Colorado Springs City Council D6 Candidate Forum 2025
Hear from candidates running to represent District 6 on Colorado Springs City Council in this forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region and Citizens Project.
Voices of the Pikes Peak Region
Hear from candidates running to represent District 6 on Colorado Springs City Council in this forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region and Citizens Project.
Leveraging technology to improve public safety headlines Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi’s 2025 strategic plan.
What did the the department do in 2024, and what can we expect in 2025?
Should citizens give Colorado Springs City Councilors a pay raise?
Colorado Springs’ controversial e-bikes ordinance proposal is discussed with longtime trail advocates Kent and Ruth Obee.
How does the parks department fare in the 2025 city budget?
Dylan Craddock with the Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region fills us in on Arts Month happenings in October.
It’s a good plan, but implementing it faces challenges
It’s time to move on and get a policy set.
How are the fall colors going to look this year?
What is Richards Rubbish Roundup?
Terrain Hoppers open trails to people with accessibility challenges.
Where are the best behaved hikers?
What is ahead for the city’s parks in 2024?
What is the mayors plan for addressing the backlog of needs and maintenance of Colorado Springs’ parks, open spaces and trails?
Will the new elected officials have a positive influence on city parks and open spaces?
People who think they’re helping wild animals are actually doing the opposite.
What does a classic Rolling Stone song have to do with outdoor recreation?
If you want to visit Pikes Peak at sunrise, you’ll have a few opportunities to do so this summer
How will Colorado Springs’ updated zoning and subdivision ordinance make our community more sustainable and resilient?
Without TOPS, many of our treasured open spaces would not exist.
What were some significant accomplishments of the department in 2022 and what is the department planning for in 2023.
The TOPS ballot is an extension without an increase/
The National Park Service is doing nothing to make sure lower income users have the opportunity to visit the most popular national parks.
If it advances, the legislation would give private landowners who allow recreational use the same protection currently given to ski resorts
The TOPS tax has been in existence for 25 years, and has purchased more than 7,000 acres of land. Voters will be asked to extend it for another 20 years.
The people who live on Old Stage Road say they have been abandoned by the sheriff’s office. Everyone agreed that they deserve better.
Should Colorado Springs close access to national forest land?
Managing Editor Helen Lewis sits down with reporter Greta Anderson to talk about “Kum & Go Digs In.”
Will relying on development in Downtown Colorado Springs really work?
Guess where the Ace of Spades is. Or which shell has the pea under it. We’re talking city finances here aren’t we?
Why is Colorado Springs still giving passes to certain groups to their benefit?
What is it with people that makes them think it’s OK to build their own trails on public lands?
So many Issues. So little time.
Is the city of Colorado Springs’ Public Works trying to pull a fast one regarding Constitution Ave.?
Isn’t it time to ban OPEN CARRY in Colorado Springs?
Are we giving the ParkScore more weight than it’s due?
Why doesn’t the many hundreds of acres of open space in Colorado Springs count towards the ParkScore rating?
What’s the purpose of the city putting our bad data?
There’s a lot of news this week!
Is Colorado Springs afraid of top rated talent for positions in the city that will make the necessary changes?
Get used to it! Colorado Springs is definitely changing.
Will the future mayor of Colorado Springs be able to handle what’s coming down the pike?
The TOPS program was created by citizen initiative, and is overseen by two citizen committees who make recommendations on purchasing properties that are recommended by citizens.
Politicization: Will it harm the future of Colorado Springs? Yes? No?
Should we acknowledge that there isn’t enough money or manpower to really fix all our parks capacity issues, no matter how hard our land managers try?
Is it time for an independent utilities board with the necessary experience to manage CSU?
Will the city administration ever be forthcoming about its actions?
Is there any way to cure the Malaise in Colorado Springs?
Can Inflation be a good thing?
Is city council strong enough to handle the coming changes?
Will the citizens ever be told the truth?
There’s much and so little time.
How will people be protected?
When will the chickens come home to roost?
Will Colorado Springs beef up its firefighting capabilities? Or will it be status quo?
Is the grip that Comcast and Century Link have on you finally coming to an end?
A roundup of noteworthy local happenings from two former Colorado Springs city councilors who return to the studio after a 4-year break.
Keep the number 1400 in mind.
Is council getting dumped on by the executive branch of city government?
What happens when the “Free Money” stops?
Things aren’t running smoothly for Colorado Springs public safety.
An update and next steps for LETAC (Law Enforcement Transparency and Accountability Commission) in Colorado Springs.
It’s always a question of money.
What kind of research services does the museum have that might benefit hikers?
It seems nobody is on the same page.
Is the Colorado Springs 2022 budget really enough?
A discussion about Colorado Springs ballot issue 2C, and also the upcoming IndyGive campaign.
Is the city doing a good job or fair job spending taxpayer money?
Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next natural or manmade disaster?
Will the people and city council have a say?
How to interpret Quality of Live Indicators by peeling the onion.
Is it beneficial for the Citizens?
General Palmer speaks
The general fund percentage of the city budget for the parks department is lower than prior to the recession, despite a larger population, more parks and greatly increased usage
Yet another popular hiking destination will require advance reservations. This will be the new norm.
Should a dialog begin or is it too late?
Can Colorado Springs handle these issues?
A short chat with June Waller, local community activist & League of Women Voters member, about what is going on and how you can get more involved in our community and the League.
It looks like the bad business decisions by the city will come home to roost.
Hanky Panky goings on with the Civic Auditorium?
Interesting Musings by Councilman Bill Murray
We chat with the two female members of Colorado Springs City Council, Yolanda Avila and Nancy Henjum, about their reasons for serving, their council experiences, and why women should consider running for office.
Are homeowners being conned when they purchase home?
A new day for Colorado Springs?
What’s so important about being #1?
Publicly Financed Elections who’s time has come.
Is there political will to move to Publicly Financed Elections?
Hear from candidates for Colorado Springs City Council District 5 in the April 6, 2021 election.
Is Colorado Springs abusing Metro Districts?
Will the Covid-19 variance impact the local economy?
Should citizens be concerned about the candidates running for city council?
No holds barred questions for council candidates
A “No Holds Barred” Q&A
Has Colorado Springs’ economic situation improved?
Is Colorado Springs really ready for the future financially?
Will the revenue streams from the C4C projects be enough to fulfill Colorado Springs’ requirements?
Are you ready to be a Colorado Springs city councilman?
Is there a cost for the Covid-19 Vaccine?
Beating “The development doesn’t pay for itself” drum until someone really listens.
