A Chat with El Paso County Parks Director Todd Marts
How is the Fox Run Park Nature Center progressing?
Voices of the Pikes Peak Region
How is the Fox Run Park Nature Center progressing?
What did the the department do in 2024, and what can we expect in 2025?
What is in store for 2025?
How has the political environment changed in regards to parks in the last 15 years?
If you’ve hiked here, you’ve likely hiked on a trail that RMFI worked on.
What improvements to the Garden of the Gods has the foundation made possible?
What does Code 4 Outdoor do for first responders?
How does the parks department fare in the 2025 city budget?
The goal is to prevent becoming isolated
It’s a good plan, but implementing it faces challenges
It’s time to move on and get a policy set.
People seem to get in trouble now much the same as they did 100 years ago
How are the fall colors going to look this year?
A lively a fun episode!
On this week’s episode, Bob chats with author and thru-hiker Christine Woodside about her book, “Going Over the Mountain: One Woman’s Journey from Follower to Solo Hiker and Back”. In this entertaining hour, they discuss her experiences as a day and thru-hiker, and the experiences that led to the writing of this book. Book website:…
What hikes should you do before the end of September?
The long and storied history of Cheyenne Mountain
Do these devices change what we’ve told hikers about how to be prepared for emergencies?
What is it like to hike in North Carolina in the summer?
What does it take to hike from one end of the Grand Canyon to the other?
What is Richards Rubbish Roundup?
What are the details behind the shuttle and reservation system on Americas Mountain?
Where is her favorite hike?
What will you need to do to visit Hanging Lake?
How far along is the Devils Playground Trail Project?
Can outdoor recreation lead to world peace?
What are the best boots for hiking?
Terrain Hoppers open trails to people with accessibility challenges.
Why does it matter who is on the CPW Commission?
Where are the best behaved hikers?
What is a Tribal Liaison, and what is their mission?
Could El Paso County see something similar to Colorado Springs’ TOPS Program?
What is ahead for the city’s parks in 2024?
There are 20 miles of public trails new the Royal Gorge Bridge
Someone is literally making a Federal case out of it.
Shop now for next winters hiking gear.
What happened to three missing hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail?
Let’s help a fellow hiker
What is the mayors plan for addressing the backlog of needs and maintenance of Colorado Springs’ parks, open spaces and trails?
No one should be victimized while on a trail, nor are they to blame for hiking alone.
Leave No Trace wants trainers to pay them to teach their materials?
Where is the center of the United States? The answer might surprise you.
From the crazy costumes, to all of the colorfully lighted bicycles, to the sheer joy of being able to bike the Garden of the Gods at night by moonlight, there are so many reasons this ride draws up to 1,5000 riders a year.
Why there was a desire for a new mountain bike group, what sets them apart from other groups?
There are some fun events coming to the Pikes Peak region
Do we live in the best country?
No one has a right to harass and threaten trail crews.
Will the new elected officials have a positive influence on city parks and open spaces?
No single user group holds the moral high ground
People who think they’re helping wild animals are actually doing the opposite.
Does the police department really care about what happens in our city parks?
What does a classic Rolling Stone song have to do with outdoor recreation?
What is a Terrain Hopper, and who can use one?
Seeing a mountain lion in the wild might be exciting, but it’s not a good thing.
If you want to visit Pikes Peak at sunrise, you’ll have a few opportunities to do so this summer
Learn about the 2022 county parks master plan, including updates to future open space and park areas, revisions to trail alignments, and an asset management plan to outline critical needs.
What’s with all the uproar over setting FKT (Fastest Known Time) records on the incline?
What does it take to manage the Pikes Peak Ranger District?
Colorado is making it easier for low income people to visit its state parks
What is the “Doggy Day Out” program?
As both an avid hiker and a physical therapist, Alicia is well equipped to help you become a healthier hiker.
Without TOPS, many of our treasured open spaces would not exist.
What were the significant accomplishments of the parks department in 2022 and what is instore for 2023?
What were some significant accomplishments of the department in 2022 and what is the department planning for in 2023.
The TOPS ballot is an extension without an increase/
The National Park Service is doing nothing to make sure lower income users have the opportunity to visit the most popular national parks.
If it advances, the legislation would give private landowners who allow recreational use the same protection currently given to ski resorts
The TOPS tax has been in existence for 25 years, and has purchased more than 7,000 acres of land. Voters will be asked to extend it for another 20 years.
The iPhone 14 has fallen victim to the law of unintended consequences
Where is Bob going on his next adventure, and why?
The Devils Playground Trail rebuilding is still underway. When will it be finished?
What is the Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative ?
On this podcast, Bob continues his series with participants in the 2022 Give campaign, by chatting with advocacy group Wild Connections.
There has been tremendous support from the local community as Fishers Peak State Park has been developed.
From a cool, new indoor bike park, to van shuttles and guided rides to some of the best mtb trails in the area, along with awesome YouTube trail breakdowns, Gnarly B’s is all the buzz in the Springs.
What does TOSC do to support outdoor recreation and why you should donate to them during the Give! Campaign.
