The True Story of the Stranded e-Bike rider
How are federal budget cuts hurting our public lands?
Voices of the Pikes Peak Region
How are federal budget cuts hurting our public lands?
In this episode, we discuss the value of learning and how a culture of feedback benefits a workplace.
In this episode, we talk about the November 2024 election, how his office prepares leading up to the big day, and the benefits that were seen from creating new partnerships.
How is the Fox Run Park Nature Center progressing?
What did the the department do in 2024, and what can we expect in 2025?
How has the political environment changed in regards to parks in the last 15 years?
The journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, continues to be chronicled on Season 2 of Justice with Jax. On Episode 7, Jax reviews Season 2’s wonderful guests and discusses where we’re at with our democracy as 2024 comes to an end.
On Episode 6, meet Jason Warf, Executive Director of the Southern Colorado Cannabis Council, a longtime advocacy nonprofit in the industry. As political watchers, Jax & Jason discuss current events, such as the two-year remembrance of the shooting at Club Q, and outcomes of Election 2024, including the passage of recreational cannabis sales in the City of Colorado Springs, a key political shift in a town long-known as politically conservative.
What improvements to the Garden of the Gods has the foundation made possible?
In this episode, we discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and how it benefits residents of El Paso County.
The journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals continues to be chronicled on Season 2 of Justice with Jax. On Episode 5, meet El Paso County Democratic Party Chair Mischa Smith. She’s made history as the first under 40, Black, woman chair of the party who’s an experienced public servant & political operative.
How does the parks department fare in the 2025 city budget?
The journey continues on Season 2 of the Justice with Jax Podcast to chronicle the journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Episode four of this season meet Naomi López, the…
In this episode, Angela outlines the upcoming Citizen College program and how it can benefit residents of the county.
It’s a good plan, but implementing it faces challenges
The journey continues on Season 2 of the Justice with Jax Podcast, which continues to chronicle the journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Episode three of this season meet Jeremy Dowell, the Democrats’ candidate running for Colorado 4th Judicial District Attorney in the 2024 General Election. He’s making history as the first Dem to do so since 1988!
It’s time to move on and get a policy set.
In this episode, Todd talks about the importance of the Parks system and shares information about the myriad programs available to residents.
In this episode Sean talks about various training programs available within the department and how he got his start at Public Works.
How are the fall colors going to look this year?
The journey continues on Season 2 of the Justice with Jax Podcast, which continues to chronicle the journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Episode two of this season meet Rich…
In this episode we discuss how the office can assist veterans in need and details about an upcoming claims clinic.
In this episode we cover the role PPROEM plays during disasters and how residents can best prepare for emergency situations.
In this episode we talk about the Workforce Center’s role in the region and the tools they use to assist both job seekers and businesses.
In this episode we talk about what Pretrial Services are and the importance of transparency and trust within the team’s responsibilities.
In this episode we discuss the role of Public Health in the community and talk about a new resource for residents.
What hikes should you do before the end of September?
We’ve hit Episode 100! In this episode we talk about how different forms of storytelling affect people and the value stories have in a community.
In this episode we discuss how El Paso County approaches housing in the community and the various programs they administer.
The long and storied history of Cheyenne Mountain
In this episode we discuss Maddy’s role as Fair Queen, the importance of western heritage, and the value of the El Paso County Fair.
In this episode we discuss COPPR’s place in the artistic community and the value creative industries bring to a local economy.
In this episode we talk about her experience working with constituents in multiple fields and how residents can make their voices heard.
In this episode we talk about the importance of accessibility in government and the resources available for people to educate themselves.
In this episode we talk about the recent legislative session and how residents can play a big role in local government.
In this episode we talk about the upcoming El Paso County Fair and a unique experience coming to the event for the first time.
In this episode we discuss Angels of America’s Fallen, the nonprofit organization that Joe founded, as well as what it means to him to be recognized as the Veteran of the Year.
In this episode we cover Emma’s work on an upcoming Impaired Driving campaign and how she became invested in injury and violence prevention long before her job with Public Health.
What is Richards Rubbish Roundup?
What are the details behind the shuttle and reservation system on Americas Mountain?
In this episode we discuss the importance of telling local stories and the value podcasting has as a medium.
In this episode we discuss what the Enterprise Zone is and how it can benefit small businesses and residents alike.
In this episode we talk about the myths surrounding Code Enforcement and some of Mindy’s wildest days on the job.
