Council Matters Archives - Studio 809 Podcasts Colorado Springs City Councilor Bill Murray discusses city governance issues, and especially items on the council agenda, underscoring their importance in our daily lives. Sun, 07 Aug 2022 13:58:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Colorado Springs City Councilor Bill Murray discusses items on the council agenda and other critical city issues. Bill Murray false episodic Bill Murray Copyright 2021 Bill Murray Copyright 2021 Bill Murray podcast Colorado Springs City Councilor Bill Murray Council Matters Archives - Studio 809 Podcasts Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Support Studio 809 Podcasts Support Studio 809 Podcasts 1d83ddd4-2d50-5bc9-936c-3f4576c6b137 Final Musings Sun, 07 Aug 2022 13:58:28 +0000 It's been a Good Ride. Thank you.

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The coming to an end.

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]]> 1 It's been a Good Ride. Thank you.
Bill Murray full false 30:07
Colorado Springs thoughts on Present and Future Sun, 31 Jul 2022 13:28:15 +0000 Will relying on development in Downtown Colorado Springs really work?

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Are things slowing down for Colorado Springs?

Do sales tax revenues show a slowing of Colorado Springs economic activity? Is there a slowing of housing sales? Are $500K homes out of the reach of the average resident? Does it look like ARMs are making a comeback? Will the new development in Downtown Colorado Springs pick up the slack of an economic downturn? Is Colorado Springs failing in the area of commercial development?

Do you know the makeup of city council? Is there complacency in Colorado Springs? Six new businesses have come to Colorado Springs since the first of the year. Really? Who are they? Is Climate Change a social issue?

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]]> 1 Will relying on development in Downtown Colorado Springs really work? Do sales tax revenues show a slowing of Colorado Springs economic activity? Is there a slowing of housing sales? Are $500K homes out of the reach of the average resident? Does it look like ARMs are making a comeback? Will the new development in Downtown Colorado Springs pick up the slack of an economic downturn? Is Colorado Springs failing in the area of commercial development?

Do you know the makeup of city council? Is there complacency in Colorado Springs? Six new businesses have come to Colorado Springs since the first of the year. Really? Who are they? Is Climate Change a social issue?
Bill Murray full false 28:59
Colorado Springs Ballot Issues for November 2022 Tue, 26 Jul 2022 19:37:15 +0000 Guess where the Ace of Spades is. Or which shell has the pea under it. We're talking city finances here aren't we?

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Didn’t we just finish an election?

Recreational Marijuana (aka Cannabis) is on the Colorado Springs November 2022 ballot. Will it pass? The PPRTA tax extension issue spells out where the money is going. It looks like the Smoke & Mirror games regarding some city financing issues are raising some eyebrows. Is it 3-card Monty or the Pea in the Shell game? Why is Colorado Springs Utilities setting aside $40M for the purchasing of water rights?

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]]> 0 Guess where the Ace of Spades is. Or which shell has the pea under it. We're talking city finances here aren't we? Recreational Marijuana (aka Cannabis) is on the Colorado Springs November 2022 ballot. Will it pass? The PPRTA tax extension issue spells out where the money is going. It looks like the Smoke & Mirror games regarding some city financing issues are raising some eyebrows. Is it 3-card Monty or the Pea in the Shell game? Why is Colorado Springs Utilities setting aside $40M for the purchasing of water rights?

Bill Murray full false 33:17
We’re all affected by decisions that Colorado Springs City Council makes. Mon, 18 Jul 2022 16:32:01 +0000 Why 70%?

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If Colorado Springs drops into a recession, what does it mean for you?

What is City Council’s function? What is the 60% solution? Wouldn’t it be nice to have an 80% solution? 100% solution? Impact Fees: Is the city attempting to slide another issue by the citizens? What’s O&M? Do we need it? What game is being played here and to who’s benefit? Tax give-a-ways. The USAFA visitor center. Will it be a net drain on the city?

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]]> 0 Why 70%? What is City Council’s function? What is the 60% solution? Wouldn’t it be nice to have an 80% solution? 100% solution? Impact Fees: Is the city attempting to slide another issue by the citizens? What’s O&M? Do we need it? What game is being played here and to who’s benefit? Tax give-a-ways. The USAFA visitor center. Will it be a net drain on the city?

Bill Murray full false 25:27
Are Impact Fees the Panacea that will solve all of Colorado Springs financial problems? Mon, 11 Jul 2022 20:42:03 +0000 Why is Colorado Springs still giving passes to certain groups to their benefit?

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Will the taxpayer get stuck……………….. again?

PPRTA Ballot issue. Will Constitution Ave. finally be scrapped? What are the plans for Nevada Ave.? Do Colorado Springs communities get the attention they need? Do communities matter? What’s a “Shoehorn” project? Is one coming to a neighborhood near you? Did you know about it? What’s this 70% stuff? Who pays the other 30%? Why not 100%? Can sales taxes be used to make up the delta regarding Impact Fees? What are the chances of visitors going to the new USAFA visitor center of going downtown to spend money when all the amenities will be at the visitor center?

The post Are Impact Fees the Panacea that will solve all of Colorado Springs financial problems? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Why is Colorado Springs still giving passes to certain groups to their benefit? PPRTA Ballot issue. Will Constitution Ave. finally be scrapped? What are the plans for Nevada Ave.? Do Colorado Springs communities get the attention they need? Do communities matter? What’s a “Shoehorn” project? Is one coming to a neighborhood near you? Did you know about it? What’s this 70% stuff? Who pays the other 30%? Why not 100%? Can sales taxes be used to make up the delta regarding Impact Fees? What are the chances of visitors going to the new USAFA visitor center of going downtown to spend money when all the amenities will be at the visitor center?

Bill Murray full false 29:59
Is there a unifying vision for Colorado Springs? Sun, 03 Jul 2022 13:48:56 +0000 So many Issues. So little time.

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Can Colorado Springs afford its own growth?

What are the mayoral and city council candidates’ vision for Colorado Springs? Can Colorado Springs survive on sales taxes alone? Will the proposed impact fees cover the needs of the city’s expansion?  How could it with all the tax give-a-ways? Is Colorado Springs inefficient in its functioning as a city? Is Colorado Springs in a Regression Phase?

If it doesn’t make sense, maybe it doesn’t. Does Colorado Springs need quality Day Care? What is the Colorado Springs Creek Plan? Ever hear of it? Is putting up municipal buildings as collateral for bonds a good idea?

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]]> 0 So many Issues. So little time. What are the mayoral and city council candidates’ vision for Colorado Springs? Can Colorado Springs survive on sales taxes alone? Will the proposed impact fees cover the needs of the city’s expansion?  How could it with all the tax give-a-ways? Is Colorado Springs inefficient in its functioning as a city? Is Colorado Springs in a Regression Phase?

If it doesn’t make sense, maybe it doesn’t. Does Colorado Springs need quality Day Care? What is the Colorado Springs Creek Plan? Ever hear of it? Is putting up municipal buildings as collateral for bonds a good idea?
Bill Murray full false 37:28
Councilman Bill Murray Does a Little Magic Sun, 26 Jun 2022 23:53:08 +0000 Is the city of Colorado Springs' Public Works trying to pull a fast one regarding Constitution Ave.?

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What is the problem the city is solving regarding Constitution Ave?

Listen to how magically Councilman Bill Murray segues from Utilities to Homeowners Associations to Constitution Ave. What is the Economy doing at this stage? Where have all the workers gone? Will there be a recession in 2023? Some people say “Yes” and others say “No.” Which will it be? Will Colorado Springs be caught flatfooted again? What are the future electrical requirements for Colorado Springs? Will they meet them? What’s TNGG? Will the citizens of Colorado Springs be asked to vote on a PPRTA package of projects this November 2022?

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]]> 0 Is the city of Colorado Springs' Public Works trying to pull a fast one regarding Constitution Ave.?
Listen to how magically Councilman Bill Murray segues from Utilities to Homeowners Associations to Constitution Ave. What is the Economy doing at this stage? Where have all the workers gone? Will there be a recession in 2023? Some people say “Yes” and others say “No.” Which will it be? Will Colorado Springs be caught flatfooted again? What are the future electrical requirements for Colorado Springs? Will they meet them? What’s TNGG? Will the citizens of Colorado Springs be asked to vote on a PPRTA package of projects this November 2022?
Bill Murray full false 38:16
Personal Subjects Mon, 20 Jun 2022 16:21:38 +0000 Has compassion in our healthcare system given way to corporate ignoring the patient?

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Healthcare: A cautionary tale from a local perspective.

The opinions of the speakers are their own and do not reflect the positions of

What is really going on with our healthcare system? Is being threatened or intimidated the modus operandi of today’s medical establishment? Who is advocating for you when it comes to your healthcare needs? We want to hear your stories.
In other news, will there be a PPRTA ballot issue coming your way this November? Impact fees are getting a serious look (yeah, right)

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]]> 0 Has compassion in our healthcare system given way to corporate ignoring the patient? The opinions of the speakers are their own and do not reflect the positions of
What is really going on with our healthcare system? Is being threatened or intimidated the modus operandi of today’s medical establishment? Who is advocating for you when it comes to your healthcare needs? We want to hear your stories.
 In other news, will there be a PPRTA ballot issue coming your way this November? Impact fees are getting a serious look (yeah, right)
Bill Murray full false 31:52
A number of issues that are current for today’s environment. Tue, 14 Jun 2022 02:40:17 +0000 Isn't it time to ban OPEN CARRY in Colorado Springs?

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Guns Guns Guns

1) Gun regulations. Rules of Engagement. Ban open carry?

2) A sniper on the roof.

3) Let’s begin with Public Safety.

4) Colorado Springs being sued again.

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]]> 0 Isn't it time to ban OPEN CARRY in Colorado Springs?
1) Gun regulations. Rules of Engagement. Ban open carry?
2) A sniper on the roof.
3) Let’s begin with Public Safety.
4) Colorado Springs being sued again.
Bill Murray full false 32:34
Is the data being provided by the city to the citizens to make future decisions good? Sun, 22 May 2022 15:52:26 +0000 What's the purpose of the city putting our bad data?

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Apparently NOT!

Is there a disconnect between what data the city is providing the public vs. the real world? Do emerging economies affect Colorado Springs? Are they Colorado Springs competition? Should Colorado Springs be looking at future trends? What is the fastest growing demographic in the labor force? Will Colorado Springs ebb out of the competition for businesses? Does Colorado Springs debate and make informed decisions? What are the consequences of NOT changing?

The post Is the data being provided by the city to the citizens to make future decisions good? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 What's the purpose of the city putting our bad data? Is there a disconnect between what data the city is providing the public vs. the real world? Do emerging economies affect Colorado Springs? Are they Colorado Springs competition? Should Colorado Springs be looking at future trends? What is the fastest growing demographic in the labor force? Will Colorado Springs ebb out of the competition for businesses? Does Colorado Springs debate and make informed decisions? What are the consequences of NOT changing?

Bill Murray full false 32:15
Colorado Springs’ Growth is Slowing Mon, 16 May 2022 19:17:25 +0000 Could this be another WAKE-UP call for Colorado Springs?

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Can’t argue with the data

When did the slower growth rate begin? Was the Great Recession tough on Colorado Springs? Data shows Colorado Springs is getting older. True or False? What is the largest growing demographic? Has there been under-building in Colorado Springs? For how long? Do you want to retire in place? Should the city be data driven? What is “Intentionality?” Nesting communities. Should builders concentrate on building communities vs. developments?

The post Colorado Springs’ Growth is Slowing appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Could this be another WAKE-UP call for Colorado Springs? When did the slower growth rate begin? Was the Great Recession tough on Colorado Springs? Data shows Colorado Springs is getting older. True or False? What is the largest growing demographic? Has there been under-building in Colorado Springs? For how long? Do you want to retire in place? Should the city be data driven? What is “Intentionality?” Nesting communities. Should builders concentrate on building communities vs. developments?

Bill Murray full false 31:34
Executive Compensation in the City of Colorado Springs Sun, 01 May 2022 13:40:47 +0000 Is Colorado Springs afraid of top rated talent for positions in the city that will make the necessary changes?

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Are the city’s executives under paid?

Public and private section executive compensation. Can and should the city of Colorado Springs try and compete? Does the old adage “You get want you pay for” apply here? There’s a faction that wants the city to be run like the private sector. But can it? Will it? Does it show an inclination that it wants to? Colorado Springs Utilities continues its changing environment. How will the collective bargaining bill in the Colorado State capitol fair? Are the numbers being thrown around overly exaggerated by some city/county officials as a scare tactic? Do city officials learn from Program Management Reviews?

The post Executive Compensation in the City of Colorado Springs appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs afraid of top rated talent for positions in the city that will make the necessary changes? Public and private section executive compensation. Can and should the city of Colorado Springs try and compete? Does the old adage “You get want you pay for” apply here? There’s a faction that wants the city to be run like the private sector. But can it? Will it? Does it show an inclination that it wants to? Colorado Springs Utilities continues its changing environment. How will the collective bargaining bill in the Colorado State capitol fair? Are the numbers being thrown around overly exaggerated by some city/county officials as a scare tactic? Do city officials learn from Program Management Reviews?

Bill Murray full false 39:33
Things are Changing Whether or Not Certain Factions Want to Accept It. Sun, 24 Apr 2022 17:51:49 +0000 Get used to it! Colorado Springs is definitely changing.

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But, then again, some things are not.
Is income flat in Colorado Springs? Has Colorado Springs reached the point of low wages and high costs? Is the growth slowing or accelerating? Is Colorado Springs becoming more diverse? Get ready for a couple of November Ballot Issues. Councilman Bill Murray is announcing his support for a candidate for Sheriff.  A risky move on his part?

The post Things are Changing Whether or Not Certain Factions Want to Accept It. appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Get used to it! Colorado Springs is definitely changing. Is income flat in Colorado Springs? Has Colorado Springs reached the point of low wages and high costs? Is the growth slowing or accelerating? Is Colorado Springs becoming more diverse? Get ready for a couple of November Ballot Issues. Councilman Bill Murray is announcing his support for a candidate for Sheriff.  A risky move on his part?

Bill Murray full false 30:53
The 2023 Mayoral Election in Colorado Springs Mon, 18 Apr 2022 00:29:34 +0000 Will the future mayor of Colorado Springs be able to handle what's coming down the pike?

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Are these the best candidates for the future of Colorado Springs?

Four persons have declared their intention to run for Colorado Springs mayor in 2023. Does one have too much baggage? Does a novice stand a chance? Retreads anyone? What are the candidate’s interests and what do they hope to accomplish? This question should be asked of every candidate. Should Colorado Springs disband the Human Rights Commission?  What’s a Diversity Office? More management issues at Colorado Springs Utilities?

Did development around Garden of the Gods work out well? The city says they don’t need outside fire mitigation studies. Is the city circling the wagons to protect development in the Wildland Urban Interface?

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]]> 1 Will the future mayor of Colorado Springs be able to handle what's coming down the pike? Four persons have declared their intention to run for Colorado Springs mayor in 2023. Does one have too much baggage? Does a novice stand a chance? Retreads anyone? What are the candidate’s interests and what do they hope to accomplish? This question should be asked of every candidate. Should Colorado Springs disband the Human Rights Commission?  What’s a Diversity Office? More management issues at Colorado Springs Utilities?

Did development around Garden of the Gods work out well? The city says they don’t need outside fire mitigation studies. Is the city circling the wagons to protect development in the Wildland Urban Interface?
Bill Murray full false 30:36
The April 2022 Colorado Springs Fiscals are out. Sun, 10 Apr 2022 22:18:13 +0000 Are the current fiscal numbers for Colorado Springs short term?

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Should we be doing a Happy Dance?

The Fiscal 2022 Data is current, right? When will the party end? We’re in a housing bubble, right? New rental homes are being built. Care to guess what the rents will be? Is the dream of fiber optics finally being realized? The Hot Topic for City Council: Massage Parlors. Whoop De Do. Really important stuff don’t ya think? Been a year since the city administration had begun talking Development Fees. Is it about to happen anytime soon? Colorado Springs will be expanding Electric Vehicle hook-ups but not much else. Oh, well.

The post The April 2022 Colorado Springs Fiscals are out. appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Are the current fiscal numbers for Colorado Springs short term?
The Fiscal 2022 Data is current, right? When will the party end? We’re in a housing bubble, right? New rental homes are being built. Care to guess what the rents will be? Is the dream of fiber optics finally being realized? The Hot Topic for City Council: Massage Parlors. Whoop De Do. Really important stuff don’t ya think? Been a year since the city administration had begun talking Development Fees. Is it about to happen anytime soon? Colorado Springs will be expanding Electric Vehicle hook-ups but not much else. Oh, well.
Bill Murray full false 31:29
Is a Dose of Medicine Coming to Colorado Springs in the Near Future? Mon, 28 Mar 2022 15:34:13 +0000 Politicization: Will it harm the future of Colorado Springs? Yes? No?

The post Is a Dose of Medicine Coming to Colorado Springs in the Near Future? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Can Colorado Springs afford its own growth?

Have other communities outstripped Colorado Springs in income & economic activity? Is the politicization of everything contributing to the slow income and economic growth? Is there political idiocracy on the Colorado Springs city council? Does Colorado Springs have the money for huge capital outlays? Is a TABOR refund in your future?

Is everybody aware of the new toll road on I-25 between Monument and Castle Rock? Are you ready for a little sticker shock? Will the politicization of boards adversely impact Colorado Springs image? Is there a need to focus on outcomes? Progress? Not politics?

The post Is a Dose of Medicine Coming to Colorado Springs in the Near Future? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Politicization: Will it harm the future of Colorado Springs? Yes? No? Have other communities outstripped Colorado Springs in income & economic activity? Is the politicization of everything contributing to the slow income and economic growth? Is there political idiocracy on the Colorado Springs city council? Does Colorado Springs have the money for huge capital outlays? Is a TABOR refund in your future?

Is everybody aware of the new toll road on I-25 between Monument and Castle Rock? Are you ready for a little sticker shock? Will the politicization of boards adversely impact Colorado Springs image? Is there a need to focus on outcomes? Progress? Not politics?
Bill Murray full false 41:58
What’s Going On with Colorado Springs Utilities? Mon, 21 Mar 2022 16:04:33 +0000 Is it time for an independent utilities board with the necessary experience to manage CSU?

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Is there mischief afoot?

Are changes occurring that some people don’t like? Some people aren’t happy. Is the lack of investment in CSU’s infrastructure over the past decades gotten Colorado Springs to this point? Are the chickens finally coming home to roost? Does city council have enough experience to manage a 21st century city owned utility?  Is there an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Colorado Springs Utility’s future?

The post What’s Going On with Colorado Springs Utilities? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is it time for an independent utilities board with the necessary experience to manage CSU? Are changes occurring that some people don’t like? Some people aren’t happy. Is the lack of investment in CSU’s infrastructure over the past decades gotten Colorado Springs to this point? Are the chickens finally coming home to roost? Does city council have enough experience to manage a 21st century city owned utility?  Is there an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Colorado Springs Utility’s future?

Bill Murray full false 37:29
Colorado Springs’ Westside Story Without the Singing and Dancing Tue, 15 Mar 2022 13:31:43 +0000 Will the city administration ever be forthcoming about its actions?

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What are the citizens entitled to see?

What’s one of the bigger issues regarding the Westside Community Center? Should the citizens be allowed to peruse contracts that the city is entering into? Does city council really have any power? What other issues will be resurfacing in the near future? Is the Colorado Springs a “Blob” of crime? What are the greater certainties? The biggest issue is…………………………………?

What is Retool COS? Will it work as imagined? The future?

The post Colorado Springs’ Westside Story Without the Singing and Dancing appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Will the city administration ever be forthcoming about its actions? What’s one of the bigger issues regarding the Westside Community Center? Should the citizens be allowed to peruse contracts that the city is entering into? Does city council really have any power? What other issues will be resurfacing in the near future? Is the Colorado Springs a “Blob” of crime? What are the greater certainties? The biggest issue is…………………………………?

What is Retool COS? Will it work as imagined? The future?
Bill Murray full false 35:55
Should we be on the look-out for the Ides of March? Mon, 07 Mar 2022 20:10:44 +0000 Is there any way to cure the Malaise in Colorado Springs?

The post Should we be on the look-out for the Ides of March? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Will it be a quiet March 2022?
Inflation is hitting Colorado Springs Utilities. What’s going on with the school districts and the Pikes Peak Library District? Will these changes be for the good? What is the long term and short term goals of these changes? Can somebody answer this question?

Is there a lot of Malaise among the population? Does a 26% voting participation support this Malaise? Do people want to engage? There’s a whole range of issues for Council this month. What happened to Development Fees? Is someone giving cover here for special interests? What is the city’s level of effort in regards to Metro Districts?

The post Should we be on the look-out for the Ides of March? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is there any way to cure the Malaise in Colorado Springs? Inflation is hitting Colorado Springs Utilities. What’s going on with the school districts and the Pikes Peak Library District? Will these changes be for the good? What is the long term and short term goals of these changes? Can somebody answer this question?

Is there a lot of Malaise among the population? Does a 26% voting participation support this Malaise? Do people want to engage? There’s a whole range of issues for Council this month. What happened to Development Fees? Is someone giving cover here for special interests? What is the city’s level of effort in regards to Metro Districts?
Bill Murray full false 36:27
Relative Subjects (No! We’re not talking about your relatives) Sun, 27 Feb 2022 20:58:55 +0000 Are you and your family prepared for a natural disaster?

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Insurance  Fire Mitigation  Evacuations

Is your home insured or under-insured? Is there an evacuation plan for your household and neighborhood?? Where lessons learned from the Waldo Canyon fires? Did you know that money will be spent on fire mitigation? Where is development? How safe is the development? Are there landslide issues? Now, development fees (aka impact fees) are on the table.

The post Relative Subjects (No! We’re not talking about your relatives) appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Are you and your family prepared for a natural disaster? Is your home insured or under-insured? Is there an evacuation plan for your household and neighborhood?? Where lessons learned from the Waldo Canyon fires? Did you know that money will be spent on fire mitigation? Where is development? How safe is the development? Are there landslide issues? Now, development fees (aka impact fees) are on the table.

Bill Murray full false 38:08
Inflation: What is it? What does it mean? Sun, 20 Feb 2022 21:22:16 +0000 Can Inflation be a good thing?

The post Inflation: What is it? What does it mean? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Should we really be afraid of inflation?

Has your Colorado Springs Utility bill recently gone up? With inflation, is FREE money about to stop? Those of you on variable interest rate credit cards and mortgages, watch out. Here it comes! Is inflation here to stay? Through 2022? 2023? 2024?

Is there a role for Colorado Springs city council during this inflationary period? What do you think it should be? Giving breaks to Colorado Springs Utility customers?

How many fast-food restaurants does Colorado Springs need?

The post Inflation: What is it? What does it mean? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Can Inflation be a good thing? Has your Colorado Springs Utility bill recently gone up? With inflation, is FREE money about to stop? Those of you on variable interest rate credit cards and mortgages, watch out. Here it comes! Is inflation here to stay? Through 2022? 2023? 2024?

Is there a role for Colorado Springs city council during this inflationary period? What do you think it should be? Giving breaks to Colorado Springs Utility customers?
How many fast-food restaurants does Colorado Springs need?
Bill Murray full false 31:47
Questions Questions Questions Mon, 14 Feb 2022 18:23:02 +0000 Is city council strong enough to handle the coming changes?

The post Questions Questions Questions appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Activity both Here and in the Future

Does city council respect the population? What should we look for in a new police chief? Does Colorado Springs need a different viewpoint? Should the public hear the discussions about the litigation the city is involved in? Is the “Sit/Lie” ordinance set to be expanded? Will Wayne Williams make a good mayor? Will Wayne be another John Suthers? Will some council members leave council before their term is up? What will that forebode for the future of city council? Should Metro/Special taxing districts be reined in? Who will do it? Are Metro/Special taxing districts a mistake? Can Colorado Springs handle a $1 Billion budget? What are the city’s failings?

The post Questions Questions Questions appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is city council strong enough to handle the coming changes? Does city council respect the population? What should we look for in a new police chief? Does Colorado Springs need a different viewpoint? Should the public hear the discussions about the litigation the city is involved in? Is the “Sit/Lie” ordinance set to be expanded? Will Wayne Williams make a good mayor? Will Wayne be another John Suthers? Will some council members leave council before their term is up? What will that forebode for the future of city council? Should Metro/Special taxing districts be reined in? Who will do it? Are Metro/Special taxing districts a mistake? Can Colorado Springs handle a $1 Billion budget? What are the city’s failings?

Bill Murray full false 1:09:49
Starting New Issues Sun, 06 Feb 2022 18:58:47 +0000 Will the citizens ever be told the truth?

The post Starting New Issues appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Colorado Springs Utilities rate increases. OUCH!

Is there a limit to Colorado Springs water supply? Is there a limit to wastewater supply? Are Metro Districts hiding the real cost of maintaining Colorado Springs? Look at who is not contributing to the coffers of Colorado Springs. Are the citizens getting bad numbers when projects are presented to the Planning Commission and City Council? Does city council participate in warped conversations? Downsizing, anyone?

The post Starting New Issues appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Will the citizens ever be told the truth? Is there a limit to Colorado Springs water supply? Is there a limit to wastewater supply? Are Metro Districts hiding the real cost of maintaining Colorado Springs? Look at who is not contributing to the coffers of Colorado Springs. Are the citizens getting bad numbers when projects are presented to the Planning Commission and City Council? Does city council participate in warped conversations? Downsizing, anyone?

Bill Murray full false 27:21
Are Citizens REALLY Informed? Sun, 30 Jan 2022 17:29:45 +0000 How will people be protected?

The post Are Citizens REALLY Informed? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Caveat Emptor: Should that be slogan when a person purchases a home? What are the responsibilities of city officials in protecting the public? Are citizens informed? Have the fire and landslide risks disappeared in Colorado Springs? How can city council help? Does Colorado Springs need Philanthropic efforts, forgoing profits, to remedy the affordable housing issues?

The post Are Citizens REALLY Informed? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 How will people be protected?
Bill Murray full false 36:46
Issues Facing Colorado Springs in 2022 Mon, 24 Jan 2022 03:09:04 +0000 When will the chickens come home to roost?

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Will it be words expended or no action taken?
1) A new council member will be seated. 2) The police chief has retired. Is new blood in the offing or will it be same old same old? 3) Fiber to the home. 4) Sales tax receipts are up. 5) Bonds on the Air Force Academy have been funded. What will the taxpayers contribute?

The Bridge to Nowhere cost $18M. A little overrun you say? The city is very generous with tax abatements. Maybe a little too generous? Crime & Inflation are big concerns of the citizens. Are they yours? Why don’t we have those additional 120 policemen and the 911 department fully staffed? The answers is? Colorado Springs has a work force problem.

The post Issues Facing Colorado Springs in 2022 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 When will the chickens come home to roost? 1) A new council member will be seated. 2) The police chief has retired. Is new blood in the offing or will it be same old same old? 3) Fiber to the home. 4) Sales tax receipts are up. 5) Bonds on the Air Force Academy have been funded. What will the taxpayers contribute?

The Bridge to Nowhere cost $18M. A little overrun you say? The city is very generous with tax abatements. Maybe a little too generous? Crime & Inflation are big concerns of the citizens. Are they yours? Why don’t we have those additional 120 policemen and the 911 department fully staffed? The answers is? Colorado Springs has a work force problem.
Bill Murray full false 33:19
Fire! Fire! Fire! Sun, 16 Jan 2022 16:47:40 +0000 Will Colorado Springs beef up its firefighting capabilities? Or will it be status quo?

The post Fire! Fire! Fire! appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A look at the Marshall fire in Boulder County, CO

Is Colorado Springs ready for the next fire event whether it’s in the Wildland Interface or a 25 story building? Your answer? Are co-operative agreements with other cities a viable option or should Colorado Springs stand on its own? Will Colorado Springs spend the money? Is technology the answer? Is the “Smart Cities” data gathering the way to go? Are the homeless the cause of our fires? Does Colorado Springs need a dress rehearsal for the next “Event?”

Is the Mayor MIA? Is 2022 a year of accountability? Will 2022 be a year of solutions?

The post Fire! Fire! Fire! appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Will Colorado Springs beef up its firefighting capabilities? Or will it be status quo? Is Colorado Springs ready for the next fire event whether it’s in the Wildland Interface or a 25 story building? Your answer? Are co-operative agreements with other cities a viable option or should Colorado Springs stand on its own? Will Colorado Springs spend the money? Is technology the answer? Is the “Smart Cities” data gathering the way to go? Are the homeless the cause of our fires? Does Colorado Springs need a dress rehearsal for the next “Event?”

Is the Mayor MIA? Is 2022 a year of accountability? Will 2022 be a year of solutions?
Bill Murray full false 42:35
Broadband has finally arrived Sun, 09 Jan 2022 03:34:08 +0000 Is the grip that Comcast and Century Link have on you finally coming to an end?

The post Broadband has finally arrived appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Colorado Springs city council district 3 discussion

The world according to Councilman Bill Murray in 2022. Ting! Ting! Ting! Coming to a residence near you?  Broadband finally arriving? The Fourth of July is coming early this year.  Lots of fireworks. What is a Carpet Bagger? The replacement for Councilman Richard Skorman is discussed and there’s more.

The post Broadband has finally arrived appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is the grip that Comcast and Century Link have on you finally coming to an end? The world according to Councilman Bill Murray in 2022. Ting! Ting! Ting! Coming to a residence near you?  Broadband finally arriving? The Fourth of July is coming early this year.  Lots of fireworks. What is a Carpet Bagger? The replacement for Councilman Richard Skorman is discussed and there’s more.

Bill Murray full false 40:36
Predictions for Colorado Springs 2022 Sun, 12 Dec 2021 23:09:56 +0000 Keep the number 1400 in mind.

The post Predictions for Colorado Springs 2022 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

We’ve put on our Wizard hats to predict the future

Councilman Bill Murray has gathered his stable of Prognosticators together along with the good old reliable Ouija Board to look into the future of Colorado Springs.

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]]> 0 Keep the number 1400 in mind. Councilman Bill Murray has gathered his stable of Prognosticators together along with the good old reliable Ouija Board to look into the future of Colorado Springs.

Bill Murray full false 36:58
Will the Executive Branch of Colorado Springs Step Up in the Best Interest of the Community? Mon, 06 Dec 2021 21:04:34 +0000 Is council getting dumped on by the executive branch of city government?

The post Will the Executive Branch of Colorado Springs Step Up in the Best Interest of the Community? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is the executive branch of city government really doing their job?

Is there a problem with definitions? Does civil discussion exist? Or is it Us vs. Them? What is being done about having Community conversations? Meta. Is the attitude, “Don’t bother me with the facts or data. It might force me to change my mind?” Should the seasoned leadership do more to Mentor the younger aspiring leaders? With Critical Race Theory is it Oppressed vs. Oppressor? With any new ideas presented to the populace, is it “Fire, Aim, Ready?”

The post Will the Executive Branch of Colorado Springs Step Up in the Best Interest of the Community? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is council getting dumped on by the executive branch of city government?
Is there a problem with definitions? Does civil discussion exist? Or is it Us vs. Them? What is being done about having Community conversations? Meta. Is the attitude, “Don’t bother me with the facts or data. It might force me to change my mind?” Should the seasoned leadership do more to Mentor the younger aspiring leaders? With Critical Race Theory is it Oppressed vs. Oppressor? With any new ideas presented to the populace, is it “Fire, Aim, Ready?”
Bill Murray full false 37:41
Will Colorado Springs have another Kumbaya Budget? Mon, 29 Nov 2021 02:27:16 +0000 What happens when the "Free Money" stops?

The post Will Colorado Springs have another Kumbaya Budget? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Are police and fire really fully funded?

The developers of three 25 story buildings downtown are looking for the “Freebees” at taxpayer expense. Should they get them? Has city council lost their ability of “Checks & Balances?” Will development charges be enough to bail Colorado Springs out of the hole it has dug for itself? Or will Colorado Springs continue kicking the can down the road before it realizes that it must charge for development? Is growth an addiction for Colorado Springs? Is Colorado Springs in a deeper hole financially than what is being led on? Being short personnel in the police department does not bode well for a “fully funded” police department.  Smoke and Mirrors?

The post Will Colorado Springs have another Kumbaya Budget? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 What happens when the "Free Money" stops?
The developers of three 25 story buildings downtown are looking for the “Freebees” at taxpayer expense. Should they get them? Has city council lost their ability of “Checks & Balances?” Will development charges be enough to bail Colorado Springs out of the hole it has dug for itself? Or will Colorado Springs continue kicking the can down the road before it realizes that it must charge for development? Is growth an addiction for Colorado Springs? Is Colorado Springs in a deeper hole financially than what is being led on? Being short personnel in the police department does not bode well for a “fully funded” police department.  Smoke and Mirrors?
Bill Murray full false 32:16
Buzz on the Street Sun, 21 Nov 2021 20:34:32 +0000 Things aren't running smoothly for Colorado Springs public safety.

The post Buzz on the Street appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs 911 Communications Center in Deep XXXX?

Who’s going to be the replacement for Richard Skorman? Someone new or a retread?  Data. Accountability, and Public Safety. Is Colorado Springs where it should be? Find the Balance. Enforce the Balance. What is the responsibility of council members to their constituents? What will city council look like in 2023? Will things get really sideways?

Should there be management changes because of the 911 issues? Does Colorado Springs have to wait for something to go drastically wrong before the city does something about it? Is there a rise in crime in Colorado Springs?

The post Buzz on the Street appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Things aren't running smoothly for Colorado Springs public safety. Who’s going to be the replacement for Richard Skorman? Someone new or a retread?  Data. Accountability, and Public Safety. Is Colorado Springs where it should be? Find the Balance. Enforce the Balance. What is the responsibility of council members to their constituents? What will city council look like in 2023? Will things get really sideways?

Should there be management changes because of the 911 issues? Does Colorado Springs have to wait for something to go drastically wrong before the city does something about it? Is there a rise in crime in Colorado Springs?
Bill Murray full false 32:09
What’s the difference between Trails & Open Space and Parks? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 01:51:17 +0000 It's always a question of money.

The post What’s the difference between Trails & Open Space and Parks? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A final discussion on ballot issues 2C & 2D
What properties should the City of Colorado Springs be looking at for future parks? Should Colorado Springs be talking about the level of effort regarding parks? Does the tax aversion of Colorado Springs really work in the long run? Bonding anyone? Does Colorado Springs need more revenue? Is the “Balanced Budget” really filling the needs of the city? Does Colorado Springs have the infrastructure in place to support the additional 1000 tourist visitors expected?

The post What’s the difference between Trails & Open Space and Parks? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 It's always a question of money. What properties should the City of Colorado Springs be looking at for future parks? Should Colorado Springs be talking about the level of effort regarding parks? Does the tax aversion of Colorado Springs really work in the long run? Bonding anyone? Does Colorado Springs need more revenue? Is the “Balanced Budget” really filling the needs of the city? Does Colorado Springs have the infrastructure in place to support the additional 1000 tourist visitors expected?

Bill Murray full false 31:39
November 2021 Ballot Issues & Ramifications Tue, 09 Nov 2021 18:39:05 +0000 It seems nobody is on the same page.

The post November 2021 Ballot Issues & Ramifications appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

What went wrong? What went right?

Another  view. Kent Obee is today’s guest. Did the process get hi-jacked? And by whom? Will some people be held accountable? What’s the divisive nature of the group. Pay raises for city employees? Are 25 story skyscrapers in Colorado Springs’ future?

The post November 2021 Ballot Issues & Ramifications appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 It seems nobody is on the same page. Another  view. Kent Obee is today’s guest. Did the process get hi-jacked? And by whom? Will some people be held accountable? What’s the divisive nature of the group. Pay raises for city employees? Are 25 story skyscrapers in Colorado Springs’ future?

Bill Murray full false 33:36
Long Range Forecasting & Assumptions for Colorado Springs Sun, 31 Oct 2021 19:04:25 +0000 Are the forecasts for Colorado Springs accurate or not?

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Is the city being stratified?

Is inflation skewing the projected income numbers for Colorado Springs? Does tourism cause headaches for Colorado Springs in the future? What are the draws for new businesses? The 30th street buildout.  A bargain or ……………………  Is Colorado Springs trying to emulate Denver and should it? Is the fire department prepared for high rise structures being planned for downtown? What are the attendant costs associated with growth?

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]]> 1 Are the forecasts for Colorado Springs accurate or not? Is inflation skewing the projected income numbers for Colorado Springs? Does tourism cause headaches for Colorado Springs in the future? What are the draws for new businesses? The 30th street buildout.  A bargain or ……………………  Is Colorado Springs trying to emulate Denver and should it? Is the fire department prepared for high rise structures being planned for downtown? What are the attendant costs associated with growth?

Bill Murray full false 33:15
Colorado Springs 2022 Budget Discussion 3 Mon, 25 Oct 2021 12:59:11 +0000 Is the Colorado Springs 2022 budget really enough?

The post Colorado Springs 2022 Budget Discussion 3 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Councilman Bill Murray is trying to tell us something here?

Is there really long range planning for the budget? Are the forecast assumptions real? Is a 5% sales tax growth rate real? What about inflation? Is enough being allowed for operating expenditures and capital outlays? What’s that $1.7B needed? Should this area be more robust? Allowing for a 1.0% increase? Isn’t this getting into Smoke & Mirrors territory?

What are the risks to Colorado Springs? What are the opportunities for Colorado Springs? Should the city be bonding like other communities to get projects completed in a timely manner? There’s a Colorado Springs Utilities increase coming your way. Can CSU help it?

The post Colorado Springs 2022 Budget Discussion 3 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is the Colorado Springs 2022 budget really enough? Is there really long range planning for the budget? Are the forecast assumptions real? Is a 5% sales tax growth rate real? What about inflation? Is enough being allowed for operating expenditures and capital outlays? What’s that $1.7B needed? Should this area be more robust? Allowing for a 1.0% increase? Isn’t this getting into Smoke & Mirrors territory?

What are the risks to Colorado Springs? What are the opportunities for Colorado Springs? Should the city be bonding like other communities to get projects completed in a timely manner? There’s a Colorado Springs Utilities increase coming your way. Can CSU help it?
Bill Murray full false 29:38
Before you Vote know where your tax dollars are going. Tue, 19 Oct 2021 21:43:43 +0000 Is the city doing a good job or fair job spending taxpayer money?

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Councilman Bill Murray takes you through the 2022 city budget

Is the city spending your money wisely? But before you vote, checkout the spending measures. What is really needed to run the city? Is the $400.6M enough to provide all the needed services including police and fire protection? Should it be more? Can Home Owner’s Associations file appeals or is it up to individuals? What does a city council meeting and discussion look like?  Councilman Bill Murray takes you through step by step.