What does the Catamount Institute do to instill in kids a sense of respect for the outdoors?
That other website is the :”Dunning Kruger” of outdoor recreation.
On this week’s episode, Bob and co-host Kevin answer listeners comments and questions. What do liisteners want to know?
On this week’s episode: An update on U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement in the Pikes Peak Ranger District, and co-host Kevin tells of his hike to a remote, abandoned powerplant.
One advantage of using these companies is gaining access to otherwise inaccessible places
How TOSC created a virtual story map to illustrate the story and successes of Colorado Springs’s TOPS program.
Should Colorado Springs close access to national forest land?
Colorado may not be the Arizona desert, but it still gets plenty hot, and you need to be ready. The summer heat will be around for a while.
All of these deaths were preventable had some simple “rules” been followed.
How can COSReady be useful for outdoor recreation?
Many hikers miss out on the trails in a beautiful and quiet part of Colorado that goes mostly unnoticed.
it should worry everyone that an aspiring politician is advocating forcibly taking private land solely for recreational uses.
When comparing a trail signs posted mileage, the mileage tracked by a GPS, and what COTREX said the distance should be, I quickly determined which one was most accurate
New Jersey isn’t all refineries, traffic and big cities!
When will the trail be finished? How much work has been done so far? How complex is the project? All and more are answered in this podcast.
What is it with people that makes them think it’s OK to build their own trails on public lands?
People need to wear life preservers and refrain from drinking alcohol until they’re done boating for the day.
The ParkScore rank is a comparison to other cities. It may not reflect on how well or poorly a parks system is doing.
Are we giving the ParkScore more weight than it’s due?
Why doesn’t the many hundreds of acres of open space in Colorado Springs count towards the ParkScore rating?
The Mile High Youth Corps trains and employs 18-24 year old’s to work in the outdoor recreation industry.
How does the popular perception of cowboys, ranching and life in the west differ from reality?
SRAM, the parent company for bicycle parts brands like RockShox, Truvativ, Zipp, Quarq, Time and Hammerhead, is much more than a company that builds bike parts; they’re community builders.
The TOPS program was created by citizen initiative, and is overseen by two citizen committees who make recommendations on purchasing properties that are recommended by citizens.
Why was the messaging on the bridge project so muddled, and how can we clear this up? Also, lets celebrate our National Parks!
People who have permits to climb Mt Whitney have never hiked a 14,000′ peak before. Is this a good situation?
Should we acknowledge that there isn’t enough money or manpower to really fix all our parks capacity issues, no matter how hard our land managers try?
Why is traffic a problem in Eldorado Canyon State Parks, and why is Colorado Parks and Wildlife considering a timed entry system to alleviate traffic?
Is buying more land the best way to build a new park, or should be reclaim existing lands for parks? Or, are both methods of obtaining land for parks a good way to go?
How many bear encounters were there in Colorado in 2021, and how does that compare to previous years?
How did authorities determine what happened to a family hiking in California? Why does Colorado need a law allowing kids to play alone?
Is the Grand Canyon really the most dangerous U.S. National Park? What is wrong with a website’s ranking of dangerous national parks.
A brief history of Colorado Parks and Wildlife, including notable events and dates, and a preview of the upcoming celebration.
What did the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department accomplish in 2021 and what’s ahead in 2022?
How is climate change affecting outdoor recreation? Also, why would someone intentionally go hiking in a storm and put rescuers at risk? Support this podcast by voting for it! See the link in the show notes.
What did the department accomplish in 2021, and how did the pandemic affect parks? When will we see new county parks open in 2022?
Training for long, multi-day hikes is a process to make sure you are properly prepared and fit for the trek.
How did a guided hike on an easy trail on Cheyenne Mountain go so horribly wrong? Were the hikers abandoned by their guide?
What is the history and mission of the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, and does CFI do to keep mountain peaks open to hikers?
Are people who take outdoor recreation seriously better prepared and have reasonable expectations of their government than those who don’t?
How does the PPORA support outdoor recreation in the Pikes Peak Region, and how your IndyGive donation can help their cause.
What did RMFI accomplish this year and how can your IndyGive donation help them in 2022?
What kind of amenities are planned for the park, and when can we expect to see them?
We’re thankful for everyone who make is possible for us to enjoy the outdoors. Also, why do some people disenfranchise other trail users?
How does the Catamount Institute connect kids in the Pikes Peak region with the great outdoors, and how can your contribution help?
What kind of research services does the museum have that might benefit hikers?
How long has Colorado Springs had a City Forester, and what does he do?
What happened to the family while they were hiking, and what can we learn from the tragedy?
Should you be charged for the cost of a search and rescue mission? Who decides when to charge, and based on what criteria?
There are still plenty of opportunities to see Colorado’s fall colors over the next couple of weeks.
How could a hiker death have been prevented? What kind of winter will we have?
Why has another 14,000′ peak been closed, and should those peaks even be privately owned?
If Pikes Peak becomes a National Park, do we lose the ability to enjoy the peak as we do now? Is that good or bad?