Starting the year off with a Bang!
What’s coming for Colorado Springs’ Parks in 2021?
Colorado Springs is a safe place to live and its trails and parks are generally very safe, too.
Being a city councilman or councilwoman isn’t a piece of cake
Parkland Dedication Ordinance is coming under fire.
What does RMFI do, and what are their future plans.
Will Colorado Springs ever have the right economic mix?
TOSC executive director Susan Davies is the returning guest
Does development pay for itself? Another primer on why it doesn’t
A lexicon of words that are oxymorons.
The Colorado Springs city budget is up. Will it be enough?
Down ballot issues are important too.
ARRRGH! It continues!
On this week’s podcast, the guest is Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers.
Colorado Springs really doesn’t have any issues that affect it, does it?
Fall colors update; is Colorado Springs a safe place?; City budget has increases for parks; more
During Episode 3 of Making Democracy Work, we breakdown Local Issue 2B with Kent Obee, POPS (Protect Our Parks) Advocate, and we say goodbye to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Law Enforcement Transparency Accountability Commission: What are the optics? Will the process be tainted?
Councilman Bill Murray pays respects to RBG. What is the American Anthem? Is Lady Justice really blind? Is Justice equitable? A conversation about Pastor Mike McBride and Reverend Ben McBride and what they did in Oakland, CA. The word that comes out is “Communication.” They talk about “de-constructing” and then “re-constructing” the current police system.…
Is Colorado Springs changing politically? Is Colorado Springs and El Paso County trending Progressive? Are Millennials the drivers? Will the local special interests lose their influence? Is the city continuing to develop into mini commercial wastelands? Are decisions being made in the best interests of Colorado Springs or special interests? What’s the Donut theory? Strawberry…
It’s important to vote, ladies and gentlemen. Councilman Bill Murray has as his guest today Mike Maday, a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party. He’s also the Voter Protection Coordinator. Is there voter suppression in El Paso County? Is the citizenry educated on the topics that they’ll be voting on? Will people…
Is this another put the data on the shelf issue or will something really come from it? What is the LETAC? Just another acronym commission that will languish? How is Colorado Springs Police Department? Bob Falcone offers his assessment. Councilman Bill Murray shares a portion of his former life. Also, his current life. Is the…
Bob Falcone gives us the details of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to hiking the trails in Colorado Springs Hiking affectionando, Bob Falcone, shows Councilman Bill Murray the way around Colorado Springs trails and open space. What is the state of trails & open space? What is the Parkland Dedication ordinance? The Conservation Trust…
Can’t Imagine so much going on in Colorado Springs A police station has tested positive for Covid-19. Are the police officers wearing their masks? Has mask wearing been extended statewide? A Covid-19 testing facility in Colorado Springs. Did they screw up the tests? Denver is contemplating providing Broadband. Why not Colorado Springs? Your thoughts. The…
Are the citizens of Colorado Springs ready for a wakeup call? Councilman Bill Murray wants the best police force. Will the citizens pay for the necessary training and peripheral equipment to make this happen?
Will the learnings be made public? Did you know that the Colorado Springs police department has put out a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the department’s use of force? Who should oversee this process? The police department or the Accountability Committee? Will the Accountability Committee be allowed a “look-see?” Why should there be an “Assessment…
In hindsight is Colorado Springs getting a good deal on its parks Strawberry Fields raises its ugly head again. Will there be a ballot issue to determine if the citizens have a vote to determine the sale of park land in Colorado Springs? Donna Strom, Councilman Bill Murray’s guest says that what the city got…
An Accountability Committee for Law Enforcement is being formed Will the Law Accountability Citizens Committee be successful? Will the selected members be diverse enough? Is this a first step in de-funding the police? Why are laws developed in the first place? Have you run a Red Light? Big Brother is watching you. Do you think…
This ain’t pretty and it’s not intended to be. Councilman Bill Murray has a story to tell. It’s about the Coronavirus, how people think it’s an infringement on their Constitutional Rights NOT to wear a mask, and if we, as a community, are prepared for the Covid-19. Are the sheriff’s and police department on board…
On this week’s podcast, the guest is Manitou Springs City Council member Steve Bremner. Besides being the newest member of city council, he is active in the outdoor recreation community in the Pikes Peak region. During this interview, he offers the Manitou Springs viewpoint regarding the Manitou Incline, and some proposals on how to alleviate…
Finally! CSU is moving forward. Will the rest of the city follow? Colorado Springs Utilities is finally moving into the 21st century with its New Sustainable Energy Plan 17. Hooray! About time. Won’t list the accomplishments here (you’ll have to listen), but you’ll have to thank UPAC, the Utilities Board, and the management of CSU.…
Deb Walker of Citizens Project joins Councilman Bill Murray A meaty subject for Councilman Bill Murray and Deb Walker of Citizens project to discuss: Policing. Transparency. Open dialog. Deb’s questions. A citizens committee. Incarceration. Open carry. Taking things to extremes. What is the Storm Water Syndrome?