Chat with Colorado Springs community leader Nathan Shulkin, one of six people arrested by the Colorado Springs Police Department for participating in the Housing Rights March at the center of Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al., 2023.
In this episode we talk about the Special Victims Section of the department and the responsibility they have within the community.
In this episode we talk about the organization’s co-located structure and how that benefits those they serve.
How far along is the Devils Playground Trail Project?
In this episode we talk about National Child Abuse Prevention Month and how Dr. Lester’s passion for his work brings value to the community.
Can outdoor recreation lead to world peace?
In this episode we kick off National County Government Month and discuss the importance of local government.
In this episode we talk about the value of the El Paso-Teller County 9-1-1 Authority and the importance of Peak Alerts.
Terrain Hoppers open trails to people with accessibility challenges.
Chat with Colorado Springs community leader Jon Christiansen, one of six people arrested by the Colorado Springs Police Department for organizing the Housing Rights March at the center of Armendariz v. City of Colorado Springs. Join Jax on her journey as the lead plaintiff of the first Civil Rights case in U.S. history (Armendariz &…
This time on Strategy Team Sessions, we cover how our roles impact emergencies, fairs, and media interviews.
Chat with Colorado Springs community leader Shaun Walls, one of six people arrested by the Colorado Springs Police Department for organizing the Housing Rights March at the center of Armendariz v. City of Colorado Springs.
In this episode we talk about a couple of upcoming Space Foundation events and what visitors can expect from the Discovery Center’s renovation.
Why does it matter who is on the CPW Commission?
In this episode we talk about Karen’s personal story and how that led to the creation of the Colorado Springs chapter of DBSA.
Where are the best behaved hikers?
In this episode we talk about the importance of storytelling and the impact youth voices can have in a community.
Join Jax on her journey as the lead plaintiff of the first Civil Rights case in U.S. history (Armendariz et al v. City of Colorado Springs et al) to provide undeniable evidence that federal and local law enforcement unconstitutionally spied on Black Lives Matter social justice protestors for their political speech & actions.
In this episode we talk about the breadth of their programs and how they’re helping youth bounce back from the pandemic.
In this episode we talk about the positive influence of sport in children’s lives.
Could El Paso County see something similar to Colorado Springs’ TOPS Program?
In this episode we talk about Silver Key’s origins and their significance within the community.
What is ahead for the city’s parks in 2024?
In this episode we discuss what services the Center provides and how ARPA grant funding helped make a dream a reality.
In this episode we discuss the problems long-term care facilities faced during the COVID pandemic and the steps Cheyenne Village has taken to recover from that difficult time.
In this episode we discuss how dance can transform lives and the importance of having a dream to strive for.
In this episode we discuss the nature of the sanitation district’s growth and how ARPA grant funding helped propel one of their projects forward.
In this episode we talk about Crossfire Ministries’ mission and how they benefit from community partnerships.
This time around we have a couple of repeat guests (the team is only so big).
In this episode we discuss the importance of the arts and how they positively influence our daily lives.
In this episode we discuss how Kingdom Builders came to be and the approach they take to aiding victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault and human trafficking.
In this episode we discuss the importance of serving multigenerational needs and the benefits that come from investing in your people.
In this episode we talk about Kevin’s road to Public Works and important updates to the Snow and Ice Control Program.
In this episode we discuss how Early Connections Learning Center’s legacy helps define their work and the benefit early childcare has on the community as a whole.
In this episode we talk about roads, budgets and the value of transparency.
In this episode we discuss how The Place manages their difficult mission and how ARPA grant funding from El Paso County has bolstered their programs.
In this episode we talk about mountain climbing, the importance of small business, and the value of cooperation.
In this episode we discuss the water district’s efforts to provide water across a large area and how ARPA grant funding helped propel one of their projects forward.
In this episode we discuss Project Angel Heart’s mission in the community and their increased ability to assist local residents with the help of ARPA grant funding from El Paso County.
In this episode we talk about how Dream Centers is helping the community and how ARPA grant funding from El Paso County has allowed them to expand their scope of helpful influence.
In this episode we discuss Inside Out’s various programs and the strides they have made with the help of ARPA grant funding from El Paso County.
In this episode we talk about the different forms justice takes and why it’s important to view it on a case-by-case basis.
In this episode I spoke with Jessie about how El Paso County is uniquely positioned to attract defense businesses to town.
In this episode we talk about the facts and fiction surrounding PCD and why water is such an important topic of discussion.