A 5 year-old hiked the entire Appalachian Trail! Find out what Bob and Kevin think about that feat.
If it’s a life or death situation, drink the water instead of risking death due to dehydration
Where is Lake St. Kevin? And, lets help Bob get his photography on billboards!
What is the status of the Devils Playground Trail on the Pikes Peak, and when will it be completed?
The general fund percentage of the city budget for the parks department is lower than prior to the recession, despite a larger population, more parks and greatly increased usage
Yet another popular hiking destination will require advance reservations. This will be the new norm.
What can the average park user do to help keep our parks and trails clean, healthy and safe?
Mandy Horvath returns to talk about her recent history making ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
How is the Bureau of Land Management different from other federal land agencies?
Trails in the Roosevelt National Forest that were burned at the same time as Waldo Canyon have been rebuilt, yet nothing seems to be going on here. Why?
If this is your first time hiking a 14’er, Pikes Peak may not be the best choice.
Have a plan A, B, C and even D in case the parking lot is full at the trail you want to hike. Be a responsible trail user.
What is the American Hiking Society, and what does it do? Also, National Trails Day is this weekend
The lowdown on one of the most popular hangouts for trail lovers in the Springs, the Trails End Taproom – and one of the best outdoor fitness social clubs and gatherings around – Trails End Trailblazers.
Double amputee Mandy Horvath, who has climbed the Manitou Incline and Pikes Peak has set her eyes on climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro
Should Gold Camp Road in Colorado Springs remain closed in North Cheyenne Canon Park?
Why did these bears attack a person, and how rare is it? Do hikers and campers need to worry, and what can they do to stay safe?
It’s all about outdoor recreation politics on this week’s podcast. Hear what the Colorado legislature is working on.
On this week’s podcast: A tragic incident in Death Valley National Park, and how tips on how to avoid a similar fate; and more.
What is the history of the Colorado Mountain Club, and what does it do for outdoor recreation and conservation?
The Equestrian Skills Course helps riders and horses prepare for being on trails and interacting with other users.
What could possibly have happened on a trail for a hiker to stab a cyclist, and who is at fault? No user group is morally superior.
An update on the Ring the Peak Trail system around Pikes Peak
Bob talks with Jim Lockhart and John Stansfield who both represent local outdoor advocacy group Wild Connections, and also the Pikes Peak region’s chapter of the Sierra Club.
What happened to a group of Russian hikers, so many years ago?
A “No Holds Barred” Q&A
Bob and co-host Kevin reflect on the untimely death of a local trails and park legend; review a new app for National Parks, and more
El Paso County Search and Rescue never charges for its services
Colorado may be on it’s way to becoming a “pay-to-play” state for outdoor recreation
What is the proper etiquette when encountering a muddy trail?
Are you ready to be a Colorado Springs city councilman?
So many things went wrong, and they all could have been avoided.
“Hikers need to keep their tanks full while out on the trails”
We want to know what topics and which guests listeners want to hear on the podcast
What’s coming for Colorado Springs’ Parks in 2021?
What to expect in El Paso County Parks in 2021
Colorado Springs is a safe place to live and its trails and parks are generally very safe, too.
Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates got it’s start when there was a movement to ban mountain bikes in the Garden of the Gods
Who’s fault is it that the Utah “Monolith” became a debacle?
Parkland Dedication Ordinance is coming under fire.
What does RMFI do, and what are their future plans.
What does the Palmer Land Conservancy do, and why should you support them?
TOSC executive director Susan Davies is the returning guest
What does Wild Connections do, and how can we support them?
The Catamount Institute serves kids of all ages
Bob and Kevin’s recent hike on Pikes Peak required a lot of planning.
Now is not the time for non-profits to fail to recognize their supporters and volunteers
Will we ever know what really happened in Zion National Park?
Did the hiker who encountered a mountain lion do the right thing?
On this week’s podcast, the guest is Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers.
Fall colors update; is Colorado Springs a safe place?; City budget has increases for parks; more
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin give a fall colors update; talk about winter camping; Bob’s frustrations with GoPro and more. Websites mentioned in this show: PocketPals Trail Maps Fishers Peak State Park Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website Listen on Google Podcasts, Spotify and Apple…
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about how Bob decides what trails to write about, and the push-back he gets from readers who don’t want others hiking on “their” trails. Also discussed: Fall colors update; the Pikes Peak Apex bike race; a new park has just opened; the IndyGive is coming; the Tip and Trail of…
Where to find and how to capture Colorado’s fall colors
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the recent unseasonable weather, and use it as an opportunity to talk about prepping for cooler weather. They also talk about the upcoming fall colors season; Bob’s observations about usage at Paint Mines park; the new trails off of the Manitou Incline and whether it’s proper…
Bob Falcone gives us the details of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to hiking the trails in Colorado Springs Hiking affectionando, Bob Falcone, shows Councilman Bill Murray the way around Colorado Springs trails and open space. What is the state of trails & open space? What is the Parkland Dedication ordinance? The Conservation Trust…
On this week’s podcast, Bob and Kevin talk about Colorado’s #CareForColorado campaign, Cheyenne Mountain State Parks Trail Ambassador program, and “Leave No Trace” and how they all tie together. They also discuss Fishers Peak State Park and it’s progress towards opening. They discuss wildfires and how they can effect your health while hiking and your decision on whether or not…
On this week’s podcast, Bob talks with Jennifer Peterson, the Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Field Institute. Topics covered include progress on the Devils Playground Trail on Pikes Peak, their work on the Kit Carson and Challenger Peaks, and also their on-going work in Colorado Springs and El Paso County Parks. They also discuss…
On this week’s podcast, Bob chats with Cory Sutela from Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates. They discuss recent changes in the organizations structure, their effort to get more people involved in advocacy, and much more.
