Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss election results, statewide and nationwide.
So much is crammed into the episode. Tallying the voters. What has happened in the House and Senate? Oregon takes a big step forward. We bid a fond farewell to Cory Gardner. Will the Democrats maintain control of the House? Who will control the Senate? Senate seems to be undecided with two run-off elections in Georgia on January 5, 2021. (Perhaps you would like to help out the candidates in Georgia?) What progress will we make if Mitch McConnell is still majority leader? (What is up with Mitch’s hands?)
Who will be in the new president’s cabinet? Congratulations to VP elect Kamala Harris! Who will Governor Newsom pick to replace her?
Trump has lost his re-election bid. No concession speech. He is filing lawsuits all over the place, most are getting dismissed. Will he show up for the inauguration?
Ballot issue results are discussed. Rank Choice Voting has some good news. Is there a difference between a toll road’s management and that of a Bingo game?
Concerns over Covid-19. The states of Nevada, Louisiana, Ohio, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Mississippi and Oklahoma have some surprises.
We are still in a pandemic, we are in stage 2, ‘safer at home,’ here in Colorado. Please wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep six feet from people not in your household. If you need help, or can offer help, visit Mutual Aid of Colorado Springs.
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