The post Before you Vote know where your tax dollars are going. appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is the city doing a good job or fair job spending taxpayer money? Is the city spending your money wisely? But before you vote, checkout the spending measures. What is really needed to run the city? Is the $400.6M enough to provide all the needed services including police and fire protection? Should it be more? Can Home Owner’s Associations file appeals or is it up to individuals? What does a city council meeting and discussion look like?  Councilman Bill Murray takes you through step by step.

Bill Murray full false 31:15
The second conversation about emergency evacuation procedures Sun, 17 Oct 2021 21:25:25 +0000 FIRE!

The post The second conversation about emergency evacuation procedures appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Councilman Bill Murray is interviewed by the Wall Street Journal about evacuation procedures and processes for Colorado Springs. This is a timely subject that needs immediate attention. Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next catastrophic emergency? Are the plans and procedures in place? Does Colorado Springs have the necessary equipment and manpower currently in place?

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]]> 0 FIRE!
Bill Murray full false 30:13
Does Colorado Springs have a Community Evacuation Plan? Mon, 04 Oct 2021 02:24:42 +0000 Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next natural or manmade disaster?

The post Does Colorado Springs have a Community Evacuation Plan? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is the public paying attention?

Are evacuation maps available to the citizens? What’s Fleet Modeling? Should Colorado Springs quit building? Is Colorado Springs already overbuilt? What is Colorado Springs all about? Would you call the new apartment complexes in Down Town Colorado Springs “Affordable Housing?”  What is WUI?

These and other topics are discussed by Councilman Bill Murray’s guests: Dana Duggan, Richard Smith, Jim Shirey, and Bill Wysong

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]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next natural or manmade disaster? Are evacuation maps available to the citizens? What’s Fleet Modeling? Should Colorado Springs quit building? Is Colorado Springs already overbuilt? What is Colorado Springs all about? Would you call the new apartment complexes in Down Town Colorado Springs “Affordable Housing?”  What is WUI?

These and other topics are discussed by Councilman Bill Murray’s guests: Dana Duggan, Richard Smith, Jim Shirey, and Bill Wysong
Bill Murray full false 36:52
Money Money Money Colorado Springs is getting lots of Money Mon, 20 Sep 2021 21:37:03 +0000 Will the people and city council have a say?

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Spend it wisely or spend it foolishly

What should Colorado Springs do with the money it’s getting from the American Recovery Plan Act and the State, Local, Fiscal Recovery fund? Will it be treated like a Slush Fund? Should the mayor have complete control over its distribution or should city council have a say? What should be done with Infrastructure & Jobs Act money when it arrives?

A shuttle system? Roads & Bridges? Replenishment of LART funds? A sprinkler system? Pick winners in certain businesses and let the losers go?

The post Money Money Money Colorado Springs is getting lots of Money appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Will the people and city council have a say? What should Colorado Springs do with the money it’s getting from the American Recovery Plan Act and the State, Local, Fiscal Recovery fund? Will it be treated like a Slush Fund? Should the mayor have complete control over its distribution or should city council have a say? What should be done with Infrastructure & Jobs Act money when it arrives?

A shuttle system? Roads & Bridges? Replenishment of LART funds? A sprinkler system? Pick winners in certain businesses and let the losers go?
Bill Murray full false 40:58
How do you feel about your life, your community, and your future in Colorado Springs? Mon, 13 Sep 2021 17:18:21 +0000 How to interpret Quality of Live Indicators by peeling the onion.

The post How do you feel about your life, your community, and your future in Colorado Springs? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Issues to focus on

What’s the role of City Council in modifying Quality of Life Indicators? Is there reluctance on the city’s part to solve Quality of Life Issues? Is Colorado Springs #1 in Cost of Living Accelerators? Should Eminent Domain be used to improve the Quality of Life for people in Colorado Springs vs. a land owner‘s preferences? Is Flex Zoning an answer? Who’s the target market for Quality of Life Indicators?

The post How do you feel about your life, your community, and your future in Colorado Springs? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 How to interpret Quality of Live Indicators by peeling the onion. What’s the role of City Council in modifying Quality of Life Indicators? Is there reluctance on the city’s part to solve Quality of Life Issues? Is Colorado Springs #1 in Cost of Living Accelerators? Should Eminent Domain be used to improve the Quality of Life for people in Colorado Springs vs. a land owner‘s preferences? Is Flex Zoning an answer? Who’s the target market for Quality of Life Indicators?

Bill Murray full false 38:44
Is a Robust Transportation System in Colorado Springs Future? Mon, 06 Sep 2021 20:37:16 +0000 Transportation: Real or a Fantasy?

The post Is a Robust Transportation System in Colorado Springs Future? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is there a political will to make it happen?
Is transportation planning included in the overall planning of Colorado Springs? Is Colorado Springs in trouble planning wise? Is transportation a stand-alone issue?
Have you noticed a surge in Covid-19/Delta variants? Have politics and the Pandemic gone hand in hand? Should we be concerned about political statements on medical issues?

The post Is a Robust Transportation System in Colorado Springs Future? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Transportation: Real or a Fantasy? Is transportation planning included in the overall planning of Colorado Springs? Is Colorado Springs in trouble planning wise? Is transportation a stand-alone issue?
Have you noticed a surge in Covid-19/Delta variants? Have politics and the Pandemic gone hand in hand? Should we be concerned about political statements on medical issues?

Bill Murray full false 41:02
How Does Colorado Springs City Council Do Business? Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:02:18 +0000 Is it beneficial for the Citizens?

The post How Does Colorado Springs City Council Do Business? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Ballot Issues

Today’s segment opens with an important Public Service Announcement. Have you ever heard of the Agenda Planner Review? What is it? Ever hear of the WUI? Does it have anything to do with Wildfire Mitigation? A patchwork of various inanities? What does that mean? Does this patchwork benefit the citizens? The 2424 Garden of the Gods project was turned down. Are the reasons valid?

The post How Does Colorado Springs City Council Do Business? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is it beneficial for the Citizens? Today’s segment opens with an important Public Service Announcement. Have you ever heard of the Agenda Planner Review? What is it? Ever hear of the WUI? Does it have anything to do with Wildfire Mitigation? A patchwork of various inanities? What does that mean? Does this patchwork benefit the citizens? The 2424 Garden of the Gods project was turned down. Are the reasons valid?

Bill Murray full false 39:21
Happy 150th Birthday Colorado Springs Mon, 09 Aug 2021 15:41:40 +0000 General Palmer speaks

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A Conversation with General Palmer

A conversation with General Palmer begins today’s session with Councilman Bill Murry. What are the city’s biggest arguments today? What is in the best interests of the community? How do you control unrestrained growth? How will this unrestrained growth be paid for? What’s the next 150 years going to look like? Is balance the key? What’s this: Remove city council from the “appeals process?”

The post Happy 150th Birthday Colorado Springs appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 General Palmer speaks A conversation with General Palmer begins today’s session with Councilman Bill Murry. What are the city’s biggest arguments today? What is in the best interests of the community? How do you control unrestrained growth? How will this unrestrained growth be paid for? What’s the next 150 years going to look like? Is balance the key? What’s this: Remove city council from the “appeals process?”

Bill Murray full false 34:07
We are Not in Control! Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:42:25 +0000 To mask or not to mask?

The post We are Not in Control! appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Do we need mandates?

Councilman Bill Murray contemplates the unraveling the Covid-19 mysteries. Is Consequence Management coming into play? How is human authority over the Covid-19 working? What are the mayor of Colorado Springs and the El Paso County commissioners thinking? Would they care to share their thought processes? Should pandering be allowed to those that refuse to take the vaccine?

The post We are Not in Control! appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 To mask or not to mask? Councilman Bill Murray contemplates the unraveling the Covid-19 mysteries. Is Consequence Management coming into play? How is human authority over the Covid-19 working? What are the mayor of Colorado Springs and the El Paso County commissioners thinking? Would they care to share their thought processes? Should pandering be allowed to those that refuse to take the vaccine?

Bill Murray full false 29:48
More things affecting your wallet in Colorado Springs Mon, 26 Jul 2021 15:49:09 +0000 Should a dialog begin or is it too late?

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Can we have an open and honest dialog?

Inflation.  A possible tax refund? Give-a-way$ of taxpayer dollar$? What will the name of the new community be? Are you a betting person?

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]]> 0 Should a dialog begin or is it too late?
Inflation.  A possible tax refund? Give-a-way$ of taxpayer dollar$? What will the name of the new community be? Are you a betting person?
Bill Murray full false 31:45
A Whole Host of Subjects Mon, 19 Jul 2021 18:36:32 +0000 Can Colorado Springs handle these issues?

The post A Whole Host of Subjects appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

These subjects affect YOU!

The topics discussed today should interest every citizen of Colorado Springs.

The post A Whole Host of Subjects appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Can Colorado Springs handle these issues?
The topics discussed today should interest every citizen of Colorado Springs.
Bill Murray full false 31:52
Talking BIG Money again Mon, 12 Jul 2021 19:50:47 +0000 City for Champions Projects

The post Talking BIG Money again appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

BIG outgo and Little income.
Grand Opening for the Bridge to ???????????????? Does Colorado Springs really need the United States Olympic Committee? Is the city prepared for the “Influx” of tourists? Parking? Public Transportation? The new Transit Center.  Really? Giving away the City Auditorium? Plus other assorted topics.

The post Talking BIG Money again appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 City for Champions Projects  Grand Opening for the Bridge to ???????????????? Does Colorado Springs really need the United States Olympic Committee? Is the city prepared for the “Influx” of tourists? Parking? Public Transportation? The new Transit Center.  Really? Giving away the City Auditorium? Plus other assorted topics.
Bill Murray full false 35:16
Issues Facing Colorado Springs Remain July 05 2021 Wed, 07 Jul 2021 15:27:59 +0000 It looks like the bad business decisions by the city will come home to roost.

The post Issues Facing Colorado Springs Remain July 05 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

The Saga continues.

Will the financial situation that the city faces be resolved? We’re talking Billion$ here. Is the current city council up to the task? Can tourism save the day? Will the C4C really be a financial boom or will the venues be line items on the city’s future budgets? Is the city absorbing the costs of infrastructure for tourism? Let’s not forget current infrastructure needs. Aren’t the city’s own enterprises supposed to support themselves with no additional costs to the taxpayer? Raising taxes, anyone? Metro districts: are they distorting the revenue streams? How do you feel about Colorado Springs giving the USOC Museum $1M per year?  (Psst! The city has already given the USOC over $50M+ already)

What businesses are locating to Colorado Springs? Who are they? We’re not talking franchises or fast food. Looks like there’ll be at least two tax increase measures on a November ballot. Will it be enough for the citizens to vote on or will we have a “Tyranny of the Minority”……….. Again? Who’s going to pay for the Storm Water infrastructure at the Air Force Academy? Hint: Not the Air Force.

The post Issues Facing Colorado Springs Remain July 05 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 It looks like the bad business decisions by the city will come home to roost. Will the financial situation that the city faces be resolved? We’re talking Billion$ here. Is the current city council up to the task? Can tourism save the day? Will the C4C really be a financial boom or will the venues be line items on the city’s future budgets? Is the city absorbing the costs of infrastructure for tourism? Let’s not forget current infrastructure needs. Aren’t the city’s own enterprises supposed to support themselves with no additional costs to the taxpayer? Raising taxes, anyone? Metro districts: are they distorting the revenue streams? How do you feel about Colorado Springs giving the USOC Museum $1M per year?  (Psst! The city has already given the USOC over $50M+ already)

What businesses are locating to Colorado Springs? Who are they? We’re not talking franchises or fast food. Looks like there’ll be at least two tax increase measures on a November ballot. Will it be enough for the citizens to vote on or will we have a “Tyranny of the Minority”……….. Again? Who’s going to pay for the Storm Water infrastructure at the Air Force Academy? Hint: Not the Air Force.
Bill Murray full false 34:29
Will a Risk Adverse city change voting to Rank Choice Voting and let El Paso County run its elections? June 28 2021 Mon, 28 Jun 2021 15:34:31 +0000 Changes are coming.

The post Will a Risk Adverse city change voting to Rank Choice Voting and let El Paso County run its elections? June 28 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Will Colorado Springs move into the future or remain in the past?

Will Social Workers ride with the police and help defuse hostile situations? How come no recommendations from Law Enforcement Transparency & Accountability Commission? Is there political will to go to publicly financed elections? A Moat city? How are the Shell Games and Hiding Things working out for Colorado Springs? Is a TOPS sales tax increase in the city’s future? The Mayor’s resolution.

How much will the City for Champions venues cost to run? This is a real eye opener. Will the taxpayers stand for it? Attitude is: OPM. The city has a new line item for its budget: The USOC Museum.

The post Will a Risk Adverse city change voting to Rank Choice Voting and let El Paso County run its elections? June 28 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Changes are coming. Will Social Workers ride with the police and help defuse hostile situations? How come no recommendations from Law Enforcement Transparency & Accountability Commission? Is there political will to go to publicly financed elections? A Moat city? How are the Shell Games and Hiding Things working out for Colorado Springs? Is a TOPS sales tax increase in the city’s future? The Mayor’s resolution.

How much will the City for Champions venues cost to run? This is a real eye opener. Will the taxpayers stand for it? Attitude is: OPM. The city has a new line item for its budget: The USOC Museum.
Bill Murray full false 35:29
This episode is a real eye opener. June 21 2021 Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:43:16 +0000 Hanky Panky goings on with the Civic Auditorium?

The post This episode is a real eye opener. June 21 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is the Colorado Springs City Auditorium on the chopping block?

Councilman Bill Murray discusses the Mayor’s Retreat and the $36 Million gift from OUR Uncle. You might find the breakdown of how the money is to be spent very interesting. What are your priorities? Send your suggestions of how to spend the money to

Covid-19 warnings are on tap and are you prepared for the sticker shock on your trip to America’s Mountain via the Cog Railway? Will you need good credit or a loan to make the trip?

The post This episode is a real eye opener. June 21 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Hanky Panky goings on with the Civic Auditorium? Councilman Bill Murray discusses the Mayor’s Retreat and the $36 Million gift from OUR Uncle. You might find the breakdown of how the money is to be spent very interesting. What are your priorities? Send your suggestions of how to spend the money to

Covid-19 warnings are on tap and are you prepared for the sticker shock on your trip to America’s Mountain via the Cog Railway? Will you need good credit or a loan to make the trip?
Bill Murray full false 29:11
Has Public Health become a football? June 14 2021 Mon, 14 Jun 2021 19:43:46 +0000 Interesting Musings by Councilman Bill Murray

The post Has Public Health become a football? June 14 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

With the changes to Colorado Springs city council will public health get shoved to the side?

Does Colorado Springs still have health issues? Should persons associated with the El Paso County Health Department be vaccinated? Is the future of the city tied to healthy families? Should social workers be attached to city police/sheriff’s patrols? Your thoughts? Is the budget for EPCHD enough? Does the city think of the future? Are the city bureaucrats well paid? Over/under paid?

Musings: Listen as Councilman Bill Murray explains a development’s forecast was Pie N’ the Sky. How does the city see the future? Why does the city give incentives? Do they work?

The post Has Public Health become a football? June 14 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Interesting Musings by Councilman Bill Murray Does Colorado Springs still have health issues? Should persons associated with the El Paso County Health Department be vaccinated? Is the future of the city tied to healthy families? Should social workers be attached to city police/sheriff’s patrols? Your thoughts? Is the budget for EPCHD enough? Does the city think of the future? Are the city bureaucrats well paid? Over/under paid?

Musings: Listen as Councilman Bill Murray explains a development’s forecast was Pie N’ the Sky. How does the city see the future? Why does the city give incentives? Do they work?
Bill Murray full false 35:31
Money: Inflation, Minimum Wage, Pay Raises, Police, Parking Structures Jun 07 2021 Mon, 07 Jun 2021 20:33:07 +0000 It's all about the Benjamins.

The post Money: Inflation, Minimum Wage, Pay Raises, Police, Parking Structures Jun 07 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

What do all these issues have in common?

Is Colorado Springs hitting a milestone when it comes to the prices of housing? Is this why the Space Command bailed? Who pays the Minimum Wage? The employer or customer? 2424 Garden of the Gods. Will there be an appeal? Pay raises for all city employees? What are the Performance Metrics for city employees?  Should the mayor have the same or similar Performance Metrics aka Score Card?  Will the new police trainees get the same quality training as past classes? Is there enough money for hiring new police? Who’s going to pay for the new parking structures near the USOC Museum? Surprise!

The post Money: Inflation, Minimum Wage, Pay Raises, Police, Parking Structures Jun 07 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 It's all about the Benjamins.
Is Colorado Springs hitting a milestone when it comes to the prices of housing? Is this why the Space Command bailed? Who pays the Minimum Wage? The employer or customer? 2424 Garden of the Gods. Will there be an appeal? Pay raises for all city employees? What are the Performance Metrics for city employees?  Should the mayor have the same or similar Performance Metrics aka Score Card?  Will the new police trainees get the same quality training as past classes? Is there enough money for hiring new police? Who’s going to pay for the new parking structures near the USOC Museum? Surprise!
Bill Murray full false 36:10
Why is the city still allowing Metro Districts? May 31 2021 Sun, 30 May 2021 23:20:23 +0000 Are homeowners being conned when they purchase home?

The post Why is the city still allowing Metro Districts? May 31 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Do you know what ‘A’ & ‘B” bonds are?

Is the city allowing an illegal activity to go on under the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act? Just asking. Do you think Metro Districts are for large projects only? Think again. Are Metro Districts in the best interests of the community? Why do developers need “tax incentives?” Are you “shocked” at the profits from these issued bonds? If you’re not you should be.

Other subjects covered: Parkland Dedication. Property tax increase. Inflation in housing. Military cutbacks. Geopolitical issues.

The post Why is the city still allowing Metro Districts? May 31 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Are homeowners being conned when they purchase home? Is the city allowing an illegal activity to go on under the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act? Just asking. Do you think Metro Districts are for large projects only? Think again. Are Metro Districts in the best interests of the community? Why do developers need “tax incentives?” Are you “shocked” at the profits from these issued bonds? If you’re not you should be.

Other subjects covered: Parkland Dedication. Property tax increase. Inflation in housing. Military cutbacks. Geopolitical issues.
Bill Murray full false 47:20
Positive and Negative Changes happening in Colorado Springs? May 24 2021 Mon, 24 May 2021 14:40:12 +0000 A new day for Colorado Springs?

The post Positive and Negative Changes happening in Colorado Springs? May 24 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Good News & Bad

Will Colorado Springs and a “new and improved” city council step up to the plate? Their first test comes soon. Could it be at 2424 Garden of the Gods? The development of Kettle Creek was blocked. Can you guess by who? And why?  Changes at the Chamber of Commerce and the EDC. Good or Bad? Do necessary improvements need to be made? Does development have a negative effect on the local economy? What does “Development” mean?

Colorado Springs is coming up on a 150 year birthday. What is the main goal of this celebration? Are you vaccinated? Tax collections are up. What happens when these resources dry up?  Are there inflationary pressures building? Will the Federal Reserve step in? Is per capita income up? Affordable incomes. Does Colorado Springs have them? Is the affordable housing subsidized in the area? By whom?

The post Positive and Negative Changes happening in Colorado Springs? May 24 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 A new day for Colorado Springs? Will Colorado Springs and a “new and improved” city council step up to the plate? Their first test comes soon. Could it be at 2424 Garden of the Gods? The development of Kettle Creek was blocked. Can you guess by who? And why?  Changes at the Chamber of Commerce and the EDC. Good or Bad? Do necessary improvements need to be made? Does development have a negative effect on the local economy? What does “Development” mean?

Colorado Springs is coming up on a 150 year birthday. What is the main goal of this celebration? Are you vaccinated? Tax collections are up. What happens when these resources dry up?  Are there inflationary pressures building? Will the Federal Reserve step in? Is per capita income up? Affordable incomes. Does Colorado Springs have them? Is the affordable housing subsidized in the area? By whom?
Bill Murray full false 32:50
The Mayor wants to add more police and fire protection May 10 2021 Sun, 09 May 2021 21:36:32 +0000 Crisis Management

The post The Mayor wants to add more police and fire protection May 10 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is this Crisis Management in full flower?

Is there retention and recruiting problem for Colorado Springs? Where’s the Dashboard showing the condition of the Police Department? How long has it been since the Dashboard was requested? What size will the size of the classes be to catch up? How big is the problem?

How short is Trails, Open Space funding (aka TOPS)? Are other areas of the city government are short of funds? Is a tax increase in the future? What is Care & Feeding? Who’s causing the Sprawl? Is there a sense of responsibility? Give a listen about Metro Districts. What are the requirements between an Improvement District and Colorado Springs?

Councilman Bill Murray ends with Homelessness.

The post The Mayor wants to add more police and fire protection May 10 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Crisis Management Is there retention and recruiting problem for Colorado Springs? Where’s the Dashboard showing the condition of the Police Department? How long has it been since the Dashboard was requested? What size will the size of the classes be to catch up? How big is the problem?

How short is Trails, Open Space funding (aka TOPS)? Are other areas of the city government are short of funds? Is a tax increase in the future? What is Care & Feeding? Who’s causing the Sprawl? Is there a sense of responsibility? Give a listen about Metro Districts. What are the requirements between an Improvement District and Colorado Springs?
Councilman Bill Murray ends with Homelessness.
Bill Murray full false 33:13
The New Colorado Springs City Council 2021. Ho Hum. May 03 2021 Mon, 03 May 2021 14:16:13 +0000 You get what you pay for.

The post The New Colorado Springs City Council 2021. Ho Hum. May 03 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Are there new leaders elected or followers?

“The city council members were not elected?” What do you mean? There was an election wasn’t there? Will damage be done by this new council or will it be status quo? Will there be progress? What’s going to be this council’s Strawberry Fields? The test is coming up very soon. Will the city still be “risk adverse?”

Did you know that the city has a “Cash Cow?” Have you ever heard of “Excess Revenue?” Maybe it’s a local term used only for “special” circumstances. What would Colorado Springs Utilities pay if it were charged taxes? A Franchise Fee from the Utilities? What? Is this some kind of shell game going on or “Mushroom Management?”

Councilman Bill Murray is concerned about the Covid-19 variants. Should he be? Is the economy first and the people second?

The post The New Colorado Springs City Council 2021. Ho Hum. May 03 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 You get what you pay for. “The city council members were not elected?” What do you mean? There was an election wasn’t there? Will damage be done by this new council or will it be status quo? Will there be progress? What’s going to be this council’s Strawberry Fields? The test is coming up very soon. Will the city still be “risk adverse?”

Did you know that the city has a “Cash Cow?” Have you ever heard of “Excess Revenue?” Maybe it’s a local term used only for “special” circumstances. What would Colorado Springs Utilities pay if it were charged taxes? A Franchise Fee from the Utilities? What? Is this some kind of shell game going on or “Mushroom Management?”
Councilman Bill Murray is concerned about the Covid-19 variants. Should he be? Is the economy first and the people second?
Bill Murray full false 29:56
Is Colorado Springs really #1? Is being #1 an illusion or reality? April 26 2021 Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:20:37 +0000 What's so important about being #1?

The post Is Colorado Springs really #1? Is being #1 an illusion or reality? April 26 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

The self-perpetuating Bubble Machine.

What’s Colorado Springs going to be #1 in? Will there be a cost associated with being #1? Is Colorado Springs #1 in Covid-19 tests? Is Covid-19 going up? Hospitalizations? Is Colorado Springs really ready for the B.1.1.7 variant? Is a 4th surge happening? Is Covid-19 a “Bubble?” What’s happening regarding long term and long haul effects of Covid-19? Who is Dr. Atlas?

What’s happened to Common Sense?  Councilman Bill Murray gives a lesson in the art of “Bit-Coin.” What are the 3 causes of “Bubbles?” Bob Cutter gives us a clue.. What about migration of population. What does that mean? Is the EDC really doing its job?

The post Is Colorado Springs really #1? Is being #1 an illusion or reality? April 26 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 What's so important about being #1? What’s Colorado Springs going to be #1 in? Will there be a cost associated with being #1? Is Colorado Springs #1 in Covid-19 tests? Is Covid-19 going up? Hospitalizations? Is Colorado Springs really ready for the B.1.1.7 variant? Is a 4th surge happening? Is Covid-19 a “Bubble?” What’s happening regarding long term and long haul effects of Covid-19? Who is Dr. Atlas?

What’s happened to Common Sense?  Councilman Bill Murray gives a lesson in the art of “Bit-Coin.” What are the 3 causes of “Bubbles?” Bob Cutter gives us a clue.. What about migration of population. What does that mean? Is the EDC really doing its job?
Bill Murray full false 42:04
Is the Growth of Colorado Springs Unprofitable? April 18 2019 Sun, 18 Apr 2021 17:40:47 +0000 Growth does cost a lot

The post Is the Growth of Colorado Springs Unprofitable? April 18 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs Unprepared for new annexations? Who said that?

Growth has a cost. Can Colorado Springs really afford the costs of new annexations? Is enough revenue being generated to absorb these annexations? Does the city administration play 3-Card Monty with the city’s finances? Is the budget maxed out? Does it look like new taxes are in the current citizen’s future to pay for the new growth?

What is the plan? Is there a 5 year, 10 year, or 20 year plan in the works? What is the technology plan for the city? Does Colorado Springs really need the Space Command? Will Colorado Springs get back into the semi-conductor business again?

Elections, status quo, incumbents win, will the new council be able to handle the financial issues, and are the new infrastructure bills coming due? Is the Olympic Museum an Albatross for the city? Time will tell.

The post Is the Growth of Colorado Springs Unprofitable? April 18 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Growth does cost a lot Growth has a cost. Can Colorado Springs really afford the costs of new annexations? Is enough revenue being generated to absorb these annexations? Does the city administration play 3-Card Monty with the city’s finances? Is the budget maxed out? Does it look like new taxes are in the current citizen’s future to pay for the new growth?

What is the plan? Is there a 5 year, 10 year, or 20 year plan in the works? What is the technology plan for the city? Does Colorado Springs really need the Space Command? Will Colorado Springs get back into the semi-conductor business again?
Elections, status quo, incumbents win, will the new council be able to handle the financial issues, and are the new infrastructure bills coming due? Is the Olympic Museum an Albatross for the city? Time will tell.
Bill Murray full false 36:01
Publicly Financed Elections 2 We Sorely Need It. April 12 2021 Mon, 12 Apr 2021 13:46:04 +0000 Publicly Financed Elections who's time has come.

The post Publicly Financed Elections 2 We Sorely Need It. April 12 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

We need to clean up our local elections

Should everybody have a right to vote? What is Paid Speech? Who opposes Publicly Financed Elections? What is the success of other cities or states that have done it? Shouldn’t the citizens own their own elections? Do people really disengage from the voting process? Will business women vote for women candidates?

Does Colorado Springs city council represent the people? Is city council representing the demographics of the city? Aren’t you tired of low voter turn-out when it means a “minority” runs the city? How much is spent on fair elections? Election dollars? Looks like Seattle has solved its problem. Connecticut after Sandy Hook.

The post Publicly Financed Elections 2 We Sorely Need It. April 12 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Publicly Financed Elections who's time has come. Should everybody have a right to vote? What is Paid Speech? Who opposes Publicly Financed Elections? What is the success of other cities or states that have done it? Shouldn’t the citizens own their own elections? Do people really disengage from the voting process? Will business women vote for women candidates?

Does Colorado Springs city council represent the people? Is city council representing the demographics of the city? Aren’t you tired of low voter turn-out when it means a “minority” runs the city? How much is spent on fair elections? Election dollars? Looks like Seattle has solved its problem. Connecticut after Sandy Hook.
Bill Murray full false 36:43
Let’s start a movement toward Publicly Financed Local Elections April 04 2021 Sun, 04 Apr 2021 16:40:06 +0000 Is there political will to move to Publicly Financed Elections?

The post Let’s start a movement toward Publicly Financed Local Elections April 04 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

How about a draft ordinance as a beginning?

Four of five of Colorado’s largest cities are changing to or have changed to Publicly Financed Local Elections. It’s a trend. Isn’t it past time to open up a dialog on this subject? Do you like the sound of “Recycling Ownership of Elections?” Do you like the idea of “Protecting People without means?” Have we “sold” our elections? Are the voters disenfranchised due to the “Big” money in our local elections? What does “ stand for? Is there the Public Will? Does City Council have the courage to move forward on this subject of Publicly Financed Elections?

Isn’t Publicly Financed Elections about the future? Is Lobbying by special interests in the best interest of the city? Is the Chamber of Commerce a publicly financed lobbying group of special interests? Are small dollar donors empowered by Publicly Financed Elections? Does city council represent the demographics of Colorado Springs? What are the donation limits in Colorado Springs?

The post Let’s start a movement toward Publicly Financed Local Elections April 04 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is there political will to move to Publicly Financed Elections? Four of five of Colorado’s largest cities are changing to or have changed to Publicly Financed Local Elections. It’s a trend. Isn’t it past time to open up a dialog on this subject? Do you like the sound of “Recycling Ownership of Elections?” Do you like the idea of “Protecting People without means?” Have we “sold” our elections? Are the voters disenfranchised due to the “Big” money in our local elections? What does “ stand for? Is there the Public Will? Does City Council have the courage to move forward on this subject of Publicly Financed Elections?

Isn’t Publicly Financed Elections about the future? Is Lobbying by special interests in the best interest of the city? Is the Chamber of Commerce a publicly financed lobbying group of special interests? Are small dollar donors empowered by Publicly Financed Elections? Does city council represent the demographics of Colorado Springs? What are the donation limits in Colorado Springs?
Bill Murray full false 33:28
Councilman Bill Murray gets thrown under the bus March 29 2021 Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:09:30 +0000 Is Colorado Springs abusing Metro Districts?

The post Councilman Bill Murray gets thrown under the bus March 29 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Don’t Major in the Minors

Colorado Springs city council elections are fast approaching. Will the incumbents do well or will one or two be knocked off by the up and coming challengers? Is city council being treated fairly by the executive branch or is it being abused? Learn the definition of a Metro District. It ain’t what the city is practicing today. Learn what a couple of the top priorities are for the city. (You’ve got to be kidding me? The city is wasting time on these? Aren’t there more important things to be discussing?)

Inflation is up. Check your grocery store and utilities. What should Colorado Springs do with the Federal stimulus funding coming its way? Send your suggestions to What’s a “Joint Dispatch Agreement?” A trivial question: “How often are fire hydrants inspected?”

The post Councilman Bill Murray gets thrown under the bus March 29 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs abusing Metro Districts? Colorado Springs city council elections are fast approaching. Will the incumbents do well or will one or two be knocked off by the up and coming challengers? Is city council being treated fairly by the executive branch or is it being abused? Learn the definition of a Metro District. It ain’t what the city is practicing today. Learn what a couple of the top priorities are for the city. (You’ve got to be kidding me? The city is wasting time on these? Aren’t there more important things to be discussing?)

Inflation is up. Check your grocery store and utilities. What should Colorado Springs do with the Federal stimulus funding coming its way? Send your suggestions to What’s a “Joint Dispatch Agreement?” A trivial question: “How often are fire hydrants inspected?”
Bill Murray full false 34:19
Have you watched Colorado Springs city council lately? March 22 2021 Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:05:23 +0000 Will the Covid-19 variance impact the local economy?

The post Have you watched Colorado Springs city council lately? March 22 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Councilman Bill Murray has a few words for “Zoom” culture

Councilman Bill Murray unloads because he can’t get straight answers to his Covid-19 questions. Will the B.1.1.7 variant take over? What happens when the Federal stimulus ends? Does Colorado Springs really need the money? Bob Cutter has an answer to Bill’s inquiry. Is it a one-shot deal? One-offs? What are the capital issues?

You’ve heard of the “Bridge to Nowhere?” Colorado Springs has it’s “Bridge over Cow Poke.” An expensive proposition to say the least. This highlights the concept of “Who Pays?” The Transit Center: 14 years in the making and will it take another 14 years to realization? Will the current Transit Plan fit the future needs of transit?

Should Tourism drive the Colorado Springs economy? Will the lack of international tourism dampen the local economy? Is Colorado Springs really prepared economically for the future?

The post Have you watched Colorado Springs city council lately? March 22 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Will the Covid-19 variance impact the local economy? Councilman Bill Murray unloads because he can’t get straight answers to his Covid-19 questions. Will the B.1.1.7 variant take over? What happens when the Federal stimulus ends? Does Colorado Springs really need the money? Bob Cutter has an answer to Bill’s inquiry. Is it a one-shot deal? One-offs? What are the capital issues?

You’ve heard of the “Bridge to Nowhere?” Colorado Springs has it’s “Bridge over Cow Poke.” An expensive proposition to say the least. This highlights the concept of “Who Pays?” The Transit Center: 14 years in the making and will it take another 14 years to realization? Will the current Transit Plan fit the future needs of transit?
Should Tourism drive the Colorado Springs economy? Will the lack of international tourism dampen the local economy? Is Colorado Springs really prepared economically for the future?
Bill Murray full false 33:50
Election Season is in Full Bloom for Colorado Springs city council. March O8 2021 Tue, 09 Mar 2021 02:04:07 +0000 Should citizens be concerned about the candidates running for city council?

The post Election Season is in Full Bloom for Colorado Springs city council. March O8 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Skyscrapers are in the pipeline for Downtown Colorado Springs

Councilman Bill Murray says he shouldn’t get on a Rant, but he did!

Whoever gets elected to the Colorado Springs City Council will really determine if Council Matters. Will the newly elected be up to the task of moving Colorado Springs Utilities into the future? Or will there be backsliding by the new city council? A surprise letter from the students at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) serves up some surprises.

Will campaign contributions influence council’s vote on the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO)? What about affordable housing? Where’s the money to pay for infrastructure, storm water, parks, maintenance? What’s the next step? What are the ABC’s? What happened to TOPS funding?

The post Election Season is in Full Bloom for Colorado Springs city council. March O8 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Should citizens be concerned about the candidates running for city council? Councilman Bill Murray says he shouldn’t get on a Rant, but he did!

Whoever gets elected to the Colorado Springs City Council will really determine if Council Matters. Will the newly elected be up to the task of moving Colorado Springs Utilities into the future? Or will there be backsliding by the new city council? A surprise letter from the students at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) serves up some surprises.
Will campaign contributions influence council’s vote on the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO)? What about affordable housing? Where’s the money to pay for infrastructure, storm water, parks, maintenance? What’s the next step? What are the ABC’s? What happened to TOPS funding?
Bill Murray full false 47:17
Councilman Bill Murray grills Mike Seeger Mar 04 2021 Thu, 04 Mar 2021 21:48:52 +0000 No holds barred questions for council candidates

The post Councilman Bill Murray grills Mike Seeger Mar 04 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A Q&A for city council candidate in district #1

An unvarnished and unedited Q&A with Councilman Bill Murray and Colorado Springs City Council candidate Mike Seeger about issues facing City Council District #1, Colorado Springs Utilities, and city council in general.

The post Councilman Bill Murray grills Mike Seeger Mar 04 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 No holds barred questions for council candidates
An unvarnished and unedited Q&A with Councilman Bill Murray and Colorado Springs City Council candidate Mike Seeger about issues facing City Council District #1, Colorado Springs Utilities, and city council in general.
Bill Murray full false 27:25
Councilman Bill Murray grills Dave Donelson Mar 01 2021 Mon, 01 Mar 2021 18:24:10 +0000 A "No Holds Barred" Q&A

The post Councilman Bill Murray grills Dave Donelson Mar 01 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A Q&A for city council candidate in district #1

An unvarnished and unedited Q&A with Councilman Bill Murray and Colorado Springs City Council candidate Dave Donelson about issues facing City Council District #1, Colorado Springs Utilities, and city council in general.

The post Councilman Bill Murray grills Dave Donelson Mar 01 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 A "No Holds Barred" Q&A An unvarnished and unedited Q&A with Councilman Bill Murray and Colorado Springs City Council candidate Dave Donelson about issues facing City Council District #1, Colorado Springs Utilities, and city council in general.

Bill Murray full false 30:34
What does it cost to run Colorado Springs? Feb 22 2021 Mon, 22 Feb 2021 19:14:46 +0000 Has Colorado Springs' economic situation improved?

The post What does it cost to run Colorado Springs? Feb 22 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Just because there’s Balance Budget, are all things covered?

Good News and Bad News throughout this podcast. Utility rates to go up. Can you guess why? Money pours into the local city council races. Who’s “Hoovering” up the lion’s share? Are the city fathers communicating with the people? What are you bringing to the table to make Colorado Springs  a better city? Why does the executive branch control the processes?

How is Colorado Springs faring economically in comparison to other cities? First liar hasn’t got a chance. If the stats are so good for Colorado Springs why aren’t companies coming here? That’s a question asked 15 years ago. Has Colorado Springs gone too far down the tourism road to where businesses are ignoring the city? Is there  full disclosure on projects in the city? What’s the level of Organizational Skills in city government? Are there visionaries in the city or status quo? Is Colorado Springs Utilities finally getting in the game? Does CSU need a board of directors?

The post What does it cost to run Colorado Springs? Feb 22 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Has Colorado Springs' economic situation improved? Good News and Bad News throughout this podcast. Utility rates to go up. Can you guess why? Money pours into the local city council races. Who’s “Hoovering” up the lion’s share? Are the city fathers communicating with the people? What are you bringing to the table to make Colorado Springs  a better city? Why does the executive branch control the processes?

How is Colorado Springs faring economically in comparison to other cities? First liar hasn’t got a chance. If the stats are so good for Colorado Springs why aren’t companies coming here? That’s a question asked 15 years ago. Has Colorado Springs gone too far down the tourism road to where businesses are ignoring the city? Is there  full disclosure on projects in the city? What’s the level of Organizational Skills in city government? Are there visionaries in the city or status quo? Is Colorado Springs Utilities finally getting in the game? Does CSU need a board of directors?
Bill Murray full false 47:08
Ticking Time Bomb? Could this be the city council candidates? Feb 15 2021 Mon, 15 Feb 2021 16:54:04 +0000 Is Colorado Springs really ready for the future financially?

The post Ticking Time Bomb? Could this be the city council candidates? Feb 15 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Maybe the Ticking Time Bomb is the city’s budget?

Is the city budget that doesn’t cover ALL the city’s needs really a Balanced Budget? Are we getting an accurate picture of what is really needed to run the city? How will all the needed services be paid for? Will there be a financial day of reckoning in the city’s future? What impact will the coming military budget cuts have on the local economy? The city fathers are still paying lip service to public transportation, right? Still struggling with Covid-19 issues.

The prospective city council candidates are discussed. Are their platitudes enough to get them elected? Are they in-tune with the citizens of Colorado Springs?  Their district? We’ve made our best guess with the limited information available. We reserve the right to change our minds. Send us your thoughts and questions on what you expect from these candidates. We won’t screen or filter your  questions.

