Gary, Lyn and Dee discuss topics of the day and politics.

Our government and elected officials at all levels are tell us to not panic and gather around the campfire. Hong Kong is giving its citizens $10,000 each to spur the economy there. (Wouldn’t UBI be great here to help spur our economy?) Instead, a tax cut is being considered for the leisure industry including the airlines. Really? Santelli of CNBC suggests everyone get the Coronavirus to stabilize the markets. Will he have a job come Monday morning? Stay tuned. El Paso County gets its first case of Coronavirus while the city officials, county officials, and the emergency preparedness people are telling us how great a job they’re doing. Right.

The McKinsey Report says what businesses should be doing during the Coronavirus situation. Will these suggestions be taken by businesses in your area? Let us know.

This pandemic is going to be hardest on people who can’t work from home; who don’t have paid sick leave; and who don’t have decent health insurance.  The allowance of inferior health care plans has underinsured many Americans.  How many of these people will go to work sick?  Will they be your waiter?  Your cashier?  Your uber driver?

There is a case in New York, where one lawyer infected his entire family.  His best friend, and the friend’s entire family.  The neighbor who drove him to the hospital, and the neighbor’s family.  You can read it here:

California will not have co-pays for Coronavirus testing. Washington state will have free treatment for those without healthcare. States are leading the way when the federal government falls down.  Why is Rand Paul always a thorn in the side of the Senate?

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