Gary, Lyn and Dee are back with more of the happenings around our state, country, and world.
Congressman Doug Lamborn put on his shirt with an “S” and single-handedly wrestled the NDAA legislation through Congress. Yeah! Right! Ever hear of the Combatant Commanders Priority List? Neither have we, neither has Congress. (Or, maybe they choose to ignore it?) What’s vaccine exemptions got to do with the NDAA? Why would a person who had Covid-19 and received a vaccine want that in the NDAA?
Kenneth Copeland, a megachurch pastor, wants his parishioners to supply him with “another” private jet. “Praise the Lord and Fuel the Lear!” Mary Trump, PhD. describes her “Dumbest” relative. No surprise here. Are the patients in charge of the Insane Asylum? Covide-19 maps. Does the 1033 program get a makeover?
What is going on with the January 6th committee? What is going on with the Bureau of Land Management?
Will the Federal Government be funded on October 1st? The Republicans seem determined to close it down.
Do you need help during this pandemic? Perhaps you can help others? In either case, visit Mutual Aid of Colorado Springs to find out about opportunities and programs.
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#NDAA #Covid19 #Vaccine #VaccineExemptions #ProsperityGospel #Jan6 #BLM #MutualAid #GovtShutdown