What happened to three missing hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail?
In this episode we discuss what an age-friendly community looks like and why it’s important in a thriving region like El Paso County.
Let’s help a fellow hiker
In this episode we talk about how the Commissioner’s past experience has prepared him for his role and why residents should be paying attention to the softening of the economy.
What is the mayors plan for addressing the backlog of needs and maintenance of Colorado Springs’ parks, open spaces and trails?
In this episode I spoke with Theresa about how important collaboration is to the economic growth of the region and the benefits of being part of the Chamber & EDC.
No one should be victimized while on a trail, nor are they to blame for hiking alone.
We’ve hit Episode 50! To celebrate, I brought back Strategy Team Sessions for Volume 2.
In this episode I spoke with Supervisor Rick Gonzales and Social Case Worker Gary Grambort about the Center on Fathering’s mission and the services they provide.
I had the opportunity to give a presentation on the importance of Storytelling Through Podcasts on July 25, 2023, and it felt like something I should share with this community.
In this episode I spoke with Scotty Hall and Leigh Simpson about their programs and how public outreach has been crucial to their success.
In this episode we talk about the upcoming El Paso County Fair and the incredible number of events planned for the week.
In this episode I spoke with Dr. Krefft about her role in medical research for veterans and the importance of the PACT Act.
In this episode we discuss SRC’s impact within the community, how they help transform lives, and how ARPA funding has expanded their reach.
In this episode we talk to Mary Jo about the Center’s new accessibility features and what programs residents can look forward to this Summer.
Will the new elected officials have a positive influence on city parks and open spaces?
In this episode we talk about Ryan’s reaction to the latest legislative session and the importance of transparency in government.
In this episode we discuss Aneka’s role as Fair Queen and the importance of the El Paso County Fair.
People who think they’re helping wild animals are actually doing the opposite.
In this episode we discuss Mt Carmel’s connection to the Veteran community, what programs they offer, and how ARPA funding has aided their efforts.
In this episode we discuss the PACT Act, how it could impact our Veteran population, and the difference it has made in Michelle’s life.
What does a classic Rolling Stone song have to do with outdoor recreation?
In this episode we talk about Steve’s role in recent events and how his time in the Marines helped form his approach to leadership.
What is a Terrain Hopper, and who can use one?
In this episode, I wanted to give listeners an idea of what we do in the Communications Department to keep residents informed.
In this episode we talk about Food to Power’s connection to the community and the dynamics of working with multiple organizations to meet goals.
Learn about the 2022 county parks master plan, including updates to future open space and park areas, revisions to trail alignments, and an asset management plan to outline critical needs.
In this episode we discuss partnerships between USAFA and El Paso County and each group’s efforts to make this region a great place to live.
In this episode we talk about Catania’s passion for social justice, the value in taking time for yourself, and the importance of Child Abuse Prevention Month.
What’s with all the uproar over setting FKT (Fastest Known Time) records on the incline?
In this episode we talk about how Heartspace Kids came to exist and the importance of focusing on youth mental health.
In this episode we discuss Jim’s history in emergency management, the value of a regional approach in a crisis, and why everyone should consider training in the field.
Colorado is making it easier for low income people to visit its state parks
In this episode we talk about the Commissioner’s role in government and the importance of staying informed about regional issues.
In this episode we discuss Atlas Prep’s purpose in the community and the aim of their mental health wellness program.
In this episode we talk about the youth programs Forge Evolution manages and how ARPA grant funding aids their efforts.
In this episode we discuss how Crossroads’ Turning Points identifies the needs of their patrons and how ARPA grant funding aids their efforts.
In this episode we discuss how Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Partnership collaborates with the community and how ARPA grant funding aids their efforts.
In this episode we discuss Sandy’s experience navigating a mental health challenge and how organizations across the county were able to help her overcome it.
In this episode we discuss the value of continuing education, the importance of communicating in a crisis, and why Natalie has a strong connection to mentoring.
What were the significant accomplishments of the parks department in 2022 and what is instore for 2023?
In this episode we discuss Xavier’s views on the HR profession, the benefits a job with El Paso County offers, and how he ended up with a curious nickname.
What were some significant accomplishments of the department in 2022 and what is the department planning for in 2023.
In this episode we discuss Commissioner Bremer’s position in local government and how she views her role as a leader in the community.
The TOPS ballot is an extension without an increase/
The National Park Service is doing nothing to make sure lower income users have the opportunity to visit the most popular national parks.