You want their opinions? Now you got ‘em Councilman Bill Murray gets on a roll followed by Kent Obee and Gary Casimir. No toes untouched here. (Note: There was an unscheduled technical glitch that cut this segment short.) Drake (resolve distrust), 30 year plan, renewables, Covid-19, EIRP, loss of revenue, police review board (resolve distrust),…
Are people in the city at odds with the citizens regarding parks? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee of Protect Our Parks, get fired up over the things happening to the parks of Colorado Springs naming names. Do the Named really have the interest of the citizens in mind when these deals or made? Have…
Kristy’s conversation continues with Councilman Bill Murray What is Community? Is the city government The Community? Is the business community The Community? Is it the building and development community The Community? In today’s environment we have conspiracy theories that abound. Does 5G cause cancer? Is Covid-19 a conspiracy theory? Are conspiracy theories distractions or total…
So many things discussed. Can Colorado Springs really handle them? You open a door and Kristy will walk through it. She leaves Councilman Bill Murray slack jawed with topics such as: Affordable Housing is a Pain Point. Donations to Westside Cares are never too small. There are challenges to the hygiene problems for the homeless.…
More things discussed between Council members Bill Murray & Don Knight Population getting more hostile? Does Colorado Springs have an unhealthy economy? What’s the future economy going to look like? Fewer businesses. How many will Colorado Springs lose? Is the citizens discretionary income shrinking, growing, or staying the same? Impact? Will there by reductions in…
Two council members having a relaxing conversation without interference Sorry for the delay this week. We had a difficult time getting the principals around the table at the same time. But you will not be disappointed. Councilman Don Knight and host, Councilman Bill Murray have a frank discussion about issues that affect Colorado Springs. They…
Who’s the main beneficiary of the Unified Development Code Is the Re-zoning study going to impact the city in the right or wrong way? There are concerns from Councilman Bill Murray. Will future park lands be impacted. You can find out at “The World According 2 Murray on Facebook. There will be a Digital Open…
Are PPE Burkas for men and women in our future? Is the El Paso County Health Department giving good information or ………… the citizens and government officials? Are there enough COVID-19 tests, Personnel Protective Equipment, and ventilators currently available? Are they really promoting herd immunity? Give us your thoughts. Do you think your purchasing patterns…
Is Colorado Springs shooting itself in the foot? Will zoning issues help restart the local economy? Does development pay for itself? It doesn’t appear so with the special taxes and special taxing districts. Is there wiggle room to raise property taxes? What’s a “Neutral Transfer?” Which is more valuable, large commercial properties or small ones?…
How much can Colorado Springs take as far as economic losses? No respect. Councilman Bill Murray pulls off the gloves and wants answers. How much of a hit can the local economy of Colorado Springs take? How many businesses can it afford to lose? Does Colorado Springs have the leadership to get it through this…
How did we get here? This is a philosophical conversation by Councilman Bill Murray about COVID-19, the difficult time we are all having, how Event Management fits into the picture, Modeling of the situation. and finally, How Did We Get Here? Please don’t tune this out because of the subject. There is some learnings that…
Is city government doing enough to keep the citizens informed? Is the community being informed on the status of the COVID-19? What’s lacking? Are the jails being included in the equation? How’s the co-ordination between city, the healthcare system, and county? Are we getting nothing but “Mixed Messages?” Is the information the citizens are getting…
Is Colorado Springs really doing anything? Is Colorado Springs active or reactive during the Coronavirus pandemic? Is the city setting up “best” case and “worst” case scenarios or modeling for future action? Do the local hospitals have enough equipment and materials on hand? Does the country have the manufacturing capability to produce the needed equipment…
Needs of the less fortunate are also discussed Councilman Bill Murray, bruised and unbroken, comes back for round 2 with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key housing. Are Colorado Springs and El Paso County doing enough to help these two organizations? Are the shelters on their own? Kristy would like…
On this episode, Bob talks with Scott Abbott, the Colorado Springs Parks Department’s Parks, Trails and Open Space Manager. They discuss the impact of increased usage in the city’s parks and open spaces, how the staff manages the parks, and more. This podcast was recorded prior to the COVID-19 crisis hit critical mass in the…
Two experts on the Affordable Housing issue weigh in. Councilman Bill Murray has met his match this week with Kristy Milligan, of Westside Cares, and Erin McNab, of Silver Key, a senior citizens support organization. These two individuals work with at risk populations at the ground level and not the Ivory Tower level. Can there…
A joint press conference on the COVID-19 virus is held by the El Paso County (Colorado) Health Department along with the city of Colorado Springs.
Is the city administration doing an adequate job keeping the citizens informed? An unvarnished Colorado Springs Council work session discussing the topic of the Coronavirus and whether the city administration and El Paso County Health Departments are doing an adequate job keeping the citizens informed. Are there fireworks? You bet! You be the judge on…
Issues relevant to Colorado Springs Is the Space Force really coming to Colorado Springs? What’s the history of NorthCom? We have someone here who can fill us in. Does Colorado Springs have the infrastructure to support the Space Command? Housing? Utilities? Public transportation? Are the numbers inflated for the amount of people who will be…
Bob talks with Cory Sutela and Harry Hamill from local mountain biking group Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates. They discuss e-bikes on trails, their work with land managers and other outdoor recreation groups and their need for volunteers. For more information about MWTA, you can listen to podcasts 16, 85 and 162. Also check out their…
Can the Colorado Springs establishment handle it? Councilman Bill Murray is frustrated by the news of the day he starts this session off with the Desiderata Poem. Can Colorado Springs distance itself, or should it, from the United State Olympic Committee with all the legal issues surrounding the organization? Has money corrupted the organization? Are…
Does Colorado Springs have a future that will be robust? What do you do with a city that has a “Moat Mentality?” Change is coming demographically, technologically, environmentally, and politically. Will the establishment be able to handle it? Why the aversion to hiring consultants that can really help the city move forward? Is there a…
Is Colorado Springs going in the right direction? Does city council matter? Questions and answers about will there be a common balance to help Colorado Springs into the future? Isn’t it time to develop a real plan for the city’s growth prospects? Is development the way to go? Is Plan COS just another “feel good”…
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the use of e-bikes on trails and their concerns over users “hacking” the bikes; President’s Day hikes; winter is back and where to go snowshoeing; Bob’s new photography website. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website
Is Colorado Springs going about their transportation issues the right way? What is the Regional 2045 plan? What is the Nevada Corridor plan and is it workable? Yes, there is a growing traffic problem, but………is Colorado Springs going about finding a solution the right way? Dedicated bus lanes? Dedicated bike lanes? All on the same…
Is the mayor willing to invest in Colorado Springs transit future? What is the overall community thought processes for transit in Colorado Springs? This question kicks off a discussion between Councilman Bill Murray and Peter Frantz of the Old North End transportation committee. What is traffic calming? Do you know what a High Level Study…
Is this a way to help seniors stay in their homes? Put food on the table? Councilman Bill Murray gets a lesson in Home Sharing and the impact it can have on senior lives from Alison Joucovsky of Sunshine Home Sharing. Is home sharing safe? How long are the agreements for? Are there checks? What…
Does Colorado Springs support its aging population? Melissa Marts of the Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging and Councilman Bill Murray take on this simmering, below the surface, topic. What is the history on our senior population? Tackling the issues that face an aging population in Colorado Springs. Are there enough resources to support this…
Some predictions are grounded in simple logic and others are off the wall. Predictions for 2020. What do you think they are? Is it time for the city to bond projects that are sorely needed? Will the EPA’s suit against the city be resolved this year? Will the city get the promised Broadband? Will traffic…
Lots of Stuff City Budget, Police shortages, Scheels, roads, revenue stream, special districts, USOC abuses tainting the city?, cost of C4C, USAFA Visitor Center Interchange, Powers extension, Voyager extension, gridlock, economic marketing plan, fiscal impact statement. It’s all on the table in this episode of Council Matters with Councilman Bill Murray.