The post Ticking Time Bomb? Could this be the city council candidates? Feb 15 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Is Colorado Springs really ready for the future financially? Is the city budget that doesn’t cover ALL the city’s needs really a Balanced Budget? Are we getting an accurate picture of what is really needed to run the city? How will all the needed services be paid for? Will there be a financial day of reckoning in the city’s future? What impact will the coming military budget cuts have on the local economy? The city fathers are still paying lip service to public transportation, right? Still struggling with Covid-19 issues.

The prospective city council candidates are discussed. Are their platitudes enough to get them elected? Are they in-tune with the citizens of Colorado Springs?  Their district? We’ve made our best guess with the limited information available. We reserve the right to change our minds. Send us your thoughts and questions on what you expect from these candidates. We won’t screen or filter your  questions.
Bill Murray full false 37:02
Financial Slight of Hand. Will Colorado Springs receive any revenue? Feb 08 2021 Mon, 08 Feb 2021 15:59:44 +0000 Will the revenue streams from the C4C projects be enough to fulfill Colorado Springs' requirements?

The post Financial Slight of Hand. Will Colorado Springs receive any revenue? Feb 08 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

How does a Quasi-Public organization fit into the picture?

What is a Quasi-Public organization:  Investing in a quasi-public corporation comes with very little risk due to the fact that, if the business isn’t making a profit, the company will be backed by one or more government agencies who will ensure that the corporation continues running and making a profit. Which begs the question: “Who is the government organization that will ensure that the corporation makes a profit?” Will Colorado Springs be that government organization? Or an outside government organization? Who is Providence Group-USAFA LLC? Who is the Arizona Industrial Development Authority?

Stand-by for a Storm Water increase. What is the real reason the developers will not have to pony up 2 acres for parkland? When will the needs of the city be addressed? When is the money coming in? 10, 20, 30 years? Never? What is in the best interest of the population? Who’s the Power Broker? Another packed Council Matters Podcast.

The post Financial Slight of Hand. Will Colorado Springs receive any revenue? Feb 08 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Will the revenue streams from the C4C projects be enough to fulfill Colorado Springs' requirements? What is a Quasi-Public organization:  Investing in a quasi-public corporation comes with very little risk due to the fact that, if the business isn’t making a profit, the company will be backed by one or more government agencies who will ensure that the corporation continues running and making a profit. Which begs the question: “Who is the government organization that will ensure that the corporation makes a profit?” Will Colorado Springs be that government organization? Or an outside government organization? Who is Providence Group-USAFA LLC? Who is the Arizona Industrial Development Authority?

Stand-by for a Storm Water increase. What is the real reason the developers will not have to pony up 2 acres for parkland? When will the needs of the city be addressed? When is the money coming in? 10, 20, 30 years? Never? What is in the best interest of the population? Who’s the Power Broker? Another packed Council Matters Podcast.
Bill Murray full false 34:06
Questions for Prospective City Council Candidates Feb 01 2021 Mon, 01 Feb 2021 15:11:12 +0000 Are you ready to be a Colorado Springs city councilman?

The post Questions for Prospective City Council Candidates Feb 01 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Who do you side with? Developers or the Community?

If you decide to run for Colorado Springs City Council, do you  think you can answer the questions that are sprinkled throughout this podcast? The usual talking point answers will not suffice.

How do you see the future of the city? No platitudes. Are Land Use situations real or imagined? Are you up on the city’s budget, revenue streams, issues facing Parks & Recreation? What is enough? What do you need to keep the city running? How are you going to pay for it? What are Life Time expenses? What is your position on Flex Zoning? Do you think citizen’s concerns are dismissed out of hand?

Are you willing to spend 30 minutes on Councilman Bill Murray’s Podcast?

The post Questions for Prospective City Council Candidates Feb 01 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 2 Are you ready to be a Colorado Springs city councilman? If you decide to run for Colorado Springs City Council, do you  think you can answer the questions that are sprinkled throughout this podcast? The usual talking point answers will not suffice.

How do you see the future of the city? No platitudes. Are Land Use situations real or imagined? Are you up on the city’s budget, revenue streams, issues facing Parks & Recreation? What is enough? What do you need to keep the city running? How are you going to pay for it? What are Life Time expenses? What is your position on Flex Zoning? Do you think citizen’s concerns are dismissed out of hand?
Are you willing to spend 30 minutes on Councilman Bill Murray’s Podcast?
Bill Murray full false 39:39
Getting Economy Back to Normal Jan 24 2021 Wed, 27 Jan 2021 17:24:01 +0000 Is there a cost for the Covid-19 Vaccine?

The post Getting Economy Back to Normal Jan 24 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Are Free Vaccines really Free?

Bob Cutter joins today’s conversation with his insight into the economic challenges faced by Colorado Springs. What is Colorado Springs doing about about the Covid-19 Vaccine? Is it a lottery? Is the vaccine really free?

Will the local economy get back to normal? Will Colorado Springs be part of the new dynamic economic world? Commercialization? Will the decline in brick & mortar retail continue? Will the local economy be based on retail businesses or tourism? Can the markets collapse again? Are the real estate markets being propped up by “Cheap Money” and what happens when money isn’t so “Cheap?” What is the “per capita income?”

Colorado Springs is being surrounded by Amazon. Is is time to clean out the Moat?

The post Getting Economy Back to Normal Jan 24 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is there a cost for the Covid-19 Vaccine? Bob Cutter joins today’s conversation with his insight into the economic challenges faced by Colorado Springs. What is Colorado Springs doing about about the Covid-19 Vaccine? Is it a lottery? Is the vaccine really free?

Will the local economy get back to normal? Will Colorado Springs be part of the new dynamic economic world? Commercialization? Will the decline in brick & mortar retail continue? Will the local economy be based on retail businesses or tourism? Can the markets collapse again? Are the real estate markets being propped up by “Cheap Money” and what happens when money isn’t so “Cheap?” What is the “per capita income?”
Colorado Springs is being surrounded by Amazon. Is is time to clean out the Moat?
Bill Murray full false 49:20
Elections 2021 Utilities Development Retool Colorado Springs Jan 18 2021 Mon, 18 Jan 2021 18:42:06 +0000 Beating "The development doesn't pay for itself" drum until someone really listens.

The post Elections 2021 Utilities Development Retool Colorado Springs Jan 18 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Starting the 2021 year with a full plate

An offer you can’t refuse: An opportunity to sit down (virtually) with Councilman Bill Murray to discuss running for city council. Plus, getting into the weeds on how development DOESN’T pay for itself. You pay for it. Find out how that works.

Colorado Springs Utilities presses into the future (a good thing). Do you think there are any demands on CSU other than delivering the best in the country?

People are concerned about Retool Colorado Springs. Bill gives a few hints on how this is being interpreted. You’ll find it interesting.

The post Elections 2021 Utilities Development Retool Colorado Springs Jan 18 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Beating "The development doesn't pay for itself" drum until someone really listens. An offer you can’t refuse: An opportunity to sit down (virtually) with Councilman Bill Murray to discuss running for city council. Plus, getting into the weeds on how development DOESN’T pay for itself. You pay for it. Find out how that works.

Colorado Springs Utilities presses into the future (a good thing). Do you think there are any demands on CSU other than delivering the best in the country?
People are concerned about Retool Colorado Springs. Bill gives a few hints on how this is being interpreted. You’ll find it interesting.
Bill Murray full false 35:36
Best Insurrection In Decades Jan 11 2021 Mon, 11 Jan 2021 18:21:26 +0000 Starting the year off with a Bang!

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New Season  New Episode  Bill’s all fired up!

This will pass. Bill’s talking about Contradictions and Covid-19. He’s thoroughly confused wondering where Common Sense went. Distribution, where, what’s taking so long adds to the confusion.

Is the In-N-Out Burger joint in Colorado Springs a Super Spreader? How many cases is that again? Does the El Paso County Health Department have the necessary funding to step up to the Pandemic? What is the distribution plan for the Covid-19 vaccine in Colorado Springs? Would standardizing on one vaccine make distribution easier?

Understand the local daily newspaper’s crack opinion writer was back in DC for the “exclusive” “invitation only” “rally” put on for the benefit of ?????????????????

The post Best Insurrection In Decades Jan 11 2021 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Starting the year off with a Bang! This will pass. Bill’s talking about Contradictions and Covid-19. He’s thoroughly confused wondering where Common Sense went. Distribution, where, what’s taking so long adds to the confusion.

Is the In-N-Out Burger joint in Colorado Springs a Super Spreader? How many cases is that again? Does the El Paso County Health Department have the necessary funding to step up to the Pandemic? What is the distribution plan for the Covid-19 vaccine in Colorado Springs? Would standardizing on one vaccine make distribution easier?
Understand the local daily newspaper’s crack opinion writer was back in DC for the “exclusive” “invitation only” “rally” put on for the benefit of ?????????????????
Bill Murray full false 39:43
So you want to run for Colorado Springs city council? Dec 14 2020 Mon, 14 Dec 2020 20:27:04 +0000 Being a city councilman or councilwoman isn't a piece of cake

The post So you want to run for Colorado Springs city council? Dec 14 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

This applies to other city councils

Do you have Masochistic tendencies?   Do you have thick skin? Can you take a punch? Like working for peanuts? How much verbal abuse can you handle? Want to increase your stress level? Lose friendships and neighbors? Have you ever experienced Mushroom Management? Can you look into the future? Do you know the demographics of your council district? Have you read Plan COS? Do you feel that projects that come before city council should stand on their own? Have you ever heard of the $20M bridge to nowhere? Do you know where it is located? Have you been to the new transit center? Do you know what a “Disaster Epic with a Huge Bill” is? Will 2021 be a great year?

If you have answered “Yes” to any of these questions, have we got a job for you: A member of City Council. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

The post So you want to run for Colorado Springs city council? Dec 14 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Being a city councilman or councilwoman isn't a piece of cake Do you have Masochistic tendencies?   Do you have thick skin? Can you take a punch? Like working for peanuts? How much verbal abuse can you handle? Want to increase your stress level? Lose friendships and neighbors? Have you ever experienced Mushroom Management? Can you look into the future? Do you know the demographics of your council district? Have you read Plan COS? Do you feel that projects that come before city council should stand on their own? Have you ever heard of the $20M bridge to nowhere? Do you know where it is located? Have you been to the new transit center? Do you know what a “Disaster Epic with a Huge Bill” is? Will 2021 be a great year?

If you have answered “Yes” to any of these questions, have we got a job for you: A member of City Council. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
Bill Murray full false 35:00
Parkland Dedication Ordinance & Covid-19 information Dec 07 2020 Mon, 07 Dec 2020 17:32:31 +0000 Parkland Dedication Ordinance is coming under fire.

The post Parkland Dedication Ordinance & Covid-19 information Dec 07 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Two important topics that affect the citizens of Colorado Springs.

Councilman Bill Murray vents his frustration with the possible changing of the requirements for the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. He needs the citizenries support on this matter.

Confused about issues surrounding the Covid-19? So is Bill Murray. Will you still need to wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands after receiving your vaccination? How long does it take for the vaccine to take effect? Rumor has it the Colorado Springs Police Department is a Hot Spot for Covid-19. Is it true?

Is the economy really slowing down? Will the expiration of some of the Federal government programs affect the citizens of Colorado Springs?

The post Parkland Dedication Ordinance & Covid-19 information Dec 07 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Parkland Dedication Ordinance is coming under fire. Councilman Bill Murray vents his frustration with the possible changing of the requirements for the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. He needs the citizenries support on this matter.

Confused about issues surrounding the Covid-19? So is Bill Murray. Will you still need to wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands after receiving your vaccination? How long does it take for the vaccine to take effect? Rumor has it the Colorado Springs Police Department is a Hot Spot for Covid-19. Is it true?
Is the economy really slowing down? Will the expiration of some of the Federal government programs affect the citizens of Colorado Springs?
Bill Murray full false 32:18
Colorado Springs Ever Changing Economy Nov 30 2020 Mon, 30 Nov 2020 19:51:29 +0000 Will Colorado Springs ever have the right economic mix?

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Is Colorado Springs an International Influencer?

Is Colorado Springs connected to other International cities, countries? Is Colorado Spring an International Influencer? Are there mixed messages being given? What are the Dynamics of a city? Where is Tourism in the economic mix? Who are the wealth creators? Which direction is the Colorado Springs economy shifting? Did you know there’s a Cost of Living surge in Colorado Springs? What’s driving it?

On line revenue is keeping Colorado Springs afloat. Does the city have a focused economic development plan? Do you know where the city wants to go? Does Colorado Springs have a robust Broadband service?

The post Colorado Springs Ever Changing Economy Nov 30 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Will Colorado Springs ever have the right economic mix? Is Colorado Springs connected to other International cities, countries? Is Colorado Spring an International Influencer? Are there mixed messages being given? What are the Dynamics of a city? Where is Tourism in the economic mix? Who are the wealth creators? Which direction is the Colorado Springs economy shifting? Did you know there’s a Cost of Living surge in Colorado Springs? What’s driving it?

On line revenue is keeping Colorado Springs afloat. Does the city have a focused economic development plan? Do you know where the city wants to go? Does Colorado Springs have a robust Broadband service?
Bill Murray full false 39:41
A serious conversation from an outside perspective Nov 23 2020 Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:48:29 +0000 Councilman Bill Murray and Bob Cutter get down into the weeds

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What will be the impact of the changes coming to Colorado Springs?

Topics: Space Command; Covid-19; Denmark; Mask wearing; Public transportation shutdown; What is the government role in all of this; What will the economy look like; Infrastructure; Real Estate; End game; Has the world stopped?

These topics and a few more were discussed by Councilman Bill Murray and his guest, Bob Cutter.

The post A serious conversation from an outside perspective Nov 23 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Councilman Bill Murray and Bob Cutter get down into the weeds Topics: Space Command; Covid-19; Denmark; Mask wearing; Public transportation shutdown; What is the government role in all of this; What will the economy look like; Infrastructure; Real Estate; End game; Has the world stopped?

These topics and a few more were discussed by Councilman Bill Murray and his guest, Bob Cutter.
Bill Murray full false 29:59
Are recent developer deals good or bad for Colorado Springs? Nov 16 2020 Mon, 16 Nov 2020 16:08:53 +0000 Does development pay for itself? Another primer on why it doesn't

The post Are recent developer deals good or bad for Colorado Springs? Nov 16 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

You be the judge

Too much going on with development and not in a good way. Topics today are Banning-Lewis Ranch, the Air Force Academy Visitor’s center, The Bridge to No Where, Storm Water S4 permit, Waivers, Blighting pristine land, the Santa Clause syndrome (doesn’t that belong to a specific political party?), Ballot Issues, a View Ordinance, Storm Water fee increase, Financing, Extensions, Police, City Budget.

The post Are recent developer deals good or bad for Colorado Springs? Nov 16 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Does development pay for itself? Another primer on why it doesn't Too much going on with development and not in a good way. Topics today are Banning-Lewis Ranch, the Air Force Academy Visitor’s center, The Bridge to No Where, Storm Water S4 permit, Waivers, Blighting pristine land, the Santa Clause syndrome (doesn’t that belong to a specific political party?), Ballot Issues, a View Ordinance, Storm Water fee increase, Financing, Extensions, Police, City Budget.

Bill Murray full false 32:10
More 2021 Budget Discussions for Colorado Springs Nov 09 2020 Mon, 09 Nov 2020 19:02:53 +0000 A lexicon of words that are oxymorons.

The post More 2021 Budget Discussions for Colorado Springs Nov 09 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A lexicon of words rarely used and mis-used

The police chief says he has enough money. With the Olympic museum and the Weidner soccer field coming on line, does he? Enough for staffing? Training? Should the city permanently plan to fund in the city budget two elections each year? What is the Economic Development Regional Recovery Committee? How much of the tab is the city picking up?

Now to the Lexicon of words: Leadership, Pro-active, Re-active, Accountability, Cost benefit analysis. Dashboard.

The post More 2021 Budget Discussions for Colorado Springs Nov 09 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 A lexicon of words that are oxymorons. The police chief says he has enough money. With the Olympic museum and the Weidner soccer field coming on line, does he? Enough for staffing? Training? Should the city permanently plan to fund in the city budget two elections each year? What is the Economic Development Regional Recovery Committee? How much of the tab is the city picking up?

Now to the Lexicon of words: Leadership, Pro-active, Re-active, Accountability, Cost benefit analysis. Dashboard.
Bill Murray full false 32:29
The Colorado Springs City Budget $348.9M Up 5.3% Nov 02 2020 Mon, 02 Nov 2020 13:59:16 +0000 The Colorado Springs city budget is up. Will it be enough?

The post The Colorado Springs City Budget $348.9M Up 5.3% Nov 02 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is it enough to cover Colorado Springs expenditures and hopes and dreams???

It’s Budget season again. And it’s up. Who is responsible for the Budget? Council? The mayor? Who’s responsible for the Budget issues? Is it enough to cover the anticipated needs of the city? Does development REALLY pay for its self? Still waiting for the proof that it does. Will Wildcards pop up? Imminent issues?

What else does the city budget fund? You might be surprised. Will there be cost cutting? With the placement of the Iconic Bridge to American the Beautiful Park, is it now a “private” park? Get a load of the price tag on the bridge. Saying “Sticker Shock” is putting it mildly. What about necessary or excess monies need to run the city if an emergency arises?

The post The Colorado Springs City Budget $348.9M Up 5.3% Nov 02 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 The Colorado Springs city budget is up. Will it be enough? It’s Budget season again. And it’s up. Who is responsible for the Budget? Council? The mayor? Who’s responsible for the Budget issues? Is it enough to cover the anticipated needs of the city? Does development REALLY pay for its self? Still waiting for the proof that it does. Will Wildcards pop up? Imminent issues?

What else does the city budget fund? You might be surprised. Will there be cost cutting? With the placement of the Iconic Bridge to American the Beautiful Park, is it now a “private” park? Get a load of the price tag on the bridge. Saying “Sticker Shock” is putting it mildly. What about necessary or excess monies need to run the city if an emergency arises?
Bill Murray full false 32:35
The Election Blue Book A discussion and sampling of issues Oct 26 2020 Mon, 26 Oct 2020 16:21:55 +0000 Down ballot issues are important too.

The post The Election Blue Book A discussion and sampling of issues Oct 26 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

They don’t agree on everything.  Might be a couple of surprises.

The Infamous Blue Book and the issues therein are discussed. Amendments, Issues, and Propositions are on the table. Discussed are 76, 114, Amend ‘B”, 116, 117, 2A, 2B, 2C, and a school district D-11 issue.

Other topics in today’s podcast are: Everybody has a pre-existing condition. Everybody. Colorado has the BEST voting system. Will Covid-19 become another “Pre-existing Condition?”

The post The Election Blue Book A discussion and sampling of issues Oct 26 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Down ballot issues are important too. The Infamous Blue Book and the issues therein are discussed. Amendments, Issues, and Propositions are on the table. Discussed are 76, 114, Amend ‘B”, 116, 117, 2A, 2B, 2C, and a school district D-11 issue.

Other topics in today’s podcast are: Everybody has a pre-existing condition. Everybody. Colorado has the BEST voting system. Will Covid-19 become another “Pre-existing Condition?”
Bill Murray full false 36:31
Interesting Times Relevant Subjects Oct 19 2020 Mon, 19 Oct 2020 15:53:55 +0000 ARRRGH! It continues!

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We live in Interesting Times

How are you feeling? Overwhelmed? Trying to figure things out? Are you getting Good Information? Bad Information? Dis-information? Deliberate Lies? Fictitious Websites? Do you know the outside influences that are affecting the election? Do we have enough Fact Checkers? Truth Checkers?

Ballot Issues 2B & 2C are on the ballot but nowhere else. Not in the Blue Book or El Paso County handout? Why? Let us know if you believe the reasoning. Sure, Yeah, a balanced budget. If the city has a hiring freeze why are they advertising for positions on the city’s cable channel? Do you deem that a cruel joke on the people looking for work?

The post Interesting Times Relevant Subjects Oct 19 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 ARRRGH! It continues! How are you feeling? Overwhelmed? Trying to figure things out? Are you getting Good Information? Bad Information? Dis-information? Deliberate Lies? Fictitious Websites? Do you know the outside influences that are affecting the election? Do we have enough Fact Checkers? Truth Checkers?

Ballot Issues 2B & 2C are on the ballot but nowhere else. Not in the Blue Book or El Paso County handout? Why? Let us know if you believe the reasoning. Sure, Yeah, a balanced budget. If the city has a hiring freeze why are they advertising for positions on the city’s cable channel? Do you deem that a cruel joke on the people looking for work?
Bill Murray full false 30:18
Issues that affect Colorado Springs Start counting Oct 12 2020 Mon, 12 Oct 2020 22:34:32 +0000 Colorado Springs really doesn't have any issues that affect it, does it?

The post Issues that affect Colorado Springs Start counting Oct 12 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Colorado Springs really doesn’t have any issues that affect it, does it?

Does Colorado Springs need a full time council? The LETAC meeting. Was anything accomplished? Will they be collecting real time data? What about definitions? Is a Dash Board really needed for this process? Question to the committee: Is the law being equally applied to all citizens? Watch this space.

A discussion about a hospital in the SE part of town came up. Will it ever happen? In hindsight, did Colorado Springs get the best deal for the city regarding Memorial? Has the city really pushed for a hospital in the SE part of town? How’s transportation to the current healthcare facilities?

Covid-19, the debates, voting, pre-existing conditions, and dropping your ballots off round out today’s discussion.

The post Issues that affect Colorado Springs Start counting Oct 12 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Colorado Springs really doesn't have any issues that affect it, does it? Does Colorado Springs need a full time council? The LETAC meeting. Was anything accomplished? Will they be collecting real time data? What about definitions? Is a Dash Board really needed for this process? Question to the committee: Is the law being equally applied to all citizens? Watch this space.

A discussion about a hospital in the SE part of town came up. Will it ever happen? In hindsight, did Colorado Springs get the best deal for the city regarding Memorial? Has the city really pushed for a hospital in the SE part of town? How’s transportation to the current healthcare facilities?
Covid-19, the debates, voting, pre-existing conditions, and dropping your ballots off round out today’s discussion.
Bill Murray full false 35:01
Communication, Respect, Co-operation Needed for Police/Citizens Oct 05 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 16:30:40 +0000 Law Enforcement Transparency Accountability Commission: What are the optics? Will the process be tainted?

The post Communication, Respect, Co-operation Needed for Police/Citizens Oct 05 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

How can we, as a city, make it better?

Law Enforcement Transparency Accountability Commission: What are the optics? Will the process be tainted? Is the local daily paper helping or hurting the process? What should be the size, scope & use of policing? Are there better choices during a confrontation? Can the police and their actions be defended? Does Denver to a better job at police information? Are there White Supremacist in Colorado Springs police department?

Privilege is not part of justice system. Yes, there are income inequities. Maybe it’s time for a “Professional Jury” system. Maybe it’s time for an elected city attorney who’s beholden to the citizens. Time to eliminate “No-Knock” warrants. Diversify. Choices, Management, Collateral Damage. Who should choose the Liaison from the council to the LETAC? The members of the committee?

The post Communication, Respect, Co-operation Needed for Police/Citizens Oct 05 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Law Enforcement Transparency Accountability Commission: What are the optics? Will the process be tainted? Law Enforcement Transparency Accountability Commission: What are the optics? Will the process be tainted? Is the local daily paper helping or hurting the process? What should be the size, scope & use of policing? Are there better choices during a confrontation? Can the police and their actions be defended? Does Denver to a better job at police information? Are there White Supremacist in Colorado Springs police department?

Privilege is not part of justice system. Yes, there are income inequities. Maybe it’s time for a “Professional Jury” system. Maybe it’s time for an elected city attorney who’s beholden to the citizens. Time to eliminate “No-Knock” warrants. Diversify. Choices, Management, Collateral Damage. Who should choose the Liaison from the council to the LETAC? The members of the committee?
Bill Murray full false 34:05
What is it about Justice that we don’t understand? Sept 28 2020 Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:25:57 +0000 Councilman Bill Murray pays respects to RBG. What is the American Anthem? Is Lady Justice really blind? Is Justice equitable? A conversation about Pastor Mike McBride and Reverend Ben McBride and what they did in Oakland, CA. The word that comes out is “Communication.” They talk about “de-constructing” and then “re-constructing” the current police system.…

The post What is it about Justice that we don’t understand? Sept 28 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Councilman Bill Murray pays respects to RBG. What is the American Anthem?
Is Lady Justice really blind? Is Justice equitable? A conversation about Pastor Mike McBride and Reverend Ben McBride and what they did in Oakland, CA. The word that comes out is “Communication.” They talk about “de-constructing” and then “re-constructing” the current police system. Does Colorado Springs need to go that far? Does the presence of a Para-military style police department help or exacerbate a situation? Does Colorado Springs have role models in the community? Is there enough law enforcement transparency? Council Matters

Are some of the issues that need resolving include better healthcare, education, safety protocols, housing? Have the right questions been asked? Are people really believed? What are the accomplishments that need to happen? Will the newly minted commission be up to the task? Will the city take a position to de-certify the “bad apples” in the police department?

The post What is it about Justice that we don’t understand? Sept 28 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Councilman Bill Murray pays respects to RBG. What is the American Anthem? Is Lady Justice really blind? Is Justice equitable? A conversation about Pastor Mike McBride and Reverend Ben McBride and what they did in Oakland, CA. Is Lady Justice really blind? Is Justice equitable? A conversation about Pastor Mike McBride and Reverend Ben McBride and what they did in Oakland, CA. The word that comes out is “Communication.” They talk about “de-constructing” and then “re-constructing” the current police system. Does Colorado Springs need to go that far? Does the presence of a Para-military style police department help or exacerbate a situation? Does Colorado Springs have role models in the community? Is there enough law enforcement transparency?

Are some of the issues that need resolving include better healthcare, education, safety protocols, housing? Have the right questions been asked? Are people really believed? What are the accomplishments that need to happen? Will the newly minted commission be up to the task? Will the city take a position to de-certify the “bad apples” in the police department?
Bill Murray full false 31:41
Futurist Progressive Moderate Conservative Sep 21 2020 Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:27:23 +0000 Is Colorado Springs changing politically? Is Colorado Springs and El Paso County trending Progressive? Are  Millennials the  drivers?  Will the local special interests lose their influence? Is the city continuing to develop into mini commercial wastelands? Are decisions being made in the best interests of Colorado Springs or special interests? What’s the Donut theory? Strawberry…

The post Futurist Progressive Moderate Conservative Sep 21 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs changing politically?

Is Colorado Springs and El Paso County trending Progressive? Are  Millennials the  drivers?  Will the local special interests lose their influence? Is the city continuing to develop into mini commercial wastelands? Are decisions being made in the best interests of Colorado Springs or special interests? What’s the Donut theory? Strawberry fields……again. Law enforcement. Mental health support. Are police unions a problem?

The post Futurist Progressive Moderate Conservative Sep 21 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs changing politically? Is Colorado Springs and El Paso County trending Progressive? Are  Millennials the  drivers?  Will the local special interests lose their influence? Is the city continuing to develop into mini commercial wastela...
Is Colorado Springs and El Paso County trending Progressive? Are  Millennials the  drivers?  Will the local special interests lose their influence? Is the city continuing to develop into mini commercial wastelands? Are decisions being made in the best interests of Colorado Springs or special interests? What’s the Donut theory? Strawberry fields……again. Law enforcement. Mental health support. Are police unions a problem?
Bill Murray full false 41:50
Voting Voting Voting Guess what today’s topic is? Sep 14 2020 Mon, 14 Sep 2020 15:31:39 +0000 It’s important to vote, ladies and gentlemen. Councilman Bill Murray has as his guest today Mike Maday,  a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. He’s also the Voter Protection Coordinator. Is there voter suppression in El Paso County? Is the citizenry educated on the topics that they’ll be voting on? Will people…

The post Voting Voting Voting Guess what today’s topic is? Sep 14 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

It’s important to vote, ladies and gentlemen.

Councilman Bill Murray has as his guest today Mike Maday,  a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. He’s also the Voter Protection Coordinator.Council Matters

Is there voter suppression in El Paso County? Is the citizenry educated on the topics that they’ll be voting on? Will people vote? Why don’t people vote when it’s so easy here in Colorado? That’s a question for the ages. Was 2016 the Great Reckoning? Bill gets on his Soapbox. Is Colorado Springs changing politically? Are the demographics changing? What are businesses looking for to convince them to move to Colorado Springs? Does Colorado Springs have what they want? Or don’t want?  Will Colorado Springs mature?

The post Voting Voting Voting Guess what today’s topic is? Sep 14 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 It’s important to vote, ladies and gentlemen. Councilman Bill Murray has as his guest today Mike Maday,  a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. He’s also the Voter Protection Coordinator. Councilman Bill Murray has as his guest today Mike Maday,  a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. He’s also the Voter Protection Coordinator.

Is there voter suppression in El Paso County? Is the citizenry educated on the topics that they’ll be voting on? Will people vote? Why don’t people vote when it’s so easy here in Colorado? That’s a question for the ages. Was 2016 the Great Reckoning? Bill gets on his Soapbox. Is Colorado Springs changing politically? Are the demographics changing? What are businesses looking for to convince them to move to Colorado Springs? Does Colorado Springs have what they want? Or don’t want?  Will Colorado Springs mature?
Bill Murray full false 32:54
Law Enforcement & Transparency Accountability Commission. WTF? Sep 07 2020 Mon, 07 Sep 2020 16:34:03 +0000 Is this another put the data on the shelf issue or will something really come from it? What is the LETAC? Just another acronym commission that will languish? How is Colorado Springs Police Department? Bob Falcone offers his assessment. Councilman Bill Murray shares a portion of his former life. Also, his current life. Is the…

The post Law Enforcement & Transparency Accountability Commission. WTF? Sep 07 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is this another put the data on the shelf issue or will something really come from it?

What is the LETAC? Just another acronym commission that will languish? How is Colorado Springs Police Department? Bob Falcone offers his assessment. Councilman Bill Murray shares a portion of his former life. Also, his current life. Is the police department doing tasks that it’s not trained for? Some people think so. Lots of issues out there. Does it involve training, training and more training? Will the city pay for the additional and necessary training? Can’t hurt. Only help. Is the first step respecting the citizenry? Should police be reactive or proactive?Council Matters

Will the commission have the best people? The question that needs and should be asked, “What do you hope to accomplish while you are on this commission? What do you think are your “Better Ways” to accomplish this task?”

The post Law Enforcement & Transparency Accountability Commission. WTF? Sep 07 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is this another put the data on the shelf issue or will something really come from it? What is the LETAC? Just another acronym commission that will languish? How is Colorado Springs Police Department? Bob Falcone offers his assessment. What is the LETAC? Just another acronym commission that will languish? How is Colorado Springs Police Department? Bob Falcone offers his assessment. Councilman Bill Murray shares a portion of his former life. Also, his current life. Is the police department doing tasks that it’s not trained for? Some people think so. Lots of issues out there. Does it involve training, training and more training? Will the city pay for the additional and necessary training? Can’t hurt. Only help. Is the first step respecting the citizenry? Should police be reactive or proactive?

Will the commission have the best people? The question that needs and should be asked, “What do you hope to accomplish while you are on this commission? What do you think are your “Better Ways” to accomplish this task?”
Bill Murray full false 30:36
Hey, Bill! Take a Hike! Bob Falcone shows Bill the way. Aug 31 2020 Wed, 02 Sep 2020 18:50:09 +0000 Bob Falcone gives us the details of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to hiking the trails in Colorado Springs Hiking affectionando, Bob Falcone, shows Councilman Bill Murray the way around Colorado Springs trails and open space. What is the state of trails & open space? What is the Parkland Dedication ordinance? The Conservation Trust…

The post Hey, Bill! Take a Hike! Bob Falcone shows Bill the way. Aug 31 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Bob Falcone gives us the details of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to hiking the trails in Colorado Springs

Hiking affectionando, Bob Falcone, shows Councilman Bill Murray the way around Colorado Springs trails and open space. What is the state of trails & open space? What is the Parkland Dedication ordinance? The Conservation Trust fund? How did the Strawberry Field land swap work out? Was it a plus for the Colorado Springs? Are there four legged and two legged critters to watch out for on the trails? Are they dangerous? How many neighborhood parks does El Paso county own?

There’s a discussion about the two ballot issues on the November 2020 ballot. Will there be monies for maintenance of future trails and open space? There was a bear running around one of the parks and his genetic makeup was questionable. Think it was an “old” bear.

The post Hey, Bill! Take a Hike! Bob Falcone shows Bill the way. Aug 31 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 2 Bob Falcone gives us the details of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to hiking the trails in Colorado Springs Hiking affectionando, Bob Falcone, shows Councilman Bill Murray the way around Colorado Springs trails and open space. Hiking affectionando, Bob Falcone, shows Councilman Bill Murray the way around Colorado Springs trails and open space. What is the state of trails & open space? What is the Parkland Dedication ordinance? The Conservation Trust fund? How did the Strawberry Field land swap work out? Was it a plus for the Colorado Springs? Are there four legged and two legged critters to watch out for on the trails? Are they dangerous? How many neighborhood parks does El Paso county own?

There’s a discussion about the two ballot issues on the November 2020 ballot. Will there be monies for maintenance of future trails and open space? There was a bear running around one of the parks and his genetic makeup was questionable. Think it was an “old” bear.
Bill Murray full false 38:25
Ripped from the Headlines Aug 24 2020 Wed, 26 Aug 2020 13:41:26 +0000 Can’t Imagine so much going on in Colorado Springs A police station has tested positive for Covid-19. Are the police officers wearing their masks? Has mask wearing been extended statewide? A Covid-19 testing facility in Colorado Springs. Did they screw up the tests? Denver is contemplating providing Broadband. Why not Colorado Springs? Your thoughts. The…

The post Ripped from the Headlines Aug 24 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Can’t Imagine so much going on in Colorado Springs

A police station has tested positive for Covid-19. Are the police officers wearing their masks? Has mask wearing been extended statewide? A Covid-19 testing facility in Colorado Springs. Did they screw up the tests? Denver is contemplating providing Broadband. Why not Colorado Springs? Your thoughts.

The El Pomar has a problem? Who would have thought. We didn’t know Focus on the Family needed money. Learn how they got it. Sheeles is back in the news. The Space Command: Is it a long term project or just a pie in the sky, here today, gone tomorrow project like one of its predecessors?

Rice cookers for CSU employees? What? Going back to school. Worth the risk? Will a decision be made?

The post Ripped from the Headlines Aug 24 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Can’t Imagine so much going on in Colorado Springs A police station has tested positive for Covid-19. Are the police officers wearing their masks? Has mask wearing been extended statewide? A Covid-19 testing facility in Colorado Springs. A police station has tested positive for Covid-19. Are the police officers wearing their masks? Has mask wearing been extended statewide? A Covid-19 testing facility in Colorado Springs. Did they screw up the tests? Denver is contemplating providing Broadband. Why not Colorado Springs? Your thoughts.

The El Pomar has a problem? Who would have thought. We didn’t know Focus on the Family needed money. Learn how they got it. Sheeles is back in the news. The Space Command: Is it a long term project or just a pie in the sky, here today, gone tomorrow project like one of its predecessors?
Rice cookers for CSU employees? What? Going back to school. Worth the risk? Will a decision be made?
Bill Murray full false 52:52
Police Dept. are expensive. Will the citizens pay for the necessary improvements? Aug 17 2020 Wed, 19 Aug 2020 12:17:33 +0000 Are the citizens of Colorado Springs ready for a wakeup call? Councilman Bill Murray wants the best police force. Will the citizens pay for the necessary training and peripheral equipment to make this happen?

The post Police Dept. are expensive. Will the citizens pay for the necessary improvements? Aug 17 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Are the citizens of Colorado Springs ready for a wakeup call?Council Matters

Councilman Bill Murray wants the best police force. Will the citizens pay for the necessary training and peripheral equipment to make this happen? How do you balance the extremes? Is getting the respect of the population the real key to good police enforcement? Should a police officer’s private and public persona be the same? The councilman thinks Graffiti is criminal. Do you?

How does the police force figure into domestic violence? Should social workers be called on domestic issues? Is the city’s budget adequate to cover current expenses and is it prepared for future growth? How much is the city short on revenue? Watch out for those special taxing districts. Is Councilman Bill Murray a Public Servant or an Elected Official? Is there a difference?


The post Police Dept. are expensive. Will the citizens pay for the necessary improvements? Aug 17 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Are the citizens of Colorado Springs ready for a wakeup call? Councilman Bill Murray wants the best police force. Will the citizens pay for the necessary training and peripheral equipment to make this happen? Councilman Bill Murray wants the best police force. Will the citizens pay for the necessary training and peripheral equipment to make this happen? How do you balance the extremes? Is getting the respect of the population the real key to good police enforcement? Should a police officer’s private and public persona be the same? The councilman thinks Graffiti is criminal. Do you?
How does the police force figure into domestic violence? Should social workers be called on domestic issues? Is the city’s budget adequate to cover current expenses and is it prepared for future growth? How much is the city short on revenue? Watch out for those special taxing districts. Is Councilman Bill Murray a Public Servant or an Elected Official? Is there a difference?
Bill Murray full false 50:09
The ball is rolling on Police Accountability in Colorado Springs Aug 10 2020 Mon, 10 Aug 2020 15:34:21 +0000 Will the learnings be made public? Did you know that the Colorado Springs police department has put out a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the department’s use of force? Who should oversee this process? The police department or the Accountability Committee? Will the Accountability Committee be allowed a “look-see?” Why should there be an “Assessment…

The post The ball is rolling on Police Accountability in Colorado Springs Aug 10 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Will the learnings be made public?

Did you know that the Colorado Springs police department has put out a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the department’s use of force? Who should oversee this process? The police department or the Accountability Committee? Will the Accountability Committee be allowed a “look-see?” Why should there be an “Assessment of COS police use of force study?” Is something wrong? Isn’t the Colorado Springs police department adhering  to agreed upon standard practices of their use of force?Council Matters

Managing resources. Blanket immunity. Difficult environment. Mentoring. Training. After Action Reports. What does all this mean in Police World.

The post The ball is rolling on Police Accountability in Colorado Springs Aug 10 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Will the learnings be made public? Did you know that the Colorado Springs police department has put out a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the department’s use of force? Who should oversee this process? The police department or the Accountability Committ... Did you know that the Colorado Springs police department has put out a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the department’s use of force? Who should oversee this process? The police department or the Accountability Committee? Will the Accountability Committee be allowed a “look-see?” Why should there be an “Assessment of COS police use of force study?” Is something wrong? Isn’t the Colorado Springs police department adhering  to agreed upon standard practices of their use of force?