In this episode we discuss UCCS’s GRIT Program and how American Rescue Plan Act grant funding aids their efforts.
If it advances, the legislation would give private landowners who allow recreational use the same protection currently given to ski resorts
In this episode we discuss the valuable work that CASA is a part of, how they support their staff through the difficult tasks they perform, and how American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funding aids their efforts.
The TOPS tax has been in existence for 25 years, and has purchased more than 7,000 acres of land. Voters will be asked to extend it for another 20 years.
In this episode we discuss the benefits on alternative pathways for high school students post-graduation, the value of experience in the construction industry, and how ARPA grant funding from El Paso County is making a difference for the organization.
Where is Bob going on his next adventure, and why?
In this episode we discuss a number of programs run by Homeward Pikes Peak, including the soon-to-be-opened Bloom House, which was made possible thanks to grant funding from El Paso County via the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
In this episode we discuss how The Salvation Army got their start, the benefits they have seen from ARPA grant funding from El Paso County, and why they become a top-of-mind organization around the holidays.
What is the Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative ?
In this episode we discuss the importance of transparency with government funding, the ins and outs of American Rescue Plan Act grants, and how those grants positively affect El Paso County residents.
On this podcast, Bob continues his series with participants in the 2022 Give campaign, by chatting with advocacy group Wild Connections.
In this episode we discuss NAMI’s efforts within the El Paso County community, the delicate nature of helping those they serve, and how the organization is putting ARPA grant funding from El Paso County to good use.
In this episode we discuss Sunny’s outlook on her new role, how this position compares to previous jobs she has held, and the importance of residents being involved in local government.
In this episode we discuss the uniqueness of an elected coroner, what it’s like testifying at trials, and the importance of addressing various challenges within the community.
In this episode we discuss United Way’s efforts within the El Paso County community, how they work together with various non-profit agencies, and about the new Family Success Center.
In this episode we discuss the County Attorney’s role, the unique way in which the office operates, and which John Grisham book Mr. Hodges leans on for his most pressing legal advice (the answer may surprise you).
In this episode we discuss Catholic Charities’ purpose within the community, how they work together with various non-profit agencies, and how beneficial it was for the organization to receive ARPA grant funding from El Paso County.
In this episode we discuss Public Works’ operations, ways El Paso County residents can play a part in the department’s success, and why collaboration with numerous organizations is so critical.
The people who live on Old Stage Road say they have been abandoned by the sheriff’s office. Everyone agreed that they deserve better.
In this episode we discuss the role the County Administrator plays in local government, the importance of various working relationships, and where Mr. Waters sees El Paso County five and ten years from now.
In this episode we discuss the role communications plays in local government, why it’s important to have two-way communication with residents, and what steps the Comms team is taking to create more transparency in their messaging.
How TOSC created a virtual story map to illustrate the story and successes of Colorado Springs’s TOPS program.
In this episode we discuss Solid Rock’s purpose within the community, what their goals are for those they serve, and how beneficial it was for the organization to receive ARPA grant funding from El Paso County.
Should Colorado Springs close access to national forest land?
In this episode we discuss Springs Rescue Mission’s purpose within the community, what their goals are for those they serve, and how beneficial it was for the organization to receive ARPA grant funding from El Paso County.
In this episode we discuss the PPBEA’s mission within the community, how their programs benefit students and businesses alike, and how beneficial it was for the organization to receive ARPA grant funding from El Paso County.
Colorado may not be the Arizona desert, but it still gets plenty hot, and you need to be ready. The summer heat will be around for a while.
In this episode we discuss Care and Share’s programs, what it means for them to be a pillar within the community, and how beneficial it was for the organization to receive ARPA grant funding from El Paso County.
All of these deaths were preventable had some simple “rules” been followed.
How can COSReady be useful for outdoor recreation?
What is it with people that makes them think it’s OK to build their own trails on public lands?
The ParkScore rank is a comparison to other cities. It may not reflect on how well or poorly a parks system is doing.
Are we giving the ParkScore more weight than it’s due?
Why doesn’t the many hundreds of acres of open space in Colorado Springs count towards the ParkScore rating?
Why is the National Park Service not doing more to accommodate low-income, tax-paying, users?
Will our outdoor recreation experiences ever go back to “how they used to be”?
The TOPS program was created by citizen initiative, and is overseen by two citizen committees who make recommendations on purchasing properties that are recommended by citizens.