Colorado Springs has its very own Climate Change Denier. Climate Change discussion and does it really affect Colorado Springs? Pollution? Fires? Councilman Bill Murray is asking for participants in the upcoming 2021 council elections. There’ll be 6 open seats. Come on! Throw your hat into the ring. Low pay and all the abuse you can…
Fake News here in Colorado Springs? Nah! Not here. The Fake News purported by one of the local media outlets takes first position this week. Who could that be? Are other cities have the same problems with STRs and ADUs? Is the city losing tax revenue? Is there parity among the property owners? How does…
Don’t put your Pitchforks and Torches away just yet. This is another Jaw Dropping segment on Special Districts by Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles. These Special Districts are complex issues especially when they’re not held to account. How can that be? What are one-way contracts? Are Special Districts government entities? You’d better check you…
Are homeowner and business owners being taken for a ride? Are Special Districts really created for the benefit of homeowners and business owners? In this eye opening episode Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles discuss this HOT TOPIC. They both get down into the weeds and it appears that Special Districts have some real issues…
Councilman Bill Murray didn’t get enough on the first round? Round 2! Toe to toe! Liam’s thoughts on city council. Thoughts on the city. Building to a clientele that aren’t in the city. What is the work force participation? Why doesn’t the city issue bonds for affordable housing? Accessory Dwelling Units. Is there opposition to…
Colorado Springs City Council holds an Accessory Dwelling Unit Town Hall Accessory Dwelling Units? Affordable Housing? Home Owners Associations? The city superseding HOA rules? Aging in Place? Staying in your home? Renting out part of your house? Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit? Living with your adult children and grandchildren? Caregivers? What does all this mean?
Has Councilman Bill Murray met his match? Is this a challenge for Councilman Bill Murray as the Gauntlet has been thrown down? Liam Reynolds, of Colorado Springs Pro-Housing, gives him a run for his money discussing Auxiliary Housing Units, cost burdened citizens and families, affordable housing, market forces, the missing middle housing and their impacts…
Are you ready for that new addition to your neighbor’s house? The Colorado Springs Pro-Housing Partnership presents a session on Auxiliary Dwelling Units (ADU). Max Kronstadt, Liam Reynolds, and Elam Bocckvar-Klein make a compelling presentation. Subjects covered: Housing Burden, Evictions, What other cities are doing, and Softer Benefits of ADUs. This is followed by a…
Is the Colorado Springs Planning Commission encouraging STRs? Are Short Term Rentals a boon or detriment to Colorado Springs’ economy? Council member Bill Murray discusses this issue with Mike Applegate of the Neighborhood Preservation Alliance. What is the effect on neighbors and neighborhoods? Is there a balance between home ownership and STRs? The Planning Commission…
Bob talks with Trails and Open Space Coalition Executive Director Susan Davies about Colorado Springs ballot issue 2B, and the impact it could have on city parks. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Is the local economic philosophy wrong? Will Colorado Springs ever have affordable housing? Is there such a thing as Affordable Housing? Will the local developers take the chance to break even or a loss on Affordable Housing? How does the cost of living in Colorado Springs compare to the rest of the country? Why doesn’t…
Being a council member and other musings Is there a common thread between Brexit, Impeachment, and Colorado Springs? Possibly more than you thought. Data Driven Information: Is it reliable? Downtown Colorado Springs needs $120M worth of infrastructure work by Colorado Springs Utilities. Why isn’t it being done? Why isn’t it being done? Learn who the…
On this week’s podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the approaching winter weather; Kevin’s recent trip to the Great Smoky Mountains and the Appalachian Trail; the challenges with hiking in different terrain than Colorado’s; Bob’s book now for sale at REI; photo exhibit at Denver International Airport. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast!…
This conversation really gets down into the weeds. Park land exchanges? Should the people have a vote on transferring parkland to developers? Councilman Bill Murray and Kent Obee get down in the weeds on the history of land transfers and possible future land transfers and what the impact will be on the citizens of Colorado…
A continuing conversation with Electra Johnson, Democratic Party Chair A jam packed segment. Well worth the listen. Topics: Democrats of El Paso County, Rank Choice Voting (is it coming?), Mass Transit (?), the Environment, the Gazette (is the Gazette being honest?), real news (thank God for the internet), Corporate structure and responsibility (more needed), what’s…
Electra Johnson, chair of the Democratic Party, stops by for a in depth discussion with Councilman Bill Murray. Councilman Murray gives his Firefighters memorial speech. How did the firefighters budget come up short? Who told council? Get the scoop on developers, overlay fees, and special districts. “What a Crock.”
A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be? There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen? What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal? The annual budget…
If you want to start a movement, eat a Prune. Has Gold Hill Mesa eaten a few Prunes too many? Does the planning commission get the full story on the stability of lands it approves for construction? The same for council? There seem to be a push back for installing more monitors throughout the city…
A fatal shooting by the Colorado Springs police. What will the outcome be? There’s a call for Colorado Springs to become a Sanctuary City. Will it happen? Should it happen? What’s the fastest growing business in Colorado Springs? Should the city use Imminent Domain to secure land for a new bus terminal? The annual budget…
Should the citizens have a say in the leasing or selling of Colorado Springs parks? What is the definition of “A Park”? What does the city gain by disposing of parkland? Does it get the city well financially? Does this fit into the category of sell all or part of Colorado Springs Utilities? Does the…
Is the economy slowing in Colorado Springs? What does a 5.1% increase in wages translate to? Is it real? Did you get one? How much of an issue will the DeVon Bailey shooting be for Colorado Springs? Why doesn’t Colorado Springs rid itself of Open Carry? Will the city get a Citizens Review Board? The…
The 4th Industrial Revolution is coming. Is Colorado Springs prepared? Does the city have a strategic plan in place? Where is Colorado Springs regarding innovation? Is the educational system at the elementary and higher levels engaged? Does the educational system have the capabilities to re-train people from the old economy? What will be the overall…
What was learned from the Site Selection Committee that visited Colorado Springs? It maybe not what you think. Is the downtown too quiet? Is tourism really a viable economic model? Does Colorado Springs have the right mix when it comes to the local workforce? What is Colorado Springs transit plan? The Robson Arena and the…
What’s going on in the Pikes Peak Region
Better pay? Larger staff? Separate utilities board? How can Colorado Springs City Council be improved?
