Season Three, Episode Fifteen

Gary, Lyn, and Dee discuss topics of the day and politics.  We’re four weeks into the government shut down and how has that effected us?

Colorado turn Blue politically this last election. It ain’t so bad. Come on in. The water’s fine. Looking at full day kindergarten;  electric vehicle charging stations throughout the state; and the possibility of cheaper prescription medicines from Canada.

Gillette has put out a commercial that has conservative media all in a tither. Oooh! Listen to what Dee’s interpretation is.

Rand Paul is having major surgery done. Guess where? A private surgical center?  Hospital? Walter Reed? Doesn’t he think our doctors are the best?

If you live in Tennessee your chances of getting Disability are nil. We tell you why. It’s really a scam, folks. It isn’t to your benefit.

Can we, as a country, get to 100% renewables as envisioned by AOC (look it up) by 2035? We’re wondering where our publicly owned utility is in the scheme of things.

What is the Cinderella Project? Is there one in your area?

The Trump administration is trying for Block Grants of Medicaid and trying to by-pass Congress. Just leave well enough alone, Ok?

If you’re not too busy, how about lending a little support for the teachers (including charter school teachers) in the LAUSD strike?

Iowa is looking at returning voting rights to previously convicted persons.

If you have some free time, the PPLD’s Adult Winter Reading Program starts February 1.  Sign-up in person or online.

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