Why was the messaging on the bridge project so muddled, and how can we clear this up? Also, lets celebrate our National Parks!
People who have permits to climb Mt Whitney have never hiked a 14,000′ peak before. Is this a good situation?
Should we acknowledge that there isn’t enough money or manpower to really fix all our parks capacity issues, no matter how hard our land managers try?
Is the Grand Canyon really the most dangerous U.S. National Park? What is wrong with a website’s ranking of dangerous national parks.
What did the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department accomplish in 2021 and what’s ahead in 2022?
What did the department accomplish in 2021, and how did the pandemic affect parks? When will we see new county parks open in 2022?
Are people who take outdoor recreation seriously better prepared and have reasonable expectations of their government than those who don’t?
How long has Colorado Springs had a City Forester, and what does he do?
What happened to the family while they were hiking, and what can we learn from the tragedy?
A discussion about Colorado Springs ballot issue 2C, and also the upcoming IndyGive campaign.
There are still plenty of opportunities to see Colorado’s fall colors over the next couple of weeks.
Creek Week events give you an opportunity to take care of our local water resource.
“If you’re the person vandalizing our city parks, your parents failed at raising you, and you should know better”
Why has another 14,000′ peak been closed, and should those peaks even be privately owned?
If Pikes Peak becomes a National Park, do we lose the ability to enjoy the peak as we do now? Is that good or bad?
A 5 year-old hiked the entire Appalachian Trail! Find out what Bob and Kevin think about that feat.
Is it beneficial for the Citizens?
If it’s a life or death situation, drink the water instead of risking death due to dehydration
Where is Lake St. Kevin? And, lets help Bob get his photography on billboards!
What is the status of the Devils Playground Trail on the Pikes Peak, and when will it be completed?
The general fund percentage of the city budget for the parks department is lower than prior to the recession, despite a larger population, more parks and greatly increased usage
What can the average park user do to help keep our parks and trails clean, healthy and safe?
Get a tour of the new El Paso County Master Plan recently adopted by the county commissioners.
Hanky Panky goings on with the Civic Auditorium?
If this is your first time hiking a 14’er, Pikes Peak may not be the best choice.
Have a plan A, B, C and even D in case the parking lot is full at the trail you want to hike. Be a responsible trail user.
Should Gold Camp Road in Colorado Springs remain closed in North Cheyenne Canon Park?
Why did these bears attack a person, and how rare is it? Do hikers and campers need to worry, and what can they do to stay safe?
It’s all about outdoor recreation politics on this week’s podcast. Hear what the Colorado legislature is working on.
Publicly Financed Elections who’s time has come.
What could possibly have happened on a trail for a hiker to stab a cyclist, and who is at fault? No user group is morally superior.
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the recent blizzard to hit Colorado and what it means for recreation and the environment
Should citizens be concerned about the candidates running for city council?
Are you ready to be a Colorado Springs city councilman?
We want to know what topics and which guests listeners want to hear on the podcast
What’s coming for Colorado Springs’ Parks in 2021?
What to expect in El Paso County Parks in 2021
Colorado Springs is a safe place to live and its trails and parks are generally very safe, too.
TOSC executive director Susan Davies is the returning guest
What does Wild Connections do, and how can we support them?
Stephany Rose Spaulding talks about her work in the Colorado Springs area, and what she sees for the future – including her Truth and Conciliation project.
The Friends of Monument Valley Park are preserving the historic stonework in the park
Now is not the time for non-profits to fail to recognize their supporters and volunteers
Will we ever know what really happened in Zion National Park?
June Waller joins Mary Lou Makepeace, outside the studio for safety, to discuss her efforts to get indivdiuals registered to vote, why so many people don’t vote, and what we can do to get registered, and get more people active in running for important roles in our city.
The City Clerk and the County Clerk & Recorder discuss how voting works, what elections they handle, the security of our voting system, and why your vote matters.
On this week’s podcast, the guest is Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers.