Bob gets a mid-year update on the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department from department Director Karen Palus. They discuss the new facility under construction in the Garden of the Gods Park, the construction of the new Summit House on Pikes Peak, the master plan for Panorama Park, and much more. Lots of…
Host and City Councilor Bill Murray welcomes Bob Cutter back to the guest mic, and they come out swinging.
Bob Cutter joins Council Matters host and City Councilor Bill Murray to take a hard and honest look at Colorado Springs’ economy.
Traffic, the ONEN, ADU (accessory dwelling units), political candidates, CORA (Colorado Open Records Act requests), communication flow, parking, and other subjects are on the table. We’re back, after a post-election pause. City Councilor Bill Murray hosts (Tom Strand is AWOL for another week) conducts this spirited conversation about neighborhoods with Vic Appugliese of the Old…
Report a pothole, avoid cone zones, watch a particular agenda item in a city council meeting, see candidates’ campaign finance filings, see where your tax dollars are going. These are just a few of the powers in your hands with the City of Colorado Springs website and COSprings app. Jay Anderson, Open Data and Citizen…
Bob talks with Britt Haley from the Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department about the Trails and Open Spaces program she manages. What is it, what is it for, what is its history, and more. Links: Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Growth, marijuana, homelessness, public safety, public transportation and affordable housing are among the topics addressed by the 11 candidates for 3 at-large positions on Colorado Springs City Council. Douglas Sharp and a few friends organized this forum at Cheyenne Mountain Elementary School on March 21. This is a “warts-and-all” recording without the help of microphones…
On this episode, Trails and Open Spaces Coalition Executive Director Susan Davies talks with Bob about Colorado Springs’ 2019 city council and mayoral election. They discuss what voters who love Colorado Springs parks and trails should look for in a candidate. Links: TOSC website Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website
Taxes, growth, traffic and collective bargaining for firefighters are among the topics debated by 11 candidates vying for 3 at-large Colorado Springs City Council seats. This forum was held at the Penrose House on March 9, hosted The Gazette, KOAA News 5 and the El Pomar Foundation’s Forum for Civic Advancement. (Episode 19, recorded 3/9/19)
Co-hosts Bill Murray and Tom Strand (who happen to be City Council incumbents running for re-election) discuss the slew of candidate forums. Should they all follow a standard formula? If candidates get questions in advance, should their answers be published? (Episode 113, Recorded 3/8/19)
Candidates for Colorado Springs City Council debated environmental issues March 7 at Colorado College. Hosted by the Colorado College Collaborative for Community Engagement, the Trails and Open Space Coalition, the Colorado Springs Independent and The Colorado Springs Business Journal. (Episode 18, Recorded 3/7/19)
A dialogue with Colorado Springs citizens was held by City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand in this town hall on February 14 at City Hall. In this unedited and unfiltered special edition of Council Matters, Tom and Bill find out what’s on the citizens’ minds, and we get to hear the Councilors respond. (Episode…
Get to know Terry Martinez, candidate for at-large city councilor in Colorado Springs’ April 2019 election. An in-depth conversation about issues affecting Colorado Springs. (Recorded 2/11/19) List of Candidates & Issues on the April 2019 Ballot For more information or to follow Terry Martinez: Terry Martinez on Facebook Terry Martinez on Twitter
Some motorists are still losing sleep over conversion of auto lanes to bike lanes. Co-hosts (and City Councilors) Bill Murray and Tom Strand continue to explore this issue in search of a solution. Are parties in full possession of the facts? Are there any opportunities for improvement in planning or implementation? (Episode 107, Recorded 1/4/19)
What to do about deer and homeless in our parks (and everywhere else for that matter)? Co-hosts (and city councilors) Tom Strand and Bill Murray explore what council should do. “Cull” the herd? Also on the table: should council put on the ballot an initiative requiring a citizen vote to sell, trade, lease, or transfer…
Parking, traffic, funding and return on investment top the issues as neighbors ask challenging questions of the city and Colorado College. This is the Q&A portion of the January 5 public meeting on the proposed Robson Arena. Listen to part one of the meeting here. The arena is part of the Colorado Springs City for…
Serious questions about the proposed hockey arena at Colorado College are being raised by North End neighbors. Has the planning been sufficient for the existing neighborhood? Why is Colorado Springs giving money to a private college for this project? Can parking issues be addressed and resolved? Who will cover infrastructure costs? Will the Robson Arena…
Bob and Colorado Springs Parks Department Director Karen Palus have a lively discussion about what the department did in 2018, and what is in store for 2019.
From city growth and traffic congestion to bike lanes and sustainability, everything’s on the table as Amy Sweet, editor of the Colorado Springs Business Journal drops in for a chat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand co-host, as always. (Episode 99, recorded 11/2/18)
Do we have too many deer, bicycles and short term rentals? These controversies are revisited by co-hosts and city councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray. (Episode 97, recorded 10/12/18)
Local governments highlight this meeting at Amanda’s Fonda hosted by the Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO). Did you know the City of Colorado Springs web site is making it easier than ever to be informed or involved? Plus: City Councilors Don Knight and David Geislinger discuss Short Term Rentals. And El Paso County’s Dave…
All about how your tax dollars will be spent. City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn the mayor’s proposed 2019 city budget upside down and shake it to see what comes out. Public safety gets significant attention in this episode. Let the number crunching begin. (Episode 96, recorded 10/12/18)
Are you turned on by vibrant neighborhoods, unique places, a thriving economy, strong connections, renowned culture or majestic landscapes? Learn all about the proposed new Comprehensive Plan for the City of Colorado Springs, PlanCOS, a plan that will guide our community’s physical development over the coming decades. The City’s Carl Schueler (Comprehensive Planning Manager) and Conrad…
How is the City of Colorado Springs going to spend our tax dollars in 2019? Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the beginning of the 2019 budget process. Should health & safety, broadband internet service, IT infrastructure, and the homeless have a piece of the budget pie? (Episode 94, Recorded 9/13/18)
In this “No Holds Barred” town hall, Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand hear from an energetic crowd. Citizens voiced concerns about homelessness, Colorado College, vacation rentals, and more. No pitchforks or torches, but a robust discussion. Can Tom and Bill deliver? (Episode 94, recorded 9/27/18)
Should Short Term Rentals collect the LART (Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax)? A follow up to episode 90 about regulating VRBO and Airbnb in the Springs. Should we care about the Municipal Administrative Budget? Why should I read the city charter? What is the city’s Strategic Plan? Does it have useful metrics? (Episode 92, Recorded…
Columnist/Humorist/Activist/Author Jim Hightower highlights the all-star lineup that graced the stage at Stargazers Theatre on September 16 for this event hosted by Together for Colorado Springs. Big announcements are among the varied subjects addressed, all related to elections, politics, and positive progress for Colorado Springs. Speakers include John Weiss, Jill Gaebler, Lisa Villanueva, Yolanda Avila;…
Energy flows as Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand gear up for the Mayor’s State of the City address. Collaboration, addressing specific issues, and the future economic climate are on Bill’s mind. Let’s not forget storm water, legal issues, and economic sustainability. Tom’s heartburn: “Are we, as a city, gaining on having a robust public…
Are VRBO and Airbnb a plus or a problem for Colorado Springs? Vacation rentals are squeezing Amsterdam and Spain housing markets making housing unaffordable for people living there. Could that happen here? Should a city permit be required to ensure these entrepreneurs pay the Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax (LART)? Should there be other regulations?…
Verbal thrashings punctuate a smorgasbord of topics hot in Colorado Springs. Bring your fire extinguisher. City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murrary are on a roll in this episode. There’s a lot of Heat and they’re taking “No Prisoners.” PlanCOS; Camping Ordinance; metropolitan districts; economic sustainability; public safety. Your comments are welcome below. (Episode 88,…
