Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss politics and current events.  We start by discussing some records on the current Republican Administration.  Not sure these are records to be proud of — most days of vacation, most games of golf, least amount of bills signed.  We read the resignation letter from Elizabeth Holtzman from DHS.  We discuss the caging and deportation of migrants on our southern border.  Thousands of these families are still separated.  We discuss the recent summit.  In some good news, the case against the Trump hotel in DC is going forward regarding the violation of the emoluments clause.  We discuss Alaska’s new Anti-Corruption Act.  India factories are replacing their lights with LED bulbs.  This is leading to more energy efficiency for the companies and INCREASED production.  (Not to mention the benefits to the environment.)  We discuss the consequences of the tax cuts to workers, real wages have actually gone down 1.8% since the tax cut passed.  Even though wages may have gone up, the purchasing power of the average worker has gone down.  We discuss local control v. state control.  In a few states, the state government has passed a law stating that local municipalities cannot raise the minimum wage above the state wage.  This has led to pay cuts for residents of St. Louis, Missouri.  The most recent case was the state of Alabama repealing Birmingham’s minimum wage increase.  The state of Oklahoma has had this restriction for a few years.  We discuss the truth behind unemployment numbers and wages.  Wages have remained stagnant or in some cases decreased.  If employment was as robust as numbers claim, wages would be going up.  They aren’t going up.  Is a recession coming?  There are some signs of this, not the least of which is low birth rate.  In another bit of good news, Disney Land workers have gotten raises, promises of future raises and other concessions.  We finish with a discussion on CEO wages.  It used to be that CEO’s made about 30 times what a median worker made.  Now, it can be 1,000 times or more.  Do we need a maximum wage?

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