In hindsight is Colorado Springs getting a good deal on its parks Strawberry Fields raises its ugly head again. Will there be a ballot issue to determine if the citizens have a vote to determine the sale of park land in Colorado Springs? Donna Strom, Councilman Bill Murray’s guest says that what the city got…
Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department’s Cultural Services Manager Matt Mayberry is the guest on this episode. We discuss the origins of Colorado Springs, and General Palmers vision of what the city would become, including Palmer’s building wide boulevards and planning for large, green spaces, with many parks. We also discuss Colorado Spring’s…
On this week’s podcast, Kevin “Wild” Westendorf returns to the show and catches up with Bob on his recent hikes and future plans. They discuss the on-going closure of the Manitou Incline, and Green Mountain Falls considering closing it’s trails (they decided not to…). Also a reminder that a fishing or hunting license is needed…
On this week’s podcast, physical therapist Alicia Filley visits to talk about hiking in the summer heat. She and Bob discuss the differences between heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke; how much water should you carry and drink while hiking; whether sports drinks do you any good, and a lot more. Visit Alicia Filley’s…
On this week’s podcast, the guest is Manitou Springs City Council member Steve Bremner. Besides being the newest member of city council, he is active in the outdoor recreation community in the Pikes Peak region. During this interview, he offers the Manitou Springs viewpoint regarding the Manitou Incline, and some proposals on how to alleviate…
On this week’s podcast, it’s just Bob as he talks about a situation on a recent hike that necessitated the need for a SAR team. Find out all the details on this podcast. Colorado Search and Rescue Fund Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Listen on Google Podcasts, Spotify and Apple…
On this week’s show, Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Karen Palus stops in for an interview. Bob and Karen discuss the effect of COVID-19 on the departments operations, over crowding and budget; the attempts to re-open the Manitou Incline; recent land acquisitions for open space and parks; the progress on the Pikes…
This week’s guest is Susan Davies, the Executive Director of the Colorado Springs based Trails and Open Space Coalition (TOSC). She discusses with Bob the effect of COVID-19 on parks funding and and on TOSC. Also, the persistent closure of the Manitou Incline, Waldo Canyon, the Ring the Peak project, and will the TOPS tax…
Are people in the city at odds with the citizens regarding parks? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee of Protect Our Parks, get fired up over the things happening to the parks of Colorado Springs naming names. Do the Named really have the interest of the citizens in mind when these deals or made? Have…
This week’s guest is Fox 21 News meteorologist Matt Meister, and he and Bob discuss the uniqueness of the weather in Colorado and the Pikes Peak region. Matt discusses what hikers should watch for, how to be ready for changes in the weather, and why the weather here is so different from the rest of…
Physical therapist and “Healthy Hiker” Alicia Filley returns, and gives tips on how the older hiker can stay healthy and remain active. Visit Alicia Filley’s website: Thehealthyhiker.com Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Listen on Google Podcasts, Spotify and Apple Podcasts Subscribe on Android
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss hiking in the Lost Creek Wilderness, wildlife encounters, Barr Trail detour at the Pikes Peak summit, Tip and Trail of the week, and more. Visit our new sponsor American Back Country T-shirts, and use code BACKCOUNTRY10 for 10% off. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Links…
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the phased re-opening of campgrounds in Colorado State Parks, Kevin’s 14 mile hike around Rampart Reservoir, discuss which maps they use, and introduce a new feature, the Tip and Trail of the Week, and much more. Visit our new sponsor American Back Country T-shirts, and use code…
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss a new rule that requires hikers to have a hunting and fishing license to hike on certain state lands in Colorado; Kevin is using a Garmin GPS watch, and what he thinks of it; new hours on the Pikes Peak Highway; reconsidering how to plan road…
On this week’s episode, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss a wide variety of topics, including hiking in 100 degree weather, whether we’re having a “normal” spring, hiking Bison Peak and Beaver Creek Wilderness Area. Also, hiking on Hankins Pass, and using COTREX and the US Forest Service on-line tools to determine trails are open or closed during COVID-19, planning for hiking during the…
On this week’s podcast, physical therapist Alicia Filley makes a return visit. This week’s topic covers what people can do to stay active when they may not be able to go outdoors during the COVID-19 crisis, or anytime. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Alicia Filley on Facebook, Instagram and website…
On this week’s episode, Bob talks with Nora Cielo, a licensed professional counselor with over 35 years experience, and the director of Behavioral Health at the Mind Body Health Center in New Providence, New Jersey. Trained in counseling psychology and applied psycho physiology, she discusses the psychological affects of isolation brought on by social distancing…
Bob and Kevin are back on the podcast (remotely connected) and compare notes and catch up on how COVID-19 has been affecting them and outdoor recreation, and why Bob hasn’t been in Colorado for weeks (it’s only temporary). Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website…