Should the City of Colorado Springs take steps to reduce the deer population in town? If so, what steps? This town hall included a presentation from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and discussion among citizens and city councilors. (recorded 8/15/18)
What are the criteria and other factors influencing the hiring of a new Colorado Springs Utilities CEO? Co-hosts and City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray dig into the process underway to replace recently retired CEO Jerry Forte. On the table: vision, leadership, politics, renewables vs. fossil fuels, and more. (Episode 87, Recorded 7/27/18)
Can Colorado Springs’ homeless issues really be solved? It’s still a HOT topic in Colorado Springs. Tom Strand just returned from Harvard, where he learned a thing or two about Colorado Springs’ efforts to combat homelessness. Apparently New Zealand, Australia, San Diego and Salt Lake City have fixed the problem. Learn all about it in…
A controversial ordinance prohibiting camping within 100 feet of Colorado Springs creeks is the topic of this June 14, 2018 public town hall. It included a brief presentation, followed by citizen comments, along with some limited dialogue with city councilors, regarding the proposed Creekside Camping Ordinance. At the time of this town hall, the first…
Will Tom Strand run for a second term on city council? The firefighters want collective bargaining and a seat at the table. Is that a reasonable request, and who should decide? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand tee it up and talk it down the fairway. Share your thoughts with a comment…
Is Colorado Springs City Council working in secret too often? Councilor Bill Murray thinks so. What are the true legal requirements placed on executive sessions? What subjects really should be discussed behind closed doors? City Councilor Tom Strand has a different take than Murray on the subject. (Episode 78, recorded 5/18/18)
Colorado Springs’ parks department can’t afford to water our trees and park grass adequately. Should Colorado Springs Utilities provide free or discounted water to keep the parks alive and well? Do we have a water surplus? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the issue and possible solutions. NOTE: shortly after this episode was…
Colorado Springs has a deer problem. City Councilor Don Knight (District #1) discusses what to do about the deer population in this town hall. Some citizens are concerned about the sale of a piece of property by the city for $1.00. The search for a new Utilities CEO is another topic. Also: panhandlers and the…
Gary and Dee discuss politics and current events. Lyn is on vacation this week. We discuss questions asked of people running for Congress who want endorsements from the current Republican Administration. There are questions to offend everyone. We discuss the brilliant decision by the city council to bankrupt the city of Colorado Springs. The geniuses…
Can Colorado Springs afford to water its parks? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss ways of addressing that financial challenge. Also: Surplus city revenue? Bill thinks the town will be hitting an economic downturn very soon. Doug Lamborn’s spot in the primary heads to the Colorado Supreme Court. Hickenlooper for president 2020? (Episode…
In this 3rd and final Town Hall about the proposed amendment to the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation agreement, members of city staff make a presentation and answer city council questions; and citizens voice concerns, opinions and questions. This starts in mid-sentence due to technical problems in the meeting sound system. City Council is scheduled to…
Gary, Lyn and Dee are joined by Sean Cayton. We discuss a variety of topics this week. We have a lot to say about Rep. Lamborn’s possible omission from the upcoming primary ballot this year. We discuss the congressman’s view of the military — yea for privatization, nay for the social safety net. (A large…
Do you have Traffic Issues? Does Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss traffic and pedestrian issues facing Colorado College and the Old North End. What will be the downstream impact of Colorado Springs road dieting and changes? Plus: Is there such a thing a affordable housing? Bill Murray has your answer.…
“I’ve got a secret” isn’t exactly the motto you want those running your city to adopt. Springs City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss the city attorney’s role in executive sessions. Should the city attorney be elected instead of appointed by the mayor? How does the city attorney set the (mayor’s?) agenda for council?…
Four citizens discuss flaws in the proposed amendments to the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation agreement, and the shortcomings in the process that are giving us this result. Colorado Springs City Council is scheduled to vote in April on this proposal designed to jump-start development. The ranch represents about 20% of the total area of Colorado…
Can we solve homelessness in Colorado Springs? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss this issue that has been plaguing Colorado Springs for years. Solutions are presented but will the council and mayor accept them? Are managed camps the way to go? Can a military solution relieve the city of this issue? A fear…
Is Public Safety given the proper priority by the city of Colorado Springs? Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand along with their guest, Bob Acker, discuss the subject. Included in the topic is: Threat, Hazard, Identification, and Risk Assessment (THIRA). Let’s add Engagement, Vigilance, Realize, Awareness training. Soft targets. Detect, deter, assist…
Is Colorado Springs prepared for the next wildfire or flood? City Councilors Tom Strand and Bill Murray discuss with mitigation expert Bob Acker, of Ackcellent Consulting. What can the city do to be better prepared? The National Response Framework, the National Infrastructure Recovery Process, and NIMS (National Incident Management system) all impact us in Colorado…
Amendments are proposed to the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation agreement, in an effort to jump-start development on this 24,000 acre swath of the city. Colorado Springs City Council hears from the public and answers some of their questions at this town hall meeting about the proposal. Thanks to the City of Colorado Springs for making…
Colorado Springs City Council is being asked to ease developer requirements in the Banning Lewis Ranch annexation agreement. Local citizen Dave Gardner takes the mic in the this episode to explain why the proposal needs to be reworked. “We need to assure it doesn’t kill the city budget and ensure Colorado Springs develops in a…
A soccer stadium at Antlers Park? Perry Sanders and a few business associates are suggesting this idea. Will this stadium fill the requirements for the City for Champions? Time’s running out to obtain the C4C funding help from the state of Colorado. What’s the “reverting clause?” Does the city maintain its parks adequately? The Switchbacks…
The troubled Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation agreement amendment proposal: Is there a master plan? Are the financial projections a little too “rosy”? Has there been adequate public input and participation? Is there a shorter name for this albatross? City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss. Should a citizens committee be formed to scrub the pro-development…
The dynamic duo is back from holiday break and they don’t miss a beat. Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand discuss the closing of the belching behemoth known as Martin Drake. Then they switch gears to converse about the blue frame, Colorado Municipal League, gas taxes, the strong mayor and – in…
Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss politics and current events. We start with a couple of PSAs for listeners in the Pikes Peak Region. State of the Region Luncheon @ Great Wolf Lodge, $42/person. If you are interested in talking with County Commissioners Darryl Glen or Stan VanderWerf, check out: MVEA is giving bill credit…
Sexual harassment in the confines of the city and utilities of Colorado Springs is the hot topic taken up in this episode by Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strand participated in sexual harassment cases as a lawyer (aka JAG) in the Air Force, giving him an interesting, informed perspective. Also: Austin, TX…
Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand share their list of New Year’s resolution. The discussion includes ballot issues, Gallagher amendment, TABOR, Banning-Lewis Ranch annexation, Martin-Drake power plant, Mark Waller, strong mayor concept, toll lanes, council staff, parks; public safety, housing and leadership. Click POST below and let us know your thoughts (Episode…
Colorado Springs Utilities Board hears from the public about potentially closing the Martin Drake Power Plant earlier than currently planned. This public meeting was held on December 5, 2017. Thanks to the City of Colorado Springs for sharing this audio.