Fall colors update; is Colorado Springs a safe place?; City budget has increases for parks; more
On Empowering Pikes Peak Women, we dive into Part Two of our Women Vote series. We’ve got Kaleigh O’Donnell and Mattie Gullixson joining us today to discuss their experience with voting, both in national and local elections as a younger generation. Subscribe for more episodes, and reach out to us on Facebook at and let us…
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin give a fall colors update; talk about winter camping; Bob’s frustrations with GoPro and more. Websites mentioned in this show: PocketPals Trail Maps Fishers Peak State Park Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website Listen on Google Podcasts, Spotify and Apple…
On Empowering Pikes Peak Women, we dive into Part One of our Women Vote series. We’ve got Rachel Stovall, & Rosita Camargo joining us today to discuss their experience with voting, both in national and local elections. Subscribe for more episodes, and reach out to us on Facebook at and let us know what…
Welcome to our brand new podcast! Check out who we are, what we’re doing, and subscribe to our new episodes coming soon.
On this week’s podcast, Bob chats with Cory Sutela from Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates. They discuss recent changes in the organizations structure, their effort to get more people involved in advocacy, and much more.
Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department’s Cultural Services Manager Matt Mayberry is the guest on this episode. We discuss the origins of Colorado Springs, and General Palmers vision of what the city would become, including Palmer’s building wide boulevards and planning for large, green spaces, with many parks. We also discuss Colorado Spring’s…
On this week’s podcast, Kevin “Wild” Westendorf returns to the show and catches up with Bob on his recent hikes and future plans. They discuss the on-going closure of the Manitou Incline, and Green Mountain Falls considering closing it’s trails (they decided not to…). Also a reminder that a fishing or hunting license is needed…
On this week’s podcast, the guest is Manitou Springs City Council member Steve Bremner. Besides being the newest member of city council, he is active in the outdoor recreation community in the Pikes Peak region. During this interview, he offers the Manitou Springs viewpoint regarding the Manitou Incline, and some proposals on how to alleviate…
How can we improve the Pikes Peak Region 2030 Plan? Konrad Schlarbaum (director of Green Cities Coalition) discusses his recommendations for improvements to the regional sustainability plan (PPR 2030).
Kristy’s conversation continues with Councilman Bill Murray What is Community? Is the city government The Community? Is the business community The Community? Is it the building and development community The Community? In today’s environment we have conspiracy theories that abound. Does 5G cause cancer? Is Covid-19 a conspiracy theory? Are conspiracy theories distractions or total…
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss hiking in the Lost Creek Wilderness, wildlife encounters, Barr Trail detour at the Pikes Peak summit, Tip and Trail of the week, and more. Visit our new sponsor American Back Country T-shirts, and use code BACKCOUNTRY10 for 10% off. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information. Links…
How much can Colorado Springs take as far as economic losses? No respect. Councilman Bill Murray pulls off the gloves and wants answers. How much of a hit can the local economy of Colorado Springs take? How many businesses can it afford to lose? Does Colorado Springs have the leadership to get it through this…
Is city government doing enough to keep the citizens informed? Is the community being informed on the status of the COVID-19? What’s lacking? Are the jails being included in the equation? How’s the co-ordination between city, the healthcare system, and county? Are we getting nothing but “Mixed Messages?” Is the information the citizens are getting…
On this episode, Bob talks with Scott Abbott, the Colorado Springs Parks Department’s Parks, Trails and Open Space Manager. They discuss the impact of increased usage in the city’s parks and open spaces, how the staff manages the parks, and more. This podcast was recorded prior to the COVID-19 crisis hit critical mass in the…
Bob talks with Cory Sutela and Harry Hamill from local mountain biking group Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates. They discuss e-bikes on trails, their work with land managers and other outdoor recreation groups and their need for volunteers. For more information about MWTA, you can listen to podcasts 16, 85 and 162. Also check out their…
On this week’s podcast, Bob interviews Brett Ackerman, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Southeast Regional Manager. They discuss his background and history with CPW, his duties and responsibilities, his vision for the region, the challenges of managing state parks and also hunting and fishing, and a timeline for the opening of the newest state park.…
This week, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Bob’s recent photography trip to Yellowstone National Park with National Geographic, Kevin’s recent hikes, and they examine the recent controversy surrounding Colorado Springs Parks. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website
Becky Leinweber, the Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA) is Bob’s guest on this week’s episode. They discuss the mission of the PPORA, the unique partnerships it has helped develop, and the challenges facing outdoor recreation in both the Pikes Peak region and Colorado. Please consider becoming a patron of this…
Lots of Stuff City Budget, Police shortages, Scheels, roads, revenue stream, special districts, USOC abuses tainting the city?, cost of C4C, USAFA Visitor Center Interchange, Powers extension, Voyager extension, gridlock, economic marketing plan, fiscal impact statement. It’s all on the table in this episode of Council Matters with Councilman Bill Murray.
