JWJ S2, Ep. 7: Season 2 Recap; See you in 2025!

The journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, continues to be chronicled on Season 2 of Justice with Jax. On Episode 7, Jax reviews Season 2’s wonderful guests and discusses where we’re at with our democracy as 2024 comes to an end.

Justice with Jax – Season 2, Episode 6: Remembering Club Q two years later & Election 2024 Analysis: COS Ballot Question 300 & Beyond with SOCOCC Exec. Dir. Jason Warf

On Episode 6, meet Jason Warf, Executive Director of the Southern Colorado Cannabis Council, a longtime advocacy nonprofit in the industry. As political watchers, Jax & Jason discuss current events, such as the two-year remembrance of the shooting at Club Q, and outcomes of Election 2024, including the passage of recreational cannabis sales in the City of Colorado Springs, a key political shift in a town long-known as politically conservative.

Justice with Jax – Season 2, Episode 5: Election 2024 – Mischa Smith, El Paso County (CO) Democratic Party Chair

The journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals continues to be chronicled on Season 2 of Justice with Jax. On Episode 5, meet El Paso County Democratic Party Chair Mischa Smith. She’s made history as the first under 40, Black, woman chair of the party who’s an experienced public servant & political operative.

Justice with Jax – Season 2, Episode 4: Election 2024 – Naomi López, Board of El Paso County Commissioners Dist. 3 Dem Candidate

The journey continues on Season 2 of the Justice with Jax Podcast to chronicle the journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Episode four of this season meet Naomi López, the…

Justice with Jax – Season 2, Episode 3: Election 2024 – CO 4th Judicial Dist. Atty. Dem Candidate Jeremy Dowell

The journey continues on Season 2 of the Justice with Jax Podcast, which continues to chronicle the journey of the historic Civil Rights case Armendariz & Chinook Center v. City of Colorado Springs, et al. (2023), which is now in the U.S. District 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Episode three of this season meet Jeremy Dowell, the Democrats’ candidate running for Colorado 4th Judicial District Attorney in the 2024 General Election. He’s making history as the first Dem to do so since 1988!

Elevating Pikes Peak Women

Women Vote: Kaleigh O’Donnell and Mattie Gullixson – Part 2

On Empowering Pikes Peak Women, we dive into Part Two of our Women Vote series. We’ve got Kaleigh O’Donnell and Mattie Gullixson joining us today to discuss their experience with voting, both in national and local elections as a younger generation. Subscribe for more episodes, and reach out to us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/PikesPeakWomen and let us…

What is it about Justice that we don’t understand? Sept 28 2020

Councilman Bill Murray pays respects to RBG. What is the American Anthem? Is Lady Justice really blind? Is Justice equitable? A conversation about Pastor Mike McBride and Reverend Ben McBride and what they did in Oakland, CA. The word that comes out is “Communication.” They talk about “de-constructing” and then “re-constructing” the current police system.…

Futurist Progressive Moderate Conservative Sep 21 2020

Is Colorado Springs changing politically? Is Colorado Springs and El Paso County trending Progressive? Are  Millennials the  drivers?  Will the local special interests lose their influence? Is the city continuing to develop into mini commercial wastelands? Are decisions being made in the best interests of Colorado Springs or special interests? What’s the Donut theory? Strawberry…

Colorado Springs Cultural Services Manager Matt Mayberry talks about Colorado Springs History

Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department’s Cultural Services Manager Matt Mayberry is the guest on this episode.  We discuss the origins of Colorado Springs, and General Palmers vision of what the city would become, including Palmer’s building wide boulevards and planning for large, green spaces, with many parks. We also discuss Colorado Spring’s…

Council Matters 20: Don Knight conversation: a continuation May 25 2020

More things discussed between Council members Bill Murray & Don Knight Population getting more hostile? Does Colorado Springs have an unhealthy economy? What’s the future economy going to look like? Fewer businesses. How many will Colorado Springs lose? Is the citizens discretionary income shrinking, growing, or staying the same? Impact? Will there by reductions in…

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Bob and Kevin Catch-up during COVID-19

Bob and Kevin are back on the podcast (remotely connected) and compare notes and catch up on how COVID-19 has been affecting them and outdoor recreation, and why Bob hasn’t been in Colorado for weeks (it’s only temporary). Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website  Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website…

Council Matters 12: Homelessness during the COVID-19 virus Mar 30 2020

Is Colorado Springs really doing anything? Is Colorado Springs active or reactive during the Coronavirus pandemic? Is the city setting up “best” case and “worst” case scenarios or modeling for future action? Do the local hospitals have enough equipment and materials on hand? Does the country have the manufacturing capability to produce the needed equipment…

Peak Town Square

Peak Town Square: Colorado Springs City Council discusses the Coronavirus MAR 09 2020

Is the city administration doing an adequate job keeping the citizens informed? An unvarnished Colorado Springs Council work session discussing the topic of the Coronavirus and whether the city administration and El Paso County Health Departments are doing an adequate job keeping the citizens informed. Are there fireworks? You bet! You be the judge on…

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates Cory Sutela and Harry Hamill

Bob talks with Cory Sutela and Harry Hamill from local mountain biking group Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates. They discuss e-bikes on trails, their work with land managers and other outdoor recreation groups and their need for volunteers.  For more information about MWTA, you can listen to podcasts 16, 85 and 162. Also check out their…

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: E-bikes on trails? President’s day hikes, new websites

Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the use of e-bikes on trails and their concerns over users “hacking” the bikes; President’s Day hikes; winter is back and where to go snowshoeing; Bob’s new photography website. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website  Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Waldo Canyon, Where’s the snow?, Which backpack, more