More hot topics this week with Colorado Springs City Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. Strawberry Fields is back on the agenda: questions surrounding the property appraisal. Martin Drake power plant, that belching behemoth in the center of Colorado Springs, is another hot topic: To close or not to close? That is the question. What…
Discussions of tourism kick off today’s program. The USOC Olympic Museum is first and Bill Murray and Tom Strand take different positions. They also disagree on a proposed stadium (that refuses to die). City for Champions, tax increment financing, Lodging Auto Rental Tax, Colorado Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce and Economic…
Talk about getting down in the weeds on the ballot issues that just passed in Colorado Springs, Bill Murray and Tom Strand take you through the jungle exposing what was really voted on. Will the widened I-25 be a toll road? Yep! They talk about it. Additional costs over and above what has been touted?…
Council member Bill Murray was confronted about homelessness at a recent meeting. Surprise! Surprise! There is a problem when an urban renewal project starts and all the current inhabitants (homeless) are moved out of their current domiciles. Thefts, sleeping on porches, opioid issues, neighbors wanting a police presence (only to find out there are not…
Bill & Tom are holding a Town hall meeting 10/26 6:00 pm at city hall. The two astute city councilors discuss the recent Hillside community meeting with subjects that included public safety, code enforcement, and marijuana use on the public streets. “Is there an ordinance against that?” asked several members of the audience. Does the…
Bill Murray and Tom Strand are serious in this episode. Why? They’re working on the 2018 budget of Colorado Springs. Are the mayor’s revenue projections too rosy? Also: funding for vehicle maintenance, parks. stormwater, police and fire. Plus:What will move the public to vote? Should school boards be required to have senior participants to bring…
Jill Gaebler’s reelection campaign for Colorado Springs City Council in April required her to take a break from podcasting, but she is back! Jill and Jan reminisce about the 2017 city election, they discuss a lot of good news in the Mayor’s proposed 2018 city budget, and the upcoming vote on the proposed stormwater fee.…
If you thought the last episode of Council Matters had adrenalin pumping, wait till you catch this one. Recreational Marijuana, using the funds for the homeless, 2019 ballot, and consumption clubs (no, it’s not like getting Consumption – you know, the progressive wasting away of the body especially from pulmonary tuberculosis). Listen to find out…
Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand turn up the heat in this episode discussing the “should we, shouldn’t we” on stormwater and roads. Tom’s Energy Vision for Colorado Springs Utilities is discussed, and how real world downsizing and outsourcing affected Colorado Springs. (Recorded 9/22/17) Post a comment below and let us know what you…
Bill Murray and Tom Strand get into a heated and somewhat testy conversation about Stormwater. The mayor is bandied about with a certain irreverence and as Bill says, “Get ready for a ride.” Do they solve the problem? No! They’re only scratching the surface. Fees, water volume, Pueblo, EPA development polling and Costa Rica (?)…
Colorado Springs City Council members at large Bill Murray and Tom Strand want to get back to civility. But things happening like Charlottesville, VA, Barcelona, homelessness, the issue of marijuana, and pundits pontification all over the place, how can these two get their bearings and concentrate on civility? Listen to see if they accomplish the…
This may be the first time urinalysis has been discussed on Council Matters. Medical Marijuana is the burning topic today as Bill Murray tries to persuade Tom Strand that Colorado Springs should legalize it. The city is leaving $16 to $24 million a year in tax revenue on the table by not allowing recreational marijuana…
Bill and Tom discuss the stormwater ordinance Mayor Suthers has asked City Council to put on the November ballot, creating a new fee to cover the costs of maintaining and improving stormwater infrastructure. Shouldn’t the fee be based on amount of impervious surface? Should Colorado Springs Utilities handle the billilng? Why is the Mayor popular?…
They’re at it again – discussing things you won’t hear at council meetings. Tom & Bill discuss Red Light cameras (being considered by Chief Carey). Plus: Should council put recreational marijuana to a vote? There’s a lot crammed into this 40 minute segment with Colorado Springs city councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand. (recorded 7/28/17)
Our two astute council members, Bill Murray and Tom Strand, plod through the swamp of funding and the problems of Public Safety. Why are citizens reluctant to adequately fund Public Safety? Don’t they want that 911 call to be answered? Or that emergency vehicle to respond in a timely manner. Get your answers in this…
Gary, Dee, and Joe discuss Rank Choice Voting. Rank choice voting is a better way to vote. It gives everyone a voice. It eliminates negative advertising. It stops fringe candidates from winning. It has the side effect of a more involved electorate. In US cities where it is used, there is a higher voter turn…
Councilors Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again, discussing Colorado Springs issues with wit, charm and daring. No holds barred when discussing Stormwater issues that face the city – including EPA lawsuit, Pueblo lawsuit, and the difficulty of financing Stormwater infrastructure. Does the City have the leadership to make Stormwater happen? Listen and…
Council members Bill Murray and Tom Strand are at it again taking on the subject of renewables in Colorado Springs. The citizen owned utility needs to get out of the coal generating business. Both agree. Looking at battery storage is one of Bill’s suggestions. It’s being done in other locales. Why not here in Colorado…
Our venerable two senior council members, Bill Murray & Tom Strand, take on the happenings at the Colorado Springs Senior Center. Plus other issues that are facing the senior community like sports, insurance, driving, aging, disabilities and transit. Ever hear of the Sustainability and Support Services in Colorado Springs? Neither have they. Silver Sneakers support…
Newly elected council members, EPA lawsuit, a transit center 20 years in the making and no structure in sight, infrastructure, stormwater and a related fee to come before the voters (when?). Students think the nightlife is boring in Colorado Springs. Could they be right? Will Richard Skorman be a change agent? Time will tell!
