On episode #433 of the podcast, the topic is Artificial Intelligence photography and the outdoor recreation experience.
First, Bob’s guests are photographers Jason Fazio, Daniel Forster and Jae Jarratt and they talk about what AI photography is. Is it all bad? Is some AI good? Are some AI tools useful, and what is the difference between using AI to improve photographs and using AI to create fake images.
After that, Bob chats with Melissa Williams from Visit Colorado Springs about how the tourism agency for City of Colorado Springs uses (or doesn’t use) AI in their publications, and how the agency will manage visitor expectations and experiences that might be affected by fake AI images they may have seen of famous local landmarks such as the Garden of the Gods Park.
Jason Fazio: https://www.jasonfaziophotography.com/
Daniel Forster: https://www.danielforsterphotography.com/
Jae Jarratt: https://www.distantlandsphototours.com/
Picture Perfect Colorado: https://pictureperfectcolorado.com/
Visit Colorado Springs: https://www.visitcos.com/
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