Managing resources. Blanket immunity. Difficult environment. Mentoring. Training. After Action Reports. What does all this mean in Police World.
Bill Murray full false 48:16
Protect Our Parks Vote for Our Parks Aug 03 2020 Mon, 03 Aug 2020 16:27:44 +0000 In hindsight is Colorado Springs getting a good deal on its parks Strawberry Fields raises its ugly head again. Will there be a ballot issue to determine if the citizens have a vote to determine the sale of park land in Colorado Springs? Donna Strom, Councilman Bill Murray’s guest says that what the city got…

The post Protect Our Parks Vote for Our Parks Aug 03 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Council MattersIn hindsight is Colorado Springs getting a good deal on its parks
Strawberry Fields raises its ugly head again. Will there be a ballot issue to determine if the citizens have a vote to determine the sale of park land in Colorado Springs? Donna Strom, Councilman Bill Murray’s guest says that what the city got in the Strawberry Fields land swap was “Corporate Junk.” Is she right? Is Colorado Springs lacking leadership in this area? Is there enough transparency with transactions that the city is conducting? The city attorney wants to know what a “Park” is. Say, what?

What are the goals of Colorado Springs? Are they in writing? Are the citizens participating in the process of compiling these goals? Of course, there’s always that resistance to change, right? Is the Olympic museum going to be surrounded by hi-rise structures? An Urban canyon? Is the city going in the right direction? Why is there no oversight of the financials of the Metro Districts? Who is being protected? The citizens?

The post Protect Our Parks Vote for Our Parks Aug 03 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 In hindsight is Colorado Springs getting a good deal on its parks Strawberry Fields raises its ugly head again. Will there be a ballot issue to determine if the citizens have a vote to determine the sale of park land in Colorado Springs? Donna Strom, Strawberry Fields raises its ugly head again. Will there be a ballot issue to determine if the citizens have a vote to determine the sale of park land in Colorado Springs? Donna Strom, Councilman Bill Murray’s guest says that what the city got in the Strawberry Fields land swap was “Corporate Junk.” Is she right? Is Colorado Springs lacking leadership in this area? Is there enough transparency with transactions that the city is conducting? The city attorney wants to know what a “Park” is. Say, what?

What are the goals of Colorado Springs? Are they in writing? Are the citizens participating in the process of compiling these goals? Of course, there’s always that resistance to change, right? Is the Olympic museum going to be surrounded by hi-rise structures? An Urban canyon? Is the city going in the right direction? Why is there no oversight of the financials of the Metro Districts? Who is being protected? The citizens?
Bill Murray full false 38:50
Law Accountability Citizens Committee Jul 27 2020 Mon, 27 Jul 2020 15:12:47 +0000 An Accountability Committee for Law Enforcement is being formed Will the Law Accountability Citizens Committee be successful? Will the selected members be diverse enough? Is this a first step in de-funding the police? Why are laws developed in the first place? Have you run a Red Light? Big Brother is watching you. Do you think…

The post Law Accountability Citizens Committee Jul 27 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Council MattersAn Accountability Committee for Law Enforcement is being formed

Will the Law Accountability Citizens Committee be successful? Will the selected members be diverse enough? Is this a first step in de-funding the police? Why are laws developed in the first place? Have you run a Red Light? Big Brother is watching you.

Do you think the police and sheriff need to rebuild trust? Maybe the British police have the right idea? Boundaries need to be set, right? Has the Colorado Springs Police Department begun dragging their feet? Do the police have the discretion to NOT enforce laws?

The post Law Accountability Citizens Committee Jul 27 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 An Accountability Committee for Law Enforcement is being formed Will the Law Accountability Citizens Committee be successful? Will the selected members be diverse enough? Is this a first step in de-funding the police? Will the Law Accountability Citizens Committee be successful? Will the selected members be diverse enough? Is this a first step in de-funding the police? Why are laws developed in the first place? Have you run a Red Light? Big Brother is watching you.

Do you think the police and sheriff need to rebuild trust? Maybe the British police have the right idea? Boundaries need to be set, right? Has the Colorado Springs Police Department begun dragging their feet? Do the police have the discretion to NOT enforce laws?
Bill Murray full false 36:57
A story to tell. Everybody likes a good story. July 20 2020 Mon, 20 Jul 2020 19:34:45 +0000 This ain’t pretty and it’s not intended to be. Councilman Bill Murray has a story to tell. It’s about the Coronavirus, how people think it’s an infringement on their Constitutional Rights NOT to wear a mask, and if we, as a community, are prepared for the Covid-19. Are the sheriff’s and police department on board…

The post A story to tell. Everybody likes a good story. July 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Council MattersThis ain’t pretty and it’s not intended to be.

Councilman Bill Murray has a story to tell. It’s about the Coronavirus, how people think it’s an infringement on their Constitutional Rights NOT to wear a mask, and if we, as a community, are prepared for the Covid-19. Are the sheriff’s and police department on board with helping the citizens out? Is the Federal Government letting us down? Are decision politically driven? Is the county health department up to speed with their “partners?”

Councilman Murray has a Solution Set. Want to hear it?

The post A story to tell. Everybody likes a good story. July 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 This ain’t pretty and it’s not intended to be. Councilman Bill Murray has a story to tell. It’s about the Coronavirus, how people think it’s an infringement on their Constitutional Rights NOT to wear a mask, and if we, as a community, Councilman Bill Murray has a story to tell. It’s about the Coronavirus, how people think it’s an infringement on their Constitutional Rights NOT to wear a mask, and if we, as a community, are prepared for the Covid-19. Are the sheriff’s and police department on board with helping the citizens out? Is the Federal Government letting us down? Are decision politically driven? Is the county health department up to speed with their “partners?”
Councilman Murray has a Solution Set. Want to hear it?

Bill Murray full false 34:29
Council Matters: Colorado Springs New Sustainable Energy Plan 17 July 06 2020 Mon, 06 Jul 2020 16:37:09 +0000 Finally! CSU is moving forward. Will the rest of the city follow? Colorado Springs Utilities is finally moving into the 21st century with its New Sustainable Energy Plan 17. Hooray! About time. Won’t list the accomplishments here (you’ll have to listen), but you’ll have to thank UPAC, the Utilities Board, and the management of CSU.…

The post Council Matters: Colorado Springs New Sustainable Energy Plan 17 July 06 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Finally! CSU is moving forward. Will the rest of the city follow?
Colorado Springs Utilities is finally moving into the 21st century with its New Sustainable Energy Plan 17. Hooray! About time. Won’t list the accomplishments here (you’ll have to listen), but you’ll have to thank UPAC, the Utilities Board, and the management of CSU.Council Matters

Eight hundred affordable housing units will be built in Colorado Springs. The city isn’t doing it. They’re only the financial conduit. All private companies doing the work. The city has been encouraging high end housing through its policies. Therefore, you have a shortage of “affordable housing.” Is inflation raising its ugly head here in Colorado Springs?
Is the city prepared for the next Covid-19 hit? According to Councilman Bill Murray the city is. Keep your fingers crossed. Did you know the USOC Olympic Museum is built on a hill? Doesn’t look like it, does it?

The post Council Matters: Colorado Springs New Sustainable Energy Plan 17 July 06 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Finally! CSU is moving forward. Will the rest of the city follow? Colorado Springs Utilities is finally moving into the 21st century with its New Sustainable Energy Plan 17. Hooray! About time. Won’t list the accomplishments here (you’ll have to listen... Colorado Springs Utilities is finally moving into the 21st century with its New Sustainable Energy Plan 17. Hooray! About time. Won’t list the accomplishments here (you’ll have to listen), but you’ll have to thank UPAC, the Utilities Board, and the management of CSU.

Eight hundred affordable housing units will be built in Colorado Springs. The city isn’t doing it. They’re only the financial conduit. All private companies doing the work. The city has been encouraging high end housing through its policies. Therefore, you have a shortage of “affordable housing.” Is inflation raising its ugly head here in Colorado Springs?
Is the city prepared for the next Covid-19 hit? According to Councilman Bill Murray the city is. Keep your fingers crossed. Did you know the USOC Olympic Museum is built on a hill? Doesn’t look like it, does it?
Bill Murray full false 33:49
Council Matters: Policing in Colorado Springs June 29 2020 Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:18:26 +0000 Deb Walker of Citizens Project joins Councilman Bill Murray A meaty subject for Councilman Bill Murray and Deb Walker of Citizens project to discuss: Policing. Transparency. Open dialog. Deb’s questions. A citizens committee. Incarceration. Open carry. Taking things to extremes. What is the Storm Water Syndrome?

The post Council Matters: Policing in Colorado Springs June 29 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Deb Walker of Citizens Project joins Councilman Bill Murray
A meaty subject for Councilman Bill Murray and Deb Walker of Citizens project to discuss: Policing. Transparency. OpenCouncil Matters dialog. Deb’s questions. A citizens committee. Incarceration. Open carry. Taking things to extremes. What is the Storm Water Syndrome?

The post Council Matters: Policing in Colorado Springs June 29 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Deb Walker of Citizens Project joins Councilman Bill Murray A meaty subject for Councilman Bill Murray and Deb Walker of Citizens project to discuss: Policing. Transparency. Open dialog. Deb’s questions. A citizens committee. Incarceration. A meaty subject for Councilman Bill Murray and Deb Walker of Citizens project to discuss: Policing. Transparency. Open dialog. Deb’s questions. A citizens committee. Incarceration. Open carry. Taking things to extremes. What is the Storm Water Syndrome?

Bill Murray full false 38:06
Council Matters: A three-way Rant June 22 2020 Mon, 22 Jun 2020 15:37:31 +0000 You want their opinions? Now you got ‘em Councilman Bill Murray gets on a roll followed by Kent Obee and Gary Casimir. No toes untouched here. (Note: There was an unscheduled technical glitch that cut this segment short.) Drake (resolve distrust), 30 year plan, renewables, Covid-19, EIRP, loss of revenue, police review board (resolve distrust),…

The post Council Matters: A three-way Rant June 22 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Council MattersYou want their opinions? Now you got ‘em

Councilman Bill Murray gets on a roll followed by Kent Obee and Gary Casimir. No toes untouched here. (Note: There was an unscheduled technical glitch that cut this segment short.)

Drake (resolve distrust), 30 year plan, renewables, Covid-19, EIRP, loss of revenue, police review board (resolve distrust), demilitarization, show stopper, USOC lawsuits, how’s the new soccer stadium going to make it, the Air Force Academy visitors center pushed back, is the $121M in taxpayer monies future in question? Is Colorado Springs building for the future? At first glance, what’s your answer? Tell Bill Murray your thoughts.

As a bit of trivia, did you know it’s a court-martial offence to wear a military uniform to a political function? Didn’t somebody do that recently? Somebody with 4 stars on their collar?

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The post Council Matters: A three-way Rant June 22 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 You want their opinions? Now you got ‘em Councilman Bill Murray gets on a roll followed by Kent Obee and Gary Casimir. No toes untouched here. (Note: There was an unscheduled technical glitch that cut this segment short.) Drake (resolve distrust), Councilman Bill Murray gets on a roll followed by Kent Obee and Gary Casimir. No toes untouched here. (Note: There was an unscheduled technical glitch that cut this segment short.)
Drake (resolve distrust), 30 year plan, renewables, Covid-19, EIRP, loss of revenue, police review board (resolve distrust), demilitarization, show stopper, USOC lawsuits, how’s the new soccer stadium going to make it, the Air Force Academy visitors center pushed back, is the $121M in taxpayer monies future in question? Is Colorado Springs building for the future? At first glance, what’s your answer? Tell Bill Murray your thoughts.
As a bit of trivia, did you know it’s a court-martial offence to wear a military uniform to a political function? Didn’t somebody do that recently? Somebody with 4 stars on their collar?
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Bill Murray full false 28:15
23 Kent Obee Protect Our Parks June 15 2020 Tue, 16 Jun 2020 03:25:04 +0000 Are people in the city at odds with the citizens regarding parks? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee of Protect Our Parks, get fired up over the things happening to the parks of Colorado Springs naming names. Do the Named really have the interest of the citizens in mind when these deals or made? Have…

The post 23 Kent Obee Protect Our Parks June 15 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Council MattersAre people in the city at odds with the citizens regarding parks?
Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee of Protect Our Parks, get fired up over the things happening to the parks of Colorado Springs naming names. Do the Named really have the interest of the citizens in mind when these deals or made? Have the recent, and not so recent, land deals involving Colorado Springs parks been a good deal or a not so good a deal? Does the city charter need the addition: “Park land shall not be sold or given away or traded without the consent of the voters.” Simple, yet difficult.

Do you know that the developers call trails Parks? Neither did we. Did you know that America The Beautiful Park might become a private park due to access to the park? Is the $18M bridge safe to handle foot traffic to and from America The Beautiful Park? Doing it on the cheap to save on the engineering costs? Walk across at your own risk? Why is Colorado Springs supporting the Manitou Incline since it’s in Manitou? Colorado Springs is going into the rock business. They purchased a quarry. For what? Who’s going to pay for the improvements? Hang onto your wallet, Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer.

The post 23 Kent Obee Protect Our Parks June 15 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Are people in the city at odds with the citizens regarding parks? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee of Protect Our Parks, get fired up over the things happening to the parks of Colorado Springs naming names. Are people in the city at odds with the citizens regarding parks?
Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee of Protect Our Parks, get fired up over the things happening to the parks of Colorado Springs naming names. Do the Named really have the interest of the citizens in mind when these deals or made? Have the recent, and not so recent, land deals involving Colorado Springs parks been a good deal or a not so good a deal? Does the city charter need the addition: “Park land shall not be sold or given away or traded without the consent of the voters.” Simple, yet difficult.

Do you know that the developers call trails Parks? Neither did we. Did you know that America The Beautiful Park might become a private park due to access to the park? Is the $18M bridge safe to handle foot traffic to and from America The Beautiful Park? Doing it on the cheap to save on the engineering costs? Walk across at your own risk? Why is Colorado Springs supporting the Manitou Incline since it’s in Manitou? Colorado Springs is going into the rock business. They purchased a quarry. For what? Who’s going to pay for the improvements? Hang onto your wallet, Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer.
Bill Murray full false 32:23
Council Matters 22: What is Community? Jun 08 2020 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 15:11:23 +0000 Kristy’s conversation continues with Councilman Bill Murray What is Community? Is the city government The Community? Is the business community The Community? Is it the building and development community The Community? In today’s environment we have conspiracy theories that abound. Does 5G cause cancer? Is Covid-19 a conspiracy theory? Are conspiracy theories distractions or total…

The post Council Matters 22: What is Community? Jun 08 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Kristy’s conversation continues with Councilman Bill Murray
What is Community? Is the city government The Community? Is the business community The Community? Is it the building and development community The Community? Council Matters
In today’s environment we have conspiracy theories that abound. Does 5G cause cancer? Is Covid-19 a conspiracy theory? Are conspiracy theories distractions or total ………………….? Do you think the people of Colorado Springs have the right attitude toward Covid-19? What about vaccines? Should we try them? Can we trust the pharmaceutical industry to produce a safe vaccine for Covid-19 at an affordable rate?
With 30+ million unemployed, will there be an acceleration of the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Universal Basic Income (UBI), and will paid sick leave become part of the everyday culture?

The post Council Matters 22: What is Community? Jun 08 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Kristy’s conversation continues with Councilman Bill Murray What is Community? Is the city government The Community? Is the business community The Community? Is it the building and development community The Community? What is Community? Is the city government The Community? Is the business community The Community? Is it the building and development community The Community?
In today’s environment we have conspiracy theories that abound. Does 5G cause cancer? Is Covid-19 a conspiracy theory? Are conspiracy theories distractions or total ………………….? Do you think the people of Colorado Springs have the right attitude toward Covid-19? What about vaccines? Should we try them? Can we trust the pharmaceutical industry to produce a safe vaccine for Covid-19 at an affordable rate?
With 30+ million unemployed, will there be an acceleration of the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Universal Basic Income (UBI), and will paid sick leave become part of the everyday culture?
Bill Murray full false 30:03
Council Matters 21: Kristy Milligan is Back and She gives Bill Murray an ear full June 01 2020 Mon, 01 Jun 2020 14:21:59 +0000 So many things discussed. Can Colorado Springs really handle them? You open a door and Kristy will walk through it. She leaves Councilman Bill Murray slack jawed with topics such as: Affordable Housing is a Pain Point. Donations to Westside Cares are never too small. There are challenges to the hygiene problems for the homeless.…

The post Council Matters 21: Kristy Milligan is Back and She gives Bill Murray an ear full June 01 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

So many things discussed. Can Colorado Springs really handle them?
You open a door and Kristy will walk through it. She leaves Councilman Bill Murray slack jawed with topics such as: Affordable Housing is a Pain Point. Donations to Westside Cares are never too small. There are challenges to the hygiene problems for the homeless. What is the city doing? The safety net. Generosity. Pantry. Economic times. And much, much more.Council Matters
But Councilman Bill Murray does manage to squeeze in a few tidbits with what some council members are thinking. Their thoughts on Covid-19? Political will. Where’s leadership on the homeless issues? Poverty?

The post Council Matters 21: Kristy Milligan is Back and She gives Bill Murray an ear full June 01 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 So many things discussed. Can Colorado Springs really handle them? You open a door and Kristy will walk through it. She leaves Councilman Bill Murray slack jawed with topics such as: Affordable Housing is a Pain Point. You open a door and Kristy will walk through it. She leaves Councilman Bill Murray slack jawed with topics such as: Affordable Housing is a Pain Point. Donations to Westside Cares are never too small. There are challenges to the hygiene problems for the homeless. What is the city doing? The safety net. Generosity. Pantry. Economic times. And much, much more.
But Councilman Bill Murray does manage to squeeze in a few tidbits with what some council members are thinking. Their thoughts on Covid-19? Political will. Where’s leadership on the homeless issues? Poverty?
Bill Murray full false 29:23
Council Matters 20: Don Knight conversation: a continuation May 25 2020 Mon, 25 May 2020 17:11:47 +0000 More things discussed between Council members Bill Murray & Don Knight Population getting more hostile? Does Colorado Springs have an unhealthy economy? What’s the future economy going to look like? Fewer businesses. How many will Colorado Springs lose? Is the citizens discretionary income shrinking, growing, or staying the same? Impact? Will there by reductions in…

The post Council Matters 20: Don Knight conversation: a continuation May 25 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

More things discussed between Council members Bill Murray & Don Knight
Population getting more hostile? Does Colorado Springs have an unhealthy economy? What’s the future economy going to look like? Fewer businesses. How many will Colorado Springs lose? Is the citizens discretionary income shrinking, growing, or staying the same? Council MattersImpact?
Will there by reductions in police, fire protection, a hiring freeze in the future for Colorado Springs? It’s a definite that sales tax receipts are going down. There’s already a 6% reduction in planning.
Is the Coronavirus Pandemic responsible for all of this?

The post Council Matters 20: Don Knight conversation: a continuation May 25 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 More things discussed between Council members Bill Murray & Don Knight Population getting more hostile? Does Colorado Springs have an unhealthy economy? What’s the future economy going to look like? Fewer businesses. Population getting more hostile? Does Colorado Springs have an unhealthy economy? What’s the future economy going to look like? Fewer businesses. How many will Colorado Springs lose? Is the citizens discretionary income shrinking, growing, or staying the same? Impact?
Will there by reductions in police, fire protection, a hiring freeze in the future for Colorado Springs? It’s a definite that sales tax receipts are going down. There’s already a 6% reduction in planning.
Is the Coronavirus Pandemic responsible for all of this?
Bill Murray full false 22:22
Council Matters 19: Two opposite ends of the Dais speaking together May 20 2020 Wed, 20 May 2020 17:26:54 +0000 Two council members having a relaxing conversation without interference Sorry for the delay this week. We had a difficult time getting the principals around the table at the same time. But you will not be disappointed. Councilman Don Knight and host, Councilman Bill Murray have a frank discussion about issues that affect Colorado Springs. They…

The post Council Matters 19: Two opposite ends of the Dais speaking together May 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Two council members having a relaxing conversation without interference
Sorry for the delay this week. We had a difficult time getting the principals around the table at the same time. But you will not be disappointed.Council Matters
Councilman Don Knight and host, Councilman Bill Murray have a frank discussion about issues that affect Colorado Springs. They don’t agree on everything.
Topics: City Charter; the city attorney (Appointed position or elected): The budget; the Legislative nature of city council; Checks & Balances; What should the 2012 candidates for city council look like; funding; responsibility.

The post Council Matters 19: Two opposite ends of the Dais speaking together May 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Two council members having a relaxing conversation without interference Sorry for the delay this week. We had a difficult time getting the principals around the table at the same time. But you will not be disappointed. Councilman Don Knight and host, Sorry for the delay this week. We had a difficult time getting the principals around the table at the same time. But you will not be disappointed.
Councilman Don Knight and host, Councilman Bill Murray have a frank discussion about issues that affect Colorado Springs. They don’t agree on everything.
Topics: City Charter; the city attorney (Appointed position or elected): The budget; the Legislative nature of city council; Checks & Balances; What should the 2012 candidates for city council look like; funding; responsibility.
Bill Murray full false 29:20
Council Matters 18: Re-zoning study. Whose Ox is getting gored? May 11 2020 Mon, 11 May 2020 15:48:41 +0000 Who’s the main beneficiary of the Unified Development Code Is the Re-zoning study going to impact the city in the right or wrong way? There are concerns from Councilman Bill Murray. Will future park lands be impacted. You can find out at “The World According 2 Murray on Facebook. There will be a Digital Open…

The post Council Matters 18: Re-zoning study. Whose Ox is getting gored? May 11 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Who’s the main beneficiary of the Unified Development Code
Is the Re-zoning study going to impact the city in the right or wrong way? There are concerns from Councilman Bill Murray. Will future park lands be impacted. You can find out at “The World According 2 Murray on Facebook. Council Matters
There will be a Digital Open House, a retooling of Colorado Springs, and a Unified Development Code. What’s that? Citizens, better pay close attention.
A favorite subject of Councilman Murray comes up again: The Sand Creek Golf Course. What does the city get out of development of this piece of property? Will there be enough revenue to cover the maintenance of the storm water retention ponds? FYI: there is no “View Ordinance” in Colorado Springs.

The post Council Matters 18: Re-zoning study. Whose Ox is getting gored? May 11 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Who’s the main beneficiary of the Unified Development Code Is the Re-zoning study going to impact the city in the right or wrong way? There are concerns from Councilman Bill Murray. Will future park lands be impacted. Is the Re-zoning study going to impact the city in the right or wrong way? There are concerns from Councilman Bill Murray. Will future park lands be impacted. You can find out at “The World According 2 Murray on Facebook.
There will be a Digital Open House, a retooling of Colorado Springs, and a Unified Development Code. What’s that? Citizens, better pay close attention.
A favorite subject of Councilman Murray comes up again: The Sand Creek Golf Course. What does the city get out of development of this piece of property? Will there be enough revenue to cover the maintenance of the storm water retention ponds? FYI: there is no “View Ordinance” in Colorado Springs.
Bill Murray full false 29:38
Council Matters 17: Wear your Mask May 04 2020 Mon, 04 May 2020 14:33:52 +0000 Are PPE Burkas for men and women in our future? Is the El Paso County Health Department giving good information or ………… the citizens and government officials? Are there enough COVID-19 tests, Personnel Protective Equipment, and ventilators currently available? Are they really promoting herd immunity? Give us your thoughts. Do you think your purchasing patterns…

The post Council Matters 17: Wear your Mask May 04 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Are PPE Burkas for men and women in our future?
Is the El Paso County Health Department giving good information or ………… the citizens and government officials? Are there enough COVID-19 tests, Personnel Protective Equipment, and ventilators currently available? Are they really promoting herd immunity? Give us your thoughts. Council Matters
Do you think your purchasing patterns will change? Will the consumer develop “Minimalist” buying habits? Will shopping return or are on-line sales going to be the future with reductions in “brick and mortar structures? Do you think food shortages are in our future? Is throwing money at a problem solving the current situation? Adopt a family or person who is at risk to help them through this situation.

The post Council Matters 17: Wear your Mask May 04 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Are PPE Burkas for men and women in our future? Is the El Paso County Health Department giving good information or ………… the citizens and government officials? Are there enough COVID-19 tests, Personnel Protective Equipment, Is the El Paso County Health Department giving good information or ………… the citizens and government officials? Are there enough COVID-19 tests, Personnel Protective Equipment, and ventilators currently available? Are they really promoting herd immunity? Give us your thoughts.
Do you think your purchasing patterns will change? Will the consumer develop “Minimalist” buying habits? Will shopping return or are on-line sales going to be the future with reductions in “brick and mortar structures? Do you think food shortages are in our future? Is throwing money at a problem solving the current situation? Adopt a family or person who is at risk to help them through this situation.
Bill Murray full false 33:18
Council Matters 16: Honest Economic Truths Apr 27 2020 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 04:13:29 +0000 Is Colorado Springs shooting itself in the foot? Will zoning issues help restart the local economy? Does development pay for itself? It doesn’t appear so with the special taxes and special taxing districts. Is there wiggle room to raise property taxes? What’s a “Neutral Transfer?” Which is more valuable, large commercial properties or small ones?…

The post Council Matters 16: Honest Economic Truths Apr 27 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs shooting itself in the foot?
Will zoning issues help restart the local economy? Does development pay for itself? It doesn’t appear so with the special taxes and special taxing districts. Is there wiggle room to raise property taxes? What’s a “Neutral Transfer?” Which is more valuable, large commercial properties or small ones? Council MattersWill Colorado Springs conserve cash during the current recession? Will there be enough pressure applied to elected officials to do the right thing? Is the city preparing for the downturn? What are the core functions of the City of Colorado Springs?

The post Council Matters 16: Honest Economic Truths Apr 27 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs shooting itself in the foot? Will zoning issues help restart the local economy? Does development pay for itself? It doesn’t appear so with the special taxes and special taxing districts. Will zoning issues help restart the local economy? Does development pay for itself? It doesn’t appear so with the special taxes and special taxing districts. Is there wiggle room to raise property taxes? What’s a “Neutral Transfer?” Which is more valuable, large commercial properties or small ones? Will Colorado Springs conserve cash during the current recession? Will there be enough pressure applied to elected officials to do the right thing? Is the city preparing for the downturn? What are the core functions of the City of Colorado Springs?
Bill Murray full false 31:07
Council Matters 15: No respect here Apr 20 2020 Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:53:28 +0000 How much can Colorado Springs take as far as economic losses? No respect. Councilman Bill Murray pulls off the gloves and wants answers. How much of a hit can the local economy of Colorado Springs take? How many businesses can it afford to lose? Does Colorado Springs have the leadership to get it through this…

The post Council Matters 15: No respect here Apr 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

How much can Colorado Springs take as far as economic losses?
No respect. Councilman Bill Murray pulls off the gloves and wants answers. How much of a hit can the local economy of Colorado Springs take? How many businesses can it afford to lose? Does Colorado Springs have the leadership to get it through this pandemic and economic downturn? Is the local economy in hibernation? Businesses closed. People out of work.Council Matters
Is there enough testing and tracking of the COVID-19? Was the PPP loan amount enough? Did the local businesses get their share? Why is the city giving money to the Chamber of Commerce? Can’t it be put to better use somewhere else? Is the tourist economy a mistake? Will the city retool it’s economic plan? What city government cuts are planed? Or are they?

The post Council Matters 15: No respect here Apr 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 How much can Colorado Springs take as far as economic losses? No respect. Councilman Bill Murray pulls off the gloves and wants answers. How much of a hit can the local economy of Colorado Springs take? How many businesses can it afford to lose? No respect. Councilman Bill Murray pulls off the gloves and wants answers. How much of a hit can the local economy of Colorado Springs take? How many businesses can it afford to lose? Does Colorado Springs have the leadership to get it through this pandemic and economic downturn? Is the local economy in hibernation? Businesses closed. People out of work.
Is there enough testing and tracking of the COVID-19? Was the PPP loan amount enough? Did the local businesses get their share? Why is the city giving money to the Chamber of Commerce? Can’t it be put to better use somewhere else? Is the tourist economy a mistake? Will the city retool it’s economic plan? What city government cuts are planed? Or are they?
Bill Murray full false 34:24
Council Matters 13: A philosophical musing Apr 13 2020 Mon, 13 Apr 2020 22:23:00 +0000 How did we get here? This is a philosophical conversation by Councilman Bill Murray about COVID-19, the difficult time we are all having, how Event Management fits into the picture, Modeling of the situation. and finally, How Did We Get Here? Please don’t tune this out because of the subject. There is some learnings that…

The post Council Matters 13: A philosophical musing Apr 13 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

How did we get here?
This is a philosophical conversation by Councilman Bill Murray about COVID-19, the difficult time we are all having, how Event Management fits into the picture, Modeling of the situation. and finally, HowCouncil Matters Did We Get Here?
Please don’t tune this out because of the subject. There is some learnings that we all can use.

The post Council Matters 13: A philosophical musing Apr 13 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 How did we get here? This is a philosophical conversation by Councilman Bill Murray about COVID-19, the difficult time we are all having, how Event Management fits into the picture, Modeling of the situation. and finally, How Did We Get Here? This is a philosophical conversation by Councilman Bill Murray about COVID-19, the difficult time we are all having, how Event Management fits into the picture, Modeling of the situation. and finally, How Did We Get Here?
Please don’t tune this out because of the subject. There is some learnings that we all can use.
Bill Murray full false 25:46
Council Matters 14: What can Colorado Springs government do? Apr 06 2020 Mon, 06 Apr 2020 18:40:45 +0000 Is city government doing enough to keep the citizens informed? Is the community being informed on the status of the COVID-19? What’s lacking? Are the jails being included in the equation? How’s the co-ordination between city, the healthcare system, and county? Are we getting nothing but “Mixed Messages?” Is the information the citizens are getting…

The post Council Matters 14: What can Colorado Springs government do? Apr 06 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is city government doing enough to keep the citizens informed?
Is the community being informed on the status of the COVID-19? What’s lacking? Are the jails being included in the equation? How’s the co-ordination between city, the healthcare system, and county? Are we getting nothing but “Mixed Messages?” Is the information the citizens are getting accurate? Council MattersWhat is your position on “Contact Tracing?” There are privacy concerns. What can the mayor and council do to make your life less stressful during this Pandemic? Is the city dispensing information to you better, not any different, worse, than New York City? Send us your thoughts.

The post Council Matters 14: What can Colorado Springs government do? Apr 06 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 2 Is city government doing enough to keep the citizens informed? Is the community being informed on the status of the COVID-19? What’s lacking? Are the jails being included in the equation? How’s the co-ordination between city, the healthcare system, Is the community being informed on the status of the COVID-19? What’s lacking? Are the jails being included in the equation? How’s the co-ordination between city, the healthcare system, and county? Are we getting nothing but “Mixed Messages?” Is the information the citizens are getting accurate? What is your position on “Contact Tracing?” There are privacy concerns. What can the mayor and council do to make your life less stressful during this Pandemic? Is the city dispensing information to you better, not any different, worse, than New York City? Send us your thoughts.
Bill Murray full false 33:30
Council Matters 12: Homelessness during the COVID-19 virus Mar 30 2020 Mon, 30 Mar 2020 17:50:44 +0000 Is Colorado Springs really doing anything? Is Colorado Springs active or reactive during the Coronavirus pandemic? Is the city setting up “best” case and “worst” case scenarios or modeling for future action? Do the local hospitals have enough equipment and materials on hand? Does the country have the manufacturing capability to produce the needed equipment…

The post Council Matters 12: Homelessness during the COVID-19 virus Mar 30 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs really doing anything?
Is Colorado Springs active or reactive during the Coronavirus pandemic? Is the city setting up “best” case and “worst” case scenarios or modeling for future action? Do the local hospitals have enough equipmentCouncil Matters and materials on hand? Does the country have the manufacturing capability to produce the needed equipment and materials? What about the Homeless? Is Colorado Springs 911 robust enough to handle the anticipated rush of calls for emergency services?

The post Council Matters 12: Homelessness during the COVID-19 virus Mar 30 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs really doing anything? Is Colorado Springs active or reactive during the Coronavirus pandemic? Is the city setting up “best” case and “worst” case scenarios or modeling for future action? Is Colorado Springs active or reactive during the Coronavirus pandemic? Is the city setting up “best” case and “worst” case scenarios or modeling for future action? Do the local hospitals have enough equipment and materials on hand? Does the country have the manufacturing capability to produce the needed equipment and materials? What about the Homeless? Is Colorado Springs 911 robust enough to handle the anticipated rush of calls for emergency services?
Bill Murray full false 33:41
Council Matters 11: Affordable Housing Pt 2 Mar 23 2020 Mon, 23 Mar 2020 14:51:57 +0000 Needs of the less fortunate are also discussed Councilman Bill Murray, bruised and unbroken, comes back for round 2 with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key housing. Are Colorado Springs and El Paso County doing enough to help these two organizations? Are the shelters on their own? Kristy would like…

The post Council Matters 11: Affordable Housing Pt 2 Mar 23 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Needs of the less fortunate are also discussed
Councilman Bill Murray, bruised and unbroken, comes back for round 2 with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key housing. Council Matters
Are Colorado Springs and El Paso County doing enough to help these two organizations? Are the shelters on their own? Kristy would like to see a reduction in Bureaucracy. Can it be done? Should members of council get involved? There is no backbone organization to coordinate these services of the homeless and senior community. Is there an abdication of responsibilities here? A case is made for unlimited paid sick leave.
What do these two organizations need? Can you help?

The post Council Matters 11: Affordable Housing Pt 2 Mar 23 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Needs of the less fortunate are also discussed Councilman Bill Murray, bruised and unbroken, comes back for round 2 with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key housing. Are Colorado Springs and El Paso County doing enough to ... Councilman Bill Murray, bruised and unbroken, comes back for round 2 with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key housing.
Are Colorado Springs and El Paso County doing enough to help these two organizations? Are the shelters on their own? Kristy would like to see a reduction in Bureaucracy. Can it be done? Should members of council get involved? There is no backbone organization to coordinate these services of the homeless and senior community. Is there an abdication of responsibilities here? A case is made for unlimited paid sick leave.
What do these two organizations need? Can you help?
Bill Murray full false 32:45
Council Matters 10: Is there any political will to establish Affordable Housing in Colorado Springs Mon, 16 Mar 2020 14:16:28 +0000 Two experts on the Affordable Housing issue weigh in. Councilman Bill Murray has met his match this week with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key, a senior citizens support organization. These two individuals work with at risk populations at the ground level and not the Ivory Tower level. Can there…

The post Council Matters 10: Is there any political will to establish Affordable Housing in Colorado Springs appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Two experts on the Affordable Housing issue weigh in.
Councilman Bill Murray has met his match this week with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key, a senior citizens support organization. These two individuals work with at risk populations at the ground level and not the Ivory Tower level. Can there be a way to bring the NIMBYism groups together with the development community and the non-profit sector, like Westside Cares and Silver Key, together to solve this critical need for affordable housing in Colorado Springs? Is there a Council Matters“Greed Factor” involved?
As a bonus, Councilman Bill Murray gets to do this subject all over again next week with Kristy Milligan and Erin McNab. Isn’t he lucky?

The post Council Matters 10: Is there any political will to establish Affordable Housing in Colorado Springs appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Two experts on the Affordable Housing issue weigh in. Councilman Bill Murray has met his match this week with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key, a senior citizens support organization. Councilman Bill Murray has met his match this week with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key, a senior citizens support organization. These two individuals work with at risk populations at the ground level and not the Ivory Tower level. Can there be a way to bring the NIMBYism groups together with the development community and the non-profit sector, like Westside Cares and Silver Key, together to solve this critical need for affordable housing in Colorado Springs? Is there a “Greed Factor” involved?
As a bonus, Councilman Bill Murray gets to do this subject all over again next week with Kristy Milligan and Erin McNab. Isn’t he lucky?
Bill Murray full false 32:24
Council Matters 9: Space Force Fact Fiction or Fantasy MAR 09 2020 Mon, 09 Mar 2020 18:35:14 +0000 Issues relevant to Colorado Springs Is the Space Force really coming to Colorado Springs? What’s the history of NorthCom? We have someone here who can fill us in. Does Colorado Springs have the infrastructure to support the Space Command? Housing? Utilities? Public transportation? Are the numbers inflated for the amount of people who will be…

The post Council Matters 9: Space Force Fact Fiction or Fantasy MAR 09 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Issues relevant to Colorado Springs

Is the Space Force really coming to Colorado Springs? What’s the history of NorthCom? We have someone here who can fill us in. Does Colorado Springs have the infrastructure to support the Space Command? Housing? Utilities? Public transportation? Are the numbers inflated for the amount of people who will be coming to the city? What are the other services saying?  Is this just a political football between competing cities? What’s the Electoral College got to do with it?  The local Chamber of Commerce has hired 2 lobbyists to persuade the decision to go Colorado Springs way. Money well spent?Council Matters

What will be the mission of the Space Force. Debris  management? Where does Amazon fit in? Does the city really have the money for a project this size? How about resources? How do you want the city council to represent you in this matter?

The post Council Matters 9: Space Force Fact Fiction or Fantasy MAR 09 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Issues relevant to Colorado Springs Is the Space Force really coming to Colorado Springs? What’s the history of NorthCom? We have someone here who can fill us in. Does Colorado Springs have the infrastructure to support the Space Command? Housing? Is the Space Force really coming to Colorado Springs? What’s the history of NorthCom? We have someone here who can fill us in. Does Colorado Springs have the infrastructure to support the Space Command? Housing? Utilities? Public transportation? Are the numbers inflated for the amount of people who will be coming to the city? What are the other services saying?  Is this just a political football between competing cities? What’s the Electoral College got to do with it?  The local Chamber of Commerce has hired 2 lobbyists to persuade the decision to go Colorado Springs way. Money well spent?
What will be the mission of the Space Force. Debris  management? Where does Amazon fit in? Does the city really have the money for a project this size? How about resources? How do you want the city council to represent you in this matter?
Bill Murray full false 30:55
Council Matters 8: So many issues facing Colorado Springs Mar 02 2020 Mon, 02 Mar 2020 16:15:07 +0000 Can the Colorado Springs establishment handle it? Councilman Bill Murray is frustrated by the news of the day he starts this session off with the Desiderata Poem. Can Colorado Springs distance itself, or should it, from the United State Olympic Committee with all the legal issues surrounding the organization? Has money corrupted the organization? Are…

The post Council Matters 8: So many issues facing Colorado Springs Mar 02 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Can the Colorado Springs establishment handle it?
Councilman Bill Murray is frustrated by the news of the day he starts this session off with the Desiderata Poem.
Can Colorado Springs distance itself, or should it, from the United State Olympic Committee with all the legal issues surrounding the organization? Has money corrupted the organization?
Are there checks and balances in our city government? A discussion of the city charter makes for interesting conversation. Did you vote on all the changes to the charter in 2010?Council Matters
What is the state of the healthcare in Colorado Springs? Is the medical delivery system taking care of the public needs?
Does Colorado Springs have the trained workforce to move into the jobs of the future and the companies that require those workers? Why are companies reluctant to move to Colorado Springs?
Will Colorado Springs invest money in itself for all the needs required?