On this week’s show, Bob sits down with Karen Palus, the director of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a wide ranging discussion. They discuss what the department has done since their last interview during the summer, and what’s ahead for the department in 2020 and beyond. Please consider becoming a patron of…
Are homeowner and business owners being taken for a ride? Are Special Districts really created for the benefit of homeowners and business owners? In this eye opening episode Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles discuss this HOT TOPIC. They both get down into the weeds and it appears that Special Districts have some real issues…
Bob talks with Bill Beagle, president of the Incline Friends about a variety of topics surrounding the Manitou Incline, including trail development, crowd control, parking and traffic, etc. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Incline Friends website
Bob talks with Trails and Open Space Coalition Executive Director Susan Davies about Colorado Springs ballot issue 2B, and the impact it could have on city parks. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Being a council member and other musings Is there a common thread between Brexit, Impeachment, and Colorado Springs? Possibly more than you thought. Data Driven Information: Is it reliable? Downtown Colorado Springs needs $120M worth of infrastructure work by Colorado Springs Utilities. Why isn’t it being done? Why isn’t it being done? Learn who the…
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the approaching winter weather; Kevin’s recent trip to the Great Smoky Mountains and the Appalachian Trail; the challenges with hiking in different terrain than Colorado’s; Bob’s book now for sale at REI; photo exhibit at Denver International Airport. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast!…
A continuing conversation with Electra Johnson, Democratic Party Chair A jam packed segment. Well worth the listen. Topics: Democrats of El Paso County, Rank Choice Voting (is it coming?), Mass Transit (?), the Environment, the Gazette (is the Gazette being honest?), real news (thank God for the internet), Corporate structure and responsibility (more needed), what’s…
A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be? There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen? What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal? The annual budget…
This is the first episode in our podcast series outlining bills that Citizens Project took stances on this past Legislative Session. Listen to interviews from activists, politicians, and community members to learn more about how these bills were passed and how they impact our community. In this episode, we have two guests: Senator Pete Lee…
The Citizens Project 2019 Creating Community Breakfast, featuring speakers from community organizations and conversations examining our privilege and ways we can use it. Idris Goodwin’s American Prom: Springs Mag interview CS Indy interview Gazette interview Spirettes band Instagram: @spirettes Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Institute Twitter: @RMWFF Instagram: rmwfilm Julissa Molina Soto: Documentary Program video by…
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about some recent hikes, water safety concerns due to the runoff from this winter’s large snowfall amounts, wildflowers are in bloom and more. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Nomadik: Enter promo code “Hikingbob” Enter to win a free The Nomadik box:
Bob gets a mid-year update on the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department from department Director Karen Palus. They discuss the new facility under construction in the Garden of the Gods Park, the construction of the new Summit House on Pikes Peak, the master plan for Panorama Park, and much more. Lots of…
Bob talks with Britt Haley from the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department about the Trails and Open Spaces program she manages. What is it, what is it for, what is its history, and more. Links: Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
On this episode, Trails and Open Spaces Coalition Executive Director Susan Davies talks with Bob about Colorado Springs’ 2019 city council and mayoral election. They discuss what voters who love Colorado Springs parks and trails should look for in a candidate. Links: TOSC website Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Recorded live at Trails End Taproom in Colorado Springs, Bob interviews Trails and Open Space Coalition executive director Susan Davies. They discuss the progress of the Ring the Peak trail, Waldo Canyon recovery, the effect of the November election on outdoor recreation and more.
Topics this week include how a 28 mile 2-day hike backpacking trip turned into a 45 mile 2-day trip; fall colors update for the Pikes Peak region; Waldo Canyon planning update and public input survey; Colorado Springs Parks funding increases in 2019 city budget; theft prevention at parks and trailheads; “motorless” day at Garden of…
Energy flows as Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand gear up for the Mayor’s State of the City address. Collaboration, addressing specific issues, and the future economic climate are on Bill’s mind. Let’s not forget storm water, legal issues, and economic sustainability. Tom’s heartburn: “Are we, as a city, gaining on having a robust public…
Susan Davies, Executive Director of the Trails and Open Space Coalition joins Bob for the 100th episode of the Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast. They discuss a wide range of topics concerning outdoor recreation in the Pikes Peak region. Thanks to all the listeners for making the podcast a resounding success!
Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss current events. We have a special guest this week, John Hawk who discusses the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation story. We discuss the NRA and the carousel of White House appointments among other topics. DISCLAIMER: While discussing Banning Lewis Ranch, we posit that there will be 17 houses per acre. This was…
Lyn’s out sick. Gary and Dee discuss topics of the day and current events. We talk about the $1,000 bonuses that aren’t really $1,000. We discuss the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce luncheon. (Look for our Special, already out on the website.) We discuss Robert Reich’s response to the State of the Union Address. We talk…
Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss politics and current events. We start with a couple of PSAs for listeners in the Pikes Peak Region. State of the Region Luncheon @ Great Wolf Lodge, $42/person. If you are interested in talking with County Commissioners Darryl Glen or Stan VanderWerf, check out: MVEA is giving bill credit…
Bob talks with El Paso County (Colorado) Community Services Director Tim Wolken and they discuss what 2017 was like for county parks and what’s ahead for 2018
Bob talks with Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services director Karen Palus about what the department accomplished in 2017 and what is in store for 2018. Note: The parks department did get the grant mentioned during this interview.
Bob and Kevin hit all kinds of topics on this episode: Hiking in Canyonlands National Park; Green Mountain Falls; IndyGive; New Keen boots; and ask listeners to send in gift ideas. This podcast sponsored by Conundrum Outfitters ( Get a 20% discount with coupon code “Hikingbob” at check out. Trails discussed in this episode:,,,
Bob and El Paso County Commissioner Mark Waller discuss TABOR ballot issue 1A, and what it means to the county parks and outdoor recreation in general.
Bob talks with David Leinweber, owner of Anglers Covey in Colorado Springs, and president of the non-profit Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance ( Topics include: History and mission of the alliance; the state of funding of national and local lands and parks; commercial and non-profit partnerships; stewardship and more.
Our two astute council members, Bill Murray and Tom Strand, plod through the swamp of funding and the problems of Public Safety. Why are citizens reluctant to adequately fund Public Safety? Don’t they want that 911 call to be answered? Or that emergency vehicle to respond in a timely manner. Get your answers in this…
Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again, discussing Colorado Springs issues with wit, charm and daring. No holds barred when discussing Stormwater issues that face the city – including EPA lawsuit, Pueblo lawsuit, and the difficulty of financing Stormwater infrastructure. Does the City have the leadership to make Stormwater happen? Listen and…
Bob talks with Sarah Bryarly and Tilah Larson from the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department about the 20th Anniversary of the TOPS (Trails, Open Spaces and Parks) tax. Discussed are the history of the tax, how the money is used, and events to commemorate its anniversary. Also discussed are improvements in Red…
Bob chats with Susan Davies from the Trails and Open Space Coalition. She provides updates on TOSC’s activities since the previous interview and TOSC’s plans for 2017
Bob and Kevin talk about the recent “State of the Outdoors Event” and a recent hike Kevin did on Pikes Peak.
In the last podcast Bill & Tom talked about promises. Today they discuss their vows in a very forward-looking conversation.
Leadership: different approaches and lack thereof.
Is there honesty, trust, truth coming from the Executive branch of city government? Bill and Tom discuss.
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss a recent study regarding the economic benefit of city parks, attempts to raise more money for parks, stormwater issues, and Kevin’s big plans for 2018
Bob talks with El Paso County Parks director Tim Wolken about their accomplishments in 2016 and plans for 2017
Post-Election Blues. Jill reminds us that so much of politics and getting things done is local. What’s on Jan’s post-election music mix? Colorado and local election results are also discussed. Is Colorado a red state or a blue state? Council changes to the mayor’s proposed 2017 city budget. The funding challenge facing United Way for…
The 2017 city budget for Colorado Springs is the topic as Tom Strand fills in Dave Gardner, who is sitting in for vacationing Bill Murray. Merit raises for city employees and across-the-board raises in public safety are on the agenda. What about police foot patrols downtown and in Old Colorado City? Therapeutic recreation?
Jan’s continuing Comcast adventures and a vote for Trump? Companies that care about customer service. Springs has highest water rates in the state. Will council refer a Strawberry Fields charter amendment? 2017 city budget update. It’s hard to keep police officers. Threat to city’s therapeutic recreation program.
This week Bill and Tom discuss Gazette newspaper ownership (Philip Anschutz), how do you feel about the future of newspapers? Whistleblower at Memorial Hospital terminated, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda coming to town, “Council Meeting Gets Lively” headline and the land use appeal controversy behind it. Large marijuana grows in town creating a fire hazard,…