This week’s guest is physical therapist Alicia Filley. She talks with Bob about how hikers can hike and enjoy the outdoors while minimizing the risk of injury. There are a lot of good pointers in this episode. This podcast was recorded prior to the COVID-19 crisis hit critical mass in the U.S. Read my article…
On this episode, Bob talks with Scott Abbott, the Colorado Springs Parks Department’s Parks, Trails and Open Space Manager. They discuss the impact of increased usage in the city’s parks and open spaces, how the staff manages the parks, and more. This podcast was recorded prior to the COVID-19 crisis hit critical mass in the…
On this week’s episode, Bob and Kevin discuss hiking in lesser known places such as Pueblo Mountain Park and Aiken Canyon, look for an answer to the question “why do I get winded going up hill?”, and the pro’s and con’s of Daylight Saving Time (and why do people get so worked up over it). Please consider becoming a patron…
Bob talks with Cory Sutela and Harry Hamill from local mountain biking group Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates. They discuss e-bikes on trails, their work with land managers and other outdoor recreation groups and their need for volunteers. For more information about MWTA, you can listen to podcasts 16, 85 and 162. Also check out their…
This week’s guest is Mike Bristol, who along with his wife Amanda, owns the iconic Bristol Brewing in Colorado Springs. Bob and Mike discuss the origins of the brewery, it’s connection with outdoor recreation, their philanthropy, their effect on other microbrews in the region and a whole lot more. It’s a great conversation, recorded live…
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the use of e-bikes on trails and their concerns over users “hacking” the bikes; President’s Day hikes; winter is back and where to go snowshoeing; Bob’s new photography website. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website
This week, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Bob’s recent photography trip to Yellowstone National Park with National Geographic, Kevin’s recent hikes, and they examine the recent controversy surrounding Colorado Springs Parks. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website
Becky Leinweber, the Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA) is Bob’s guest on this week’s episode. They discuss the mission of the PPORA, the unique partnerships it has helped develop, and the challenges facing outdoor recreation in both the Pikes Peak region and Colorado. Please consider becoming a patron of this…
On this week’s show, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss whether a popular outdoor recreation newsletter is “click-bait”? Bob and Kevin focus on the positive about Colorado and ask why there is so much focus on the negative. Also, they discuss last years accomplishments and look forward to the new year, and upcoming events. Please consider…
On this New Year’s Day episode, Bob talks with El Paso County (CO) Community Services Department Director Tim Wolken about the accomplishments of the county parks department in 2019 and what’s ahead in 2020. It’s a lively discussion that covers a lot of ground. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information.…
On this week’s show, Bob sits down with Karen Palus, the director of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services for a wide ranging discussion. They discuss what the department has done since their last interview during the summer, and what’s ahead for the department in 2020 and beyond. Please consider becoming a patron of…
On this week’s show, Bob and co-host Kevin talk about responsible winter hiking, last minute holiday gift ideas, “First Day” hikes, a record setting Grand Canyon hike, and more. This week’s podcast is sponsored by Victorinox, the creators of the Swiss Army Knife Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking…
On this week’s show, the guests are from the Friends of the Equestrian Skills Course. A one-of-a-kind facility built entirely with donated labor and funds, it readies equestrians and their riders for riding in the mountains. This week’s podcast is sponsored by Victorinox, the creators of the Swiss Army Knife Please consider becoming a patron…
On this week’s show, guests from the Friends of Monument Valley Park discuss their organization, and their role in preserving one of the oldest parks in Colorado Springs. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
This week, Bob chats with Jim and John from the outdoors advocacy group Wild Connections. Part of the IndyGive! they discuss what the group does, it’s history, and why you should consider donating to them. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about “hidden gems”, parks or trails that fly under most people’s radar, or that are unmarked or unmapped. Also, #OptOutside and #FreshAirFriday, IndyGive, and is Colorado Springs going to lose professional baseball? Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website
On this week’s episode, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss a report that recommended that the National Park Service privatize campgrounds, bring in food trucks, Amazon deliveries and wifi to National Parks. Find out what Bob and Kevin think of the plan. Also, the IndyGive! is under way. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast!…
Bob talks with Bill Beagle, president of the Incline Friends about a variety of topics surrounding the Manitou Incline, including trail development, crowd control, parking and traffic, etc. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Incline Friends website
On this week’s episode Bob and co-host Kevin talk about how early winter seems to have arrived in Colorado and their favorite local places to go snowshoeing. Also, the end of Daylight Saving Time, Veterans Day, new signage for TOPS open spaces and more. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information.…
Bob talks with Trails and Open Space Coalition Executive Director Susan Davies about Colorado Springs ballot issue 2B, and the impact it could have on city parks. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