The post Council Matters 8: So many issues facing Colorado Springs Mar 02 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Can the Colorado Springs establishment handle it? Councilman Bill Murray is frustrated by the news of the day he starts this session off with the Desiderata Poem. Can Colorado Springs distance itself, or should it, Councilman Bill Murray is frustrated by the news of the day he starts this session off with the Desiderata Poem.
Can Colorado Springs distance itself, or should it, from the United State Olympic Committee with all the legal issues surrounding the organization? Has money corrupted the organization?
Are there checks and balances in our city government? A discussion of the city charter makes for interesting conversation. Did you vote on all the changes to the charter in 2010?
What is the state of the healthcare in Colorado Springs? Is the medical delivery system taking care of the public needs?
Does Colorado Springs have the trained workforce to move into the jobs of the future and the companies that require those workers? Why are companies reluctant to move to Colorado Springs?
Will Colorado Springs invest money in itself for all the needs required?
Bill Murray full false 30:55
Will Colorado Springs ask for help to guide it in the future? Feb 24 2020 Mon, 24 Feb 2020 16:09:21 +0000 Does Colorado Springs have a future that will be robust? What do you do with a city that has a “Moat Mentality?” Change is coming demographically, technologically, environmentally, and politically. Will the establishment be able to handle it? Why the aversion to hiring consultants that can really help the city move forward? Is there a…

The post Will Colorado Springs ask for help to guide it in the future? Feb 24 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Does Colorado Springs have a future that will be robust?
What do you do with a city that has a “Moat Mentality?” Change is coming demographically, technologically, environmentally, and politically. Will the establishment be able to handle it? Why the aversion to hiring consultants that can really help the city move forward?Council Matters
Is there a Philosophy of Transparency? Does the political establishment really want the citizens to know what is going on? Is the local educational establishment looking to the future? Not just cyber security. What about Quality of Life? Will the city invest in the education and upgrading of its employees or will it maintain the “Moat Mentality” of “It isn’t going to happen here. We do things slowly.”

The post Will Colorado Springs ask for help to guide it in the future? Feb 24 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Does Colorado Springs have a future that will be robust? What do you do with a city that has a “Moat Mentality?” Change is coming demographically, technologically, environmentally, and politically. Will the establishment be able to handle it? What do you do with a city that has a “Moat Mentality?” Change is coming demographically, technologically, environmentally, and politically. Will the establishment be able to handle it? Why the aversion to hiring consultants that can really help the city move forward?
Is there a Philosophy of Transparency? Does the political establishment really want the citizens to know what is going on? Is the local educational establishment looking to the future? Not just cyber security. What about Quality of Life? Will the city invest in the education and upgrading of its employees or will it maintain the “Moat Mentality” of “It isn’t going to happen here. We do things slowly.”
Bill Murray full false 31:00
Council Matters 6: What direction is Colorado Springs going? Feb 17 2020 Mon, 17 Feb 2020 23:38:30 +0000 Is Colorado Springs going in the right direction? Does city council matter?  Questions and answers about will there be a common balance to help Colorado Springs into the future? Isn’t it time to develop a real plan for the city’s growth prospects? Is development the way to go? Is Plan COS just another “feel good”…

The post Council Matters 6: What direction is Colorado Springs going? Feb 17 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs going in the right direction?
Does city council matter?  Questions and answers about will there be a common balance to help Colorado Springs into the future? Isn’t it time to develop a real plan for the city’s growth prospects? Is development the way to go? Is Plan COS just another “feel good” exercise that will end up on the dusty shelf along with other attempts in the past so to say something is being “planned” for the future? Is TaxCouncil Matters Increment Financing burying Colorado Springs in future debt because of decisions to limit income into the city coffers? Will Downtown be the robust economic driver as anticipated by the movers and shakers? What about this “5th utility?”

The post Council Matters 6: What direction is Colorado Springs going? Feb 17 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Is Colorado Springs going in the right direction? Does city council matter?  Questions and answers about will there be a common balance to help Colorado Springs into the future? Isn’t it time to develop a real plan for the city’s growth prospects? Does city council matter?  Questions and answers about will there be a common balance to help Colorado Springs into the future? Isn’t it time to develop a real plan for the city’s growth prospects? Is development the way to go? Is Plan COS just another “feel good” exercise that will end up on the dusty shelf along with other attempts in the past so to say something is being “planned” for the future? Is Tax Increment Financing burying Colorado Springs in future debt because of decisions to limit income into the city coffers? Will Downtown be the robust economic driver as anticipated by the movers and shakers? What about this “5th utility?”
Bill Murray full false 33:01
Council Matters 5: Transportation con’t Regional 2045 Nevada Corridor Feb 3 2020 Mon, 03 Feb 2020 16:26:03 +0000 Is Colorado Springs going about their transportation issues the right way? What is the Regional 2045 plan? What is the Nevada Corridor plan and is it workable? Yes, there is a growing traffic problem, but………is Colorado Springs going about finding a solution the right way? Dedicated bus lanes? Dedicated bike lanes? All on the same…

The post Council Matters 5: Transportation con’t Regional 2045 Nevada Corridor Feb 3 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs going about their transportation issues the right way?
What is the Regional 2045 plan? What is the Nevada Corridor plan and is it workable? Yes, there is a growing traffic problem, but………is Colorado Springs going about finding a solution the right way?Council Matters
Dedicated bus lanes? Dedicated bike lanes? All on the same street? A rapid transit corridor through the historic Old North End? You’ve got to be kidding. Who would propose that?
Four things the mayor bases his decisions on. Can you guess them?

The post Council Matters 5: Transportation con’t Regional 2045 Nevada Corridor Feb 3 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs going about their transportation issues the right way? What is the Regional 2045 plan? What is the Nevada Corridor plan and is it workable? Yes, there is a growing traffic problem, but………is Colorado Springs going about finding a sol... What is the Regional 2045 plan? What is the Nevada Corridor plan and is it workable? Yes, there is a growing traffic problem, but………is Colorado Springs going about finding a solution the right way?
Dedicated bus lanes? Dedicated bike lanes? All on the same street? A rapid transit corridor through the historic Old North End? You’ve got to be kidding. Who would propose that?
Four things the mayor bases his decisions on. Can you guess them?
Bill Murray full false 24:32
Council Matters 4: What does Colorado Springs transit future look like? Jan 27 2020 Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:08:07 +0000 Is the mayor willing to invest in Colorado Springs transit future? What is the overall community thought processes for transit in Colorado Springs? This question kicks off a discussion between Councilman Bill Murray and Peter Frantz of the Old North End transportation committee. What is traffic calming? Do you know what a High Level Study…

The post Council Matters 4: What does Colorado Springs transit future look like? Jan 27 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is the mayor willing to invest in Colorado Springs transit future?
What is the overall community thought processes for transit in Colorado Springs? This question kicks off a discussion between Councilman Bill Murray and Peter Frantz of the Old North End transportation committee. What is traffic calming? Do you know what a High Level Study for transportation is? How about the Nevada Corridor Transit Conductivity study? Is a High Frequency/High Capacity corridor new G5 technology? Council Matters
Did you know that Powers Blvd was supposed to be a limited access highway? Find out what happened.
Will there be enough parking for the new tourist venues being built?

The post Council Matters 4: What does Colorado Springs transit future look like? Jan 27 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is the mayor willing to invest in Colorado Springs transit future? What is the overall community thought processes for transit in Colorado Springs? This question kicks off a discussion between Councilman Bill Murray and Peter Frantz of the Old North En... What is the overall community thought processes for transit in Colorado Springs? This question kicks off a discussion between Councilman Bill Murray and Peter Frantz of the Old North End transportation committee. What is traffic calming? Do you know what a High Level Study for transportation is? How about the Nevada Corridor Transit Conductivity study? Is a High Frequency/High Capacity corridor new G5 technology?
Did you know that Powers Blvd was supposed to be a limited access highway? Find out what happened.
Will there be enough parking for the new tourist venues being built?
Bill Murray full false 32:40
Council Matters 3: What is Home Sharing? Jan 20 2020 Mon, 13 Jan 2020 20:50:26 +0000 Is this a way to help seniors stay in their homes? Put food on the table? Councilman Bill Murray gets a lesson in Home Sharing and the impact it can have on senior lives from Alison Joucovsky of Sunshine Home Sharing. Is home sharing safe? How long are the agreements for? Are there checks? What…

The post Council Matters 3: What is Home Sharing? Jan 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is this a way to help seniors stay in their homes? Put food on the table?
Councilman Bill Murray gets a lesson in Home Sharing and the impact it can have on senior lives from Alison Joucovsky of Sunshine Home Sharing. Is home sharing safe? How long are the agreements for?Council Matters Are there checks? What can the city council do to incentivize home sharing? Is there an “Off Ramp” when it’s necessary to part ways?

The post Council Matters 3: What is Home Sharing? Jan 20 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is this a way to help seniors stay in their homes? Put food on the table? Councilman Bill Murray gets a lesson in Home Sharing and the impact it can have on senior lives from Alison Joucovsky of Sunshine Home Sharing. Is home sharing safe? Councilman Bill Murray gets a lesson in Home Sharing and the impact it can have on senior lives from Alison Joucovsky of Sunshine Home Sharing. Is home sharing safe? How long are the agreements for? Are there checks? What can the city council do to incentivize home sharing? Is there an “Off Ramp” when it’s necessary to part ways?
Bill Murray full false 27:07
Council Matters 2: Aging-We all do it. What’s available in Colorado Springs? Jan 13 2020 Mon, 13 Jan 2020 17:13:18 +0000 Does Colorado Springs support its aging population? Melissa Marts of the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging and Councilman Bill Murray take on this simmering, below the surface, topic. What is the history on our senior population? Tackling the issues that face an aging population in Colorado Springs. Are there enough resources to support this…

The post Council Matters 2: Aging-We all do it. What’s available in Colorado Springs? Jan 13 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Does Colorado Springs support its aging population?
Melissa Marts of the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging and Councilman Bill Murray take on this simmering, below the surface, topic.
What is the history on our senior population? Tackling the issues that face an aging population in Colorado Springs. Are there enough resources to support this demographic? Is Colorado Springs a retirement mecca? What are the 5 things needed?Council Matters
What is the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging? Are seniors cost burdened? Is the transportation adequate for their needs? What’s council’s role? Is there discrimination? Is there cost shifting involved?

The post Council Matters 2: Aging-We all do it. What’s available in Colorado Springs? Jan 13 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Does Colorado Springs support its aging population? Melissa Marts of the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging and Councilman Bill Murray take on this simmering, below the surface, topic. What is the history on our senior population? Melissa Marts of the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging and Councilman Bill Murray take on this simmering, below the surface, topic.
What is the history on our senior population? Tackling the issues that face an aging population in Colorado Springs. Are there enough resources to support this demographic? Is Colorado Springs a retirement mecca? What are the 5 things needed?
What is the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging? Are seniors cost burdened? Is the transportation adequate for their needs? What’s council’s role? Is there discrimination? Is there cost shifting involved?
Bill Murray full false 30:33
Council Matters 1: Predictions for 2020 Crystal Ball Time Jan 06 2020 Mon, 06 Jan 2020 18:44:29 +0000 Some predictions are grounded in simple logic and others are off the wall. Predictions for 2020. What do you think they are? Is it time for the city to bond projects that are sorely needed? Will the EPA’s suit against the city be resolved this year? Will the city get the promised Broadband? Will traffic…

The post Council Matters 1: Predictions for 2020 Crystal Ball Time Jan 06 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Some predictions are grounded in simple logic and others are off the wall.
Predictions for 2020. What do you think they are? Is it time for the city to bond projects that are sorely needed? Will the EPA’s suit against the city be resolved this year? Will the city get the promised Broadband? Will traffic congestion ease? A road map for Drake? Will there be regional thinking Council Mattersregarding water and electric?
There’s more. But you’ll have to listen and send us your predictions.

The post Council Matters 1: Predictions for 2020 Crystal Ball Time Jan 06 2020 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Some predictions are grounded in simple logic and others are off the wall. Predictions for 2020. What do you think they are? Is it time for the city to bond projects that are sorely needed? Will the EPA’s suit against the city be resolved this year? Predictions for 2020. What do you think they are? Is it time for the city to bond projects that are sorely needed? Will the EPA’s suit against the city be resolved this year? Will the city get the promised Broadband? Will traffic congestion ease? A road map for Drake? Will there be regional thinking regarding water and electric?
There’s more. But you’ll have to listen and send us your predictions.
Bill Murray full false 30:53
Council Matters 56: Budget Why is there a police shortage? Dec 30 2019 Mon, 30 Dec 2019 17:13:39 +0000 Lots of Stuff City Budget, Police shortages, Scheels, roads, revenue stream, special districts, USOC abuses tainting the city?, cost of C4C, USAFA Visitor Center Interchange, Powers extension, Voyager extension, gridlock, economic marketing plan, fiscal impact statement. It’s all on the table in this episode of Council Matters with Councilman Bill Murray.

The post Council Matters 56: Budget Why is there a police shortage? Dec 30 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Lots of Stuff
City Budget, Police shortages, Scheels, roads, revenue stream, special districts, USOC abuses tainting the city?, cost of C4C, USAFA Visitor Center Interchange, Powers extension, Voyager extension, gridlock, economic marketing plan, fiscal impact statement. Council Matters
It’s all on the table in this episode of Council Matters with Councilman Bill Murray.

The post Council Matters 56: Budget Why is there a police shortage? Dec 30 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Lots of Stuff City Budget, Police shortages, Scheels, roads, revenue stream, special districts, USOC abuses tainting the city?, cost of C4C, USAFA Visitor Center Interchange, Powers extension, Voyager extension, gridlock, economic marketing plan, City Budget, Police shortages, Scheels, roads, revenue stream, special districts, USOC abuses tainting the city?, cost of C4C, USAFA Visitor Center Interchange, Powers extension, Voyager extension, gridlock, economic marketing plan, fiscal impact statement.
It’s all on the table in this episode of Council Matters with Councilman Bill Murray.
Bill Murray full false 31:56
Council Matters 55: Climate Change Dec 23 2019 Mon, 23 Dec 2019 18:16:27 +0000 Colorado Springs has its very own Climate Change Denier. Climate Change discussion and does it really affect Colorado Springs? Pollution? Fires? Councilman Bill Murray is asking for participants in the upcoming 2021 council elections. There’ll be 6 open seats. Come on! Throw your hat into the ring. Low pay and all the abuse you can…

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Colorado Springs has its very own Climate Change Denier.
Climate Change discussion and does it really affect Colorado Springs? Pollution? Fires?
Councilman Bill Murray is asking for participants in the upcoming 2021 council elections. There’ll be 6 open seats. Come on! Throw your hat into the ring. Low pay and all the abuse you can handle.Council Matters
Should the data given to council be challenged? Does Colorado Springs have the educated workforce for the future? Weigh in.
You’ll be surprised at the Gross Metropolitan Output per capita of the city in comparison to other cities.

The post Council Matters 55: Climate Change Dec 23 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Colorado Springs has its very own Climate Change Denier. Climate Change discussion and does it really affect Colorado Springs? Pollution? Fires? Councilman Bill Murray is asking for participants in the upcoming 2021 council elections. Climate Change discussion and does it really affect Colorado Springs? Pollution? Fires?
Councilman Bill Murray is asking for participants in the upcoming 2021 council elections. There’ll be 6 open seats. Come on! Throw your hat into the ring. Low pay and all the abuse you can handle.
Should the data given to council be challenged? Does Colorado Springs have the educated workforce for the future? Weigh in.
You’ll be surprised at the Gross Metropolitan Output per capita of the city in comparison to other cities.
Bill Murray full false 29:02
Council Matters 54: Fake News? We’re a city of clean living and politics. Dec 16. 2019 Mon, 16 Dec 2019 17:53:46 +0000 Fake News here in Colorado Springs? Nah! Not here. The Fake News purported by one of the local media outlets takes first position this week. Who could that be? Are other cities have the same problems with STRs and ADUs? Is the city losing tax revenue? Is there parity among the property owners? How does…

The post Council Matters 54: Fake News? We’re a city of clean living and politics. Dec 16. 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Fake News here in Colorado Springs? Nah! Not here.
The Fake News purported by one of the local media outlets takes first position this week. Who could that be?
Are other cities have the same problems with STRs and ADUs? Is the city losing tax revenue? Is there parity among the property owners? How does the Sharing Economy fit?
Does the Downtown take a majority of investment funds? Or do the suburbs? What has the USOC contributed to the local economy? Is it a pipe dream about the closing of Drake power plant? Council Matters
Is there continuity between the changing of the guard after a city council election? How important will that be with the possibility of a change of 6 council seats in the next election cycle?
Regional thinking: Does it exist in Colorado Springs and El Paso County?

The post Council Matters 54: Fake News? We’re a city of clean living and politics. Dec 16. 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Fake News here in Colorado Springs? Nah! Not here. The Fake News purported by one of the local media outlets takes first position this week. Who could that be? Are other cities have the same problems with STRs and ADUs? Is the city losing tax revenue? The Fake News purported by one of the local media outlets takes first position this week. Who could that be?
Are other cities have the same problems with STRs and ADUs? Is the city losing tax revenue? Is there parity among the property owners? How does the Sharing Economy fit?
Does the Downtown take a majority of investment funds? Or do the suburbs? What has the USOC contributed to the local economy? Is it a pipe dream about the closing of Drake power plant?
Is there continuity between the changing of the guard after a city council election? How important will that be with the possibility of a change of 6 council seats in the next election cycle?
Regional thinking: Does it exist in Colorado Springs and El Paso County?
Bill Murray full false 32:40
Council Matters 53: Special Districts YIKES they’re still at it! Dec 09 2019 Mon, 09 Dec 2019 17:35:59 +0000 Don’t put your Pitchforks and Torches away just yet. This is another Jaw Dropping segment on Special Districts by Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles. These Special Districts are complex issues especially when they’re not held to account. How can that be? What are one-way contracts? Are Special Districts government entities? You’d better check you…

The post Council Matters 53: Special Districts YIKES they’re still at it! Dec 09 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Don’t put your Pitchforks and Torches away just yet.
This is another Jaw Dropping segment on Special Districts by Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles.
These Special Districts are complex issues especially when they’re not held to account. How can that be? What are one-way contracts? Are Special Districts government entities? You’d better check you tax bill.
The United State Air Force Academy’s new visitors center comes in for a little scrutiny. Who’s to pay for this?Council Matters
Who are the bond holders on these Special Districts? The bonds are broken up? Are Special Districts overlapping? What’s CORA? What’s DOLA?
There’s a prediction in this segment you don’t want to miss.

The post Council Matters 53: Special Districts YIKES they’re still at it! Dec 09 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Don’t put your Pitchforks and Torches away just yet. This is another Jaw Dropping segment on Special Districts by Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles. These Special Districts are complex issues especially when they’re not held to account. This is another Jaw Dropping segment on Special Districts by Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles.
These Special Districts are complex issues especially when they’re not held to account. How can that be? What are one-way contracts? Are Special Districts government entities? You’d better check you tax bill.
The United State Air Force Academy’s new visitors center comes in for a little scrutiny. Who’s to pay for this?
Who are the bond holders on these Special Districts? The bonds are broken up? Are Special Districts overlapping? What’s CORA? What’s DOLA?
There’s a prediction in this segment you don’t want to miss.
Bill Murray full false 30:16
Council Matters 52: Special Districts Time for Pitchforks and Torches Dec 02 2019 Mon, 02 Dec 2019 17:27:58 +0000 Are homeowner and business owners being taken for a ride? Are Special Districts really created for the benefit of homeowners and business owners? In this eye opening episode Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles discuss this HOT TOPIC. They both get down into the weeds and it appears that Special Districts have some real issues…

The post Council Matters 52: Special Districts Time for Pitchforks and Torches Dec 02 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Are homeowner and business owners being taken for a ride?

Are Special Districts really created for the benefit of homeowners and business owners? In this eye opening episode Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles discuss this HOT TOPIC. They both get down into the weeds and it appears that Council MattersSpecial Districts have some real issues like Accountability for starters.

The post Council Matters 52: Special Districts Time for Pitchforks and Torches Dec 02 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 2 Are homeowner and business owners being taken for a ride? Are Special Districts really created for the benefit of homeowners and business owners? In this eye opening episode Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles discuss this HOT TOPIC. Are Special Districts really created for the benefit of homeowners and business owners? In this eye opening episode Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles discuss this HOT TOPIC. They both get down into the weeds and it appears that Special Districts have some real issues like Accountability for starters.
Bill Murray full false 34:15
Council Matters 51: Age and experience meet youth and enthusiasm Part 2 Nov 25 2019 Mon, 25 Nov 2019 17:26:11 +0000 Councilman Bill Murray didn’t get enough on the first round? Round 2! Toe to toe! Liam’s thoughts on city council. Thoughts on the city. Building to a clientele that aren’t in the city. What is the work force participation? Why doesn’t the city issue bonds for affordable housing?  Accessory Dwelling Units. Is there opposition to…

The post Council Matters 51: Age and experience meet youth and enthusiasm Part 2 Nov 25 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Councilman Bill Murray didn’t get enough on the first round?

Round 2! Toe to toe! Liam’s thoughts on city council. Thoughts on the city. Building to a clientele that aren’t in the city. What is the work force participation? Why doesn’t the city issue bonds for affordable housing?  Accessory Dwelling Units. Is thereCouncil Matters opposition to Plan COS by members of council?

The post Council Matters 51: Age and experience meet youth and enthusiasm Part 2 Nov 25 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Councilman Bill Murray didn’t get enough on the first round? Round 2! Toe to toe! Liam’s thoughts on city council. Thoughts on the city. Building to a clientele that aren’t in the city. What is the work force participation? Round 2! Toe to toe! Liam’s thoughts on city council. Thoughts on the city. Building to a clientele that aren’t in the city. What is the work force participation? Why doesn’t the city issue bonds for affordable housing?  Accessory Dwelling Units. Is there opposition to Plan COS by members of council?
Bill Murray full false 31:08
Council Matters 50: Age and experience meet youth and enthusiasm Part 1 Mon, 18 Nov 2019 16:58:50 +0000 Has Councilman Bill Murray met his match? Is this a challenge for Councilman Bill Murray as the Gauntlet has been thrown down? Liam Reynolds, of Colorado Springs Pro-Housing, gives him a run for his money discussing Auxiliary Housing Units, cost burdened citizens and families, affordable housing, market forces, the missing middle housing and their impacts…

The post Council Matters 50: Age and experience meet youth and enthusiasm Part 1 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Has Councilman Bill Murray met his match?
Is this a challenge for Councilman Bill Murray as the Gauntlet has been thrown down? Liam Reynolds, of Colorado Springs Pro-Housing, gives him a run for his money discussing Auxiliary Housing Units, cost burdened citizens and families,Council Matters affordable housing, market forces, the missing middle housing and their impacts on Colorado Springs.

The post Council Matters 50: Age and experience meet youth and enthusiasm Part 1 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Has Councilman Bill Murray met his match? Is this a challenge for Councilman Bill Murray as the Gauntlet has been thrown down? Liam Reynolds, of Colorado Springs Pro-Housing, gives him a run for his money discussing Auxiliary Housing Units, Is this a challenge for Councilman Bill Murray as the Gauntlet has been thrown down? Liam Reynolds, of Colorado Springs Pro-Housing, gives him a run for his money discussing Auxiliary Housing Units, cost burdened citizens and families, affordable housing, market forces, the missing middle housing and their impacts on Colorado Springs.
Bill Murray full false 30:25
Council Matters 49: Short Term Rentals Oct 28 2019 Mon, 28 Oct 2019 16:29:24 +0000 Is the Colorado Springs Planning Commission encouraging STRs? Are Short Term Rentals a boon or detriment to Colorado Springs’ economy? Council member Bill Murray discusses this issue with Mike Applegate of the Neighborhood Preservation Alliance. What is the effect on neighbors and neighborhoods? Is there a balance between home ownership and STRs? The Planning Commission…

The post Council Matters 49: Short Term Rentals Oct 28 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is the Colorado Springs Planning Commission encouraging STRs?

Are Short Term Rentals a boon or detriment to Colorado Springs’ economy? Council member Bill Murray discusses this issue with Mike Applegate of the Neighborhood Preservation Alliance. Council Matters

What is the effect on neighbors and neighborhoods? Is there a balance between home ownership and STRs? The Planning Commission encouraging STRs? Really? Should STR properties be taxed like commercial? What kind of accountability will there be if city council approves Short Term Rentals? 

The post Council Matters 49: Short Term Rentals Oct 28 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is the Colorado Springs Planning Commission encouraging STRs? Are Short Term Rentals a boon or detriment to Colorado Springs’ economy? Council member Bill Murray discusses this issue with Mike Applegate of the Neighborhood Preservation Alliance. Are Short Term Rentals a boon or detriment to Colorado Springs’ economy? Council member Bill Murray discusses this issue with Mike Applegate of the Neighborhood Preservation Alliance.
What is the effect on neighbors and neighborhoods? Is there a balance between home ownership and STRs? The Planning Commission encouraging STRs? Really? Should STR properties be taxed like commercial? What kind of accountability will there be if city council approves Short Term Rentals? 
Bill Murray full false 32:49
Council Matters 48: An Economics Lesson Oct 21 2019 Mon, 21 Oct 2019 15:23:00 +0000 Is the local economic philosophy wrong? Will Colorado Springs ever have affordable housing? Is there such a thing as Affordable Housing? Will the local developers take the chance to break even or a loss on Affordable Housing? How does the cost of living in Colorado Springs compare to the rest of the country? Why doesn’t…

The post Council Matters 48: An Economics Lesson Oct 21 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is the local economic philosophy wrong? Will Colorado Springs ever have affordable housing?

Is there such a thing as Affordable Housing? Will the local developers take the chance to break even or a loss on Affordable Housing? How does the cost of living in Colorado Springs compare to the rest of the country?

Why doesn’t Colorado Springs have a viable transportation system? Who or what is the Show Stopper?Council Matters

Why does Colorado Springs try to stop sales tax increases statewide? Someone’s ox is getting gored. Isn’t there too much reliance on sales taxes? Wouldn’t it be a good idea for the city to issue bonds?

Police and fire pay: Always a problem.

The post Council Matters 48: An Economics Lesson Oct 21 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is the local economic philosophy wrong? Will Colorado Springs ever have affordable housing? Is there such a thing as Affordable Housing? Will the local developers take the chance to break even or a loss on Affordable Housing? Is there such a thing as Affordable Housing? Will the local developers take the chance to break even or a loss on Affordable Housing? How does the cost of living in Colorado Springs compare to the rest of the country?
Why doesn’t Colorado Springs have a viable transportation system? Who or what is the Show Stopper?
Why does Colorado Springs try to stop sales tax increases statewide? Someone’s ox is getting gored. Isn’t there too much reliance on sales taxes? Wouldn’t it be a good idea for the city to issue bonds?
Police and fire pay: Always a problem.
Bill Murray full false 33:10
Council Matters 47: What do Brexit, the Impeachment inquiry and Colorado Springs have in common? Mon, 14 Oct 2019 16:06:43 +0000 Being a council member and other musings Is there a common thread between Brexit, Impeachment, and Colorado Springs? Possibly more than you thought. Data Driven Information: Is it reliable? Downtown Colorado Springs needs $120M worth of infrastructure work by Colorado Springs Utilities. Why isn’t it being done? Why isn’t it being done? Learn who the…

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Being a council member and other musings
Is there a common thread between Brexit, Impeachment, and Colorado Springs? Possibly more than you thought.
Data Driven Information: Is it reliable?
Downtown Colorado Springs needs $120M worth of infrastructure work by Colorado Springs Utilities. Why isn’t it being done? Why isn’t it being done?
Learn who the highest water user in the city is. This will surprise you!
Budget season is starting. Is the budget of $331M enough? Should it be more? Should it be less? Give us your thoughts.Council Matters
Its been predicted that 1000 visitors a day will come to downtown Colorado Springs when the USOC museum and other sports venues are completed. Really? Will the necessary infrastructure work be completed in time for the grand openings? What happens if that 1000 visitors a day target is missed. What will be the economic impact? Plus or Minus? Who will pick up the shortages? The taxpayers?

The post Council Matters 47: What do Brexit, the Impeachment inquiry and Colorado Springs have in common? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Being a council member and other musings Is there a common thread between Brexit, Impeachment, and Colorado Springs? Possibly more than you thought. Data Driven Information: Is it reliable? Downtown Colorado Springs needs $120M worth of infrastructure ... Is there a common thread between Brexit, Impeachment, and Colorado Springs? Possibly more than you thought.
Data Driven Information: Is it reliable?
Downtown Colorado Springs needs $120M worth of infrastructure work by Colorado Springs Utilities. Why isn’t it being done? Why isn’t it being done?
Learn who the highest water user in the city is. This will surprise you!
Budget season is starting. Is the budget of $331M enough? Should it be more? Should it be less? Give us your thoughts.
Its been predicted that 1000 visitors a day will come to downtown Colorado Springs when the USOC museum and other sports venues are completed. Really? Will the necessary infrastructure work be completed in time for the grand openings? What happens if that 1000 visitors a day target is missed. What will be the economic impact? Plus or Minus? Who will pick up the shortages? The taxpayers?
Bill Murray full false 32:43
Council Matters 46: An in depth discussion with Kent Obee about Land Exchanges Mon, 07 Oct 2019 16:50:59 +0000 This conversation really gets down into the weeds. Park land exchanges? Should the people have a vote on transferring parkland to developers? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee get down in the weeds on the history of land transfers and possible future land transfers and what the impact will be on the citizens of Colorado…

The post Council Matters 46: An in depth discussion with Kent Obee about Land Exchanges appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

This conversation really gets down into the weeds.
Park land exchanges? Should the people have a vote on transferring parkland to developers? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee get down in the weeds on the history of land transfers and possible future land transfers and what the impact will be on the citizens of Colorado Springs. Council Matters

The post Council Matters 46: An in depth discussion with Kent Obee about Land Exchanges appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 This conversation really gets down into the weeds. Park land exchanges? Should the people have a vote on transferring parkland to developers? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee get down in the weeds on the history of land transfers and possible futur... Park land exchanges? Should the people have a vote on transferring parkland to developers? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee get down in the weeds on the history of land transfers and possible future land transfers and what the impact will be on the citizens of Colorado Springs.
Bill Murray full false 30:03
Council Matters 45: “What a Crock” continued Mon, 30 Sep 2019 19:34:32 +0000 A continuing conversation with Electra Johnson, Democratic Party Chair A jam packed segment. Well worth the listen. Topics: Democrats of El Paso County, Rank Choice Voting (is it coming?), Mass Transit (?), the Environment, the Gazette (is the Gazette being honest?), real news (thank God for the internet), Corporate structure and responsibility (more needed), what’s…

The post Council Matters 45: “What a Crock” continued appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A continuing conversation with Electra Johnson, Democratic Party Chair
A jam packed segment. Well worth the listen.
Topics: Democrats of El Paso County, Rank Choice Voting (is it coming?), Mass Transit (?), the Environment,Council Matters the Gazette (is the Gazette being honest?), real news (thank God for the internet), Corporate structure and responsibility (more needed), what’s a real conservative (well?) , listening to people regardless of their views (sorely needed), climate (changing), sustainability (is it lost in Colorado Springs?), why is Kroger’s (aka Kings Super) pulling the Colorado Springs Independent newspaper from their stores? Is Kroger’s getting political?

The post Council Matters 45: “What a Crock” continued appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 A continuing conversation with Electra Johnson, Democratic Party Chair A jam packed segment. Well worth the listen. Topics: Democrats of El Paso County, Rank Choice Voting (is it coming?), Mass Transit (?), the Environment, A jam packed segment. Well worth the listen.
Topics: Democrats of El Paso County, Rank Choice Voting (is it coming?), Mass Transit (?), the Environment, the Gazette (is the Gazette being honest?), real news (thank God for the internet), Corporate structure and responsibility (more needed), what’s a real conservative (well?) , listening to people regardless of their views (sorely needed), climate (changing), sustainability (is it lost in Colorado Springs?), why is Kroger’s (aka Kings Super) pulling the Colorado Springs Independent newspaper from their stores? Is Kroger’s getting political?
Bill Murray full false 25:24
Council Matters 44: What a Crock! Developers. Special Districts. Overlay fees Mon, 23 Sep 2019 14:54:14 +0000 Electra Johnson, chair of the Democratic Party, stops by for a in depth discussion with Councilman Bill Murray. Councilman Murray gives his Firefighters memorial speech. How did the firefighters budget come up short? Who told council? Get the scoop on developers, overlay fees, and special districts. “What a Crock.”

The post Council Matters 44: What a Crock! Developers. Special Districts. Overlay fees appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Electra Johnson, chair of the Democratic Party, stops by for a in depth discussion with Councilman Bill Murray.
Councilman Murray gives his Firefighters memorial speech.Council Matters
How did the firefighters budget come up short? Who told council?
Get the scoop on developers, overlay fees, and special districts.
“What a Crock.”

The post Council Matters 44: What a Crock! Developers. Special Districts. Overlay fees appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Electra Johnson, chair of the Democratic Party, stops by for a in depth discussion with Councilman Bill Murray. Councilman Murray gives his Firefighters memorial speech. How did the firefighters budget come up short? Who told council? Councilman Murray gives his Firefighters memorial speech.
How did the firefighters budget come up short? Who told council?
Get the scoop on developers, overlay fees, and special districts.
“What a Crock.”
Bill Murray full false 33:18
Council Matters 42: Things Facing Council-The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Mon, 16 Sep 2019 17:32:32 +0000 A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be? There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen? What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal? The annual budget…

The post Council Matters 42: Things Facing Council-The Good, The Bad and the Ugly appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be?
There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen?
What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs?
Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal? Council Matters
The annual budget is coming up. Is council changing its start times for the good? Land use issues. Is council getting the straight scoop from others when land use issues come before council for a vote?
Protect our Parks, selling assets, and ballot issues are rolled into one.

The post Council Matters 42: Things Facing Council-The Good, The Bad and the Ugly appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be? There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen? What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen?
What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs?
Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal?
The annual budget is coming up. Is council changing its start times for the good? Land use issues. Is council getting the straight scoop from others when land use issues come before council for a vote?
Protect our Parks, selling assets, and ballot issues are rolled into one.
Bill Murray full false 30:09
Council Matters 43: Gold Hill Mesa & the planning commission Mon, 16 Sep 2019 16:15:50 +0000 If you want to start a movement, eat a Prune. Has Gold Hill Mesa eaten a few Prunes too many? Does the planning commission get the full story on the stability of lands it approves for construction? The same for council? There seem to be a push back for installing more monitors throughout the city…

The post Council Matters 43: Gold Hill Mesa & the planning commission appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

If you want to start a movement, eat a Prune. Has Gold Hill Mesa eaten a few Prunes too many? Does the planning commission get the full story on the stability of lands it approves for construction? The same for council?
There seem to be a push back for installing more monitors throughout the city to measure pollution from DrakeCouncil Matters power plant and automobiles. Why?
The 5G build out. How long will it take? Rumor has it several years.

The post Council Matters 43: Gold Hill Mesa & the planning commission appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 If you want to start a movement, eat a Prune. Has Gold Hill Mesa eaten a few Prunes too many? Does the planning commission get the full story on the stability of lands it approves for construction? The same for council? There seem to be a push back for installing more monitors throughout the city to measure pollution from Drake power plant and automobiles. Why?
The 5G build out. How long will it take? Rumor has it several years.
Bill Murray full false 30:19
Council Matters 42: Things Facing Council-The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Mon, 09 Sep 2019 19:32:53 +0000 A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be?  There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen? What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs?  Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal?  The annual budget…

The post Council Matters 42: Things Facing Council-The Good, The Bad and the Ugly appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be? 

There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen?

What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? 

Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal? 

The annual budget is coming up. Is council changing is start times for the good? Land use issues. Is council getting the straight scoop from others when this comes before council for a vote? Council Matters

Protect our Parks, selling assets, and ballot issues are rolled into one.

The post Council Matters 42: Things Facing Council-The Good, The Bad and the Ugly appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be?  There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen? What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen?
What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? 
Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal? 
The annual budget is coming up. Is council changing is start times for the good? Land use issues. Is council getting the straight scoop from others when this comes before council for a vote?
Protect our Parks, selling assets, and ballot issues are rolled into one.
Bill Murray full false 30:09
Council Matters 41: Can Colorado Springs save its parks? Mon, 02 Sep 2019 17:22:50 +0000 Should the citizens have a say in the leasing or selling of Colorado Springs parks? What is the definition of “A Park”? What does the city gain by disposing of parkland? Does it get the city well financially? Does this fit into the category of sell all or part of Colorado Springs Utilities?  Does the…

The post Council Matters 41: Can Colorado Springs save its parks? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Should the citizens have a say in the leasing or selling of Colorado Springs parks? What is the definition of “A Park”? What does the city gain by disposing of parkland? Does it get the city well financially? Does this fit into the category of sell all or part of Colorado Springs Utilities?  Does the citizenry have trust & confidence in their elected officials?Council Matters 

There are questions about the 5G network being installed around town. What are they? 

Are there myths surrounding the reasoning for not having a viable transportation network? Do you buy them?

The post Council Matters 41: Can Colorado Springs save its parks? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Should the citizens have a say in the leasing or selling of Colorado Springs parks? What is the definition of “A Park”? What does the city gain by disposing of parkland? Does it get the city well financially? There are questions about the 5G network being installed around town. What are they? 
Are there myths surrounding the reasoning for not having a viable transportation network? Do you buy them?
Bill Murray full false 29:23
Council Matters 40: Downtown Stadium Retail downturn Wage increase? Mon, 26 Aug 2019 15:53:01 +0000 Is the economy slowing in Colorado Springs? What does a 5.1% increase in wages translate to? Is it real? Did you get one?  How much of an issue will the DeVon Bailey shooting be for Colorado Springs? Why doesn’t Colorado Springs rid itself of Open Carry? Will the city get a Citizens Review Board?  The…

The post Council Matters 40: Downtown Stadium Retail downturn Wage increase? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Council MattersIs the economy slowing in Colorado Springs? What does a 5.1% increase in wages translate to? Is it real? Did you get one? 

How much of an issue will the DeVon Bailey shooting be for Colorado Springs? Why doesn’t Colorado Springs rid itself of Open Carry? Will the city get a Citizens Review Board? 

The Switchback’s stadium. Will it be the economic boon as touted by its supporters? A Sports Authority? Another device to avoid paying taxes? Is this a good deal? 

Councilors advised not to go out in front of city hall. Why?