Wild Bill Murray and ever so polite Tom Strand are at it again discussing the Drake Power Plant. Will widening I-25 really benefit the driving public or just add more congestion to the problem? Bill takes the position Dynamic Leadership and Static Leadership positions are needed to make an organization run smoothly. As usual, no…
Gary and Dee back from a long break. We discuss a number of issues, the local election results. National issues, including the #SCOTUS appointment. We discuss international issues from anti-gay violence in Netherlands to missile strikes in #Syria. All three city ballot issues passed in the recent April election. This includes the public oversight before…
Bill & Tom discuss the April 4, 2017 election, the jockeying for political advantage, plus: Did council make a move to the “Dark side” as expressed by the daily newspaper?
Meet the City Council Candidates: Colorado Springs City Council candidate forum March 16, 2017, hosted by the Green Cities Coalition. The subject: utilities. Candidates present: Don Knight, David Geislinger, Richard Skorman, Melanie Bernhardt, Andy Pico, Janak Joshi. Thanks to the Energy Working Group of the Green Cities Coalition
In the last podcast Bill & Tom talked about promises. Today they discuss their vows in a very forward-looking conversation.
Starting with the completion of 2 years on council and promises made during their campaigns, Bill & Tom go off the rails from there with discussions on storm water fees, park and recreation funding, 911 response times, priorities, and de-TABORing.
Local citizen/activists Gary Casimir and Dave Gardner review the candidates for Colorado Springs City Council in the April 2017 election and offer their recommendations. Included is analysis of what the endorsements and financial support of the candidates should tell us – particularly with regard to Colorado Springs Forward and the Housing & Building Association of…
Short Term Rentals-should they pay taxes? Vetting Uber, Lyft, Air B&B. Is speaking to city council a last resort? Lack of enforcement of existing ordinances and laws. Accountability of city government from the mayor’s office on down.
Gary and Dee discuss the upcoming Colorado Springs Elections. City Council seats and Ballot issues are discussed. One of the ballot issues we are concerned with is the future of high speed internet in Colorado Springs. Our main topic this week is Civil Asset Forfeiture. We cover the Fourth Amendment protections against illegal seizures. What…
Leadership: different approaches and lack thereof.
Is there honesty, trust, truth coming from the Executive branch of city government? Bill and Tom discuss.
What are the priorities for the City of Colorado Springs? Are the candidates for city council trustworthy? Collaboration between council and the mayor.
Does the Olympic Museum have local support? Is the financing coming up short? Will private funding come to the rescue?
Bob and co-host Kevin discuss a recent study regarding the economic benefit of city parks, attempts to raise more money for parks, stormwater issues, and Kevin’s big plans for 2018
Technology libraries in all schools, Colorado Springs Utilities governance, responsibility to electorate, Issue 300, Payment in Lieu of Taxes, doing away with city council, and more. Not the place to nap!
Bill Murray is back in full swing with co-host Tom Strand. On the agenda: Colorado Springs council candidates, community connections, dialog-concerns-issues, 3 minute comments at council meetings, and more.
Bob talks with Colorado Springs Parks Director Karen Palus about the departments accomplishments in 2016 and plans for 2017. Lots of great information.
Wants for 2017: Council election in 2017, Utilities governance, focus on Broadband build out, Separate Parks & Rec with own funding source, Shook’s Run project (25 years?) Public transport, low income housing, jobs. Your comments (below) are welcome! Let us know what you think, and what you’d like to hear about on future episodes.
Reflecting on 2016. The relationship with the mayor, environment, collaboration & cooperation, broadband, and the Code Scrub Group.
Walter Lawson’s comments to Colorado Springs City Council about a proposed amendment to add significant limits to citizens’ ability to appeal land use decisions by the City Planning Commission. Council is expected to vote on this December 13, 2016.
City Councilor Andy Pico fills in for Bill Murray for this discussion of the 54 volunteer committees, boards, and commissions that make up the city of Colorado Springs support organizations.
20 Years Into The Future: Fellow councilor Andy Pico joins host Tom Strand. Today’s discussion includes Colorado Springs in 20 years. Transportation, Cyber employment, housing, utilities.
Dave Gardner guest-hosts one last time before Bill Murray rejoins the show. Co-Host Tom Strand gives a shout out to all the citizens who volunteer for various boards and committees. Some local organizations that endorse and fund council campaigns: The HBA (Housing and Building Association) and Regional Business Alliance (RBA). Colorado Springs Forward. They discuss…
Thanksgiving plans. Why is the EPA suing Colorado Springs over stormwater? Has the city been too developer-friendly? Upcoming city election, status of ballot measure to kill the Strawberry Fields land swap with The Broadmoor, TABOR refund or not, and 6 district council seats up for grabs.
Tom Strand and guest-co-host Dave Gardner discuss the recent national election and the upcoming local election. Included: what will happen to the Clean Power Plan? Will burning coal to generate electricity return to favor in Colorado Springs?
Post-Election Blues. Jill reminds us that so much of politics and getting things done is local. What’s on Jan’s post-election music mix? Colorado and local election results are also discussed. Is Colorado a red state or a blue state? Council changes to the mayor’s proposed 2017 city budget. The funding challenge facing United Way for…
Did Jan smoke pot in her youth? Reefer Madness in Colorado Springs: Jill Gaebler and Jan Martin discuss the medical marijuana moratorium. Is that being “business friendly?” Is the Gazette editorializing about this in its news coverage? Should city council be listening to “the voices of the people or the voices of the powerful?” The…