Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Mental health counselor talks about mental health and COVID-19

On this week’s episode, Bob talks with Nora Cielo, a licensed professional counselor with over 35 years experience, and the director of Behavioral Health at the Mind Body Health Center in New Providence, New Jersey. Trained in counseling psychology and applied psycho physiology, she discusses the psychological affects of isolation brought on by social distancing…

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance Exec.Director Becky Leinweber

Becky Leinweber, the Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA) is Bob’s guest on this week’s episode. They discuss the mission of the PPORA, the unique partnerships it has helped develop, and the challenges facing outdoor recreation in both the Pikes Peak region and Colorado. Please consider becoming a patron of this…