The post Council Matters 40: Downtown Stadium Retail downturn Wage increase? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is the economy slowing in Colorado Springs? What does a 5.1% increase in wages translate to? Is it real? Did you get one?  How much of an issue will the DeVon Bailey shooting be for Colorado Springs? Why doesn’t Colorado Springs rid itself of Open Carr... How much of an issue will the DeVon Bailey shooting be for Colorado Springs? Why doesn’t Colorado Springs rid itself of Open Carry? Will the city get a Citizens Review Board? 
The Switchback’s stadium. Will it be the economic boon as touted by its supporters? A Sports Authority? Another device to avoid paying taxes? Is this a good deal? 
Councilors advised not to go out in front of city hall. Why?
Bill Murray full false 33:21
Council Matters: The 4th Industrial Revolution. Is Colorado Springs ready? Mon, 19 Aug 2019 19:34:42 +0000 The 4th Industrial Revolution is coming. Is Colorado Springs prepared? Does the city have a strategic plan in place? Where is Colorado Springs regarding innovation? Is the educational system at the elementary and higher levels engaged? Does the educational system have the capabilities to re-train people from the old economy?  What will be the overall…

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Council MattersThe 4th Industrial Revolution is coming. Is Colorado Springs prepared? Does the city have a strategic plan in place? Where is Colorado Springs regarding innovation? Is the educational system at the elementary and higher levels engaged? Does the educational system have the capabilities to re-train people from the old economy? 

What will be the overall impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution? Can Colorado Springs constructively adjust to the future? Isn’t time Colorado Springs shed the shackles of the existing internet providers and create its own Broadband system as other cities have done? Hang on! It’s going to be a wild ride or maybe not. What’s the speed of Slow?         

The post Council Matters: The 4th Industrial Revolution. Is Colorado Springs ready? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 The 4th Industrial Revolution is coming. Is Colorado Springs prepared? Does the city have a strategic plan in place? Where is Colorado Springs regarding innovation? Is the educational system at the elementary and higher levels engaged? What will be the overall impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution? Can Colorado Springs constructively adjust to the future? Isn’t time Colorado Springs shed the shackles of the existing internet providers and create its own Broadband system as other cities have done? Hang on! It’s going to be a wild ride or maybe not. What’s the speed of Slow?         
Bill Murray full false 16:31
Council Matters: 122 Musings of a Councilman Mon, 12 Aug 2019 18:08:30 +0000 What was learned from the Site Selection Committee that visited Colorado Springs? It maybe not what you think. Is the downtown too quiet? Is tourism really a viable economic model?  Does Colorado Springs have the right mix when it comes to the local workforce? What is Colorado Springs transit plan?  The Robson Arena and the…

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What was learned from the Site Selection Committee that visited Colorado Springs? It maybe not what you think. Is the downtown too quiet? Is tourism really a viable economic model?  Does Colorado Springs have the right mix when it comes to the local workforce? What is Colorado Springs transit plan? 

The Robson Arena and the Widener Field going to be the economic engine drivers as advertised? Don’t they both have parking issues?                                                                                                                                                   Council Matters

The post Council Matters: 122 Musings of a Councilman appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 What was learned from the Site Selection Committee that visited Colorado Springs? It maybe not what you think. Is the downtown too quiet? Is tourism really a viable economic model?  Does Colorado Springs have the right mix when it comes to the local wo... The Robson Arena and the Widener Field going to be the economic engine drivers as advertised? Don’t they both have parking issues?                                                                                                                                                  
Bill Murray full false 19:32
Council Matters: Plan COS, taxes,Tabor, Gallagher, Council, data, & more Tue, 30 Jul 2019 01:01:37 +0000 Plan COS, taxes, Tabor, Gallagher, the Council, data, and more. What’s left to discuss about Colorado Springs? Oh, forgot one: Banning Lewis Ranch. Bill Murray, Bob Cutter, and Gary Casimir discuss it all.

The post Council Matters: Plan COS, taxes,Tabor, Gallagher, Council, data, & more appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Plan COS, taxes, Tabor, Gallagher, the Council, data, and more. What’s left to discuss about Colorado Springs? Oh, forgot one: Banning Lewis Ranch. Bill Murray, Bob Cutter, and Gary Casimir discuss it all.Council Matters

The post Council Matters: Plan COS, taxes,Tabor, Gallagher, Council, data, & more appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Plan COS, taxes, Tabor, Gallagher, the Council, data, and more. What’s left to discuss about Colorado Springs? Oh, forgot one: Banning Lewis Ranch. Bill Murray, Bob Cutter, and Gary Casimir discuss it all. ]]> Bill Murray full false 38:54
Council Matters: 119 Are the projects presented to city council full aggregated? Mon, 22 Jul 2019 21:09:08 +0000 Does city council fully understand that when they give tax rebates for 25 years what the future financial impact is to the citizens of Colorado Springs? Are there analysis completed at the 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, or 20 year points to see if the approved projects are tracking the way the presenter said…

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Council Matters

Does city council fully understand that when they give tax rebates for 25 years what the future financial impact is to the citizens of Colorado Springs? Are there analysis completed at the 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, or 20 year points to see if the approved projects are tracking the way the presenter said they would at day one? Are the projects aggregated to determine if said projects are worth the time and effort? Is council chasing the Shiny Object instead of asking the question: “Is this project really that financially viable?” Is Stirling Ranch one of those Shiny Objects?

Will the rush of Air BnB, Accessory Dwelling Unit, Short Term Rentals slow down with the possibility of El Paso County taxing them at the commercial rate? Will they solve the affordable housing shortage?

Councilman Bill Murray, Robin Roberts, and Bob Cutter discuss these subjects plus a few more.

The post Council Matters: 119 Are the projects presented to city council full aggregated? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Does city council fully understand that when they give tax rebates for 25 years what the future financial impact is to the citizens of Colorado Springs? Are there analysis completed at the 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, Does city council fully understand that when they give tax rebates for 25 years what the future financial impact is to the citizens of Colorado Springs? Are there analysis completed at the 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, or 20 year points to see if the approved projects are tracking the way the presenter said they would at day one? Are the projects aggregated to determine if said projects are worth the time and effort? Is council chasing the Shiny Object instead of asking the question: “Is this project really that financially viable?” Is Stirling Ranch one of those Shiny Objects?
Will the rush of Air BnB, Accessory Dwelling Unit, Short Term Rentals slow down with the possibility of El Paso County taxing them at the commercial rate? Will they solve the affordable housing shortage?
Councilman Bill Murray, Robin Roberts, and Bob Cutter discuss these subjects plus a few more.
Bill Murray full false 36:47
Council Matters: A vision for Colorado Springs is discussed. Mon, 15 Jul 2019 14:00:58 +0000 x A Vision for Colorado Springs: Does it co-inside with your vision? Is it proper for Colorado Springs to offer financial incentives to any and every business that wants to set up shop? Are the taxpayers being shorted? A vision for Colorado Springs is discussed. Councilman Bill Murray and his special guest, Robin Roberts, discuss…

The post Council Matters: A vision for Colorado Springs is discussed. appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

x A Vision for Colorado Springs: Does it co-inside with your vision? Is it proper for Colorado Springs to offer financial incentives to any and every business that wants to set up shop? Are the taxpayers being shorted? A vision for Colorado Springs is discussed. Councilman Bill Murray and his special guest, Robin Roberts, discuss incentives, forward thinking, technology, digital equity/divide, and vision.

Council Matters


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]]> 0 x A Vision for Colorado Springs: Does it co-inside with your vision? Is it proper for Colorado Springs to offer financial incentives to any and every business that wants to set up shop? Are the taxpayers being shorted?
Bill Murray full false 28:53
Council Matters: A different perspective with Robin Roberts Mon, 08 Jul 2019 17:53:20 +0000 The national economy and how it affects Colorado Springs are discussed by Robin Roberts and Councilman Bill Murray which segue  into the local economy. Interest rates, loan, ability to re-pay, CPI, out of state investors, service industries, leverage lending bubble, and economic future.

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The national economy and how it affects Colorado Springs are discussed by Robin Roberts and Councilman Bill Murray which segue  into the local economy. Interest rates, loan, ability to re-pay, CPI, out of state investors, service industries, leverage lending bubble, and economic future.

The post Council Matters: A different perspective with Robin Roberts appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 The national economy and how it affects Colorado Springs are discussed by Robin Roberts and Councilman Bill Murray which segue  into the local economy. Interest rates, loan, ability to re-pay, CPI, out of state investors, service industries, The national economy and how it affects Colorado Springs are discussed by Robin Roberts and Councilman Bill Murray which segue  into the local economy. Interest rates, loan, ability to re-pay, CPI, out of state investors, service industries, leverage lending bubble, and economic future.
Bill Murray full false 36:58
Council Matters: Improving City Governance – June 24 2019 Mon, 24 Jun 2019 13:28:28 +0000 Better pay? Larger staff? Separate utilities board? How can Colorado Springs City Council be improved?

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Council MattersBetter pay? Larger staff? Separate utilities board? How can Colorado Springs City Council be improved? Host and city councilor Bill Murray invites guest Bob Cutter back for one more episode, to get down in the weeds on changing the makeup of city council. (Season 3, Episode 3, Recorded 6/7/19)

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]]> 0 Better pay? Larger staff? Separate utilities board? How can Colorado Springs City Council be improved? ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:12
Council Matters: Alphabet Soup: ADUs, STRs and PlanCOS – June 17 2019 Mon, 17 Jun 2019 15:40:09 +0000 Host and City Councilor Bill Murray welcomes Bob Cutter back to the guest mic, and they come out swinging.

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Council MattersShall Colorado Springs spin off the various communities that are now in the city into independent cities? Shall businesses build “Communities of Excellence?” What’s this about STR’s (Short Term Rentals) being reclassified as commercial property? Will accessory dwelling units solve the affordable housing problem? Host and City Councilor Bill Murray welcomes Bob Cutter back to the guest mic, and they come out swinging. (Season 3 Episode 2, Recorded 6/7/19)

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]]> 0 Host and City Councilor Bill Murray welcomes Bob Cutter back to the guest mic, and they come out swinging. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:32
Council Matters: How’s Our Local Economy Really Doing? – June 10 2019 Mon, 10 Jun 2019 12:46:09 +0000 Bob Cutter joins Council Matters host and City Councilor Bill Murray to take a hard and honest look at Colorado Springs' economy.

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Council MattersIn Colorado Springs, employment is up, we’re adding jobs, and tax revenue has been rising. But affordable housing and good-paying jobs are scarce, tax increases are still a routine occurrence, and park funding is still not back to pre-recession levels. Bob Cutter joins Council Matters host and City Councilor Bill Murray to take a hard and honest look at Colorado Springs’ economy. This episode isn’t for the faint of heart. If you’re looking for cheerleading or boosterism, this isn’t the place. Just an open conversation.

The first episode of season 3 explores quality of life, economic development, jobs, the relationship between council and the mayor, and more. Does Colorado Springs have a real plan for the future? (S3, Episode 1, Recorded 6/7/19)

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]]> 0 Bob Cutter joins Council Matters host and City Councilor Bill Murray to take a hard and honest look at Colorado Springs' economy. The first episode of season 3 explores quality of life, economic development, jobs, the relationship between council and the mayor, and more. Does Colorado Springs have a real plan for the future? (S3, Episode 1, Recorded 6/7/19)
Bill Murray full false 35:33
Council Matters: Old North End – April 22 2019 Mon, 22 Apr 2019 13:57:37 +0000 Traffic, the ONEN, ADU (accessory dwelling units), political candidates, CORA (Colorado Open Records Act requests), communication flow, parking, and other subjects are on the table. We’re back, after a post-election pause. City Councilor Bill Murray hosts (Tom Strand is AWOL for another week) conducts this spirited conversation about neighborhoods with Vic Appugliese of the Old…

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Council MattersTraffic, the ONEN, ADU (accessory dwelling units), political candidates, CORA (Colorado Open Records Act requests), communication flow, parking, and other subjects are on the table. We’re back, after a post-election pause. City Councilor Bill Murray hosts (Tom Strand is AWOL for another week) conducts this spirited conversation about neighborhoods with Vic Appugliese of the Old North End. (Episode 115, Recorded 4/19/19)


Old North End Neighborhood

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]]> 0 Traffic, the ONEN, ADU (accessory dwelling units), political candidates, CORA (Colorado Open Records Act requests), communication flow, parking, and other subjects are on the table. We’re back, after a post-election pause. LINKS:
Old North End Neighborhood
Bill Murray full false 32:40
Council Matters: No City for Old Men? – March 18 2019 Mon, 18 Mar 2019 13:59:57 +0000 Do we have a battle of the generations heating up? An off-hand remark about Colorado Springs wanting all the millennials we can get has sparked some conversation. Do we not value the oldsters? This episode has something for everyone to get excited about: bike lanes, taxes, traffic, red light cameras, and mentorship. (Episode 114, Recorded…

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Do we have a battle of the generations heating up? An off-hand remark about Colorado Springs wanting all the millennials we can get has sparked some conversation. Do we not value the oldsters? This episode has something for everyone to get excited about: bike lanes, taxes, traffic, red light cameras, and mentorship. (Episode 114, Recorded 3/8/19)

The post Council Matters: No City for Old Men? – March 18 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Do we have a battle of the generations heating up? An off-hand remark about Colorado Springs wanting all the millennials we can get has sparked some conversation. Do we not value the oldsters? This episode has something for everyone to get excited abou... ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:29
Council Matters: Campaign Forums – March 11 2019 Mon, 11 Mar 2019 12:38:51 +0000 Co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand (who happen to be City Council incumbents running for re-election) discuss the slew of candidate forums. Should they all follow a standard formula? If candidates get questions in advance, should their answers be published? (Episode 113, Recorded 3/8/19)

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Co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand (who happen to be City Council incumbents running for re-election) discuss the slew of candidate forums. Should they all follow a standard formula? If candidates get questions in advance, should their answers be published? (Episode 113, Recorded 3/8/19)

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]]> 0 Co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand (who happen to be City Council incumbents running for re-election) discuss the slew of candidate forums. Should they all follow a standard formula? If candidates get questions in advance, ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:02
Council Matters: A VooDoo Local Economy? – March 4 2019 Mon, 04 Mar 2019 13:41:13 +0000 Jobs “created” in Colorado Springs in 2018 were apparently only one third of the number originally estimated. Are overly optimistic economic numbers steering our city off course? Are we too busy creating minimum wage jobs? Sales tax, jobs, and economic development decisions under the microscope in this episode. The Scheels economic development incentive comes up, and…

The post Council Matters: A VooDoo Local Economy? – March 4 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Jobs “created” in Colorado Springs in 2018 were apparently only one third of the number originally estimated. Are overly optimistic economic numbers steering our city off course? Are we too busy creating minimum wage jobs? Sales tax, jobs, and economic development decisions under the microscope in this episode. The Scheels economic development incentive comes up, and it sounds like City Council has been given rosy, inaccurate numbers. Bill indicts the city’s lack of professional, long-term economic development planning. Plus: Bill’s “GQ” wardrobe. (Episode 112, Recorded 2/22/19)

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]]> 0 Jobs “created” in Colorado Springs in 2018 were apparently only one third of the number originally estimated. Are overly optimistic economic numbers steering our city off course? Are we too busy creating minimum wage jobs? Sales tax, jobs, ]]> Bill Murray full false 26:21
Council Matters: Strand & Murray Town Hall – Feb 14 2019 Mon, 18 Feb 2019 14:08:15 +0000 A dialogue with Colorado Springs citizens was held by City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand in this town hall on February 14 at City Hall. In this unedited and unfiltered special edition of Council Matters, Tom and Bill find out what’s on the citizens’ minds, and we get to hear the Councilors respond. (Episode…

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A dialogue with Colorado Springs citizens was held by City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand in this town hall on February 14 at City Hall. In this unedited and unfiltered special edition of Council Matters, Tom and Bill find out what’s on the citizens’ minds, and we get to hear the Councilors respond. (Episode 110, Recorded 2/14/19)

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]]> 0 A dialogue with Colorado Springs citizens was held by City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand in this town hall on February 14 at City Hall. In this unedited and unfiltered special edition of Council Matters, ]]> Bill Murray full false 1:26:00
Council Matters: USAFA Visitors Center – Feb 11 2019 Mon, 11 Feb 2019 15:01:50 +0000 Will the Air Force Academy Visitors Center project bring Colorado Springs the promised economic windfall? Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the project and dig into the subject of tax giveaways by Colorado Springs. What do YOU think? Post your comments below. (Episode 210, Recorded 1/25/19)

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Will the Air Force Academy Visitors Center project bring Colorado Springs the promised economic windfall? Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the project and dig into the subject of tax giveaways by Colorado Springs. What do YOU think? Post your comments below. (Episode 210, Recorded 1/25/19)

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]]> 1 Will the Air Force Academy Visitors Center project bring Colorado Springs the promised economic windfall? Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the project and dig into the subject of tax giveaways by Colorado Springs. ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:09
Council Matters: Collective Bargaining for Firefighters? – Feb 4 2019 Mon, 04 Feb 2019 14:42:11 +0000 Should firefighters be able to organize to negotiate pay? It’s on the April ballot. Plus: the Chamber & EDC is proposing “new financial arrangements” for business development to our City Council. Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand dig into the pros & cons of collective bargaining, discuss economic development incentives, and ponder…

The post Council Matters: Collective Bargaining for Firefighters? – Feb 4 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Should firefighters be able to organize to negotiate pay? It’s on the April ballot. Plus: the Chamber & EDC is proposing “new financial arrangements” for business development to our City Council. Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand dig into the pros & cons of collective bargaining, discuss economic development incentives, and ponder the increasing ratio of elders to youngsters in Colorado Springs. Share your thoughts with us below.  (Episode 109, recorded 1/25/19)

Read more at Will voters give firefighters collective bargaining power?

The post Council Matters: Collective Bargaining for Firefighters? – Feb 4 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Should firefighters be able to organize to negotiate pay? It’s on the April ballot. Plus: the Chamber & EDC is proposing “new financial arrangements” for business development to our City Council. Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand ... April ballot. Plus: the Chamber & EDC is proposing “new financial arrangements” for business development to our City Council. Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand dig into the pros & cons of collective bargaining, discuss economic development incentives, and ponder the increasing ratio of elders to youngsters in Colorado Springs. Share your thoughts with us below.  (Episode 109, recorded 1/25/19)
Read more at Will voters give firefighters collective bargaining power?
Bill Murray full false 36:22
Council Matters: CC Ice Arena Part Deux – Jan 28 2019 Mon, 28 Jan 2019 15:12:10 +0000 The proposed new ice arena at Colorado College gets more attention from Council Matters co-hosts Tom Strand and Bill Murray (also Colorado Springs City Councilors). Parking seems to be the big issue. Also, the history of City for Champions gets a review. Somehow, Alabama football creeps into the discussion. (Episode 108, Recorded 1/25/19)

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The proposed new ice arena at Colorado College gets more attention from Council Matters co-hosts Tom Strand and Bill Murray (also Colorado Springs City Councilors). Parking seems to be the big issue. Also, the history of City for Champions gets a review. Somehow, Alabama football creeps into the discussion. (Episode 108, Recorded 1/25/19)

The post Council Matters: CC Ice Arena Part Deux – Jan 28 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 The proposed new ice arena at Colorado College gets more attention from Council Matters co-hosts Tom Strand and Bill Murray (also Colorado Springs City Councilors). Parking seems to be the big issue. Also, the history of City for Champions gets a revie... ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:12
Council Matters: Bike Lane Heartburn Continues – Jan 21 2019 Mon, 21 Jan 2019 14:30:38 +0000 Some motorists are still losing sleep over conversion of auto lanes to bike lanes. Co-hosts (and City Councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand continue to explore this issue in search of a solution. Are parties in full possession of the facts? Are there any opportunities for improvement in planning or implementation? (Episode 107, Recorded 1/4/19)

The post Council Matters: Bike Lane Heartburn Continues – Jan 21 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Some motorists are still losing sleep over conversion of auto lanes to bike lanes. Co-hosts (and City Councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand continue to explore this issue in search of a solution. Are parties in full possession of the facts? Are there any opportunities for improvement in planning or implementation? (Episode 107, Recorded 1/4/19)

The post Council Matters: Bike Lane Heartburn Continues – Jan 21 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 4 Some motorists are still losing sleep over conversion of auto lanes to bike lanes. Co-hosts (and City Councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand continue to explore this issue in search of a solution. Are parties in full possession of the facts? ]]> Bill Murray full false 26:16
Council Matters: The Deer, the Park & a Few Other Things – Jan 14 2019 Mon, 14 Jan 2019 14:46:33 +0000 What to do about deer and homeless in our parks (and everywhere else for that matter)? Co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray explore what council should do. “Cull” the herd? Also on the table: should council put on the ballot an initiative requiring a citizen vote to sell, trade, lease, or transfer…

The post Council Matters: The Deer, the Park & a Few Other Things – Jan 14 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

What to do about deer and homeless in our parks (and everywhere else for that matter)? Co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray explore what council should do. “Cull” the herd? Also on the table: should council put on the ballot an initiative requiring a citizen vote to sell, trade, lease, or transfer any park land? (Episode 106, Recorded 1/4/19)

The post Council Matters: The Deer, the Park & a Few Other Things – Jan 14 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 What to do about deer and homeless in our parks (and everywhere else for that matter)? Co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray explore what council should do. “Cull” the herd? Also on the table: should council put on the ballot an ini... ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:42
Council Matters: Cold Shoulder for CC Ice Arena – Jan 7 2019 Mon, 07 Jan 2019 14:52:19 +0000 Serious questions about the proposed hockey arena at Colorado College are being raised by North End neighbors. Has the planning been sufficient for the existing neighborhood? Why is Colorado Springs giving money to a private college for this project? Can parking issues be addressed and resolved? Who will cover infrastructure costs? Will the Robson Arena…

The post Council Matters: Cold Shoulder for CC Ice Arena – Jan 7 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Serious questions about the proposed hockey arena at Colorado College are being raised by North End neighbors. Has the planning been sufficient for the existing neighborhood? Why is Colorado Springs giving money to a private college for this project? Can parking issues be addressed and resolved? Who will cover infrastructure costs? Will the Robson Arena be a boon to the neighborhood or a white elephant? Citizen activists Jane Morgan and Monica Hobbs join co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray.(Episode 105, Recorded 1/4/19)

The post Council Matters: Cold Shoulder for CC Ice Arena – Jan 7 2019 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 2 Serious questions about the proposed hockey arena at Colorado College are being raised by North End neighbors. Has the planning been sufficient for the existing neighborhood? Why is Colorado Springs giving money to a private college for this project? ]]> Bill Murray full false 37:40
Council Matters: Springs 2018 in Review – Dec 17 2018 Mon, 17 Dec 2018 15:26:32 +0000 It was never a dull moment in 2018 for the City of Colorado Springs. Co-hosts (and city councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss a new CEO, new governance committees, renewed commitment to renewables, and developments related to closing the coal-fired Martin Drake power plant at Utilities. Also on the docket: the new regulation of…

The post Council Matters: Springs 2018 in Review – Dec 17 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

It was never a dull moment in 2018 for the City of Colorado Springs. Co-hosts (and city councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss a new CEO, new governance committees, renewed commitment to renewables, and developments related to closing the coal-fired Martin Drake power plant at Utilities. Also on the docket: the new regulation of short-term rentals, the ban on camping within 100 feet of waterways (how are we doing in assisting the homeless?), and development incentives via Urban Renewal desgnation. Does the city really benefit from Urban Renewal Designation? Could developers build their projects without the city’s help? (Episode 104, Recorded 11/16/18)

The post Council Matters: Springs 2018 in Review – Dec 17 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 It was never a dull moment in 2018 for the City of Colorado Springs. Co-hosts (and city councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss a new CEO, new governance committees, renewed commitment to renewables, It was never a dull moment in 2018 for the City of Colorado Springs. Co-hosts (and city councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss a new CEO, new governance committees, renewed commitment to renewables, and developments related to closing the coal-fired Martin Drake power plant at Utilities. Also on the docket: the new regulation of short-term rentals, the ban on camping within 100 feet of waterways (how are we doing in assisting the homeless?), and development incentives via Urban Renewal desgnation. Does the city really benefit from Urban Renewal Designation? Could developers build their projects without the city’s help? (Episode 104, Recorded 11/16/18)
Bill Murray full false 31:07
Council Matters: Can Cars & Bikes Get Along? – Dec 10 2018 Mon, 10 Dec 2018 13:37:26 +0000 Bike lanes (340 miles of them) and other efforts to modernize city streets are making a few people cranky. In this episode, two volunteers from Bike Colorado Springs offer their take, and take some licks. Corey Sutela, advocacy chair, and Cully Radvillas, communication chair, sit down with co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand (also Colorado…

The post Council Matters: Can Cars & Bikes Get Along? – Dec 10 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Bike lanes (340 miles of them) and other efforts to modernize city streets are making a few people cranky. In this episode, two volunteers from Bike Colorado Springs offer their take, and take some licks. Corey Sutela, advocacy chair, and Cully Radvillas, communication chair, sit down with co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand (also Colorado Springs city councilors). (Episode 103, Recorded 11/16/18)


Bike Colorado Springs

The post Council Matters: Can Cars & Bikes Get Along? – Dec 10 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Bike lanes (340 miles of them) and other efforts to modernize city streets are making a few people cranky. In this episode, two volunteers from Bike Colorado Springs offer their take, and take some licks. Corey Sutela, advocacy chair, Bike lanes (340 miles of them) and other efforts to modernize city streets are making a few people cranky. In this episode, two volunteers from Bike Colorado Springs offer their take, and take some licks. Corey Sutela, advocacy chair, and Cully Radvillas, communication chair, sit down with co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand (also Colorado Springs city councilors). (Episode 103, Recorded 11/16/18)


Bike Colorado Springs
Bill Murray full false 35:03
Council Matters: The Ugly Stormwater Mess – Dec 3 2018 Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:45:37 +0000 Stormwater management in Colorado Springs is a mess. Co-hosts and city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray get into the ugly truth in this episode. What’s next now that the city lost the EPA lawsuit? Will stormwater fees be increased? Will new taxes be levied? Is the city in a financial hole it can’t get…

The post Council Matters: The Ugly Stormwater Mess – Dec 3 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Stormwater management in Colorado Springs is a mess. Co-hosts and city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray get into the ugly truth in this episode. What’s next now that the city lost the EPA lawsuit? Will stormwater fees be increased? Will new taxes be levied? Is the city in a financial hole it can’t get out of? How can the city encourage development with this issue hanging over its head? (Episode 102, Recorded 11/16/18)

The post Council Matters: The Ugly Stormwater Mess – Dec 3 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Stormwater management in Colorado Springs is a mess. Co-hosts and city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray get into the ugly truth in this episode. What’s next now that the city lost the EPA lawsuit? Will stormwater fees be increased? ]]> Bill Murray full false 34:56
Council Matters: 3 Important Employees – Nov 26 2018 Mon, 26 Nov 2018 13:49:12 +0000 Just three important city employees out of about 4,000 report directly to Colorado Springs City Council. Councilors (and co-hosts) Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the 3 positions: city auditor, council administrator, and CEO of Colorado Springs Utilities. They have other musings about regionalization, the Martin Drake power plant, and the AMI system. (Episode 101,…

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Just three important city employees out of about 4,000 report directly to Colorado Springs City Council. Councilors (and co-hosts) Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the 3 positions: city auditor, council administrator, and CEO of Colorado Springs Utilities. They have other musings about regionalization, the Martin Drake power plant, and the AMI system. (Episode 101, recorded 11/2/18)

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]]> 0 Just three important city employees out of about 4,000 report directly to Colorado Springs City Council. Councilors (and co-hosts) Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the 3 positions: city auditor, council administrator, ]]> Bill Murray full false 26:32
Council Matters: Your Fortune Told Here (Post-Election) – Nov 19 2018 Mon, 19 Nov 2018 14:47:31 +0000 Political ads, term limits, and special interests are in the mix as co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray interpret election results. Plus: a look into the future. This is Bill and Tom’s 100th episode. Cheers! (Episode 100, Recorded 11/16/18)

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Political ads, term limits, and special interests are in the mix as co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray interpret election results. Plus: a look into the future. This is Bill and Tom’s 100th episode. Cheers! (Episode 100, Recorded 11/16/18)

The post Council Matters: Your Fortune Told Here (Post-Election) – Nov 19 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Political ads, term limits, and special interests are in the mix as co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray interpret election results. Plus: a look into the future. This is Bill and Tom’s 100th episode. Cheers! (Episode 100, ]]> Bill Murray full false 36:32
Council Matters: Amy Sweet of Colorado Springs Business Journal – Nov 12 2018 Mon, 12 Nov 2018 14:26:04 +0000 From city growth and traffic congestion to bike lanes and sustainability, everything’s on the table as Amy Sweet, editor of the Colorado Springs Business Journal drops in for a chat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand co-host, as always. (Episode 99, recorded 11/2/18)

The post Council Matters: Amy Sweet of Colorado Springs Business Journal – Nov 12 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

From city growth and traffic congestion to bike lanes and sustainability, everything’s on the table as Amy Sweet, editor of the Colorado Springs Business Journal drops in for a chat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand co-host, as always. (Episode 99, recorded 11/2/18)

The post Council Matters: Amy Sweet of Colorado Springs Business Journal – Nov 12 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 From city growth and traffic congestion to bike lanes and sustainability, everything’s on the table as Amy Sweet, editor of the Colorado Springs Business Journal drops in for a chat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand co-host, Colorado Springs Business Journal drops in for a chat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand co-host, as always. (Episode 99, recorded 11/2/18)
Bill Murray full false 38:20
Council Matters: Election Poll Numbers – Nov 05 2018 Mon, 05 Nov 2018 19:01:45 +0000 Poll numbers surprise co-host and city councilor Bill Murray. The voters are interested in conservation, healthcare, and making Colorado better. Money, ballot issues, and an unpopular judge are also discussed, with co-host and also city councilor Tom Strand. (Episode 98, recorded 11/2/18)

The post Council Matters: Election Poll Numbers – Nov 05 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Poll numbers surprise co-host and city councilor Bill Murray. The voters are interested in conservation, healthcare, and making Colorado better. Money, ballot issues, and an unpopular judge are also discussed, with co-host and also city councilor Tom Strand. (Episode 98, recorded 11/2/18)

The post Council Matters: Election Poll Numbers – Nov 05 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Poll numbers surprise co-host and city councilor Bill Murray. The voters are interested in conservation, healthcare, and making Colorado better. Money, ballot issues, and an unpopular judge are also discussed, ]]> Bill Murray full false 28:07
Council Matters: Bikes, Deer & Short Term Rentals, Oh My – Oct 29 2018 Mon, 29 Oct 2018 13:59:50 +0000 Do we have too many deer, bicycles and short term rentals? These controversies are revisited by co-hosts and city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray. (Episode 97, recorded 10/12/18)

The post Council Matters: Bikes, Deer & Short Term Rentals, Oh My – Oct 29 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Do we have too many deer, bicycles and short term rentals? These controversies are revisited by co-hosts and city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray. (Episode 97, recorded 10/12/18)

The post Council Matters: Bikes, Deer & Short Term Rentals, Oh My – Oct 29 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Do we have too many deer, bicycles and short term rentals? These controversies are revisited by co-hosts and city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray. (Episode 97, recorded 10/12/18) ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:16
Council Matters: Taking the City Budget Apart – Oct 22 2018 Mon, 22 Oct 2018 14:30:17 +0000 All about how your tax dollars will be spent. City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn the mayor’s proposed 2019 city budget upside down and shake it to see what comes out. Public safety gets significant attention in this episode. Let the number crunching begin. (Episode 96, recorded 10/12/18)

The post Council Matters: Taking the City Budget Apart – Oct 22 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

All about how your tax dollars will be spent. City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn the mayor’s proposed 2019 city budget upside down and shake it to see what comes out. Public safety gets significant attention in this episode. Let the number crunching begin. (Episode 96, recorded 10/12/18)

The post Council Matters: Taking the City Budget Apart – Oct 22 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 All about how your tax dollars will be spent. City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn the mayor’s proposed 2019 city budget upside down and shake it to see what comes out. Public safety gets significant attention in this episode. ]]> Bill Murray full false 28:14
Council Matters: Ballot Measures 74 & 112 – Oct 15 2018 Mon, 15 Oct 2018 13:34:27 +0000 Two controversial ballot measures are under the microscope in this episode. Colorado Springs City Councilors and co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand stake their positions on Amendment 74 & and Proposition 112. 74 would require state and local governments to reimburse property owners for any loss of value due to new regulations. 112 would increase…

The post Council Matters: Ballot Measures 74 & 112 – Oct 15 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Two controversial ballot measures are under the microscope in this episode. Colorado Springs City Councilors and co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand stake their positions on Amendment 74 & and Proposition 112. 74 would require state and local governments to reimburse property owners for any loss of value due to new regulations. 112 would increase the required setback for oil drilling operations to 2500 feet from occupied buildings. See what they think, and let us know your opinion (comment below). Ballots are being mailed today. Please vote! (Episode 95, recorded 10/12/18)

The post Council Matters: Ballot Measures 74 & 112 – Oct 15 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Two controversial ballot measures are under the microscope in this episode. Colorado Springs City Councilors and co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand stake their positions on Amendment 74 & and Proposition 112. ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:52
Council Matters: City Budget Preview – Oct 8 2018 Mon, 08 Oct 2018 13:27:18 +0000 How is the City of Colorado Springs going to spend our tax dollars in 2019? Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the beginning of the 2019 budget process. Should health & safety, broadband internet service, IT infrastructure, and the homeless have a piece of the budget pie? (Episode 94, Recorded 9/13/18)

The post Council Matters: City Budget Preview – Oct 8 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

How is the City of Colorado Springs going to spend our tax dollars in 2019? Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the beginning of the 2019 budget process. Should health & safety, broadband internet service, IT infrastructure, and the homeless have a piece of the budget pie? (Episode 94, Recorded 9/13/18)

The post Council Matters: City Budget Preview – Oct 8 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 How is the City of Colorado Springs going to spend our tax dollars in 2019? Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the beginning of the 2019 budget process. Should health & safety, broadband internet service, IT infrastructure, ]]> Bill Murray full false 23:43
Council Matters: City Councilors Town Hall – Oct 1 2018 Mon, 01 Oct 2018 13:57:14 +0000 In this “No Holds Barred” town hall, Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand hear from an energetic crowd. Citizens voiced concerns about homelessness, Colorado College, vacation rentals, and more. No pitchforks or torches, but a robust discussion. Can Tom and Bill deliver? (Episode 94, recorded 9/27/18)

The post Council Matters: City Councilors Town Hall – Oct 1 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

In this “No Holds Barred” town hall, Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand hear from an energetic crowd. Citizens voiced concerns about homelessness, Colorado College, vacation rentals, and more. No pitchforks or torches, but a robust discussion. Can Tom and Bill deliver? (Episode 94, recorded 9/27/18)

The post Council Matters: City Councilors Town Hall – Oct 1 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 In this “No Holds Barred” town hall, Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand hear from an energetic crowd. Citizens voiced concerns about homelessness, Colorado College, vacation rentals, and more. No pitchforks or torches, ]]> Bill Murray full false 1:12:27
Council Matters: Strategic Plan Plus Short Term Rentals Update – Sept 24 2018 Mon, 24 Sep 2018 13:40:45 +0000 Should Short Term Rentals collect the LART (Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax)? A follow up to episode 90 about regulating VRBO and Airbnb in the Springs. Should we care about the Municipal Administrative Budget? Why should I read the city charter? What is the city’s Strategic Plan? Does it have useful metrics? (Episode 92, Recorded…

The post Council Matters: Strategic Plan Plus Short Term Rentals Update – Sept 24 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Should Short Term Rentals collect the LART (Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax)? A follow up to episode 90 about regulating VRBO and Airbnb in the Springs. Should we care about the Municipal Administrative Budget? Why should I read the city charter? What is the city’s Strategic Plan? Does it have useful metrics? (Episode 92, Recorded 9/13/18)

The post Council Matters: Strategic Plan Plus Short Term Rentals Update – Sept 24 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Should Short Term Rentals collect the LART (Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax)? A follow up to episode 90 about regulating VRBO and Airbnb in the Springs. Should we care about the Municipal Administrative Budget? Why should I read the city charter? episode 90 about regulating VRBO and Airbnb in the Springs. Should we care about the Municipal Administrative Budget? Why should I read the city charter? What is the city’s Strategic Plan? Does it have useful metrics? (Episode 92, Recorded 9/13/18)
Bill Murray full false 24:22
Council Matters: State of the City – Sept 17 2018 Mon, 17 Sep 2018 13:39:40 +0000 Energy flows as Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand gear up for the Mayor’s State of the City address. Collaboration, addressing specific issues, and the future economic climate are on Bill’s mind. Let’s not forget storm water, legal issues, and economic sustainability. Tom’s heartburn: “Are we, as a city, gaining on having a robust public…

The post Council Matters: State of the City – Sept 17 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Energy flows as Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand gear up for the Mayor’s State of the City address. Collaboration, addressing specific issues, and the future economic climate are on Bill’s mind. Let’s not forget storm water, legal issues, and economic sustainability. Tom’s heartburn: “Are we, as a city, gaining on having a robust public safety environment?” (Episode 91, Recorded 9/13/18)

The post Council Matters: State of the City – Sept 17 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Energy flows as Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand gear up for the Mayor’s State of the City address. Collaboration, addressing specific issues, and the future economic climate are on Bill’s mind. Let’s not forget storm water, legal issues, ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:44
Council Matters: Should We Regulate Vacation Rentals? Sept 10 2018 Mon, 10 Sep 2018 12:26:58 +0000 Are VRBO and Airbnb a plus or a problem for Colorado Springs? Vacation rentals are squeezing Amsterdam and Spain housing markets making housing unaffordable for people living there. Could that happen here? Should a city permit be required to ensure these entrepreneurs pay the Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax (LART)? Should there be other regulations?…

The post Council Matters: Should We Regulate Vacation Rentals? Sept 10 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Are VRBO and Airbnb a plus or a problem for Colorado Springs? Vacation rentals are squeezing Amsterdam and Spain housing markets making housing unaffordable for people living there. Could that happen here? Should a city permit be required to ensure these entrepreneurs pay the Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax (LART)? Should there be other regulations? Co-hosts and City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss vacation rentals and their financial impact on the city. (Episode 90, recorded 8/24/18)

The post Council Matters: Should We Regulate Vacation Rentals? Sept 10 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Are VRBO and Airbnb a plus or a problem for Colorado Springs? Vacation rentals are squeezing Amsterdam and Spain housing markets making housing unaffordable for people living there. Could that happen here? Should a city permit be required to ensure the... ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:21
Council Matters: Utilities CEO Hiring Update – Sept 4 2018 Tue, 04 Sep 2018 10:55:01 +0000 Who are the 3 finalists vying for the highest-paying public sector job in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand update us and dig deeper into the hiring of a new Colorado Springs Utilities CEO. Will they be offering a $700K salary? Will CSU hit its stated goal of 150KW of renewable energy…

