americans?
Mitch McConnell has inserted foot in mouth.
Voices of the Pikes Peak Region
Mitch McConnell has inserted foot in mouth.
Is the Second Amendment eating the First Amendment?
Is it time DOD’s budget was cut?
Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss the results of the recent elections, and other topics.
Misinformation from Doug Lamborn, Antifa, Stealthing, gender neutral toy sets, recent Colorado healthcare laws, jobs, abortion, and pandemic aid.
Good News: A Malaria vaccine has been developed.
An El Paso County ballot issue that is short on substance and long on nothing is discussed by Dee and from there the topic goes downhill.
Ever hear of the Combatant Commanders Priority List?
Gary and Lyn are back with a look at the news of the week.
Have We as a country learned our lesson?
Sen. Manchin’s thoughts on the budget.
Covid-19 and the Delta variant are hot topics.
Lots of Freedom things going on
Critical Race theory and the new Colorado Diaper Bank.
Frederick Douglass’ 1852 4th of July speech. (Given on July 5th of that year.)
Will Demographics save the day?
This shortened segment packs a punch!
What are the main tenets of Qanon?
The Republicans and their excuses for not allowing Washington, D.C. to become a state are beyond insanity.
President Biden rescinded the national emergency declaration that was abused to fund the southern border wall.
The Biden administration is moving ahead with repairing the damage of the prior administration.
A new president and the changes are happening at Warp Speed (not to be confused with the last administration).
We begin by discussing last week’s insurrection.
It’s our 45th podcast of the year and this episode is crammed with happenings of the day.
Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss Covid, the election, and other current events. How do you feel about a General Strike? Looks like Labor is planning on one. We discovered our “Do Nothing” Congressman, Doug Lamborn, is maintaining his status of “Doing Nothing.” Why do the voters keep him around? What a waste. How bad is…
Gary, Lyn and Dee are back at it. Doug Lamborn is upset with San Francisco State University. What business is it of his? He claims federal dollars are being spent. (It is a public university that probably receives federal funding. Amazing that he doesn’t complain when ADF and other groups demand space and time at…
Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss topics of the day and current events. We open today with a Hot Mic segment and The Lincoln Project. You know, the outfit that does those burner political ads? Steve Schmidt. Rick Wilson. George T. Conway. Jennifer Horn. John Weaver. If you would like to see some of their work,…