Aging with Altitude

Aging with Altitude: 6 Independence and Driving Through Life

Driving is often the key to independence with many older adults and family members struggling to make the best decisions around this ability and resource.  Terry Cassidy, Occupational Therapist, certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist for Fitness to Drive and owner of Health Promotion Partners shares this discussion with Maile Gray, Executive Director of Drive Smart as…

Peak Environment on Studio 809

25: Bikesharing in Colorado Springs

Did you know there are over 200 bikes in a 12 square mile area of central Colorado Springs available for you to borrow? Over a million calories have been burned by riders on PikeRide bicycles since bikesharing began in Colorado Springs ten months ago. Jolie Nesmith, Executive Director of PikeRide Bike Share fills host Ellen Johnson-Fay in on how bikesharing works, the genesis of the bike share system in Colorado Springs, and the benefits of bikesharing. 

Studio 809 Specials

Special: CONO Neighborhood Chat on Roads & Traffic – Oct 23 2018

Roads, traffic, development, parking, traffic signals and bike lanes all get mic time in this Northside CONO neighborhood chat. Tim Roberts (principal transportation planner/traffic engineer for City of Colorado Springs), Jim Reid (El Paso county public works), and Grant Smith (president of the Cragmor Neighborhood Association) share their perspectives and experiences. (Episode 37, recorded 10/23/18)…

Studio 809 Specials

Special: Changing Colorado Springs’ Climate – Jim Hightower

Columnist/Humorist/Activist/Author Jim Hightower highlights the all-star lineup that graced the stage at Stargazers Theatre on September 16 for this event hosted by Together for Colorado Springs. Big announcements are among the varied subjects addressed, all related to elections, politics, and positive progress for Colorado Springs. Speakers include John Weiss, Jill Gaebler, Lisa Villanueva, Yolanda Avila;…

Studio 809 Specials

Special: Old/Near North End Transportation Study – Jan 18 2018

Bicycles, Pedestrians, and Cars: Will putting a square peg (bicycles) into a round hole (automobiles) work for Colorado Springs’ existing road infrastructure? Is there a workable solution for the pedestrian concerns at Colorado College? Are reduced crosswalks and signals the solution? The third in a series of public meetings to discuss how to address transportation…

Council Matters

Council Matters: New Year’s Resolutions – Dec 18 2017

Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand share their list of New Year’s resolution. The discussion includes ballot issues, Gallagher amendment, TABOR, Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation, Martin-Drake power plant, Mark Waller, strong mayor concept, toll lanes, council staff, parks; public safety, housing and leadership. Click POST below and let us know your thoughts (Episode…

CityTalk: Bicycling in C Springs

Did you know Colorado Springs is one of the great bicycling locations in the world? Senior Bike Planner Kate Brady joins City Councilor Jill Gaebler for a lively discussion of bicycling issues. The city’s newly proposed Bike Plan is now out for public review and comment. See the plan and learn about public meetings at…