The post Council Matters: Utilities CEO Hiring Update – Sept 4 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Who are the 3 finalists vying for the highest-paying public sector job in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand update us and dig deeper into the hiring of a new Colorado Springs Utilities CEO. Will they be offering a $700K salary? Will CSU hit its stated goal of 150KW of renewable energy by 2020? Listen to find out their opinions. Then share yours! Comments welcome below. (Episode 89, recorded 8/24/18)

The post Council Matters: Utilities CEO Hiring Update – Sept 4 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Who are the 3 finalists vying for the highest-paying public sector job in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand update us and dig deeper into the hiring of a new Colorado Springs Utilities CEO. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:17
Council Matters: On A Roll – Aug 27 2018 Mon, 27 Aug 2018 13:21:49 +0000 Verbal thrashings punctuate a smorgasbord of topics hot in Colorado Springs. Bring your fire extinguisher. City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murrary are on a roll in this episode. There’s a lot of Heat and they’re taking “No Prisoners.” PlanCOS; Camping Ordinance; metropolitan districts; economic sustainability; public safety. Your comments are welcome below. (Episode 88,…

The post Council Matters: On A Roll – Aug 27 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Verbal thrashings punctuate a smorgasbord of topics hot in Colorado Springs. Bring your fire extinguisher. City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murrary are on a roll in this episode. There’s a lot of Heat and they’re taking “No Prisoners.” PlanCOS; Camping Ordinance; metropolitan districts; economic sustainability; public safety. Your comments are welcome below. (Episode 88, recorded 8/24/18)

The post Council Matters: On A Roll – Aug 27 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Verbal thrashings punctuate a smorgasbord of topics hot in Colorado Springs. Bring your fire extinguisher. City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murrary are on a roll in this episode. There’s a lot of Heat and they’re taking “No Prisoners. ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:30
Council Matters: Hiring a New Utilities CEO – Aug 13 2018 Mon, 13 Aug 2018 11:38:32 +0000 What are the criteria and other factors influencing the hiring of a new Colorado Springs Utilities CEO? Co-hosts and City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray dig into the process underway to replace recently retired CEO Jerry Forte. On the table: vision, leadership, politics, renewables vs. fossil fuels, and more. (Episode 87, Recorded 7/27/18)

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What are the criteria and other factors influencing the hiring of a new Colorado Springs Utilities CEO? Co-hosts and City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray dig into the process underway to replace recently retired CEO Jerry Forte. On the table: vision, leadership, politics, renewables vs. fossil fuels, and more. (Episode 87, Recorded 7/27/18)

The post Council Matters: Hiring a New Utilities CEO – Aug 13 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 What are the criteria and other factors influencing the hiring of a new Colorado Springs Utilities CEO? Co-hosts and City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray dig into the process underway to replace recently retired CEO Jerry Forte. ]]> Bill Murray full false 40:57
Council Matters: Comprehensive Plan – Que Será, Será? Mon, 06 Aug 2018 13:49:14 +0000 Is Colorado Springs’ proposed updated comprehensive plan (PlanCOS) a “Nothing Burger,” as intimated by John Hazlehurst’s recent column in the Colorado Springs Business Journal? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand debate. Is this plan, like all the others, in “sand?” What are the rising expectations of the community? What constitutes a “vibrant” community? Does…

The post Council Matters: Comprehensive Plan – Que Será, Será? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs’ proposed updated comprehensive plan (PlanCOS) a “Nothing Burger,” as intimated by John Hazlehurst’s recent column in the Colorado Springs Business Journal? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand debate. Is this plan, like all the others, in “sand?” What are the rising expectations of the community? What constitutes a “vibrant” community? Does Colorado Springs need “Economic Sustainability?” Let us know your thoughts by commenting below. (Episode 86, recorded 7/27/18)

The post Council Matters: Comprehensive Plan – Que Será, Será? appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Is Colorado Springs’ proposed updated comprehensive plan (PlanCOS) a “Nothing Burger,” as intimated by John Hazlehurst’s recent column in the Colorado Springs Business Journal? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand debate. Is this plan, PlanCOS) a “Nothing Burger,” as intimated by John Hazlehurst’s recent column in the Colorado Springs Business Journal? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand debate. Is this plan, like all the others, in “sand?” What are the rising expectations of the community? What constitutes a “vibrant” community? Does Colorado Springs need “Economic Sustainability?” Let us know your thoughts by commenting below. (Episode 86, recorded 7/27/18)
Bill Murray full false 32:10
Council Matters: City for Champions Funding – July 30 2018 Mon, 30 Jul 2018 11:56:09 +0000 A downtown stadium and arena are in the works for Colorado Springs. Is this cause for celebration or for concern? City councilors (and Council Matters co-hosts) Tom Strand and Bill Murray explore the ins and outs of these recently announced City for Champions (C4C) projects. They examine the financing plans, the role of the taxpayer,…

The post Council Matters: City for Champions Funding – July 30 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

A downtown stadium and arena are in the works for Colorado Springs. Is this cause for celebration or for concern? City councilors (and Council Matters co-hosts) Tom Strand and Bill Murray explore the ins and outs of these recently announced City for Champions (C4C) projects. They examine the financing plans, the role of the taxpayer, and implications of C4C for the Olympic Museum, USAFA Visitor Center and Colorado College. (Episode 85, Recorded 7/27/18)

The post Council Matters: City for Champions Funding – July 30 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 A downtown stadium and arena are in the works for Colorado Springs. Is this cause for celebration or for concern? City councilors (and Council Matters co-hosts) Tom Strand and Bill Murray explore the ins and outs of these recently announced City for Ch... ]]> Bill Murray full false 34:05
Council Matters: What’s Up? Burglaries! Mon, 16 Jul 2018 14:20:35 +0000 Burglaries are up 22% in Colorado Springs. City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray tackle the problem, discussing potential solutions and offering tips for residents of the city. (Episode 84, Recorded 6/29/18)

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Burglaries are up 22% in Colorado Springs. City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray tackle the problem, discussing potential solutions and offering tips for residents of the city. (Episode 84, Recorded 6/29/18)

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]]> 0 Burglaries are up 22% in Colorado Springs. City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray tackle the problem, discussing potential solutions and offering tips for residents of the city. (Episode 84, Recorded 6/29/18) ]]> Bill Murray full false 27:47
Council Matters: Affordable Housing Solutions – July 09 2018 Mon, 09 Jul 2018 15:25:06 +0000 Can the affordable housing shortage be solved? If so, how? Private sector, Habitat for Humanity, tiny houses, government subsidies or requirements? Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand give it their best shot in this episode. (Episode 83, recorded 6/29/18)

The post Council Matters: Affordable Housing Solutions – July 09 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Can the affordable housing shortage be solved? If so, how? Private sector, Habitat for Humanity, tiny houses, government subsidies or requirements? Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand give it their best shot in this episode. (Episode 83, recorded 6/29/18)

The post Council Matters: Affordable Housing Solutions – July 09 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Can the affordable housing shortage be solved? If so, how? Private sector, Habitat for Humanity, tiny houses, government subsidies or requirements? Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand give it their best shot in this episode. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:37
Council Matters: Homelessness Solved – July 02 2018 Mon, 02 Jul 2018 19:23:03 +0000 Can Colorado Springs’ homeless issues really be solved? It’s still a HOT topic in Colorado Springs. Tom Strand just returned from Harvard, where he learned a thing or two about Colorado Springs’ efforts to combat homelessness. Apparently New Zealand, Australia, San Diego and Salt Lake City have fixed the problem.  Learn all about it in…

The post Council Matters: Homelessness Solved – July 02 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Can Colorado Springs’ homeless issues really be solved? It’s still a HOT topic in Colorado Springs. Tom Strand just returned from Harvard, where he learned a thing or two about Colorado Springs’ efforts to combat homelessness. Apparently New Zealand, Australia, San Diego and Salt Lake City have fixed the problem.  Learn all about it in this fascinating conversation between co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray. Share your thoughts below. (Episode 82, recorded 6/29/18)

The post Council Matters: Homelessness Solved – July 02 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Can Colorado Springs’ homeless issues really be solved? It’s still a HOT topic in Colorado Springs. Tom Strand just returned from Harvard, where he learned a thing or two about Colorado Springs’ efforts to combat homelessness. Apparently New Zealand, ]]> Bill Murray full false 34:51
Council Matters: Bicycles – Blessing or Nuisance? – June 25 2018 Mon, 25 Jun 2018 13:50:45 +0000 “Bicycle, Bicycle, Bicycle, I want to ride my Bicycle.” Some motorists don’t want to share the road with bicyclists. Some resent their presence, and both motorists and bicyclists have some legitimate gripes about etiquette and ignorance – or even outright flouting – of traffic laws. City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the controversies…

The post Council Matters: Bicycles – Blessing or Nuisance? – June 25 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

“Bicycle, Bicycle, Bicycle, I want to ride my Bicycle.” Some motorists don’t want to share the road with bicyclists. Some resent their presence, and both motorists and bicyclists have some legitimate gripes about etiquette and ignorance – or even outright flouting – of traffic laws. City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the controversies and confusion – including consternation over bike lanes and traffic calming being implemented by the city’s traffic engineering department. Can we find a balance that keeps everyone happy and safe? Also: Will bike sharing work in Colorado Springs? (Episode 81, recorded 6/2/18)

The post Council Matters: Bicycles – Blessing or Nuisance? – June 25 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 “Bicycle, Bicycle, Bicycle, I want to ride my Bicycle.” Some motorists don’t want to share the road with bicyclists. Some resent their presence, and both motorists and bicyclists have some legitimate gripes about etiquette and ignorance – or even outri... ]]> Bill Murray full false 34:02
Council Matters: More Homeless & Marijuana Busts – June 18 2018 Mon, 18 Jun 2018 13:18:52 +0000 El Paso county is doing drug busts. Is it all for show? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand wonder if these busts are being staged. Why? Plus: The homeless population in the Springs is increasing. And panhandlers are getting younger by the day. Where are they coming from? Not Colorado Springs. Not…

The post Council Matters: More Homeless & Marijuana Busts – June 18 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

El Paso county is doing drug busts. Is it all for show? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand wonder if these busts are being staged. Why? Plus: The homeless population in the Springs is increasing. And panhandlers are getting younger by the day. Where are they coming from? Not Colorado Springs. Not Denver. Will the city pass a Riparian Ordinance to prevent the homeless from camping near rivers and streams? (Episode 80, Recorded 6/2/18)

The post Council Matters: More Homeless & Marijuana Busts – June 18 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 El Paso county is doing drug busts. Is it all for show? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand wonder if these busts are being staged. Why? Plus: The homeless population in the Springs is increasing. ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:54
Council Matters: Collective Bargaining for Firefighters – June 11 2018 Mon, 11 Jun 2018 20:39:48 +0000 Will Tom Strand run for a second term on city council? The firefighters want collective bargaining and a seat at the table. Is that a reasonable request, and who should decide?  Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand tee it up and talk it down the fairway. Share your thoughts with a comment…

The post Council Matters: Collective Bargaining for Firefighters – June 11 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Will Tom Strand run for a second term on city council? The firefighters want collective bargaining and a seat at the table. Is that a reasonable request, and who should decide?  Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand tee it up and talk it down the fairway. Share your thoughts with a comment below! (Episode 79, recorded 6/2/18)

The post Council Matters: Collective Bargaining for Firefighters – June 11 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Will Tom Strand run for a second term on city council? The firefighters want collective bargaining and a seat at the table. Is that a reasonable request, and who should decide?  Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand tee it up and ... ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:26 Mon, 04 Jun 2018 13:16:03 +0000 Is Colorado Springs City Council working in secret too often? Councilor Bill Murray thinks so. What are the true legal requirements placed on executive sessions? What subjects really should be discussed behind closed doors? City Councilor Tom Strand has a different take than Murray on the subject. (Episode 78, recorded 5/18/18)

The post appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Is Colorado Springs City Council working in secret too often? Councilor Bill Murray thinks so. What are the true legal requirements placed on executive sessions? What subjects really should be discussed behind closed doors? City Councilor Tom Strand has a different take than Murray on the subject. (Episode 78, recorded 5/18/18)

The post appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Is Colorado Springs City Council working in secret too often? Councilor Bill Murray thinks so. What are the true legal requirements placed on executive sessions? What subjects really should be discussed behind closed doors? ]]> Bill Murray full false 26:48
Council Matters: Watering Our Parks – May 28 2018 Mon, 28 May 2018 16:34:22 +0000 Colorado Springs’ parks department can’t afford to water our trees and park grass adequately. Should Colorado Springs Utilities provide free or discounted water to keep the parks alive and well? Do we have a water surplus? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the issue and possible solutions. NOTE: shortly after this episode was…

The post Council Matters: Watering Our Parks – May 28 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Colorado Springs’ parks department can’t afford to water our trees and park grass adequately. Should Colorado Springs Utilities provide free or discounted water to keep the parks alive and well? Do we have a water surplus? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the issue and possible solutions. NOTE: shortly after this episode was recorded, the city council voted to have Colorado Springs Utilities cover some of the cost of watering parks. (Episode 77, recorded 5/18/18)

The post Council Matters: Watering Our Parks – May 28 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Colorado Springs’ parks department can’t afford to water our trees and park grass adequately. Should Colorado Springs Utilities provide free or discounted water to keep the parks alive and well? Do we have a water surplus? ]]> Bill Murray full false 27:23
Council Matters: Business & Jobs – May 21 2018 Mon, 21 May 2018 12:47:16 +0000 Why isn’t Colorado Springs attracting permanent businesses? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss this question. They ask if the Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC (Economic Development Council) are doing enough. Is the city’s job market expanding in the high-end or the low-end? Are we becoming a bedroom community of Denver or a military…

The post Council Matters: Business & Jobs – May 21 2018 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Why isn’t Colorado Springs attracting permanent businesses? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss this question. They ask if the Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC (Economic Development Council) are doing enough. Is the city’s job market expanding in the high-end or the low-end? Are we becoming a bedroom community of Denver or a military retirement community? Is Comcast an impediment to business growth? Is a stadium really a business? All good questions. Share your thoughts below; we’d love to know what you think! (Episode 76, recorded 5/18/18)

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]]> 0 Why isn’t Colorado Springs attracting permanent businesses? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss this question. They ask if the Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC (Economic Development Council) are doing enough. Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC (Economic Development Council) are doing enough. Is the city’s job market expanding in the high-end or the low-end? Are we becoming a bedroom community of Denver or a military retirement community? Is Comcast an impediment to business growth? Is a stadium really a business? All good questions. Share your thoughts below; we’d love to know what you think! (Episode 76, recorded 5/18/18)
Bill Murray full false 36:24
Council Matters: Electricity Setback – May 13 2018 Mon, 14 May 2018 13:27:40 +0000 Xcel exits the Regional Transmission Organization (which includes Colorado Springs Utilities). City councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand aren’t happy about it. Isn’t pooling resources a good idea? They also have more to say on closing Martin-Drake power plant. Also: how should they city pay for water for its parks? Should we have a Pikes…

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Xcel exits the Regional Transmission Organization (which includes Colorado Springs Utilities). City councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand aren’t happy about it. Isn’t pooling resources a good idea? They also have more to say on closing Martin-Drake power plant. Also: how should they city pay for water for its parks? Should we have a Pikes Peak Park District? And: Colorado Springs is now the #2 most livable city. Do you agree? Your comments welcome below. (Episode 75, recorded 4/26/18)

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]]> 0 Xcel exits the Regional Transmission Organization (which includes Colorado Springs Utilities). City councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand aren’t happy about it. Isn’t pooling resources a good idea? They also have more to say on closing Martin-Drake pow... ]]> Bill Murray full false 27:07
Council Matters: Banning Lewis Ranch Post Mortem – May 7 2018 Mon, 07 May 2018 14:22:36 +0000 Amending the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation agreement was just the first step. According to Colorado Springs City Councilor Bill Murray, “The Heavy Lifting” is yet to be done. This includes road construction, fire and police stations. Bill Murray and Tom Strand also discuss Arbor Day and the teachers protests (locally and in Denver). (Episode 74,…

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Amending the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation agreement was just the first step. According to Colorado Springs City Councilor Bill Murray, “The Heavy Lifting” is yet to be done. This includes road construction, fire and police stations. Bill Murray and Tom Strand also discuss Arbor Day and the teachers protests (locally and in Denver). (Episode 74, recorded 4/26/18)

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]]> 0 Amending the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation agreement was just the first step. According to Colorado Springs City Councilor Bill Murray, “The Heavy Lifting” is yet to be done. This includes road construction, fire and police stations. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:09
Council Matters: New Twist on Homeless Camps – April 30 2018 Mon, 30 Apr 2018 17:52:27 +0000 Will a “Riparian Ordinance” protect streams from contamination by homeless campers? Will the ACLU have a problem with it? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand explore what can be done about homeless camps. ALSO: the average annual wage in town is $46K. Is that a living wage? (episode 73, recorded 2018 04…

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Will a “Riparian Ordinance” protect streams from contamination by homeless campers? Will the ACLU have a problem with it? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand explore what can be done about homeless camps. ALSO: the average annual wage in town is $46K. Is that a living wage?

(episode 73, recorded 2018 04 20)

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]]> 1 Will a “Riparian Ordinance” protect streams from contamination by homeless campers? Will the ACLU have a problem with it? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand explore what can be done about homeless camps. (episode 73, recorded 2018 04 20)
Bill Murray full false 32:33
Council Matters: Water, Parks, and A Few Other Things – April 23 2018 Mon, 23 Apr 2018 12:22:43 +0000 Can Colorado Springs afford to water its parks? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss ways of addressing that financial challenge. Also: Surplus city revenue? Bill thinks the town will be hitting an economic downturn very soon. Doug Lamborn’s spot in the primary heads to the Colorado Supreme Court. Hickenlooper for president 2020? (Episode…

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Can Colorado Springs afford to water its parks? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss ways of addressing that financial challenge. Also: Surplus city revenue? Bill thinks the town will be hitting an economic downturn very soon. Doug Lamborn’s spot in the primary heads to the Colorado Supreme Court. Hickenlooper for president 2020? (Episode 72, recorded 2018 04 20)

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]]> 0 Can Colorado Springs afford to water its parks? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss ways of addressing that financial challenge. Also: Surplus city revenue? Bill thinks the town will be hitting an economic downturn very soon. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:41
Council Matters: Campers and Cops – April 16 2018 Mon, 16 Apr 2018 13:11:50 +0000 Too many campers and too few cops? Over half the boost of officers from each new police academy graduating class is lost through retirements and attrition throughout the force. Should police and fire have bargaining rights with the city? Plus: Should we find a way to allow camping along Colorado Springs’ waterways. How should Colorado…

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Too many campers and too few cops? Over half the boost of officers from each new police academy graduating class is lost through retirements and attrition throughout the force. Should police and fire have bargaining rights with the city? Plus: Should we find a way to allow camping along Colorado Springs’ waterways. How should Colorado Springs help the homeless? Producer Gary Casimir joins City Councilor Tom Strand while Bill Murray is MIA (Episode 71, recorded 2018 04 02)

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]]> 0 Too many campers and too few cops? Over half the boost of officers from each new police academy graduating class is lost through retirements and attrition throughout the force. Should police and fire have bargaining rights with the city? ]]> Bill Murray full false 35:05
Council Matters: New Utilities CEO Should Be… – April 9 2018 Mon, 09 Apr 2018 13:28:16 +0000 What does Colorado Springs need in a new Utilities CEO? Bill Murray is MIA, so City Councilor (and Utilities Board Chair) Tom Strand enlists the help of producer Gary Casimir to discuss the departing Jerry Forte and recruiting his replacement. Plus: The Broadmoor comes in for a little April Fools fun.  (Episode 70, recorded 2018…

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What does Colorado Springs need in a new Utilities CEO? Bill Murray is MIA, so City Councilor (and Utilities Board Chair) Tom Strand enlists the help of producer Gary Casimir to discuss the departing Jerry Forte and recruiting his replacement. Plus: The Broadmoor comes in for a little April Fools fun.  (Episode 70, recorded 2018 04 02)

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]]> 0 What does Colorado Springs need in a new Utilities CEO? Bill Murray is MIA, so City Councilor (and Utilities Board Chair) Tom Strand enlists the help of producer Gary Casimir to discuss the departing Jerry Forte and recruiting his replacement. ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:34
Council Matters: Traffic Issues – April 2 2018 Mon, 02 Apr 2018 13:42:16 +0000 Do you have Traffic Issues? Does Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss traffic and pedestrian issues facing Colorado College and the Old North End. What will be the downstream impact of Colorado Springs road dieting and changes? Plus: Is there such a thing a affordable housing? Bill Murray has your answer.…

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Do you have Traffic Issues? Does Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss traffic and pedestrian issues facing Colorado College and the Old North End. What will be the downstream impact of Colorado Springs road dieting and changes? Plus: Is there such a thing a affordable housing? Bill Murray has your answer. Share your thoughts below. (Episode 69, recorded 2018 03 23)

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]]> 0 Do you have Traffic Issues? Does Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss traffic and pedestrian issues facing Colorado College and the Old North End. What will be the downstream impact of Colorado Springs road dieting and c... ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:57 Mon, 26 Mar 2018 16:16:26 +0000 Who will lead the billion-dollar Colorado Springs Utilities into the future? CEO Jerry Forte is retiring. Council members Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the process to find a new CEO, plus the challenges he or she will face. It could be a wild ride, considering the various factions in the community who will have…

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Who will lead the billion-dollar Colorado Springs Utilities into the future? CEO Jerry Forte is retiring. Council members Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the process to find a new CEO, plus the challenges he or she will face. It could be a wild ride, considering the various factions in the community who will have their own agendas. (recorded 2018/03/23)

The post appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Who will lead the billion-dollar Colorado Springs Utilities into the future? CEO Jerry Forte is retiring. Council members Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the process to find a new CEO, plus the challenges he or she will face. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:47
Council Matters: Executive Sessions – March 12 2018 Mon, 12 Mar 2018 13:16:10 +0000 “I’ve got a secret” isn’t exactly the motto you want those running your city to adopt. Springs City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the city attorney’s role in executive sessions. Should the city attorney be elected instead of appointed by the mayor? How does the city attorney set the (mayor’s?) agenda for council?…

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“I’ve got a secret” isn’t exactly the motto you want those running your city to adopt. Springs City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the city attorney’s role in executive sessions. Should the city attorney be elected instead of appointed by the mayor? How does the city attorney set the (mayor’s?) agenda for council? Bill Murray argues for more pubic discourse and wants CORA requests for minutes of executive sessions to be honored. Should the city council have their own attorney for legal representation and advice?  Share your thoughts below. (Episode 67, recorded 2018 03 02)

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]]> 0 “I’ve got a secret” isn’t exactly the motto you want those running your city to adopt. Springs City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the city attorney’s role in executive sessions. Should the city attorney be elected instead of appointed b... ]]> Bill Murray full false 35:05
Council Matters: Homelessness – March 5 2018 Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:03:04 +0000 Can we solve homelessness in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss this issue that has been plaguing Colorado Springs for years. Solutions are presented but will the council and mayor accept them? Are managed camps the way to go? Can a military solution relieve the city of this issue? A fear…

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Can we solve homelessness in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss this issue that has been plaguing Colorado Springs for years. Solutions are presented but will the council and mayor accept them? Are managed camps the way to go? Can a military solution relieve the city of this issue? A fear factor comes into play when the citizens are afraid to use trails throughout the city because of the homeless camping along trails and streams. Let us know what you think (POST below). (Episode 66, recorded 2018 03 02)

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]]> 0 Can we solve homelessness in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss this issue that has been plaguing Colorado Springs for years. Solutions are presented but will the council and mayor accept them? ]]> Bill Murray full false 34:43
Council Matters: Public Safety – Feb 26 2018 Mon, 26 Feb 2018 14:50:59 +0000 Is Public Safety given the proper priority by the city of Colorado Springs? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand along with their guest, Bob Acker, discuss the subject. Included in the topic is: Threat, Hazard, Identification, and Risk Assessment (THIRA). Let’s add Engagement, Vigilance, Realize, Awareness training. Soft targets. Detect, deter, assist…

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Is Public Safety given the proper priority by the city of Colorado Springs? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand along with their guest, Bob Acker, discuss the subject. Included in the topic is: Threat, Hazard, Identification, and Risk Assessment (THIRA). Let’s add Engagement, Vigilance, Realize, Awareness training. Soft targets. Detect, deter, assist , delay, respond – all buzzwords that need to be heeded. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section below – click POST. (Episode 65, recorded 2018 02 16)

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]]> 0 Is Public Safety given the proper priority by the city of Colorado Springs? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand along with their guest, Bob Acker, discuss the subject. Included in the topic is: Threat, Hazard, Identification, ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:40
Council Matters: Fire Mitigation – Feb 19 2018 Mon, 19 Feb 2018 12:11:11 +0000 Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next wildfire or flood? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss with mitigation expert Bob Acker, of Ackcellent Consulting. What can the city do to be better prepared? The National Response Framework, the National Infrastructure Recovery Process, and NIMS (National Incident Management system) all impact us in Colorado…

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Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next wildfire or flood? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss with mitigation expert Bob Acker, of Ackcellent Consulting. What can the city do to be better prepared? The National Response Framework, the National Infrastructure Recovery Process, and NIMS (National Incident Management system) all impact us in Colorado Springs. Listen to find out how? (Episode 64, Recorded 2018 02 16)

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]]> 0 Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next wildfire or flood? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss with mitigation expert Bob Acker, of Ackcellent Consulting. What can the city do to be better prepared? The National Response Framework, ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:39
Council Matters: Infrastructure, with Bob Acker Mon, 05 Feb 2018 14:10:21 +0000 Infrastructure is the hot topic, as consultant Bob Acker joins City Councilor Tom Strand (Bill Murray is globe-trotting). Roads, bridges, security, and infrastructure protections all get some attention. It’s all intertwined with our daily lives and must be supported and maintained. You’ll find out that the cost of prevention is a lot cheaper than repairing…

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Infrastructure is the hot topic, as consultant Bob Acker joins City Councilor Tom Strand (Bill Murray is globe-trotting). Roads, bridges, security, and infrastructure protections all get some attention. It’s all intertwined with our daily lives and must be supported and maintained. You’ll find out that the cost of prevention is a lot cheaper than repairing after a major mishap. (Episode 63, recorded 2018 02 02)

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]]> 0 Infrastructure is the hot topic, as consultant Bob Acker joins City Councilor Tom Strand (Bill Murray is globe-trotting). Roads, bridges, security, and infrastructure protections all get some attention. It’s all intertwined with our daily lives and mus... ]]> Bill Murray full false 23:29
Council Matters: Antlers Park – Jan 29 2018 Mon, 29 Jan 2018 15:19:20 +0000 A soccer stadium at Antlers Park? Perry Sanders and a few business associates are suggesting this idea. Will this stadium fill the requirements for the City for Champions? Time’s running out to obtain the C4C funding help from the state of Colorado. What’s the “reverting clause?” Does the city maintain its parks adequately? The Switchbacks…

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A soccer stadium at Antlers Park? Perry Sanders and a few business associates are suggesting this idea. Will this stadium fill the requirements for the City for Champions? Time’s running out to obtain the C4C funding help from the state of Colorado. What’s the “reverting clause?” Does the city maintain its parks adequately? The Switchbacks soccer team, Sky Socks baseball team, Amazon, and the Olympic Museum all get some air time in another fast-paced session with Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Editor’s Note: Since this episode was recorded, City Council has sidelined the Antler’s Park idea – not completely dead, but not first choice. (Episode 62, recorded 2018 01 19)

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]]> 0 A soccer stadium at Antlers Park? Perry Sanders and a few business associates are suggesting this idea. Will this stadium fill the requirements for the City for Champions? Time’s running out to obtain the C4C funding help from the state of Colorado. ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:35
Council Matters: Trouble at Banning-Lewis Ranch – Jan 22 2018 Mon, 22 Jan 2018 16:30:18 +0000 The troubled Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation agreement amendment proposal: Is there a master plan? Are the financial projections a little too “rosy”? Has there been adequate public input and participation? Is there a shorter name for this albatross? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss. Should a citizens committee be formed to scrub the pro-development…

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The troubled Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation agreement amendment proposal: Is there a master plan? Are the financial projections a little too “rosy”? Has there been adequate public input and participation? Is there a shorter name for this albatross? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss. Should a citizens committee be formed to scrub the pro-development numbers the city has provided? Should BLR be de-annexed and returned to the county? Still many unanswered questions. Let us know what you think. (Episode 61, recorded 2018 01 19)

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]]> 1 The troubled Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation agreement amendment proposal: Is there a master plan? Are the financial projections a little too “rosy”? Has there been adequate public input and participation? Is there a shorter name for this albatross? ]]> Bill Murray full false 35:16
Council Matters: Police & Public Safety – Jan 15 2017 Mon, 15 Jan 2018 14:11:44 +0000 An uptick in pedestrian accidents and crime in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand get serious about Public Safety. Bill’s experience walking with police officers and an incident he personally experienced provide an eye opener. Bill likes Community Police Involvement and Innovative Policing Procedures. What do you think? (click POST below) The…

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An uptick in pedestrian accidents and crime in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand get serious about Public Safety. Bill’s experience walking with police officers and an incident he personally experienced provide an eye opener. Bill likes Community Police Involvement and Innovative Policing Procedures. What do you think? (click POST below) The firemen (Local 5) of Colorado Springs want collective bargaining.  Why not? Bill likes “Smoking Clubs” where people can enjoy a joint or two.  Watch out for Bill’s comments on State’s rights and AG Jeff Sessions plus his take on the mayor’s Morality.  (Episode 160, recorded 2018 01 05)

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]]> 0 An uptick in pedestrian accidents and crime in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand get serious about Public Safety. Bill’s experience walking with police officers and an incident he personally experienced provide an eye opener.... ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:04
Council Matters: Downtown Power Plant – Jan 8 2017 Mon, 08 Jan 2018 14:12:22 +0000 The dynamic duo is back from holiday break and they don’t miss a beat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the closing of the belching behemoth known as Martin Drake. Then they switch gears to converse about the blue frame, Colorado Municipal League, gas taxes, the strong mayor and – in…

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The dynamic duo is back from holiday break and they don’t miss a beat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the closing of the belching behemoth known as Martin Drake. Then they switch gears to converse about the blue frame, Colorado Municipal League, gas taxes, the strong mayor and – in Bill’s own words, “The lack of new businesses. I’m still looking for those 2100 jobs that were promised me.” The cybersecurity center, Panasonic, Broadband, and the Consumer Electronics Show come in for honorable mention. (Episode 59, Recorded 2018 01 05)

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]]> 1 The dynamic duo is back from holiday break and they don’t miss a beat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the closing of the belching behemoth known as Martin Drake. Then they switch gears to converse about the blue fra... ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:30
Council Matters: Sexual Harassment – Dec 25 2017 Mon, 25 Dec 2017 12:54:11 +0000 Sexual harassment in the confines of the city and utilities of Colorado Springs is the hot topic taken up in this episode by Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strand participated in sexual harassment cases as a lawyer (aka JAG) in the Air Force, giving him an interesting, informed perspective. Also: Austin, TX…

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Sexual harassment in the confines of the city and utilities of Colorado Springs is the hot topic taken up in this episode by Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strand participated in sexual harassment cases as a lawyer (aka JAG) in the Air Force, giving him an interesting, informed perspective. Also: Austin, TX governance model; in-migration/out-migration; sprawl. (Episode 58, recorded 2017 12 08)

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]]> 0 Sexual harassment in the confines of the city and utilities of Colorado Springs is the hot topic taken up in this episode by Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strand participated in sexual harassment cases as a lawyer (aka JAG) in the... ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:48
Council Matters: New Year’s Resolutions – Dec 18 2017 Mon, 18 Dec 2017 13:36:21 +0000 Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand share their list of New Year’s resolution. The discussion includes ballot issues, Gallagher amendment, TABOR, Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation, Martin-Drake power plant, Mark Waller, strong mayor concept, toll lanes, council staff, parks; public safety, housing and leadership. Click POST below and let us know your thoughts (Episode…

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Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand share their list of New Year’s resolution. The discussion includes ballot issues, Gallagher amendment, TABOR, Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation, Martin-Drake power plant, Mark Waller, strong mayor concept, toll lanes, council staff, parks; public safety, housing and leadership. Click POST below and let us know your thoughts (Episode 57, recorded 2017 12 08)

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]]> 0 Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand share their list of New Year’s resolution. The discussion includes ballot issues, Gallagher amendment, TABOR, Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation, Martin-Drake power plant, Mark Waller, ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:40
Council Matters: Banning-Lewis Ranch – Dec 11 2017 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 13:09:16 +0000 Leave it to Bill Murray and Tom Strand to go toe to toe on Banning-Lewis Ranch. The annexation agreement is one of the bones of contention. Stormwater is in for another round. Is there a conflict for one of the council members? The stormwater fee issue has not been settled. Why does Colorado Springs foot…

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Leave it to Bill Murray and Tom Strand to go toe to toe on Banning-Lewis Ranch. The annexation agreement is one of the bones of contention. Stormwater is in for another round. Is there a conflict for one of the council members? The stormwater fee issue has not been settled. Why does Colorado Springs foot the bill for the some Manitou Incline facilities when the Incline resides in Manitou Springs? If you have an opinion click POST below or call 719.203.1660. (Episode #56, recorded 2017 12 01)

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]]> 0 Leave it to Bill Murray and Tom Strand to go toe to toe on Banning-Lewis Ranch. The annexation agreement is one of the bones of contention. Stormwater is in for another round. Is there a conflict for one of the council members? ]]> Bill Murray full false 38:21
Council Matters: Strawberry Fields & Martin Drake – Dec 4 2017 Mon, 04 Dec 2017 15:04:23 +0000 More hot topics this week with Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strawberry Fields is back on the agenda: questions surrounding the property appraisal. Martin Drake power plant, that belching behemoth in the center of Colorado Springs, is another hot topic: To close or not to close? That is the question. What…

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More hot topics this week with Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strawberry Fields is back on the agenda: questions surrounding the property appraisal. Martin Drake power plant, that belching behemoth in the center of Colorado Springs, is another hot topic: To close or not to close? That is the question. What do Bill and Tom think? Sale of Colorado Springs Utilities? Tom’s a strong “NO” vote. Share your opinion with us by clicking POST below.

The post Council Matters: Strawberry Fields & Martin Drake – Dec 4 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 More hot topics this week with Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strawberry Fields is back on the agenda: questions surrounding the property appraisal. Martin Drake power plant, that belching behemoth in the center of Colorad... ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:54
Council Matters: Tourism in Colorado Springs Nov 20 2017 Mon, 20 Nov 2017 18:42:47 +0000 Discussions of tourism kick off today’s program. The USOC Olympic Museum is first and Bill Murray and Tom Strand take different positions. They also disagree on a proposed stadium (that refuses to die). City for Champions, tax increment financing, Lodging Auto Rental Tax, Colorado Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and Economic…

The post Council Matters: Tourism in Colorado Springs Nov 20 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Discussions of tourism kick off today’s program. The USOC Olympic Museum is first and Bill Murray and Tom Strand take different positions. They also disagree on a proposed stadium (that refuses to die). City for Champions, tax increment financing, Lodging Auto Rental Tax, Colorado Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development – all are discussed. What do YOU think? Let us know by clicking POST below and adding a comment. (Episode 54, recorded 2017 11 13)

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]]> 0 Discussions of tourism kick off today’s program. The USOC Olympic Museum is first and Bill Murray and Tom Strand take different positions. They also disagree on a proposed stadium (that refuses to die). City for Champions, tax increment financing, ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:51
Council Matters: Election Results November 2017 Thu, 16 Nov 2017 13:31:49 +0000 Talk about getting down in the weeds on the ballot issues that just passed in Colorado Springs, Bill Murray and Tom Strand take you through the jungle exposing what was really voted on. Will the widened I-25 be a toll road? Yep! They talk about it. Additional costs over and above what has been touted?…

The post Council Matters: Election Results November 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Talk about getting down in the weeds on the ballot issues that just passed in Colorado Springs, Bill Murray and Tom Strand take you through the jungle exposing what was really voted on. Will the widened I-25 be a toll road? Yep! They talk about it. Additional costs over and above what has been touted? Oh, No! Also: “why” people didn’t vote. Stormwater and the EPA: will Colorado Springs be fined or will the city dodge a bullet? Click POST below to let us know what YOU think. (Episode #53, recorded 2017 11 13).

The post Council Matters: Election Results November 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Talk about getting down in the weeds on the ballot issues that just passed in Colorado Springs, Bill Murray and Tom Strand take you through the jungle exposing what was really voted on. Will the widened I-25 be a toll road? Yep! They talk about it. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:17
Council Matters: Homelessness November 6 2017 Mon, 06 Nov 2017 18:50:12 +0000 Council member Bill Murray was confronted about homelessness at a recent meeting. Surprise! Surprise! There is a problem when an urban renewal project starts and all the current inhabitants (homeless) are moved out of their current domiciles. Thefts, sleeping on porches, opioid issues, neighbors wanting a police presence (only to find out there are not…

The post Council Matters: Homelessness November 6 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Council member Bill Murray was confronted about homelessness at a recent meeting. Surprise! Surprise! There is a problem when an urban renewal project starts and all the current inhabitants (homeless) are moved out of their current domiciles. Thefts, sleeping on porches, opioid issues, neighbors wanting a police presence (only to find out there are not enough police to satisfy the neighborhood needs due to low pay and slow recruitment).