This week, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss the latest in the Waldo Canyon rebuilding, what kind of backpacks they use while hiking, ask “where is the snow?”, a special offer for new patrons, and more. Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information. Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website  Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website  

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Bob’s trip to Yellowstone, recent park controversy

This week, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Bob’s recent photography trip to Yellowstone National Park with National Geographic, Kevin’s recent hikes, and they examine the recent controversy surrounding Colorado Springs Parks.  Please consider becoming a patron of this podcast! Visit: https://www.patreon.com/hikingbob for more information Hiking Bob on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and website  Wild Westendorf on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and website

Outdoors with Hiking Bob Podcast: Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance Exec.Director Becky Leinweber

Becky Leinweber, the Executive Director of the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA) is Bob’s guest on this week’s episode. They discuss the mission of the PPORA, the unique partnerships it has helped develop, and the challenges facing outdoor recreation in both the Pikes Peak region and Colorado. Please consider becoming a patron of this…

Council Matters 53: Special Districts YIKES they’re still at it! Dec 09 2019

Don’t put your Pitchforks and Torches away just yet. This is another Jaw Dropping segment on Special Districts by Councilman Bill Murray and Tim Hoiles. These Special Districts are complex issues especially when they’re not held to account. How can that be? What are one-way contracts? Are Special Districts government entities? You’d better check you…

Peak Town Square

Peak Town Square: An Accessory Dwelling Unit Town Hall Nov 19 2019

Colorado Springs City Council holds an Accessory Dwelling Unit Town Hall Accessory Dwelling Units? Affordable Housing? Home Owners Associations? The city superseding HOA rules? Aging in Place? Staying in your home? Renting out part of your house? Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit? Living with your adult children and grandchildren? Caregivers? What does all this mean?

Council Matters 47: What do Brexit, the Impeachment inquiry and Colorado Springs have in common?

Being a council member and other musings Is there a common thread between Brexit, Impeachment, and Colorado Springs? Possibly more than you thought. Data Driven Information: Is it reliable? Downtown Colorado Springs needs $120M worth of infrastructure work by Colorado Springs Utilities. Why isn’t it being done? Why isn’t it being done? Learn who the…

Town Square Podcast: Policing and Incarceration in Colorado: Results from the 2019 Legislative Session

This is the first episode in our podcast series outlining bills that Citizens Project took stances on this past Legislative Session. Listen to interviews from activists, politicians, and community members to learn more about how these bills were passed and how they impact our community. In this episode, we have two guests: Senator Pete Lee…

Peak Environment on Studio 809

34: Voices of Sustainability from Sustain-a-Fest 2019

If you missed Sustain-a-Fest, this is the next best thing to being there. Over 50 exhibitors and hundreds of Colorado Springs residents and visitors converged on Acacia Park July 27 to crank up the volume on sustainable living. In this episode, Peak Environment Co-Producer Dave Gardner visits with several exhibitors and with Ryan Trujillo, the city’s Innovation & Sustainability Manager to bring us perspectives and stories of sustainability efforts in the Springs.

Peak Town Square

Peak Town Square 33: Celebrating Unique Places

PlanCOS kicked off its first year following approval of the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan update by Celebrating Unique Places. The event was held July 18, 2019 at Lincoln Center. It included libations at Goat Patch Brewery, bicycle rides courtesy of PikeRide, fire truck tours, pop-up workouts by Penrose-St. Francis Health Services, and a panel discussion with residents from different parts of the city discussing how their neighborhoods provide a sense of community.

Peak Environment on Studio 809

31: Sustain-a-Fest 2019

Join the crowd and get your sustainability game on at Acacia Park in downtown Colorado Springs on Saturday, July 27, 2019. In this episode, Peak Environment co-producers Ellen Johnson-Fay and Dave Gardner are joined by Ryan Trujillo, Innovation & Sustainability Manager for the City of Colorado Springs. Ryan fills us in on the upcoming Sustain-a-Fest event, and also answers questions about the interesting activities of his office and staff.

Town Square

Town Square: #21 Council Candidates Forum – March 21 2019

Growth, marijuana, homelessness, public safety, public transportation and affordable housing are among the topics addressed by the 11 candidates for 3 at-large positions on Colorado Springs City Council. Douglas Sharp and a few friends organized this forum at Cheyenne Mountain Elementary School on March 21. This is a “warts-and-all” recording without the help of microphones…

Town Square

Town Square: Collective Bargaining Ballot Issue Forum – March 18 2019

Learn more about Issue 1, Collective Bargaining for All Uniformed Fire Department Employees – the only question on the 2019 Colorado Springs ballot. Speaking for the proponents is John Roy, Deputy Campaign Manager for the Colorado Springs Professional Firefighters. Speaking for the opponents is Mayor John Suthers, representing Citizens Against Public Employee Unions. The forum…

Town Square: New Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan

Are you turned on by vibrant neighborhoods, unique places, a thriving economy, strong connections, renowned culture or majestic landscapes? Learn all about the proposed new Comprehensive Plan for the City of Colorado Springs, PlanCOS, a plan that will guide our community’s physical development over the coming decades. The City’s Carl Schueler (Comprehensive Planning Manager) and Conrad…

Studio 809 Specials

Special: Changing Colorado Springs’ Climate – Jim Hightower

Columnist/Humorist/Activist/Author Jim Hightower highlights the all-star lineup that graced the stage at Stargazers Theatre on September 16 for this event hosted by Together for Colorado Springs. Big announcements are among the varied subjects addressed, all related to elections, politics, and positive progress for Colorado Springs. Speakers include John Weiss, Jill Gaebler, Lisa Villanueva, Yolanda Avila;…