Council Matters

Serious questions about the proposed hockey arena at Colorado College are being raised by North End neighbors. Has the planning been sufficient for the existing neighborhood? Why is Colorado Springs giving money to a private college for this project? Can parking issues be addressed and resolved? Who will cover infrastructure costs? Will the Robson Arena be a boon to the neighborhood or a white elephant? Citizen activists Jane Morgan and Monica Hobbs join co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray.(Episode 105, Recorded 1/4/19)


  1. Thank you for airing this neighborhood problem. Good comments and information about exactly what CC is trying to pull off AGAIN. Please let’s have responsible growth.

  2. “Where’s the plan?”
    Now where have I heard the before? When do we stop asking, “Where’s the plan?”, and start requiring, unequivocally, a comprehensive, detailed and study-backed plan to be in place FIRST?

    We all know why the plans are not revealed up front ….. don’t we?

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