Bill couldn’t find any homeless vets during his investigation. Can the Rescue Mission, Catholic Charities, or Care & Share help improve the situation? Give a listen and you decide. (Episode 52, recorded 2017 10 27)

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]]> 0 Council member Bill Murray was confronted about homelessness at a recent meeting. Surprise! Surprise! There is a problem when an urban renewal project starts and all the current inhabitants (homeless) are moved out of their current domiciles. Thefts, Bill couldn’t find any homeless vets during his investigation. Can the Rescue Mission, Catholic Charities, or Care & Share help improve the situation? Give a listen and you decide. (Episode 52, recorded 2017 10 27)
Bill Murray full false 33:56
Council Matters: Nov City/County Election Oct 30 2017 Mon, 30 Oct 2017 13:18:35 +0000 Why do some people go to the polls while others don’t bother to exercise their right to vote? Ballot issues, stormwater, toll roads, money, and voter engagement are all teed up by Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand in this episode. Listen to Bill get on a rant about 2/3 of the…

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Why do some people go to the polls while others don’t bother to exercise their right to vote? Ballot issues, stormwater, toll roads, money, and voter engagement are all teed up by Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand in this episode. Listen to Bill get on a rant about 2/3 of the way through. He’s on a roll! (Episode 51. recorded 2017 10 27)

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]]> 0 Why do some people go to the polls while others don’t bother to exercise their right to vote? Ballot issues, stormwater, toll roads, money, and voter engagement are all teed up by Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand in this epis... ]]> Bill Murray full false 33:53
Council Matters: Hillside Public Safety October 23 2017 Mon, 23 Oct 2017 13:44:44 +0000 Bill & Tom are holding a Town hall meeting 10/26 6:00 pm at city hall. The two astute city councilors discuss the recent Hillside community meeting with subjects that included public safety, code enforcement, and marijuana use on the public streets. “Is there an ordinance against that?” asked several members of the audience. Does the…

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Bill & Tom are holding a Town hall meeting 10/26 6:00 pm at city hall. The two astute city councilors discuss the recent Hillside community meeting with subjects that included public safety, code enforcement, and marijuana use on the public streets. “Is there an ordinance against that?” asked several members of the audience. Does the city have the resources to satisfy the citizens at the Hillside community center? Tune-in and find out. Should we close parks or sell them to developers? Do we need targeted taxes? How will all the community needs be satisfied? (Episode #50, Recorded 2017 10 13)

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]]> 1 Bill & Tom are holding a Town hall meeting 10/26 6:00 pm at city hall. The two astute city councilors discuss the recent Hillside community meeting with subjects that included public safety, code enforcement, and marijuana use on the public streets. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:00
Council Matters: City Budget Oct 16 2017 Mon, 16 Oct 2017 13:21:58 +0000 Bill Murray and Tom Strand are serious in this episode. Why? They’re working on the 2018 budget of Colorado Springs. Are the mayor’s revenue projections too rosy? Also: funding for vehicle maintenance, parks. stormwater, police and fire. Plus:What will move the public to vote? Should school boards be required to have senior participants to bring…

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Bill Murray and Tom Strand are serious in this episode. Why? They’re working on the 2018 budget of Colorado Springs. Are the mayor’s revenue projections too rosy? Also: funding for vehicle maintenance, parks. stormwater, police and fire. Plus:What will move the public to vote? Should school boards be required to have senior participants to bring a different view to education? Are there too many school districts for the area? You’ll be surprised at how tiny the city’s take is on property tax. Your comments welcome below (click POST). Recorded 10/13/17.

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]]> 0 Bill Murray and Tom Strand are serious in this episode. Why? They’re working on the 2018 budget of Colorado Springs. Are the mayor’s revenue projections too rosy? Also: funding for vehicle maintenance, parks. stormwater, police and fire. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:15
Council Matters: Marijuana Madness October 2 2017 Mon, 02 Oct 2017 13:35:42 +0000 If you thought the last episode of Council Matters had adrenalin pumping, wait till you catch this one. Recreational Marijuana, using the funds for the homeless, 2019 ballot, and consumption clubs (no, it’s not like getting Consumption – you know, the progressive wasting away of the body especially from pulmonary tuberculosis). Listen to find out…

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If you thought the last episode of Council Matters had adrenalin pumping, wait till you catch this one. Recreational Marijuana, using the funds for the homeless, 2019 ballot, and consumption clubs (no, it’s not like getting Consumption – you know, the progressive wasting away of the body especially from pulmonary tuberculosis). Listen to find out what it means. Hint: It’s entrepreneurial. Colorado Springs City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray are, as usual, your hosts. Click POST below to comment; we love hearing from you. (recorded 9/22/17)

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]]> 0 If you thought the last episode of Council Matters had adrenalin pumping, wait till you catch this one. Recreational Marijuana, using the funds for the homeless, 2019 ballot, and consumption clubs (no, it’s not like getting Consumption – you know, ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:09
Council Matters: Stormwater September 25 2017 Thu, 28 Sep 2017 14:33:21 +0000 Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn up the heat in this episode discussing the “should we, shouldn’t we” on stormwater and roads. Tom’s Energy Vision for Colorado Springs Utilities is discussed, and how real world downsizing and outsourcing affected Colorado Springs. (Recorded 9/22/17) Post a comment below and let us know what you…

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Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn up the heat in this episode discussing the “should we, shouldn’t we” on stormwater and roads. Tom’s Energy Vision for Colorado Springs Utilities is discussed, and how real world downsizing and outsourcing affected Colorado Springs. (Recorded 9/22/17)

Post a comment below and let us know what you think.

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]]> 0 Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn up the heat in this episode discussing the “should we, shouldn’t we” on stormwater and roads. Tom’s Energy Vision for Colorado Springs Utilities is discussed, Post a comment below and let us know what you think.
Bill Murray full false 32:46
Council Matters: Stormwater #46 Sept 5 2017 Tue, 05 Sep 2017 12:46:03 +0000 Bill Murray and Tom Strand get into a heated and somewhat testy conversation about Stormwater. The mayor is bandied about with a certain irreverence and as Bill says, “Get ready for a ride.” Do they solve the problem? No! They’re only scratching the surface. Fees, water volume, Pueblo, EPA development polling and Costa Rica (?)…

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Bill Murray and Tom Strand get into a heated and somewhat testy conversation about Stormwater. The mayor is bandied about with a certain irreverence and as Bill says, “Get ready for a ride.” Do they solve the problem? No! They’re only scratching the surface. Fees, water volume, Pueblo, EPA development polling and Costa Rica (?) are in the mix. What do you think? Let us know by clicking POST below. (recorded 8/18/17)

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]]> 0 Bill Murray and Tom Strand get into a heated and somewhat testy conversation about Stormwater. The mayor is bandied about with a certain irreverence and as Bill says, “Get ready for a ride.” Do they solve the problem? No! ]]> Bill Murray full false 27:00
Council Matters: Civility #45 August 28 2017 Thu, 31 Aug 2017 23:12:27 +0000 Colorado Springs City Council members at large Bill Murray and Tom Strand want to get back to civility. But things happening like Charlottesville, VA, Barcelona, homelessness, the issue of marijuana, and pundits pontification all over the place, how can these two get their bearings and concentrate on civility? Listen to see if they accomplish the…

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Colorado Springs City Council members at large Bill Murray and Tom Strand want to get back to civility. But things happening like Charlottesville, VA, Barcelona, homelessness, the issue of marijuana, and pundits pontification all over the place, how can these two get their bearings and concentrate on civility? Listen to see if they accomplish the task even with the “compression of time.” You be the judge and jury on these topics. (Recorded 2017 08 18)

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]]> 0 Colorado Springs City Council members at large Bill Murray and Tom Strand want to get back to civility. But things happening like Charlottesville, VA, Barcelona, homelessness, the issue of marijuana, and pundits pontification all over the place,

Colorado Springs City Council members at large Bill Murray and Tom Strand want to get back to civility. But things happening like Charlottesville, VA, Barcelona, homelessness, the issue of marijuana, and pundits pontification all over the place, how can these two get their bearings and concentrate on civility? Listen to see if they accomplish the task even with the “compression of time.” You be the judge and jury on these topics. (Recorded 2017 08 18)

Bill Murray full false 29:21
Council Matters: Marijuana #43 August 21 2017 Mon, 21 Aug 2017 16:28:12 +0000 This may be the first time urinalysis has been discussed on Council Matters. Medical Marijuana is the burning topic today as Bill Murray tries to persuade Tom Strand that Colorado Springs should legalize it. The city is leaving $16 to $24 million a year in tax revenue on the table by not allowing recreational marijuana…

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This may be the first time urinalysis has been discussed on Council Matters. Medical Marijuana is the burning topic today as Bill Murray tries to persuade Tom Strand that Colorado Springs should legalize it. The city is leaving $16 to $24 million a year in tax revenue on the table by not allowing recreational marijuana sales. Gateway drug? Crime? Black market? All get some discussion. Vandalism in Venezia Park also gets some attention. Bill Murray asks for citizen help. Weigh in with a comment by clicking POST below. (recorded 8/14/17)

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]]> 0 This may be the first time urinalysis has been discussed on Council Matters. Medical Marijuana is the burning topic today as Bill Murray tries to persuade Tom Strand that Colorado Springs should legalize it. ]]> Bill Murray full false 36:06
Council Matters: Stormwater August 14 2017 Mon, 14 Aug 2017 12:52:22 +0000 Bill and Tom discuss the stormwater ordinance Mayor Suthers has asked City Council to put on the November ballot, creating a new fee to cover the costs of maintaining and improving stormwater infrastructure. Shouldn’t the fee be based on amount of impervious surface? Should Colorado Springs Utilities handle the billilng? Why is the Mayor popular?…

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Bill and Tom discuss the stormwater ordinance Mayor Suthers has asked City Council to put on the November ballot, creating a new fee to cover the costs of maintaining and improving stormwater infrastructure. Shouldn’t the fee be based on amount of impervious surface? Should Colorado Springs Utilities handle the billilng? Why is the Mayor popular? Is it leadership or is it politics? Will the stormwater work be outsourced? Tom and Bill decide a public town hall should be held over the stormwater fee. Let city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray know what you think in the comments section below (click POST).

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]]> 0 Bill and Tom discuss the stormwater ordinance Mayor Suthers has asked City Council to put on the November ballot, creating a new fee to cover the costs of maintaining and improving stormwater infrastructure. ]]> Bill Murray full false 34:59
Council Matters: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 13:16:50 +0000 They’re at it again – discussing things you won’t hear at council meetings. Tom & Bill discuss Red Light cameras (being considered by Chief Carey). Plus: Should council put recreational marijuana to a vote? There’s a lot crammed into this 40 minute segment with Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. (recorded 7/28/17)

The post Council Matters: appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

They’re at it again – discussing things you won’t hear at council meetings. Tom & Bill discuss Red Light cameras (being considered by Chief Carey). Plus: Should council put recreational marijuana to a vote? There’s a lot crammed into this 40 minute segment with Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. (recorded 7/28/17)

The post Council Matters: appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 They’re at it again – discussing things you won’t hear at council meetings. Tom & Bill discuss Red Light cameras (being considered by Chief Carey). Plus: Should council put recreational marijuana to a vote? ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:50
Council Matters: Public Safety July 24 2017 Mon, 24 Jul 2017 13:06:09 +0000 Our two astute council members, Bill Murray and Tom Strand, plod through the swamp of funding and the problems of Public Safety. Why are citizens reluctant to adequately fund Public Safety? Don’t they want that 911 call to be answered? Or that emergency vehicle to respond in a timely manner. Get your answers in this…

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Our two astute council members, Bill Murray and Tom Strand, plod through the swamp of funding and the problems of Public Safety. Why are citizens reluctant to adequately fund Public Safety? Don’t they want that 911 call to be answered? Or that emergency vehicle to respond in a timely manner. Get your answers in this timely conversation. (recorded 2017 07 14)

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]]> 0 Our two astute council members, Bill Murray and Tom Strand, plod through the swamp of funding and the problems of Public Safety. Why are citizens reluctant to adequately fund Public Safety? Don’t they want that 911 call to be answered? ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:50 Fri, 21 Jul 2017 21:41:38 +0000 Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again, discussing Colorado Springs issues with wit, charm and daring. No holds barred when discussing Stormwater issues that face the city – including EPA lawsuit, Pueblo lawsuit, and the difficulty of financing Stormwater infrastructure. Does the City have the leadership to make Stormwater happen? Listen and…

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Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again, discussing Colorado Springs issues with wit, charm and daring. No holds barred when discussing Stormwater issues that face the city – including EPA lawsuit, Pueblo lawsuit, and the difficulty of financing Stormwater infrastructure. Does the City have the leadership to make Stormwater happen? Listen and find out. (recorded 7/14/17)

The post appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again, discussing Colorado Springs issues with wit, charm and daring. No holds barred when discussing Stormwater issues that face the city – including EPA lawsuit, Pueblo lawsuit,

Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again, discussing Colorado Springs issues with wit, charm and daring. No holds barred when discussing Stormwater issues that face the city – including EPA lawsuit, Pueblo lawsuit, and the difficulty of financing Stormwater infrastructure. Does the City have the leadership to make Stormwater happen? Listen and find out. (recorded 7/14/17)

Bill Murray full false 31:23
Council Matters: Renewables – June 5 2017 Mon, 05 Jun 2017 12:00:27 +0000 Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again taking on the subject of renewables in Colorado Springs. The citizen owned utility needs to get out of the coal generating business. Both agree. Looking at battery storage is one of Bill’s suggestions. It’s being done in other locales. Why not here in Colorado…

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Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again taking on the subject of renewables in Colorado Springs. The citizen owned utility needs to get out of the coal generating business. Both agree. Looking at battery storage is one of Bill’s suggestions. It’s being done in other locales. Why not here in Colorado Springs? Is the community and its government too risk averse? Could be. Wind, solar gardens and open markets are all on the table.
Let us know your opinion below in the comments section.

The post Council Matters: Renewables – June 5 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again taking on the subject of renewables in Colorado Springs. The citizen owned utility needs to get out of the coal generating business. Both agree. Looking at battery storage is one of Bill’s sugg...

Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again taking on the subject of renewables in Colorado Springs. The citizen owned utility needs to get out of the coal generating business. Both agree. Looking at battery storage is one of Bill’s suggestions. It’s being done in other locales. Why not here in Colorado Springs? Is the community and its government too risk averse? Could be. Wind, solar gardens and open markets are all on the table.
Let us know your opinion below in the comments section.

Bill Murray full false 33:44
Council Matters: Senior Center – May 29 2017 Mon, 29 May 2017 11:56:26 +0000 Our venerable two senior council members, Bill Murray & Tom Strand, take on the happenings at the Colorado Springs Senior Center. Plus other issues that are facing the senior community like sports, insurance, driving, aging, disabilities and transit. Ever hear of the Sustainability and Support Services in Colorado Springs? Neither have they. Silver Sneakers support…

The post Council Matters: Senior Center – May 29 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Our venerable two senior council members, Bill Murray & Tom Strand, take on the happenings at the Colorado Springs Senior Center. Plus other issues that are facing the senior community like sports, insurance, driving, aging, disabilities and transit.

Ever hear of the Sustainability and Support Services in Colorado Springs? Neither have they. Silver Sneakers support seniors in their athletic endeavors. Did you know that the average age in Colorado Springs is 33 years of age? Surprise! Surprise!

The post Council Matters: Senior Center – May 29 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Our venerable two senior council members, Bill Murray & Tom Strand, take on the happenings at the Colorado Springs Senior Center. Plus other issues that are facing the senior community like sports, insurance, driving, aging, disabilities and transit. Ever hear of the Sustainability and Support Services in Colorado Springs? Neither have they. Silver Sneakers support seniors in their athletic endeavors. Did you know that the average age in Colorado Springs is 33 years of age? Surprise! Surprise!
Bill Murray full false 36:12
Council Matters: Election Follow-up May 1 2017 Mon, 01 May 2017 17:55:43 +0000 Newly elected council members, EPA lawsuit, a transit center 20 years in the making and no structure in sight, infrastructure, stormwater and a related fee to come before the voters (when?). Students think the nightlife is boring in Colorado Springs. Could they be right? Will Richard Skorman be a change agent? Time will tell!

The post Council Matters: Election Follow-up May 1 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Newly elected council members, EPA lawsuit, a transit center 20 years in the making and no structure in sight, infrastructure, stormwater and a related fee to come before the voters (when?). Students think the nightlife is boring in Colorado Springs. Could they be right? Will Richard Skorman be a change agent? Time will tell!

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]]> 0 Newly elected council members, EPA lawsuit, a transit center 20 years in the making and no structure in sight, infrastructure, stormwater and a related fee to come before the voters (when?). Students think the nightlife is boring in Colorado Springs. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:11
Council Matters: Leadership – April 24 2017 Mon, 24 Apr 2017 13:45:08 +0000 Wild Bill Murray and ever so polite Tom Strand are at it again discussing the Drake Power Plant. Will widening I-25 really benefit the driving public or just add more congestion to the problem? Bill takes the position Dynamic Leadership and Static Leadership positions are needed to make an organization run smoothly. As usual, no…

The post Council Matters: Leadership – April 24 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Wild Bill Murray and ever so polite Tom Strand are at it again discussing the Drake Power Plant. Will widening I-25 really benefit the driving public or just add more congestion to the problem? Bill takes the position Dynamic Leadership and Static Leadership positions are needed to make an organization run smoothly. As usual, no stone is left unturned.

The post Council Matters: Leadership – April 24 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Wild Bill Murray and ever so polite Tom Strand are at it again discussing the Drake Power Plant. Will widening I-25 really benefit the driving public or just add more congestion to the problem? Bill takes the position Dynamic Leadership and Static Lead... ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:59
Council Matters: Colorado Springs Election April 10, 2017 Mon, 10 Apr 2017 22:14:29 +0000 Bill & Tom discuss the April 4, 2017 election, the jockeying for political advantage, plus: Did council make a move to the “Dark side” as expressed by the daily newspaper?

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Bill & Tom discuss the April 4, 2017 election, the jockeying for political advantage, plus: Did council make a move to the “Dark side” as expressed by the daily newspaper?

The post Council Matters: Colorado Springs Election April 10, 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 Bill & Tom discuss the April 4, 2017 election, the jockeying for political advantage, plus: Did council make a move to the “Dark side” as expressed by the daily newspaper? ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:08
Council Matters – Vows – March 13 2017 Mon, 13 Mar 2017 12:26:36 +0000 In the last podcast Bill & Tom talked about promises. Today they discuss their vows in a very forward-looking conversation.

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In the last podcast Bill & Tom talked about promises. Today they discuss their vows in a very forward-looking conversation.

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]]> 0 In the last podcast Bill & Tom talked about promises. Today they discuss their vows in a very forward-looking conversation. ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:00
Council Matters – 2 Years and Promises – March 6 2017 Mon, 06 Mar 2017 14:40:04 +0000 Starting with the completion of 2 years on council and promises made during their campaigns, Bill & Tom go off the rails from there with discussions on storm water fees, park and recreation funding, 911 response times, priorities, and de-TABORing.

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Starting with the completion of 2 years on council and promises made during their campaigns, Bill & Tom go off the rails from there with discussions on storm water fees, park and recreation funding, 911 response times, priorities, and de-TABORing.

The post Council Matters – 2 Years and Promises – March 6 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Starting with the completion of 2 years on council and promises made during their campaigns, Bill & Tom go off the rails from there with discussions on storm water fees, park and recreation funding, 911 response times, priorities, and de-TABORing. ]]> Bill Murray full false 28:54
Council Matters: Uber, Short-Term Rentals – Feb 27 2017 Mon, 27 Feb 2017 19:25:30 +0000 Short Term Rentals-should they pay taxes? Vetting Uber, Lyft, Air B&B. Is speaking to city council a last resort? Lack of enforcement of existing ordinances and laws. Accountability of city government from the mayor’s office on down.

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Short Term Rentals-should they pay taxes? Vetting Uber, Lyft, Air B&B. Is speaking to city council a last resort? Lack of enforcement of existing ordinances and laws. Accountability of city government from the mayor’s office on down.

The post Council Matters: Uber, Short-Term Rentals – Feb 27 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Short Term Rentals-should they pay taxes? Vetting Uber, Lyft, Air B&B. Is speaking to city council a last resort? Lack of enforcement of existing ordinances and laws. Accountability of city government from the mayor’s office on down. ]]> Bill Murray full false 29:47
Council Matters – Leadership – February 20 2017 Mon, 20 Feb 2017 16:25:18 +0000 Leadership: different approaches and lack thereof.

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Leadership: different approaches and lack thereof.

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]]> 0 Leadership: different approaches and lack thereof. ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:13
Council Matters – Honesty in Local Government – February 13 2017 Mon, 13 Feb 2017 15:33:24 +0000 Is there honesty, trust, truth coming from the Executive branch of city government? Bill and Tom discuss.

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Is there honesty, trust, truth coming from the Executive branch of city government? Bill and Tom discuss.

The post Council Matters – Honesty in Local Government – February 13 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Is there honesty, trust, truth coming from the Executive branch of city government? Bill and Tom discuss. ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:31
Council Matters – Priorities – February 6 2017 Mon, 06 Feb 2017 22:54:28 +0000 What are the priorities for the City of Colorado Springs? Are the candidates for city council trustworthy? Collaboration between council and the mayor.

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What are the priorities for the City of Colorado Springs? Are the candidates for city council trustworthy? Collaboration between council and the mayor.

The post Council Matters – Priorities – February 6 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 What are the priorities for the City of Colorado Springs? Are the candidates for city council trustworthy? Collaboration between council and the mayor. ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:08
Council Matters – January 26 2016 – Olympic Museum Thu, 26 Jan 2017 12:46:33 +0000 Does the Olympic Museum have local support? Is the financing coming up short? Will private funding come to the rescue?

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Does the Olympic Museum have local support? Is the financing coming up short? Will private funding come to the rescue?

The post Council Matters – January 26 2016 – Olympic Museum appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Does the Olympic Museum have local support? Is the financing coming up short? Will private funding come to the rescue? ]]> Bill Murray full false 28:30
Council Matters – January 19 2016 Fri, 20 Jan 2017 13:06:26 +0000 The April 2017 elections and candidates are discussed. It’ll be a horserace between the myriad of candidates.

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The April 2017 elections and candidates are discussed. It’ll be a horserace between the myriad of candidates.

The post Council Matters – January 19 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 The April 2017 elections and candidates are discussed. It’ll be a horserace between the myriad of candidates. ]]> Bill Murray full false 28:27
Council Matters – January 12 2016 Thu, 12 Jan 2017 19:46:17 +0000 Technology libraries in all schools, Colorado Springs Utilities governance, responsibility to electorate, Issue 300, Payment in Lieu of Taxes, doing away with city council, and more. Not the place to nap!

The post Council Matters – January 12 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Technology libraries in all schools, Colorado Springs Utilities governance, responsibility to electorate, Issue 300, Payment in Lieu of Taxes, doing away with city council, and more. Not the place to nap!

The post Council Matters – January 12 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Technology libraries in all schools, Colorado Springs Utilities governance, responsibility to electorate, Issue 300, Payment in Lieu of Taxes, doing away with city council, and more. Not the place to nap! ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:56
Council Matters – January 5 2017 Thu, 05 Jan 2017 14:23:33 +0000 Bill Murray is back in full swing with co-host Tom Strand. On the agenda: Colorado Springs council candidates, community connections, dialog-concerns-issues, 3 minute comments at council meetings, and more.

The post Council Matters – January 5 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Bill Murray is back in full swing with co-host Tom Strand. On the agenda: Colorado Springs council candidates, community connections, dialog-concerns-issues, 3 minute comments at council meetings, and more.

The post Council Matters – January 5 2017 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Bill Murray is back in full swing with co-host Tom Strand. On the agenda: Colorado Springs council candidates, community connections, dialog-concerns-issues, 3 minute comments at council meetings, and more. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:03
Council Matters – December 22 2016 Thu, 22 Dec 2016 14:20:40 +0000 Wants for 2017: Council election in 2017, Utilities governance, focus on Broadband build out, Separate Parks & Rec with own funding source, Shook’s Run project (25 years?) Public transport, low income housing, jobs. Your comments (below) are welcome! Let us know what you think, and what you’d like to hear about on future episodes.

The post Council Matters – December 22 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

Wants for 2017: Council election in 2017, Utilities governance, focus on Broadband build out, Separate Parks & Rec with own funding source, Shook’s Run project (25 years?) Public transport, low income housing, jobs.

Your comments (below) are welcome! Let us know what you think, and what you’d like to hear about on future episodes.

The post Council Matters – December 22 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Wants for 2017: Council election in 2017, Utilities governance, focus on Broadband build out, Separate Parks & Rec with own funding source, Shook’s Run project (25 years?) Public transport, low income housing, jobs. Your comments (below) are welcome! Your comments (below) are welcome! Let us know what you think, and what you’d like to hear about on future episodes.
Bill Murray full false 30:23
Council Matters – Year in Review – December 16 2016 Fri, 16 Dec 2016 14:26:36 +0000 Reflecting on 2016. The relationship with the mayor, environment, collaboration & cooperation, broadband, and the Code Scrub Group.

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Reflecting on 2016. The relationship with the mayor, environment, collaboration & cooperation, broadband, and the Code Scrub Group.

The post Council Matters – Year in Review – December 16 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Reflecting on 2016. The relationship with the mayor, environment, collaboration & cooperation, broadband, and the Code Scrub Group. ]]> Bill Murray full false 35:35
Council Matters – December 8 2016 Thu, 08 Dec 2016 12:46:08 +0000 City Councilor Andy Pico fills in for Bill Murray for this discussion of the 54 volunteer committees, boards, and commissions that make up the city of Colorado Springs support organizations.

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City Councilor Andy Pico fills in for Bill Murray for this discussion of the 54 volunteer committees, boards, and commissions that make up the city of Colorado Springs support organizations.

The post Council Matters – December 8 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 1 City Councilor Andy Pico fills in for Bill Murray for this discussion of the 54 volunteer committees, boards, and commissions that make up the city of Colorado Springs support organizations. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:43
Council Matters: December 1 2016 Fri, 02 Dec 2016 04:30:22 +0000 20 Years Into The Future: Fellow councilor Andy Pico joins host Tom Strand. Today’s discussion includes Colorado Springs in 20 years. Transportation, Cyber employment, housing, utilities.

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20 Years Into The Future: Fellow councilor Andy Pico joins host Tom Strand. Today’s discussion includes Colorado Springs in 20 years. Transportation, Cyber employment, housing, utilities.

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]]> 0 20 Years Into The Future: Fellow councilor Andy Pico joins host Tom Strand. Today’s discussion includes Colorado Springs in 20 years. Transportation, Cyber employment, housing, utilities. ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:39
Council Matters – November 24 2016 Thu, 24 Nov 2016 14:35:53 +0000 Dave Gardner guest-hosts one last time before Bill Murray rejoins the show. Co-Host Tom Strand gives a shout out to all the citizens who volunteer for various boards and committees. Some local organizations that endorse and fund council campaigns: The HBA (Housing and Building Association) and Regional Business Alliance (RBA). Colorado Springs Forward. They discuss…

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Dave Gardner guest-hosts one last time before Bill Murray rejoins the show. Co-Host Tom Strand gives a shout out to all the citizens who volunteer for various boards and committees. Some local organizations that endorse and fund council campaigns: The HBA (Housing and Building Association) and Regional Business Alliance (RBA). Colorado Springs Forward. They discuss the renaming of the RBA to Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce and EDC. They also discuss the motivations of groups like Colorado Springs Forward for dabbling in local politics. Gardner explains why it might be wise for Colorado Springs to move away from a growth-oriented prosperity strategy. The challenges of campaigning for city council and the importance of endorsements from groups like RBA, CSF and HBA are discussed.

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]]> 0 Dave Gardner guest-hosts one last time before Bill Murray rejoins the show. Co-Host Tom Strand gives a shout out to all the citizens who volunteer for various boards and committees. Some local organizations that endorse and fund council campaigns: The ...

Dave Gardner guest-hosts one last time before Bill Murray rejoins the show. Co-Host Tom Strand gives a shout out to all the citizens who volunteer for various boards and committees. Some local organizations that endorse and fund council campaigns: The HBA (Housing and Building Association) and Regional Business Alliance (RBA). Colorado Springs Forward. They discuss the renaming of the RBA to Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce and EDC. They also discuss the motivations of groups like Colorado Springs Forward for dabbling in local politics. Gardner explains why it might be wise for Colorado Springs to move away from a growth-oriented prosperity strategy. The challenges of campaigning for city council and the importance of endorsements from groups like RBA, CSF and HBA are discussed.

Bill Murray full false 30:48
Council Matters – November 17 2016 Fri, 18 Nov 2016 01:10:44 +0000 Tom Strand and guest-co-host Dave Gardner discuss the recent national election and the upcoming local election. Included: what will happen to the Clean Power Plan? Will burning coal to generate electricity return to favor in Colorado Springs?

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Tom Strand and guest-co-host Dave Gardner discuss the recent national election and the upcoming local election. Included: what will happen to the Clean Power Plan? Will burning coal to generate electricity return to favor in Colorado Springs?

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]]> 0 Tom Strand and guest-co-host Dave Gardner discuss the recent national election and the upcoming local election. Included: what will happen to the Clean Power Plan? Will burning coal to generate electricity return to favor in Colorado Springs? ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:23
Council Matters – November 11 2016 Fri, 11 Nov 2016 15:45:16 +0000 Tom Strand explains the difference between 911 and 211 calls, and fills us in on the new 311 call center being considered.

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Tom Strand explains the difference between 911 and 211 calls, and fills us in on the new 311 call center being considered.

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]]> 0 Tom Strand explains the difference between 911 and 211 calls, and fills us in on the new 311 call center being considered. ]]> Bill Murray full false 29:16
Council Matters – November 3 2016 Thu, 03 Nov 2016 12:15:58 +0000 The 2017 city budget for Colorado Springs is the topic as Tom Strand fills in Dave Gardner, who is sitting in for vacationing Bill Murray. Merit raises for city employees and across-the-board raises in public safety are on the agenda. What about police foot patrols downtown and in Old Colorado City? Therapeutic recreation?

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The 2017 city budget for Colorado Springs is the topic as Tom Strand fills in Dave Gardner, who is sitting in for vacationing Bill Murray. Merit raises for city employees and across-the-board raises in public safety are on the agenda. What about police foot patrols downtown and in Old Colorado City? Therapeutic recreation?

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]]> 0 The 2017 city budget for Colorado Springs is the topic as Tom Strand fills in Dave Gardner, who is sitting in for vacationing Bill Murray. Merit raises for city employees and across-the-board raises in public safety are on the agenda. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:28
Council Matters – October 27 2016 Thu, 27 Oct 2016 12:22:55 +0000 Growth is the topic as Tom Strand is joined by sustainability advocate Dave Gardner, who thinks the benefits of city growth are dwarfed by the costs of that growth. They discuss the impact of growth on traffic, taxes, police protection, open space, and jobs. Banning-Lewis Ranch also comes up. Bill Murray returns next week.

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Growth is the topic as Tom Strand is joined by sustainability advocate Dave Gardner, who thinks the benefits of city growth are dwarfed by the costs of that growth. They discuss the impact of growth on traffic, taxes, police protection, open space, and jobs. Banning-Lewis Ranch also comes up. Bill Murray returns next week.

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]]> 2 Growth is the topic as Tom Strand is joined by sustainability advocate Dave Gardner, who thinks the benefits of city growth are dwarfed by the costs of that growth. They discuss the impact of growth on traffic, taxes, police protection, open space, ]]> Bill Murray full false 28:02
Council Matters – October 20 2016 Thu, 20 Oct 2016 13:26:53 +0000 Local transportation is the topic as local anti-growth (sustainability) activist Dave Gardner guests with Tom Strand while Bill Murray is traveling. On tap: street maintenance and potholes, bus service, and the controversial bike lane demonstration project on Research Parkway.

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Local transportation is the topic as local anti-growth (sustainability) activist Dave Gardner guests with Tom Strand while Bill Murray is traveling. On tap: street maintenance and potholes, bus service, and the controversial bike lane demonstration project on Research Parkway.

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]]> 0 Local transportation is the topic as local anti-growth (sustainability) activist Dave Gardner guests with Tom Strand while Bill Murray is traveling. On tap: street maintenance and potholes, bus service, and the controversial bike lane demonstration pro... ]]> Bill Murray full false 29:08
Council Matters – October 6 2016 Thu, 06 Oct 2016 13:43:33 +0000 “Press Conference:” Tom and Bill welcome Gazette reporter Billie Stanton Anleu as a special guest in this episode. The Smart Cities Council. Challenge faced by the Coronado High School homecoming parade. City funding challenges. Will the stormwater fee return? Norwood steps up to build apartments for the homeless.

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“Press Conference:” Tom and Bill welcome Gazette reporter Billie Stanton Anleu as a special guest in this episode. The Smart Cities Council. Challenge faced by the Coronado High School homecoming parade. City funding challenges. Will the stormwater fee return? Norwood steps up to build apartments for the homeless.

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]]> 0 “Press Conference:” Tom and Bill welcome Gazette reporter Billie Stanton Anleu as a special guest in this episode. The Smart Cities Council. Challenge faced by the Coronado High School homecoming parade. City funding challenges. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:32
Council Matters – Sept 29 2016 Thu, 29 Sep 2016 12:14:40 +0000 Metro districts, infill, and blight. Pros and cons of high density development. “Democratic socialism,” jobs and economic development. Tom invites your feedback. Comment here or on the Studio 809 Facebook page.

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Metro districts, infill, and blight. Pros and cons of high density development. “Democratic socialism,” jobs and economic development. Tom invites your feedback. Comment here or on the Studio 809 Facebook page.

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]]> 0 Metro districts, infill, and blight. Pros and cons of high density development. “Democratic socialism,” jobs and economic development. Tom invites your feedback. Comment here or on the Studio 809 Facebook page. ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:46
Council Matters – Sept 22 2016 Thu, 22 Sep 2016 12:10:52 +0000 A River Doesn’t Run Through It: Tom Strand takes a shower, and vibrating toilet seats caused by fracking. The Colorado Springs Utilities water tour, water rights and water wars. John Wayne. RX drugs in the water? Colorado Springs’ “pure and spectacular” water. Contaminated water in Security/Widefield. Bill Believes “we in Colorado Springs rise to the…

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A River Doesn’t Run Through It: Tom Strand takes a shower, and vibrating toilet seats caused by fracking. The Colorado Springs Utilities water tour, water rights and water wars. John Wayne. RX drugs in the water? Colorado Springs’ “pure and spectacular” water. Contaminated water in Security/Widefield. Bill Believes “we in Colorado Springs rise to the challenge.”

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]]> 0 A River Doesn’t Run Through It: Tom Strand takes a shower, and vibrating toilet seats caused by fracking. The Colorado Springs Utilities water tour, water rights and water wars. John Wayne. RX drugs in the water? ]]> Bill Murray full false 32:18
Council Matters – Sept 15 2016 Thu, 15 Sep 2016 12:44:20 +0000 Collaboration, infrastructure and jobs. The Mayor’s State of the City address, “Good to Great.” Was it an endorsement of current city councilors? Shouldn’t the Mayor also give us the bad news? Stormwater, police staffing and response times. 2017 city budget process underway, SDS, Banning-Lewis Ranch, and the comprehensive plan update. Should we be boosting tourism…

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Collaboration, infrastructure and jobs. The Mayor’s State of the City address, “Good to Great.” Was it an endorsement of current city councilors? Shouldn’t the Mayor also give us the bad news? Stormwater, police staffing and response times. 2017 city budget process underway, SDS, Banning-Lewis Ranch, and the comprehensive plan update. Should we be boosting tourism while I25 is gridlocked? Bill and Tom rate the 2C roads tax and road maintenance progress. The lack of qualified applicants for jobs in town. #PlanCOS

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]]> 1 Collaboration, infrastructure and jobs. The Mayor’s State of the City address, “Good to Great.” Was it an endorsement of current city councilors? Shouldn’t the Mayor also give us the bad news? Stormwater, police staffing and response times. ]]> Bill Murray full false 31:43
Council Matters – Sept 8 2016 Thu, 08 Sep 2016 12:42:44 +0000 Reefer Madness: The city’s special marijuana working group. Bill takes exception to the idea of limiting the number of dispensaries. Protestors outside City Hall on August 24 – disrespectful to city councilors? Each week Colorado City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand analyze current issues in Colorado Springs local government.

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Reefer Madness: The city’s special marijuana working group. Bill takes exception to the idea of limiting the number of dispensaries. Protestors outside City Hall on August 24 – disrespectful to city councilors?

Each week Colorado City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand analyze current issues in Colorado Springs local government.

The post Council Matters – Sept 8 2016 appeared first on Studio 809 Podcasts.

]]> 0 Reefer Madness: The city’s special marijuana working group. Bill takes exception to the idea of limiting the number of dispensaries. Protestors outside City Hall on August 24 – disrespectful to city councilors? Each week Colorado City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand analyze current issues in Colorado Springs local government.
Bill Murray full false 32:19
Council Matters – September 1 2016 Thu, 01 Sep 2016 07:14:32 +0000 Reefer Madness: The city’s special marijuana working group. Bill takes exception to the idea of limiting the number of dispensaries. Protestors outside City Hall on August 24 – disrespectful to city councilors?

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Reefer Madness: The city’s special marijuana working group. Bill takes exception to the idea of limiting the number of dispensaries. Protestors outside City Hall on August 24 – disrespectful to city councilors?

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]]> 0 Reefer Madness: The city’s special marijuana working group. Bill takes exception to the idea of limiting the number of dispensaries. Protestors outside City Hall on August 24 – disrespectful to city councilors? ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:44
Council Matters – August 25 2016 Fri, 26 Aug 2016 13:18:01 +0000 Movie and dinner invitation from Broadmoor Hotel to city councilors – is this an attempt to buy influence? SOME councilors have not received an invitation; any relation to who didn’t vote to approve the land exchange? Trump’s 2nd amendment threat against Clinton. Bill and Tom would like Mayor Suthers to keep council and citizens better…

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Movie and dinner invitation from Broadmoor Hotel to city councilors – is this an attempt to buy influence? SOME councilors have not received an invitation; any relation to who didn’t vote to approve the land exchange? Trump’s 2nd amendment threat against Clinton. Bill and Tom would like Mayor Suthers to keep council and citizens better informed. Why does the Wall Street Journal have a reporter in town investigating the Broadmoor land exchange and lawsuit? Conflict of interest and council ethics rules.

Broadmoor;Trump;Colorado Springscity counciljohn sutherswall street journalclinton

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]]> 0 Movie and dinner invitation from Broadmoor Hotel to city councilors – is this an attempt to buy influence? SOME councilors have not received an invitation; any relation to who didn’t vote to approve the land exchange? Broadmoor;Trump;Colorado Springscity counciljohn sutherswall street journalclinton
Bill Murray full false 30:34
Council Matters – August 18 2016 Thu, 18 Aug 2016 14:19:19 +0000 This week Bill and Tom discuss Gazette newspaper ownership (Philip Anschutz), how do you feel about the future of newspapers? Whistleblower at Memorial Hospital terminated, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda coming to town, “Council Meeting Gets Lively” headline and the land use appeal controversy behind it. Large marijuana grows in town creating a fire hazard,…

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This week Bill and Tom discuss Gazette newspaper ownership (Philip Anschutz), how do you feel about the future of newspapers? Whistleblower at Memorial Hospital terminated, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda coming to town, “Council Meeting Gets Lively” headline and the land use appeal controversy behind it. Large marijuana grows in town creating a fire hazard, El Paso County Board of County Commissioners playing musical chairs, city council redistricting, and should council district terms be staggered?

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]]> 0 This week Bill and Tom discuss Gazette newspaper ownership (Philip Anschutz), how do you feel about the future of newspapers? Whistleblower at Memorial Hospital terminated, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda coming to town, ]]> Bill Murray full false 30:25