Gary, Lyn and Dee are back from their Thanksgiving week off!
Covid-19 still ravages our country. We are reaching more than one death a minute. We’ve topped 14M cases. There are vaccines in production, but how many people will die first? Hospitals are now bracing for a post-Thanksgiving increase. Are you wearing your mask everywhere, correctly?
If you want to know where you fall in the vaccine distribution, the New York Times has a handy calculator:
Good scoop on Covid-19 vaccine and the information you need. But how did we get to Costa Rica? Well, we did and did a lot of fill in starting with: Pence speaks; El Paso county is a Red Zone; What’s this hugging the flag? Are we turning into a vengeful country? What’s this threatening poll workers? Good news: Mary Jane is a medicine; Want to hear a Wacky Story? What is rich peoples yacht money? Rural counties aren’t all T**** counties.
Should we end military support to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates? Apparently they haven’t been playing fair. ANWAR is back in the news. Put your name in for a pardon. Apparently it’s a fad that is taking hold. Should “Blabber Mouth” be allowed into secret briefings after 1/20/2021? Is the FBI happy about it?
What last minute rules and regulations are they trying to push through to cripple the incoming administration?
There is still no Covid bill that provides more relief for the people. The House passed a bill in May and has compromised quite a bit. The Senate will not approve a bill that doesn’t include protections for businesses.
During this holiday season, you may find yourself needing assistance. Or, perhaps you are able to donate to others! Why not visit the Mutual Aid Society of Colorado Springs on facebook?
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#Covid19 #CostaRica #RedZones #UNMarijuana #YachtMoney #ANWAR #Pardons