This week, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss a report that shows that a record number of people climbed Colorado’s 14,000′ peaks in 2018. Also discussed are rescues made on Cheyenne Mountain, and steam engine 168 inaugural run after being rebuilt. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild…
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the approaching winter weather; Kevin’s recent trip to the Great Smoky Mountains and the Appalachian Trail; the challenges with hiking in different terrain than Colorado’s; Bob’s book now for sale at REI; photo exhibit at Denver International Airport. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast!…
This conversation really gets down into the weeds. Park land exchanges? Should the people have a vote on transferring parkland to developers? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee get down in the weeds on the history of land transfers and possible future land transfers and what the impact will be on the citizens of Colorado…
We don’t call them homeless, we call them forest neighbors…
What is about 40 times as heavy as a hippopotamus, 180 times as heavy as a grand piano, and 42 times as heavy as a car? Listen to this week’s episode to find out. You can pitch in to have clean, healthy waterways in the Pikes Peak Region, starting September 28, in the 2019 Creek…
On this week’s show, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Bob’s observations of how people behaved near elk in Rocky Mountain National Park; the lack of fall colors and when leaves should be changing; Kevin climbs Huron Peak; hiking preparedness during fall weather; National Public Lands Day, and a whole lot more. Please consider becoming a…
On this week’s show, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss hiking in Colorado’s state parks and national forests, the advantages of checking multiple sources for trail information, fall colors, hunting during hiking season, and cyclists and helmets. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
When the Trump administration messes with Central Colorado’s public lands, the results are not pretty. Hear what’s happening and what you can do to help protect our “Big Back Yard.”
Bob gets an update from Cory Sutela and Dave Adair with Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates on the groups recent activity, future plans and changes in the organization. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about Kevin’s hikes in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and Bob’s hike in the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness. They also discuss an incident where a Colorado Park Ranger was assaulted, and an incident where a group of 44 hikers had to be rescued in the Arizona desert. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website …
This week, Bob talks with Chris Phillips, the General Manager of the Rocky Mountain Vibes baseball team. The team, the Rookie League affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers, replaced the AAA level Sky Sox after they moved to San Antonio. They talk about the transition from the highest to lowest level of minor league baseball, how…
On this week’s show, Bob and Kevin discuss the new permit system for visitors to Hanging Lake, and what can be done to manage visitors to local parks and trails. Also, recent hikes, upcoming plans, and an update on an aggressive bear in Colorado Springs. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
In an inspiring visit, Mandy Horvath, the “Life Proof Bionic Woman” stops back in to talk about overcoming not only her disability, but also substance abuse and PTSD. She also talks about her plans to race up the Manitou Incline and Pikes Peak, and her charity work involving veterans and first responders. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website …
On this week’s podcast, Bob talks about his recent hiking road trips, and Kevin talks about how he dealt with getting sick on a recent hike. Also, upcoming free entry opportunities at Colorado State Parks in August. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Nomadik: https://www.thenomadik.com/hikingbob Enter promo code “Hikingbob” Enter to win a free The Nomadik…
Bob interviews Heather “Anish” Anderson, author of “Thirst – 2600 Miles to Home” about her hike on the Pacific Crest Trail that led to the writing of the book. Also, they discuss her other through hikes, including doing the Appalachian, Continental Divide and Pacific Crest trails in one calendar year. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Heather Anderson…
How have we benefited from the space program?
Bob talks with El Paso County (CO) Park Planner Ross Williams about land becomes a park, the difference between a park and an open space and how parks are developed. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website The Nomadik: https://www.thenomadik.com/hikingbob Enter promo code “Hikingbob” Enter to win a free The Nomadik box: https://win.thenomadik.com/hikingbob
What’s going on in the Pikes Peak Region
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about some recent hikes, water safety concerns due to the runoff from this winter’s large snowfall amounts, wildflowers are in bloom and more. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Nomadik: https://www.thenomadik.com/hikingbob Enter promo code “Hikingbob” Enter to win a free The Nomadik box: https://win.thenomadik.com/hikingbob
Bob gets a mid-year update on the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department from department Director Karen Palus. They discuss the new facility under construction in the Garden of the Gods Park, the construction of the new Summit House on Pikes Peak, the master plan for Panorama Park, and much more. Lots of…
What could the lost hiker in Hawaii done differently to prevent getting lost or to reduce how long it took to find her?
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the places they visited and hikes they did before and during Memorial Day weekend. Also, a bear attack in Aspen, wildflowers starting to appear, the latest box from sponsor The Nomadik, and more. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Nomadik: https://www.thenomadik.com/hikingbob Enter promo code “Hikingbob” Enter to win a free The…
Hiking Bob interviews Cattail Bob about survival and plants in the western US
This week’s podcast is another one suggested by a listener
In this podcast, we continue with listener suggested topics, with co-host Kevin discussing what is in his pack, and also his choice of boots. Also, Bob and Kevin discuss a recent incident that resulted in the death of a hiker in Arizona. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram The Nomadik: https://www.thenomadik.com/hikingbob Enter promo code “Hikingbob” Enter to…
This week, the topic is a listener suggested topic. Also, a new sponsor, TheNomadik.com with a great offer for listeners of this podcast! Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website The Nomadik: https://www.thenomadik.com/hikingbob Pocket Pals Trail Maps: https://www.pptrailmaps.com/
In this episode, Bob talks with John Stark, TOPS Park Ranger Supervisor for the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department about the addition of seven permanent Park Rangers for the city’s TOPS open spaces and parks. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Pocket Pals Trail Maps: https://www.pptrailmaps.com/
On this week’s episode, Bob and co-host Kevin talk about the rapidly changing and variable spring weather in Colorado; getting ready for summer hiking; big changes for Hanging Lake hiking; bears coming out of hibernation; is La Plata Peak the best hike in Colorado? Also, are there more mountain lions than in the past? And,…
On this week’s episode, Bob and Kevin catch up on hikes they did while Bob was away, and discuss the difference between hiking in Colorado’s mountains vs Arizona’s deserts. They also discuss thier plans for the coming spring and summer, including “road trip” hikes. Some places discussed include Mesa Verde National Park, Mancos State Park, Black Canyon…
Bob talks with Colorado Parks and Wildlife District Wildlife Manager (Game warden…) Corey Adler. We discuss what he does, how he got here, what he did before getting here. Do you need to worry about bears and mountain lions while out hiking or camping? Find the answers in this podcast. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Bob talks with Britt Haley from the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department about the Trails and Open Spaces program she manages. What is it, what is it for, what is its history, and more. Links: Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
This week, Bob talks with Jeff Wolin, the Lead Interpretive Ranger at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. The closest National Park Service site to Colorado Springs, it celebrates it’s 50th anniversary in 2019. They discuss the history of the site, it’s unique features, education and recreation opportunities and planned events to celebrate it’s anniversary. Florissant…
On this episode, Trails and Open Spaces Coalition Executive Director Susan Davies talks with Bob about Colorado Springs’ 2019 city council and mayoral election. They discuss what voters who love Colorado Springs parks and trails should look for in a candidate. Links: TOSC website Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
On this week’s podcast, Joe Lavorini from the Rocky Mountain Field Institute talks about the upcoming project to re-route and re-build the Devils Playground trail on the west side of Pikes Peak. Also, their work on other 14er’s in Colorado. Links: Rocky Mountain Field Institute website Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
On this week’s show, Bob and Kevin discuss the 100th anniversary of Grand Canyon National Park, the upcoming 50th anniversary of Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, a new national park in Indiana, and much more. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
On this week’s podcast we discuss an update on the recent mountain lion attack and why you shouldn’t wear noise cancelling ear buds while hiking, putting together your own loop hike, an update on the progress of proposed rule changes in El Paso County Parks, and another giveaway! Mountain Lion attack survivor video Hiking Bob…
On this week’s episode: Bob and Kevin discuss a recent mountain lion attack, videoing hikes, recent hikes, current winter recreation conditions, skin cancer and prevention Links for this podcast: Skin Cancer report Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Bob talks with Sarah DiPasquale and Janet Rennie from the Colorado Springs chapter of Hike It Baby, a group that helps parents and their kids go hiking. Links for this episode: Hike it Baby: Facebook, Website Bob’s column about child development and outdoor recreation Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
On this week’s episode, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss snowshoeing conditions in Colorado, tracking your hikes on Google Earth, and what determines who survives or doesn’t survive a bad situation. Also, a FREE give-away! Links for this episode: Pocket Pals Trail maps Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about new and revised maps from Pocket Pals Trail Maps, proposed changes to El Paso County Parks rules, how a popular hiking and running tracking app help capture a murderer (and what that means to everyone else who uses it), why a couple fell 800′ in Yosemite National Park, how…
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss how a social media post killed an event, and how to be a good steward of our open lands. Also, how do you define a trail? Waldo Canyon open house, lunar eclipse, Bob teaching a winter photography class, and more. Links for this episode: Bob’s photography workshop at the Garden of…
On this episode, it’s just Bob as he talks about visiting Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and Joshua Tree National Park in southern California. He also discusses the effect of the government shutdown on Joshua Tree.
Bob talks with Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) Executive Director Chris Castilian about the history of GOCO and how it contributes to outdoor recreation in Colorado.
Bob and Colorado Springs Parks Department Director Karen Palus have a lively discussion about what the department did in 2018, and what is in store for 2019.
Bob talks with Tim Wolken the director of the El Paso County Community Services Department, which also includes the parks department. They discuss the accomplishments of the parks department in 2018 and look ahead to 2019 and beyond.
Recorded live at Trails End Taproom in Colorado Springs, Bob interviews Trails and Open Space Coalition executive director Susan Davies. They discuss the progress of the Ring the Peak trail, Waldo Canyon recovery, the effect of the November election on outdoor recreation and more.
Bob talks with Colorado Parks and Wildlife Area Wildlife Manager Frank McGee. They discuss the various duties of a Wildlife Manager, how McGee became a wildlife manager, and how the job is like – and different – than reality TV, and more.
On this week’s episode, co-host Kevin Westendorf tells the story of his hike going from rim-to-rim-to-rim in the Grand Canyon. Bob and Kevin also take listener questions.
Bob met with Cass D’Alessandro, who travels around the world hiking, touring and blogging, while she was in Colorado Springs recently. The lively conversation covers where Cass has been, where she is going and why the Toronto native feels at home in Colorado Springs. Check out her website at Lovinglifewithcass.com, and follow her on Instagram (@CassRose),…
On this week’s episode, Bob and co-host Kevin talk about the final days before Kevin’s Grand Canyon rim-to-rim-to-rim hike; a landmark, long term study of the effects of aerobic exercise on health; how the proper equipment and training saved a rock climber from serious injury; Dixon Trail ribbon cutting; Bob’s 2019 photo calendar release soon.
Bob interviews Parrish Watson, the senior Park Ranger at Colorado’s Mueller State Park. They discuss the job duties of a park ranger, what makes Mueller State Park different from other parks, the challenges of being a park ranger, and more. Very interesting in-sight into the life of a Colorado Parks and Wildlife Park Ranger.
Bob and co-host Kevin talk a little bit more about Kevin’s 45 mile hike; other podcasts they listen to; what the “Motorless Morning” in the Garden of the Gods was like; getting ready for hiking in winter weather.
In this week’s podcast, Bob talks with Darcy Mount, the senior ranger at Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s Cheyenne Mountain State Park. They discuss what a park ranger does, how she got her start as a ranger and more.
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about fall colors viewing; how lucky we are to live here; what visitors think of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region; Waldo Canyon recovery and more.
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss their preview hike of the new Dixon Trail in Cheyenne Mountain State Park; discuss the difference between day hiking and backpacking and some bad advice they’ve heard; Bob asks listeners for a personal favor
Bob and co-host Kevin talk about a couple of “extreme” day hikes they’ve recently done, encounters with moose and other wildlife on trails, having updated maps, and Bob gets a old hiking guide book.
Bob’s co-host talks about a recent experience while training for his Grand Canyon rim-to-rim-to-rim hike. Also discussed: recent incidents where hikers got lost or worse while going off trail; a recent bear encounter and why it happened; new trails about to open in the Pikes Peak region; Fall colors forecast
Bob talks with Chris Lieber of NES about the efforts to close the gaps in the Ring the Peak Trail system. They discuss what the Ring the Peak trail system is, the challenges on completing the loop, the progress made so far, and what will happen next.
Bob and co-host Kevin catch up on some recent hikes they’ve done; Kevin’s training for the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim-to-rim hike in October; Colorado’s severe summer weather; Bob is heading to the Pacific; Bob and Kevin’s total hiking mileage so far this year; a preview of next week’s podcast
On this week’s podcast, the tables are turned on Bob and he gets interviewed by Carrie Simison, the publisher of the Colorado Springs Independent. Find out how Bob got into hiking, how he chooses where to go and more.
Mandy Horvath, the LifeProof Bionic Woman stops back in for an update on what she has done since her last visit, including being part of a movie in Hollywood, climbing Pikes Peak, appearing on the Today Show, and what she has planned for the future. Listen in to what this inspiring woman has to say.
Bob and co-host Kevin hit on a variety of topics including safety during the summer monsoon season; Kevin continues to prep for the Grand Canyon; things to carry other than the “10 Essentials”; Bob discusses getting requests from the public; where to find wildflowers; hiking in the Southern Colorado Mountains; what hike should Bob do…
Bob interviews Carrie Simison, publisher of the Colorado Springs Independent. They discuss outdoor recreation, being a Colorado transplant, cycling, living in Colorado Springs, and the role of the alternative weekly newspaper in modern society.
Bob talks with Jolie NeSmith, Executive Director of Pike Ride bike share program. Check it out at PikeRide.org
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss some recent hikes; Kevin’s continuing preparation for his forthcoming Grand Canyon hike; what happens when maps are wrong or out-dated; Colorado’s fire danger, and the increased penalties for unattended campfires and drone use near emergency responders.
Susan Davies, Executive Director of the Trails and Open Space Coalition joins Bob for the 100th episode of the Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast. They discuss a wide range of topics concerning outdoor recreation in the Pikes Peak region. Thanks to all the listeners for making the podcast a resounding success!
Bob visits Luis Benitez, the Director of the Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office, where they discuss his history in outdoor recreation, his job promoting Colorado to the outdoor recreation industry, and combining the work of government, non-profit organizations and for-profit companies.
Bob and co-host Kevin hit on a variety of topics this week!
Bob talks with Oscar Martinez, Pike National Forest District Ranger. They discuss his career with the U.S. Forest Service, the duties of a district ranger, the challenges of managing a national forest in close proximity to a large city and much, much more.